Customer Webinar - Email Best Practices

Email Tips & Tricks


Email tips and tricks from Bloomerang!

Transcript of Customer Webinar - Email Best Practices

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Email Tips & Tricks

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Today, we’ll cover...

● Getting people to OPEN your email.

● Getting people to READ your email.

● Getting people to DO SOMETHING from your email.

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Boosting Email Opens

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Don’t Look Spammy● Avoid Spam Trigger words.

○ These can be surprising…

● Don’t use lots of exclamation points!!! I mean it!!

● Don’t use ALL CAPITALS.

● Balance your text-to-image ratio. (More on this later…)

● Send a test email to a spam checker, like

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Don’t Look Spammy● Don’t paste content from Word.

● Do Not Paste Content from Word.


● Word’s formatting is not good HTML. This can mess up your template AND possibly lead you to be flagged as spam.

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Subject Line

Subject lines are to emails what envelopes are to direct mail pieces.

● Good subject lines are:○ Clear○ Brief○ Interesting

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Clarifying Your Subject Line

If the reader can’t tell what they’re going to get from reading your email, why would they spend their time reading it?

Example: A Word from People for Puppies

Better: 10 Ways You Can Save Puppies

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Keeping Your Subject Brief

50 characters is plenty, for most audiences.

Example: 10 Ways You Can Save Puppies from the Plight of Parvovirus

Better: 10 Ways You Can Save Puppies from Parvo

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Interesting Subject Lines

● Useful & Specific● Urgent (but only when it really is!)● Evoke Emotion● Inspire Curiosity

Example: Save Puppies from Parvo

Better: Rescue 10 Puppies from Parvo This Month

Better: Rescue 10 Puppies from Parvo in 5 minutes

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More on Interesting Subject Lines

These items can be used with good results:

● Questions - What Do Puppies Need Most?

● Numbers - 5 Breeds Most in Danger from Parvo

● Violating Expectations - No Such Thing as a Vaccinated Dog

Be careful - when in doubt, stick to clear and concise over clever and obscure.

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Subject Line Don’ts


● Exclamation points!!!

● Words like “Free”, “Help”, “Percent Off”, and “Reminder”

● Using the same subject over and over○ Instead of “November eNews”, think along the lines

of “What are Puppies Thankful for this November?”

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Sender/From Line

● Use a work-related address

● Consistent, Known Sender Name○ Include the org name first (e.g. People for Puppies,

Kay Nine)○ Be consistent on who is sending what type of

messages to build familiarity with recipients

● Don’t use a “no reply” email address

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When You Send It

● Consider both Time and Day of the Week

● It can vary depending on your audience and your email’s contents.

● Research indicates:○ Afternoon is better (get people on their lunch break!)○ Weekdays perform better than weekends

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Getting People to Read It

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A Caveat...

Getting people to read what you wrote is not always the most important thing… long as they get your message and take the desired action.

More on this later.

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Use the Right Amount of Text

● Less is More! ○ 750 words max.○ Put in a snippet that links to full article on your

site, like this email.

● Avoid large blocks of text. Break things up with images and headings.

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Use Images Correctly● Never, ever, ever create an email that is one

giant image.

● Set Image Description.

● Use smaller image files.○ Jpeg Mini○ Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT)○ or Kraken

● No more than 25% of your email should be images.

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Make it Purty

● Would you want to read these emails? Would you take them seriously if you did?

● Think of the colors and fonts in your email like putting together an outfit:○ Pick ones that look good together.○ Don’t have too much going on, or its distracting.

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Selecting Fonts● Best to stick with fewer fonts - 2 max, one for

headings and one for text, works well.

● Aim for readability○ Sans-serif fonts for body text (Arial, Tahoma,

Trebuchet, Verdana)

○ Serif fonts for headings (Georgia, Palatino, Times New Roman)

○ Dark font on light background

○ 10 point (13px) minimum (Pixel to Point Converter)

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Provide Good Content● We could spend a whole hour (or several) on

this! (And if there’s interest, we will!)

● Suffice it to say, if what you write isn’t relevant or interesting to your recipients, it will not get read.

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Getting People to DO Something

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Is reading the email enough?

● Sometimes, yes. If your goal is awareness or cultivation, then a reader opening the email and reading it is enough.

● do you know they read it?

● Give them something to DO as a result - give them links!

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Using Links Well● Link to related content on your site.

● Link to your donation page (yes, even in a Newsletter).

● The links should make sense and be useful - don’t put random links in just to have some.

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Formatting Links● Make them stand out from the other content.

○ Bold, underline, a different color.○ Don’t use the same formatting elsewhere.○ Avoid underlining non-link text.○ Blur your eyes - can you still locate the links?

● Don’t use generic phrases like “Click Here”. Link to text that indicates what the reader will get from the link.○ Bad: Click here for info on Parvo virus…○ Good: Parvo virus can be deadly for...

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Formatting Links● Make the link text just a few words - 2-5 max.

● Set a Title on your links!

● Make sure the link goes to where it should go, and the page is not broken!

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Link tracking● Link tracking occurs automatically in


● Check to see which links get clicked - that can drive what links you use in the future.

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Question Time!