Cyber international,Nepal


Transcript of Cyber international,Nepal

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We believe that this vision can be reached through the following principles:

Integrity - Honesty in how we deal with our clients, each other and with the world

Candor - Be open and upfront in all our conversations. Keep clients updated on the real situation. Deal with situations

early; avoid last minute surprises

Service - Seek to empower and enable our clients. Consider ourselves successful not when we deliver our client’s final

product but when the product is launched and meets success

Kindness - Go the extra mile. Speak the truth with grace. Deliver more than is expected or promised

Competence - Benchmark with the best in the business. Try new and better things. Never rest on laurels. Move out of

comfort zones. Keep suggesting new things. Seek to know more.

Growth - Success is a journey, not a destination. Seek to multiply/increase what we have - wealth, skills, influence, and

our client’s business

“Cyber International, mission is to alter the dynamics of the software

industry by providing trusted, supportive and quality software

development services to clients that view our partnership as a

strategic driver for their success. When we take on your project, we

take the stewardship of the project with you in the director’s seat. As

stewards of your project, we consider ourselves successful not

when we deliver your final product but when the product meets your

business objectives and that is our vision”

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Building an Information Society in Asia and the Pacific

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Area : 140,800 sq km

Geography : landlocked

Population: 25.2 million

Poverty (No. of people living below $1 a day) 7.75 million (31%

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita: $260

Life expectancy: 60.2 years

Literacy rates:

56% (of population age 15+), 70.5% (of net primary


Malnutrition: 48% (of children under five)

Population growth rate: 2.17% (2006 est.)

Electricity production : 2.565 billion kWh

Exports commodities:

carpets, clothing, leather goods, jute goods, grain,


Exports - partners: India 47.4%, US 22.7%, Germany 8.4%

Currency (code): Nepalese rupee (NPR)

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• To place Nepal in the Global Map of Information Technology within the next five years

• To make information technology accessible to the general public and increase employment through this means

• To build a knowledge-based society

• To establish knowledge-based industries

• Began with use of IBM 1410 in 1971.

• Establishment of National Computer Center (NCC in1974 and dissolved in 1998.

• Computer education started in early 1990s.

• Internet started with e-mail services in June 1994.

• In 1995, 150 e-mail addresses and in 2002 the Number were 150000 and Now the figure is more then 1100,000.

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• Government’s role are facilitator, Promoter, and

certain extent Regulator

• Partnership with private sector

• Promote foreign investment

• Develop IT infrastructure

• Good governance/ e-government

• Legalize e-commerce

IT as import substitution and export oriented

• Computer Association of Nepal (CAN)

• ISP Association of Nepal

• IT Professional Forum

• Internet Service User Group

• Association of Computer Engineer Nepal (ACEN)

• Microsoft Liaison Office

• Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST)

• Ministry of Information & Communication (MOIC)

• High Level Commission for Information Technology


• Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA)

• National Information Technology Centre(NITC)

• Offices of Controller of certifying Authority

• Project Management Unit for ADB project under the

Prime Minister’s Office

• Computerization of government offices

• One window system

• Promotion and establishment of software and


• Promotion of e-commerce, e-education, tale-

health etc.

• Establishment of IT Park

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• Increasing Tele-density: 22.07% of entire

population • Internet subscriber >> 0.64% of population • 6 private companies operating as telecom

providers • 8 network service provider, 94 VSAT users,

38 internet/email service provider

• Connected with China and India by Optical

Fiber • East-west Optical Fiber project completed • All the districts to be connected via OF by

2014 • Wi-Fi opened for public use (no

permission/fee required for two frequency bands)

• Call Centers/BPO

• Medical Transcription

• Geographical Information System

• Data mining

• Animation

• Back office data processing

• Every year, a sizable number of IT

graduates/ persons with varying competency profiles released into job market

• 4 Universities producing IT graduates • Industry –Academia mismatch • Only KU has formal industry partnership


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Founded in 1996 as a small company with a big vision

Offers a diverse set of solutions embedded with industry-specific functionality, best practices and


Helped Enterprise achieve progress through better application of technology

Microsoft Gold Certified Partner since 2008

Certified by Microsoft as “Best Microsoft Partner “

Maintained a phenomenal growth over the year

Core focus on product development cycle s and methodologies

a leader in providing full-spectrum technology solutions for associations, nonprofits, charitable

organizations, schools and trade unions

Well verse emerging technology frameworks reducing delivery timelines

Spotless delivery record of many successful project deliveries over the years

A dedicated team of Microsoft Certified software professionals

Endorse product , Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, Autodesk, Dell, Hp etc

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International Product





S/W Product


t Company Implementation

Maintenance &



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Cost Efficiency:

Labor cost savings may reach up to 70% for routine low-level tasks as compared with in-house

development in North America and Western Europe. Significant reduction of development time and,

thus, speed-to-market becomes invaluable advantage in a present-day competitive environment.

