Cutting Edge Fat Quality

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  • 7/30/2019 Cutting Edge Fat Quality


    Pork Fat Quality

    F I R S T Q U A R T E R 2 0 1 0

    N e v e r s t o P i m P r o v i N g

    As commercial pigs have become leaner over

    the past 20 years, at quality has become one

    o the key traits dening overall carcass value.

    Fat quality has received heightened awareness

    over the past ew years as eed prices have

    increased, resulting in least-cost ormulated

    diets using ingredients that may compromise

    at quality. Many actors can contribute to

    at composition (and quality). Some o these

    actors include: genetics, diet, leanness/

    atness, growth rate, age/body weight, gender

    and anatomical at location (7,15). O these

    actors, diet is the key actor that we can use

    to quickly infuence at

    quality, as the non-diet

    actors are less easible

    to alter substantially to

    improve at quality. This

    issue o Cutting Edge

    addresses the biological,

    dietary and commercial

    aspects o at quality and

    means to control them inproduction systems.

    Effect of Fat Quality on

    Pork Products

    Fat quality can be best defned by the frmness

    o the at. Sot at oten leads to at layer

    separation in loins and may be partially

    responsible or muscle separation in the ham

    and shoulder (10). Sot at in bellies has been

    implicated in causing reduction in slicing yields;

    however, most large-scale commercial sliceyield studies do not indicate that slice yield is

    decreased by sot at. It is generally agreed

    upon that sot at causes problems with product

    appearance when packaged (9). Sot at can

    lead to bacon that has an oily/wet appearance

    that may oten be transparent, oers no slice

    defnition when packaged under vacuum, and

    leads to aster oxidation rates (rancidity).

    Sot at can also lead to product appearan

    issues with sausage and can lead to redu

    yields in emulsion products like bologna (

    Generally, sot at produces reduced prod

    workability and appearance with an

    increased propensity or rancidity to deve

    Biology of Fat

    An understanding o at chemistry is

    essential to understanding basic at quali

    Fat is composed o at (triglycerides =

    glycerol + atty acids), water, and protein

    Fatty acids can be

    classied into thre

    categories based

    on their chemical

    structures (or

    saturation level): 1

    saturated atty aci

    - no double bonds

    2) mono-unsatura

    atty acids - onedouble bond; and

    polyunsaturated a

    acids - two or mo

    double bonds. Th

    saturation o atty acids dictates the melt

    point o a at (rmness), with a highly

    saturated at having a higher melting poin

    (rmer) than an unsaturated at.

    Dietary ats and carbohydrates are the

    sources o long chain atty acids or

    synthesis o ats in mammals (13). Dietaats are readily converted to carcass at a

    carcass at ormed in this manner takes

    the general characteristics o the dietary

    (sot dietary at = sot carcass at). Dieta

    carbohydrates are converted to body at

    through a process called de novo atty

    acid synthesis, orming predominantly

    Due to the severe economic crisis our

    industry has been enduring over the last

    two years, it is plausible to assume that a

    close collaboration between the many seg-

    ments o our industry will only be acceler-

    ated. That evolution will, in turn, enhance

    the industrys ability to better develop and

    implement strategies to sustainably produce

    the most desirable carcass (raw materi-

    als) at the least cost. This issue o Cutting

    Edgeaddresses the biological, dietary and

    pork processing aspects o at quality and

    discusses the means to economically bal-

    ance pig growth rate, eed conversion ratio

    and lean deposition with desirable carcass

    at content and quality.

    Andrzej A. Sosnicki, PhD.

    Director, Perormance Validation Program

    For additional information about the

    results reported here, please contact

    Neal Matthews, [email protected]

    and Steve Jungst, [email protected]



    Fat quality has

    received heightened

    awareness over the past

    few years as feed prices

    have increased, resulting

    in least-cost formulated

    diets using ingredientsthat may compromise

    fat quality.

  • 7/30/2019 Cutting Edge Fat Quality


    Fatty Acid OSF ISF INMF ITMF

    C14:0 0.07 0.15 0.18 0.09

    C16:0 0.50 0.30 0.79 0.32

    C16:1 0.20 0.36 0.22 0.20

    C18:0 0.54 0.51 0.51 0.40

    C18:1 0.26 0.28 0.44 0.36

    C18:2 0.44 0.32 0.39 0.44

    Melting point 0.56 0.61 - -

    Heritability Estimates

    OSF = outer subcutaneous fat; ISF = inner subcutaneous fat; INMF = inter-muscular fat; ITMF = Intramuscular fat.

