Cyber Risk for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises · target of many cyber-attacks because they are...

Cyber Risk for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises The Janet & Mark L. Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research University of Connecticut August 2016

Transcript of Cyber Risk for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises · target of many cyber-attacks because they are...

Cyber Risk for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

The Janet & Mark L. Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research

University of Connecticut

August 2016


Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Defining Cyber Risk

Perception vs Reality

Business Impact of Cyber Risk

Challenges and Actions to Reduce Cyber Risk

Cyber Insurance

Insurers Challenges for Providing Cyber Coverage

Monitoring and Tracking Cyber Risk Costs

Conclusion and Next Steps

About The Goldenson Center




Cyber risk is any risk or financial loss, disruption or damage to the reputation of an organization from any

type of failure within their information technology systems. Cyber risk is not a new concept in modern

society but many companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises may not be aware of the real

and devastating consequences of a cyber-attack. Imagine all or even some of your company’s confidential

information becoming public knowledge. How would your employees, customers, and clients feel? It

would compromise the integrity of your entire business; ruining current and future opportunities. As

companies of all sizes increase their dependency on information technology, potential technology

breaches increase. Most large businesses have already incorporated cyber risk management into their

business strategy because there is a broader awareness of the need for holistic and thoughtful protection

from cyber threats. However, unlike large businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

generally do not regard cyber risk as a strategic component in their business model despite the fact that

cyber risk for SMEs is a real and growing phenomenon. An SME is generally defined by the U.S. Small

Business Administration as one that is “privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees

and relatively low volume of sales”. While the legal definition of what constitutes a small business varies

according to industry, for most businesses to qualify for federal SBA programs, they must have fewer

than 500 employees. Based on this definition, SMEs represent the largest sector of the US economy that

is exposed to cyber risk. However, it is the smaller end of the SME spectrum, which is the focus of this

article. These are SMEs where risk management in general is not an integral component of the business,

and there exist no formal policies or procedures on cyber risk management.

As an example, we will illustrate the fate of “Rokenbok Education”, a small public benefit company

dedicated to developing applied technology and engineering learning experiences for K-12 students. In

2015, Rokenbok Education suffered a malware infection to their data during their busiest time. Hackers

had encrypted their company files, making them unusable, and demanded a hefty ransom to restore the


data. Because Rokenbok Education didn’t have a cyber risk management strategy, they had to restructure

their business to avoid paying the ransom. Although they eventually overcame the cyber threat, in two

days Rokenbok Education lost thousands in sales and a lot of customer loyalty. Rokenbok Education isn’t

alone. According to Timothy C. Francis, enterprise leader of cyber insurance at Travelers, sixty percent of

all online attacks in 2014 targeted small and midsize businesses. (New York Times)

In our report, we utilize a rigorous review of existing literature to analyze cyber risk as it pertains to

SMEs, and analyze various mitigating strategies to protect against cyber risk.

Executive Summary

In an era of rapidly expanding knowledge and technology, businesses are forced to rely more and more on

technology to accomplish everyday jobs. Although these day to day technology advances help businesses

function at a higher level of productivity, it also exposes them to many risks. Unfortunately, SMEs are the

target of many cyber-attacks because they are not aware of the severity of these attacks and do not have

the proper security measures in place. This report follows a step by step process on how SMEs can

incorporate a cyber risk management plan, including purchasing cyber insurance, into their business to

protect themselves from cyber-attacks. The report that follows can be summarized in the flowchart below.


In our study, our key findings are as follows:

➢ Cyber risk is a real and growing concern for SMEs.

As SMEs integrate new technology into their business, their cyber risk exposure increases. Businesses

must develop an understanding of what cyber risk is and the extent of their recent exposure as it pertains

to their business sector.

➢ SME perceptions of cyber risk may not be an accurate measure of what the actual reality for

cyber risk is.

More than half of the SMEs haven’t realized that they have inadequate protection from cyber threats

(KPMG). While some SMEs are aware of these threats, they do not think that additional preventive

measures must be taken to protect themselves as reflected in the budget allocated to IT spending (SANS).