Availability of trained IT staff:

Immediate access to a large pool of best industry talents allows overcoming hiring gap for IT

professionals in the developed countries. Flexible manpower utilization: By using outsourcing model

company cuts down its housing, recruiting and training expenses.

Development risk minimization:

Proven development process and quality management system

No up-front investments:

No up-front investments on the customer's part.

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Cost And Efficiency Savings

Focus On Core Activities

Reduced Overhead cost of performing a particular back-office function are extremely high.

Operations whose costs are running out of control must be considered for outsourcing.

Quicker Project Completion

Get access to new and growing markets

Outsourcing increases customer satisfaction

Access to Specialized Skills at fraction of the cost

Risk sharing/transfer

Gaining new perspective and process

Acquiring quality system reviews

Gaining industry standard practices

Increase project management capabilities

Knowledge and expertise continuity

Customer-centric approach of delivery

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Cyber International is always interested to work by creating an alliance with small and large scale companies, IT

consultant, Individual Consultant, Software Company, and Marketing Consultant from America, US, Europe, Asia

and from other parts of the world by sharing risk and revenue.

Small and Large Scale Company

If you are a small company and want to cut your Web, IT and Software cost, achieve a rapid growth by focusing

on your core business areas and make greater profits from increased sales revenue, outsourcing your Web

related, software related, and IT related works to Cyber International is the best choice.

If you are a large scale company and employing IT employees without much work or you are outsourcing your IT

related works in your own country and paying high fees to the IT consultant there, outsourcing all your possible

Web, IT and Software related development and maintenance works to Cyber International is just a wise business

decision in terms of cost and quality of service.

Software Company

Cyber International works with software development / services companies to leverage resources and maximize

value to their customers. We follows standard offshore outsourcing process to create highly reliable innovative

software solutions.

Cyber International is looking for partners who have a strong market and customer base in their countries and

with whom we can enter into a long term business relationship on revenue sharing basis.

Independent Consultant

If you are independent software consultant / domain expert and there is any way of integrating your services with

that of Cyber International to deliver an offshore Web, IT and Software solutions, we look forward to discussing

the possibilities of partnering with you. You get opportunity to offer your services with our skills and portfolio. Our

team works on behalf of your consultancy or you can use our brand and represents us to your clients.


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A good product design specification ensures,

Clear definition of the work required in the release

Clear definition of user interfaces and a semi prototype of actual product

Functional and business logic flow throughout the product

Easy understanding for both technical and business teams working on the product

Clear definition of the scope of planned release

Enable a phased approach of development cycles

CIPL understand and respect the value of a good software development design specification for a product lifecycle in

software pre development stage. We follow the product needs to meet its desire goals, which involves,


of work









Proof of concept

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Product development services aims at being able to quicken the software development cycles by using re usable

independent components from various sources and be able to produce fast-to-market products for our clients.

Our value proposition under this service includes:

Continued expertise from pre development stages

Knowledge and experience in multiple technologies

Operational excellence with global processes and standards

Strong and tested communication methodology ensuring complete control over development

Ability to deliver in a hybrid location model realizing 24 hour development cycles

Flexibility to choose from pre defined waterfall to latest distributed agile methodology for development cycles

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CIPL believes that quality is not a step but an umbrella activity which must be unfolded and used pre-empting each step in every service delivery.

CIPL provides value addition by:

Providing service for complete software/product testing cycle

Manual Testing

Automated Testing

Providing complete test environment offshore

CIPL believes in ensuring quality with a 3 level testing approach,



Usability &






At CIPL, we ensure the QA process to actually run parallel to

each development cycle

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CIPL's world-class and technology-driven support and maintenance services address all requirements and include:

Application / product maintenance

Bug fixing

Enhancement services

Post release support

New components and feature suggestions in shortcomings of the products

Quick security and productivity patches for the products

Flexibility to upscale and downscale the software development teams working in maintenance of the product

Prototyping and preparing proof of concepts for improvements

Continuous code reviews and enhancements

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Several issues force enterprises to migrate from legacy systems like usability, unreliable data and poor application performance. CIPL has been facilitating migration initiatives of organisations across the world, by virtue of its end-to-end methodologies.

CIPL's migration services include:

Migration Assessment: Application rationalisation, inventory identification, migration strategy definition, migration

roadmap definition

Strategy Services: To select the target environment and plan the migration

Application Porting: Port an application to a new operating system or database and database porting

Application Upgrade: Programming language, operating system, database, IDE/tools version upgrade

Programming Language Migration: Language substitution, code clean up, language conversion with redesign

Data Migration: Database/ data server migration, schema translation, data migration, data cleansing

Migration Support Services: Enhancements, bug-fixes, 24X7 helpdesk services

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Portals EPR/CRM



Custom Application


Enterprise Portals

Document Management


iPhone / Android

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CIPL providing bespoke application development services to a global clientele from a myriad of industry verticals.