    Adapted from Suzuki et al.(18)

    Table 1. Heritability Estimates of Fatty AcidsAdapted/calculated from Scott et al.(16)

    Figure 1. Effect of Fatness on Iodine Value








    saturated and monounsaturated atty acids (13), which yield a

    rmer carcass at. Although dietary carbohydrates are used to

    synthesize atty acids, most mammals, including the pig, are

    not able to incorporate a double bond past the 9 position in a

    de novo synthesized atty acid (13). Thus, pigs can only orm

    saturated and monounsaturated atty acids rom carbohydratesand require the essential atty acids (polyunsaturated atty

    acids, such as linoleic acid) rom a at source in the diet to

    incorporate polyunsaturated atty acids into the at o the

    carcass (13). Dietary at additions will alter or even shut down

    de novo at synthesis (13). Thus, as the percentage o at is

    increased in the diet, de novo atty acid synthesis is urther

    inhibited, resulting in less saturated at deposition (soter).

    Furthermore, as the atty acid prole o dietary at becomes

    less saturated (soter), pig body (and carcass) at also becomes

    less saturated (soter).

    Metrics of Fat Firmness

    The current standard measure o at rmness is iodine

    value. Iodine value is a measure o the unsaturation o ats

    and is expressed in terms o the amount o iodine absorbed

    by a at sample. Basically, the iodine value (IV) determines

    the unsaturation level o the at through the number o double

    bonds in the atty acids.

    Saturated at = low iodine value = rm at

    Unsaturated at = high iodine value = sot at

    Most commonly in the pork industry, iodine value is

    determined by direct chemical methods (i.e. Hanus

    method), atty acid analysis [IV = (C16:1*0.95)+(C18:


    or through Near Inra-Red (NIR) methods. The atty acid

    analysis method is currently the most common method

    o analysis, but NIR analysis will likely become more

    prevalent in the uture due to reduction in labor intensity

    and speed o sample determination.

    Other objective measures o at rmness may include

    assessing the linoleic acid content (C18:2) o at, because

    it is the most prevalent polyunsaturated atty acid in pork

    at and oten dictates its iodine value. Many companies

    the bend/bar/fex method o assessing rmness o bellie

    or loins, which involves draping the belly/loin over a bar

    assessing the rmness by measuring the amount o dro

    over the bar. Minolta colorimeter readings can be used

    assess at color because higher levels o linoleic acid shogive the at a more yellowish color. Within the pork indu

    subjective rmness assessments have also been used to

    assess rmness o products such as loins, bellies, and b

    These subjective measures are normally user-dened an

    unique to the plant/company in which they are develope

    Genetic Effects on Fat Firmness

    Pig genotype has been shown to have an eect on at

    rmness by numerous researchers (2,5,12,16,18). Herit

    estimates (i.e. proportion o the total phenotypic variation

    in a population or a trait that is attributable to the additieect o the genes) have been reported or several atty

    indicating there is genetic variation or atty acid compos

    and at quality (Table 1).

    Some o the atty acids (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, and C18:

    and the melting point o at have been ound to have low

    (i.e. 0.40

    heritabilities (18). Although dierences between genotyp

    exist, most o the dierence due to at rmness between

    genotypes can be attributed to atness o the genotype (

    Adapted/calculated from Scott et al.(16)

    Table 2. Genotype Effectson Leaness and Fat Firmness

    Trait L X L W Hybrid

    Carcass weight, kg 134.93 132.03

    Backfat thickness, mm 39.48 29.22

    Iodine Value 65.22 69.69

    Trait L W Duroc Hampshire

    Carcass weight, kg 68.5 67.3 71.8

    Lean percentage, % 54.3 56.0 56.8

    Iodine Value 61.8 66.0 66.0

    **Adapted/calculated from Lo Fiego et al. (12).

    **Adapted/calculated from Barton-Gade (2).

  • 7/30/2019 Cutting Edge Fat Quality


    Typically as the degree o atness increases, the at becomes

    more saturated or rmer. For example, it was ound that the

    dierence between lean and obese pigs (selected or either

    lower or higher levels o backat thickness derived rom the

    same population o pigs) had a dramatic eect on atty acids,

    which equates to around 9 IV units dierence (16; Figure 1).Other research has also ound similar results when comparing

    genetic lines having dierent atness/leanness levels (2,12;