➢ The impact of cyber risk for SMEs is significant.

Once a business has developed an understanding of what cyber risks are, it is important that they are able

to assess the potential impact that a cyber breach can have on the company. The impact for SMEs may be

Key Findings Cyber Risk for SMEs




Business Impact of Cyber Risk

Challenges & Actions for SMEs

Cyber Insurance for SMEs

Challenges for Insurance Carriers

Monitoring and Tracking Process



different than the impact for large businesses, and likewise, an impact for one SME might not be a

concern for another SME. However, in either case, the cyber risk impact for SMEs is very significant as

described in the detailed report below.

SMEs are facing many challenges in the process of reducing their cyber risk.

Because cyber risk is difficult to understand, most SMEs lack knowledge of cyber risk and have an

inadequate ability to handle these cyber risk threats on their own. Also, there are myriad cybersecurity

solutions available in the market, but SMEs do not have access to reliable guidance on how to create a

robust cyber risk management plan. The last challenge is that although cyber insurance is considered a

cybersecurity solution, cyber insurance is not easily accessible to SMEs.

➢ SMEs can take certain steps to reduce cyber risk

There are certain individual actions SMEs can take like improving IT security, operational efficiencies,

etc. to reduce their cyber risk exposure after assessing what the potential impact a cyber breach can have

on a business. SMEs must also decide if it is in their best interest to purchase some type of cyber

insurance coverage to ensure more comprehensive cyber risk protection.

➢ Overall, cyber insurance is a growing market, but cyber insurance for SMEs is only slowly


Less than 3 percent of SMEs have cyber insurance whereas 40 percent of large businesses have cyber

coverages. (Aon)

➢ There are many challenges involved with offering cyber insurance for SMEs.

Cyber insurance coverage will have to differ based on SMEs needs, by business sector and the operational

security level maintained by the SME. It should also be comprehensive and affordable.


➢ To grow and develop the cyber risk insurance market for SMEs and to ensure it is profitable and

viable, it is important for insurers to track and monitor both the frequency and severity of cyber

risk for SMEs.

The remainder of the report breaks down each step, detailing methods, statistics, and potential problems

that can occur during each phase. The main focus is SMEs, but often references are made to large

businesses to expose parallels, and to make estimates of cyber risk costs and cyber insurance needs for


Defining Cyber Risk

Many studies refer to cyber risk as “operational risks to information and technology assets that have

consequences affecting the confidence, availability, or integrity of information or information systems”

(Cebula and Young) (Copula) (Biener). Among these studies, cyber risk is categorized as an operational

risk that a company may undertake during their business operations. This raises the question, what is an

operational risk? Operational risk is defined as losses to a company due to internal process failure or

external events during business operations. (Lopez)

James Cebula and Lisa Young recently broke down and classified cyber risk into four classes based on

businesses of all sizes. The four classes are Attack on Physical Systems, Authentication and Privilege

Attacks, Denial of Service, and Malicious Internet Content. (Cebula and Young) However, the focus of

our report is on cyber risk for SMEs, so in this section, we will define and analyze the types of cyber risk

that most SMEs face, as well as break down cyber risk for SMEs as follows:

Attacks on Physical Systems

Attacks on physical systems include hardware

attacks from laptops, computers, tablets and hard

disks. Other attacks include unprotected endpoints


attacks from USB devices and other removable

media, server room break-in, internal network

hacking and monitoring by unauthorized third

parties. (GFI)

Authentication and Privilege Attacks Authentication and privilege attacks include

insufficient password requirements, disgruntled

employees, high privileged accounts, and

privilege creep. It usually happens due to

inappropriate cybersecurity protocols. (GFI)

Denial of Service

Denial of service includes natural disasters such

as connection downtime and power cuts. Targeted

denial of service such as bandwidth exhaustion,

vulnerable service attack, and single point failures

is usually caused by over-depending on a person

or a couple of individuals. Other types of denial of

service include inadequate prevention from cyber

incidents and lack of proper documentation. (GFI)

Malicious Internet Content

Malicious Internet content includes social

engineering such as phishing attacks, malware

caused by viruses, Trojans, and worms,


inappropriate drive-by downloads to company

technology, and web application attacks. (GFI)


Perception vs Reality

With a proper definition of cyber risk, it is easier to view the misconceptions between what SME owners

believe and the reality of the cyber threats that SMEs are faced with. Most SMEs feel that it is unlikely

that they will be targeted due to their size and cybercriminals would opt to target a larger business instead.