CIPL's end-to-end custom application development services encompass:

Requirements Gathering

Functional Specifications




UAT Support


Benefits of outsourcing custom application development to CIPL:

Faster Turn-Around-Time

Significantly reduced total cost of ownership

End-to-end software services capabilities under one roof

More then 4 years of experience of custom application development

Highly adaptable and accessible top management

Time-tested, rock-solid quality processes tested

Fully-secured, amply-redundant offshore development facility at Kathmandu, Nepal

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CIPL offer portal integration and implementation services based on known products like Microsoft SharePoint, MS

Exchange MS Dynamic CRM etc.

Our Portal services help our clients by:

Assessing the current information infrastructure to develop portal strategies

Enhancing workgroup productivity

Giving decision makers real-time access to key metrics and actionable information

Providing a framework for developing portals

Accelerating projects through reusable architecture

Providing task sharing, document sharing, custom web components for intranet and internal employees

Providing general essential business tools like calendar, mail integration, calculator on a single canvas and desk


Complete enterprise and business content management through a single window

Integration with business reporting and business intelligence tools

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CIPL’s integrated Document Management Solutions work according to required complex workflows of today’s

businesses to control the document passing and sharing across people, processes and departments.

Our Document Management Solutions help our customers to,

Improve access to information

Enhance processing efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Ensure regulatory compliance

Make your information work for you

Directly scan and capture the documents as images in the centralized database

Access the documents and system using internet to check and get the documents from anywhere

Use highly customized search feature to look for documents using metadata and inner text search

Share and pass the documents across organization’s departments using customizable and configurable business


Maintain versions of documents by keeping log and history of all past documents retrievable at any time

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OTS’s ERP and CRM services encompass:

Application Development

Implementation and Customisation

Maintenance and Support



Data Migration

OTS's ERP/CRM services deliver the following client benefits:

Improved corporate governance

Strategic and operational synergy

Prompt and effective decision making

Improved productivity and higher ROI

Reduced risks and costs

Increased flexibility

Easy adaptability to the changing industry requirements

Business process improvement

Optimisation of IT resources

Better human resource management

Seamless flow of information across various entities within the organisation

Consolidation of various software applications and systems within the organisation

Improved and quicker customer service

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CIPL have an experienced and highly well researched iPhone / Android application development team, who will see

to it that all your needs are handled within the shortest time possible.

Typical iPhone / Android applications CIPL provides:

Location based applications

Mobile workforce and field workers

Remote employees collaboration

GPS tracking and dispatching

Mobile money transfers

Content delivery and publishing

Social applications

Video broadcasting

Multimedia applications

Mobile financial applications

Social networking apps

SMS/MMS and bulk messaging

Field work automation solutions

M-Commerce (including coupon apps) and M-Banking

Entertainment apps and games

Cross-Platform Development


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•IIS - ASP, ASP.NET, Apache - APP, CFML, Java Script, PERL, PHP, Java Web Server / TOMCAT - APP, Jrun, JSP, Servlets, Web Services, XML/XSL, HTML 5

Web Technologies

•Windows, Windows Server Editions, Linux, Unix, Solaris Operating Systems

•.NET Framework, MS Commerce Server, Oracle App Server, Weblogic, Websphere Application Servers

•MS SQL Server, MY SQL, Pervasive, DB2, Sybase, Oracle, Firebird, SQLite Databases

•C, C#, Interdev, PHP 5, Java, J2EE, Jbuilder, JDeveloper, VB 6, VB .NET, Delphi, Win32 SDK, Eclipse, Zend Studio

Languages / Development


•Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Dream Weaver, Fireworks, Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Premier, Sound Forge Multimedia

• Flex, Silverlight, jQuery RIA (Rich Internet Applications)


• Spring, Struts, Dojo, ATLAS, Ajax, CakePHP, Zend Frameworks

• iPhone, Android, Symbian OS, Windows Mobile Edition Handheld


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External Analysis



Weakness Opportunity


• The entrance of new


• Global Economic Slowdown

• Technological changes and

Price war

• Cash Liquidity in market

• Cyber International engaged in

the provision of end to end

supply chain solutions around

the Nepal

• Strong financial resources

• Software Solution under one


• Strength in resources, skills or

others advantages relatives to


• Strong Client relationship

• Specialist marketing expertise

• Company operates through its

experience and stronghold of

the established network

• Powerful brand image and


• Lack of strong market


• Technological changes and

improved buyer/supplier


• Removal of international

trade barriers.

• Market is growing rapidly

• Minimum resources

• Lack of Financial resources

• Deal with low aesthetic

appeal products and

software devolvement.

• Customer trust in the

segment is low.

• Market is highly


• Price competitive market

• Poor market infrastructure

• High cost structure

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Cyber International (P) Ltd. P.O. Box: 1779, New Road,

Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: +977-1-4269893/4240581,

Fax: +977-1-4269892

[email protected]

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