    Table 2) or when assessing the eect o backat on iodine

    value (8; Figure 2). Furthermore, some reports have indicated

    that aster growing animals have rmer at (7). The dierence

    in at rmness between most modern genetic lines should

    be minimal, assuming comparisons are made on animals

    with similar backat levels (or % lean), live weights, and/or

    nutritional planes.

    Other Non-Nutrition Effects on Fat FirmnessAnatomical location o the at can also infuence its rmness.

    This has been demonstrated when comparing at rom the

    jowl and backat, or even when comparing the individual at

    layers o backat (1,3; Figure 3). Gender can also have an

    eect on at quality, which is to be expected because gilts are

    typically leaner than barrows and, as previously mentioned,

    leaner animals generally have soter at. The dierence

    between barrows and gilts or iodine value is typically1-2

    IV units. Research has evaluated the eect o age or body

    weight on atty acid composition. It has been shown that

    rom 70 to 220 days o age, saturated atty acids increase

    and unsaturated atty acids decrease, implying at becomes

    rmer as a pig gets older (15). Reports have indicated

    improvements in at rmness up to the 250 to 265-lb. range

    (1,11). Correa et al., (7) indicated little dierence in atty

    acid composition at weights o 236, 254, or 276 lbs., but

    data rom Lo Fiego et al., (12) indicated that at rmness was

    improved up to 350 lbs.

    Nutritional Effects on Fat Firmness

    Pig diets are one o the most important actors in ensuring

    or changing the atty acid prole rom the standpoint that

    the diet can be altered more readily than non-dietary

    infuences on at quality. The importance o nutrition

    can probably be best exemplied by the volume

    o research that is conducted concerning dietary

    infuences o at quality vs. the research assessing

    non-dietary eects on at quality. This literature is

    replete with research evaluating dietary at sources,

    inclusion levels o at sources, and eed ingredients

    that can potentially aect at quality (i.e. at sources,

    DDGS, CLA or ractopamine). For the most part, these

    studies agree with the previously mentioned general

    at biology principles as related to dietary at (i.e.

    as the percentage o at is increased in the diet, de

    novo atty acid synthesis is urther inhibited, resulting in less

    saturated/soter at and as the atty acid prole o dietary

    at becomes less saturated/soter, carcass at becomes less


    The iodine value product (IVP) concept (6) is based on these

    principles and is calculated using the ormula: IVP = (iodinevalue of the feed source fat) X (% of fat in the feed source)

    X 0.10. Table 3 contains IVPs o some selected dietary

    ingredients. Formulas have been developed that estimate

    the iodine value o carcass at based on the iodine value

    product o the diet. The ollowing equation developed by PIC

    Adapted/calculated from: Ellis and McKeith (8)

    Figure 2. Effect of Backfat Thickness on IV





    8mm 12mm 16mm




    Table 3. Iodine Value Productof Selected Feed Ingredients

    Ingredient % Fat

    Feed Ingredients

    Corn 125 3.9 49

    Soybean meal130 3.0 39

    Wheat 125 1.6 20

    Peanut meal 92 6.5 60

    Corn distillers grain 125 7.9 99

    Bakery product 86 7.3 63

    Common Fat Sources

    Beef tallow 44 99.0 436

    Choice white grease 60 99.0 594

    Lard 64 99.0 634

    Poultry fat 78 99.0 772

    Restaurant grease 75 99.0 743

    Alternative Fat Sources

    Corn oil 125 99.5 1244

    Soybean oil 130 99.5 1294

    Coconut oil 10 99.5 100

    Palm oil 50 99.5 498

    Iodine Valueof the fat

    Iodine ValueProduct







    Adapted from Apple et al. (1)

    Figure 3. Effect of Fat Location on Iodine Value

    Inner Backfat Layer Middle Backfat Layer Outer Backfat Layer







    Adapted from Benz et al. (3)

    Backfat Jowl

  • 7/30/2019 Cutting Edge Fat Quality