As seen in figure 1, 85 percent of SMEs believe that large businesses have been targeted more often than

SMEs have. (NCSA) In the PWC survey, SMEs believe that the frequency of cyber incidents will

decrease in later years. (PWC)


Large Businesses are more targeted than SMEs

SMEs devote adequate funds, enought time and possess the knowledge to analyze their cybersecurity needs

SMEs have applied appropriate security protocols


Half of SMEs are victims

More than half of SMEs admit that they are not prepared for a cyber incident

Majority of SMEs have no data security policies


Figure 1. Reproduced Courtesy of (NCSA)

However, in reality, SMEs are a potential and growing target for cybercriminals. In 2014, 50 percent of

small businesses reported that they have been a victim of a cyber-attack. (NSBA) Due to the increase in

the occurrence of cyber-attacks, cybersecurity is becoming a growing concern for small business owners.

As seen in figure 2, the allocation of phishing attacks on SMEs has grown significantly from 2012 to

2014. (Prevalent) This reinforces the fact that cyber criminals do not discriminate between large

businesses and SMEs, as long as it is profitable and lucrative. They will target any entity that has valuable

data and a weak security system. Examples include credit card information and social security numbers.

Therefore, information that SMEs are currently holding has significant value to cyber criminals.


Figure 2. Reproduced Courtesy of (Prevalent)

Another perception is that SMEs are devoting a sufficient amount of time and money into cybersecurity.

In the NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) survey from 2012, most SMEs believed

that they have already applied appropriate security protocols to protect their business from potential

cyber-attacks. As seen in figure 3, most SMEs considered that they do have adequate funds to invest in

cybersecurity, they do have enough time to devote to cybersecurity, and they do possess the skills and the

knowledge to analyze their cybersecurity needs. (NCSA).


Figure 3. Reproduced Courtesy of (NCSA)

However, the reality is different. More than half of SMEs admit that they are currently not prepared for a

cyber incident and are concerned that a cyber incident will have an impact on their business. (KPMG)

SMEs generally have inadequate resources and devote less time and money to cybersecurity when

compared to large businesses. (NCSA) As shown in Figure 4, the IT budget for large businesses will

increase in 2016 whereas the IT budget for SMEs will remain constant. (SANS) In addition, both United

Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes and NCSA surveys said that about 67 percent of SMEs have no data

security policies at all, and out of the 33 percent with data security policies, 87 percent of them do not

have their policies formally written. (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes) (NCSA) If a cyber

incident takes place, SMEs will be vulnerable due to their poor investment in cybersecurity and their lack

of appropriate cyber policies.


Figure 4. Reproduced Courtesy of (SANS)

Business Impact of Cyber Risk

Out of the SMEs that have had a cyber breach, ninety-three percent experienced a severe impact to their

business. (KPMG) In general, cyber impact cost for SMEs increased 239 percent from $8,699.49 to

$20,751.97 on average in 2014 (NSBA). Furthermore, 60 percent of SMEs will close within six months

after a cyber-attack. A more detailed analysis of other potential consequences such as reputation damage,

loss of clients, customer delay, business’ ability to operate, time to recover, loss of money and savings,

and business failure follows:

➢ Reputation Damage

SMEs need a strong reputation to become long lasting companies. (Temi & Christine) As seen in the

KPMG survey, SMEs do not think cyber incidents will affect their reputation. (KPMG). However, cyber

incidents do have an impact on their reputation. SMEs who suffered from cyber breaches have damaged

their reputation by 31 percent. (KPMG) In this survey, KPMG defined reputation damage as the loss of

clients, the ability to attract new employees and the ability to win new business.

➢ Loss of Clients


For all businesses, clients are the fundamental key to success. Losing clients suggest that their business is

less competitive compared to other businesses. In a survey conducted by RAND, after a cyber breach, one

in ten customers will stop conducting business with the company, and one in four customers will give

them less business. (RAND) Likewise in the KPMG survey, 4 in 5 consumers are concerned about which

businesses have access to their data and whether the data is safe. (KPMG). Hence any cyber breach could

significantly reduce customer confidence in the business and a potential increase in loss of clients.

➢ Customer Delay, Business Ability to Operate and Time to Recover

According to the KPMG survey, 26 percent of SMEs have experienced a customer delay due to a cyber

breach. Delays such as businesses websites being offline are the most typical. Other delays such as an

inability to operate due to the lack of access to the business database can often lead to frustration for both

the customer and the business. (KPMG) According to the 2015 NSBA survey, after a cyber breach, 48

percent of SMEs incurred a service interruption that damaged their ability to operate. (NSBA). Other

consequences such as paying someone else to fix the issue, and possible legal fees inhibit the business

from running smoothly. (KPMG)

Recovery time has a direct correlation with customer delay and business interruption. The longer it takes

to get back to normal, then the longer it takes for customers to conduct business with the company, which

in turn creates a longer business interruption. This cycle will also indirectly impact the company’s

reputation and customer loyalty. As seen by the data in figure 5, there is an increasing trend in the time

required to resolve cyber-attacks. (NSBA)


Figure 5. Reproduced Courtesy of (NSBA, 2015)

In general, any form of customer delay or business interruption could have a negative impact on a


➢ Loss of Money and Savings

The most common target for cyber-attacks is sources of liquidity. SMEs are facing a huge increase in the

amount of money stolen from their bank account caused by cyber-attacks in recent years. According to

the 2014 and 2015 NSBA surveys, the average amount stolen from an SME bank account increased from

about $6,900 in 2013 to about $32,000 in 2015, representing a 462 percent increase. (NSBA)

Furthermore, even if the SMEs can file for fraud and get their loss refunded, the damage on their business

has already been done.

➢ Business Failure

There is no one cause that is directly related to business failure, rather a combination of the causes listed

above. A combination of brand damage, loss of clients, customer delays, ability to operate, time to

recover, and loss of money fuels the fact that 60 percent of SMEs will close within six months after a

cyber-attack. (NCSA)


Challenges and Actions to Reduce Cyber Risk for SMEs

Not only is the business impact huge, but there are many challenges to overcome. The cyber risk that

SMEs are currently facing is a very complicated risk. In our previous analysis, we identified four general

cyber risks: “Attacks on Physical Systems”, “Authentication and Privilege Attacks”, “Denial of Service”

and “Malicious Internet Content”. (GFI) Each of these four categories is complex in its own unique way.

Due to the complexity that is entailed in each category, it is a straining task for an SME to master the

concepts, and effectively use that knowledge to protect the business from a cyber breach.

Another level of complexity is that SMEs have many different types of business sectors, such as financial

services, retail stores, medical healthcare, administrations, technology and software, education, and other

smaller groups. (NetDiligence) Figure 6 below shows the market size of each business sector. Different

SMEs business sectors are exposed to different types of cyber risk and different frequencies of cyber

breaches. As seen in figure 7 below, frequency of cyber breaches varies by business sector. For example,

medical healthcare companies, which make up 11 percent of the SME business sector, represent 44

percent of all breaches. The stolen data is usually pertaining to social security numbers. Loss of these

critical numbers can often lead to identity thefts. Thus, another challenge SMEs face is to establish a

cyber risk management plan catered to characteristics of their unique business sectors.


Figure 6. Reproduced Courtesy of (Ponemon)

Figure 7. Reproduced Courtesy of (III)


Additionally, there are countless cybersecurity options available in the market. You can avoid certain

types of cyber risk by installing antivirus software, identifying potential cyber breaches by hiring

cybersecurity consultants, or transferring cyber risk by purchasing cyber insurance. It is overwhelming for

SMEs to choose a method that works since they are not familiar with the cybersecurity market. Without

proper cybersecurity guidance, selecting a reliable cybersecurity solution will be difficult and time-

consuming, thus becoming another challenge for SMEs. Since knowing the importance and complexity

of protecting an SME from a cyber-attack might be beyond the ability of the average SME, where should

an SME start?

One low-cost and immediate action step is to develop a formal password policy. Passwords are one of the

easiest ways for hackers to access the data that SMEs choose to put online. This is due to two things: a

lack of formal policies that require password changes, as well as employees being unaware of what makes

a password strong. Thus, it is also important to evaluate each password and change the ones that are too

weak. Although enforcing a strong password policy is important, it is recommended not to create a

password policy that is too complex, as employees may “cheat” to remember the password. “Cheating” in

this case refers to actions such as writing the password down or constantly using the same password for

everything. A password policy must contain a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols to ensure that it is

strong, and must be changed periodically. (GFI) Additionally, when employees leave the business, steps

must be taken to change passwords to ensure disgruntled employees can no longer access any valuable


Another important action step is to properly train all employees in cybersecurity. Many cyber breaches

are the result of improper actions of employees, and it is becoming a big security threat for SMEs. In the

NCSA survey, 7 in 10 SMEs don't have any Internet security policies, whether they are formal or

informal, and only one-quarter of SMEs have restrictions on social media usage for employees. (NCSA)

SMEs must be aware of their employee’s role in cyber risk prevention and restrict their access to certain


accounts and data. A way to restrict access includes regulating employees’ external equipment usage to

prevent data loss and malware installation from outside media. (Maude)

Furthermore, SMEs need to monitor their network and update their IT equipment routinely when

conducting their business. SMEs have a tendency to upload their data on the Internet since it is easily

accessible and doing so does not require a lot of IT knowledge. To assess the SMEs cyber risk level, they

must identify their critical data they have stored on the Internet. Also, in an SME, there are many different

types of people who have access to critical information such as employees, clients, hired consultants,

insurance companies, and other third-party businesses. It is important to monitor their access to the

company’s assets especially after they leave the company or finish their business with the company. Also,

if the SME monitors their network all the time, it is easier to identify abnormal activities so that timely

actions can be taken to prevent further damage to the company. (PwC)

It is also important to regularly conduct IT system security tests to improve cyber risk prevention. These

security tests can be conducted either internally or by a third-party. Using both internal and external

resources helps provide checks and balances to ensure that the SME is operating as securely as possible. It

also allows a way for the SME to estimate their data or business recovery time and improve the efficiency

in their recovery procedures. (PwC)

Finally, establishing a cyber risk incident response team is a great way for SMEs to be prepared in the

event that a hacker does indeed breach their security system. Establishing a team provides multiple

benefits. One benefit is that the stress caused by the breach, and the work required to fix the issue can be

distributed throughout the team. Another benefit is that having a team, rather than an individual, means

that the response time, in general, will be quicker, and the SME will be able to rectify the issue in a timely

manner. This means that the SME will be limiting the amount of reputation damage suffered, and there

will be a lower number of customer delays, ultimately leading to a better business experience.


After all of the above challenges and actions, SMEs will have adequate test results and data to fully

understand a business's cyber risk tolerance level. The cyber risk tolerance level is a threshold that each

SME sets based on how well they can protect themselves from cyber incidents. (Sung & Hanna) If a

cyber incident can be resolved by the SME on its own, this means that the cyber incident is lower than the

SMEs cyber risk threshold. If the SME thinks that a cyber incident will exceed their cyber risk threshold

in the future, they may need to consider purchasing cyber insurance to transfer these cyber risks.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance was introduced to businesses many years ago when the concept of “cyber” was first

introduced in 2000. Since then, frequent cyber incidents have revealed that current cyber risk

management strategies are inadequate for cyber threats nowadays. As a security option, cyber insurance

can cover the types of cyber risks that exceed an SMEs cyber risk tolerance level. Many insurance

companies have their general liability coverages, identity theft coverages, and ransom coverages, which

incorporate some cyber insurance coverages, but the coverages are not comprehensive enough to cover all

types of cyber risk. Cyber insurance for SMEs covers two parties categorized as “First-Party Coverage”

and “Third-Party Coverage” and Figures 8 and 9 list these coverages.


Figure 8 & 9. Reproduced Courtesy of (Betterley 2016) (Marsh)

Some insurance companies offer cyber insurance, but the market for SMEs is being underutilized. Less

than 3 percent of SMEs have cyber insurance whereas 40 percent of large businesses have cyber

coverages. (Aon) A list of possible explanations for why the cyber insurance market for SMEs is being

underutilized is described below:

➢ Lack of cyber risk knowledge

As seen in the perception versus reality section of this report, SMEs are unaware of the potential cyber

risks that could affect their company. This means that not only are SMEs unaware that they are at risk,

they are doing nothing to protect themselves from these risks. While a lack of knowledge is a contributing

factor as to why cyber risk is being underutilized, lack of insurance advertising also contributes to this


➢ Lack of cyber insurance marketing

SMEs are unaware they are at risk, and insurance companies have not focused on highlighting or

marketing this gap. This may be due to the fact that the cyber insurance market for SMEs is a developing

market, but other cybersecurity markets such as purchasing antivirus software have already grown into a


developed market. Understanding and purchasing cyber insurance may not be as easy and accessible as

purchasing antivirus software for SMEs.

➢ Inadequate funds invested in cyber insurance

Even with proper knowledge and marketing, many SMEs either lack adequate funds to afford to take

preventative measures to secure against cyber risks or do not prioritize cyber risk as a need in their

budget. At this time, many SMEs do not believe that purchasing cyber insurance is a necessity.

Insurers Challenges for Providing Cyber Coverage

The key for providing cyber insurance is directly related to the business for which the policy is being

created. With large businesses, cyber insurance policies can be created so that one policy may fit multiple

business sectors. This is not the case when it comes to SMEs. Policies must be created in such a way that

they are molded specifically to fit the needs of SMEs for each business sector. So insurance providers

must customize each policy based on the uniqueness, needs, and wants of each business sector. There are

many factors that play a role in creating an affordable, yet comprehensive policy and they are as follows.

➢ Pricing cyber insurance

Pricing is a large component in offering cyber insurance to SMEs. As noted in the perception versus

reality section, SMEs do not believe that cyber risk is a necessity. There is a perception that cyber risk is

not important, and that cyber insurance is a waste of money. However, we know that cyber risk is a real

and growing threat, and can have a costly impact. Due to these facts, it is important to create a reasonably

priced policy in order for SMEs to both afford the policy and be willing to buy it. This means that for any

given policy, its premiums, deductibles, and policy limits must be adjusted accordingly to fit the needs

and budget that SMEs tend to work with. So in general, SMEs on average will be paying less in premiums


and deductibles compared to large businesses, which implies that they will have relatively smaller policy


➢ Streamlined cyber insurance underwriting process

SMEs who have poor cyber risk prevention tools and procedures may have greater cyber risk exposure.

Having a proper cyber insurance underwriting process for SMEs will protect insurance companies by

ensuring that cyber insurance is being priced rationally. Thus the underwriting process will have to vary

by business sector, for the same reasons that cyber insurance varies by business sector.

➢ Tailored and distinctly defined cyber insurance coverages

Coverages for cyber insurance policies must fit SMEs needs and wants. As mentioned earlier, SMEs vary

by business sector, so insurance for SMEs must also be tailored in a similar fashion. What may be an

ideal cyber insurance policy for the healthcare sector might be unfit for the retail sector. Due to the

variety of business sectors, the cyber policy has to address the high cyber risk concerns while mitigating

the low cyber risks specific for each business sector in order to make it affordable and comprehensive.

It is known that coverages for SMEs will not include the exact same coverages that large businesses have.

So it is important to break down what a basic SME policy should have. First off, the policy has to cover

cyber costs that are caused not only by cyber incidents or breaches, but also costs that are associated with

cyber forensic. Cyber forensic is often overlooked by many SMEs, even though cyber forensic is often

required after a breach to determine the extent of the damage. Coverages should also cover cyber costs

that are related to civil, criminal, and administrative fines and penalties. (Betterley) These are the costs

that are typically missed, yet should be included in any given cyber insurance policy. Lastly, most cyber

insurance policies should cover damage or destruction of tangible property. (Safehold) Tangible property

for cyber insurance purposes must be strictly related to cyber incidents, thus eliminating overlaps with

other insurance policies.


➢ Cyber insurance cancellation policies

For a given cyber claim for SMEs, the insurer will refund any unearned premium if the insured agrees to

absolve the insurer from all obligations. Otherwise, the premium should be deemed fully earned and there

is no return of premiums. This method creates both affordable and flexible cancellation policies that are

needed to encourage SMEs to purchase cyber insurance with confidence. (Safehold)

Monitoring and Tracking Cyber Risk Costs

Since cyber insurance for SMEs is being underutilized by insurance companies, there are not many

existing databases which monitor and track SMEs cyber risk costs. Also, due to the rapidly evolving

technology and the increasing tendency for SMEs to depend on technology, such databases need to be

created and updated frequently. So it is critical for insurance companies to conduct cyber risk insurance

audits for SMEs so that correct and timely adjustments can be made, and this new information can be

applied to current premiums and the pricing of future cyber insurance policies.

First, develop a database of all SMEs who purchase cyber insurance coverages. The database should

include several underwriting characteristics of SMEs such as size, business sector, current cybersecurity

policy, etc. The database should also record the frequency, severity, recurrence and type of each cyber

claim that is incurred. Similar to other well-developed Property & Casualty coverages where key actuarial

assumptions are supported by experience data and research, any established research center could be

well-positioned to develop and manage this cyber risk tracking and monitoring process with the support

of cyber insurance carriers under the sponsorship of the Casualty Actuarial Society.

Secondly, update the database frequently and write periodic reports analyzing cyber risk claims by

frequency, severity, recurrence, and type. Also analyze the claims by SME size, by underwriting rating

and by business sectors.


Lastly, use the data collected to develop a frequency and severity predictive model based on historical

claim experience to better understand cyber insurance needs. This method will lead to a more accurate

and efficient insurance policy, with will lead to reduced cyber claim costs for insurers and fairer cyber

insurance premiums for SMEs.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Cyber risk is a real and growing concern for SMEs that is greatly underestimated by SME owners. This is

reflected in the fact that cyber risk is seldom a component of strategic risk management for SMEs and

cyber insurance is significantly underutilized by SMEs. The cost to protect against cyber risk by

improving operational efficiencies and purchasing cyber insurance is a small fraction of the potential cost

resulting from a cyber breach. Insurance companies that offer cyber insurance should ensure that the

coverage is both affordable and comprehensive, and tailored towards the individual needs.

Cyber risk for SMEs is relatively new and the cyber risk insurance market for SMEs is not well-

developed. Hence, it is important to develop a comprehensive tracking and monitoring process of cyber

risk cost with data provided by insurance carriers. This will allow us to analyze cyber risk cost by various

business sectors, size, and other critical factors.


About The Goldenson Center

The Janet & Mark L. Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research was established in June 2009. It is known

for its leading think-tank for applied actuarial research. Donations from the Goldenson family are directed

towards applied actuarial research to serve the needs of the financial services industry and to provide real-

life experience to actuarial students. It is overseen by an advisory board of industry executives and key

University of Connecticut academic staff.

The Authors

Director: Dr. Jay Vadiveloo

PhD, FSA, MAAA, CFA [email protected]

Faculty: Gao Niu ----- Reached at [email protected]

Co-authors: Jay Krutiak - Reached at [email protected] Jing Guo ---- Reached at [email protected] Junyi Yang - Reached at [email protected]

Sponsors: Chubb Group CoverHound Symantec



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