Customer testimonials can aid your business

4 Tips on Why and How Customer Testimonials can aid your Business You can find more freelancer tips on

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4 Tips on Why and How

Customer Testimonials can aid your Business

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Page 2: Customer testimonials can aid your business

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In this day and age, testimonials are used by all the big players in tech. Never before has it been so easy to go online and check reviews for a movie, store, product or service. As it happens, they can work wonders for freelancers as well. If you’re not using testimonials, you’re missing out. You’re probably getting feedback from your customers anyway, why let it go to waste?

In this article we’ll review four different aspects of this particular form of marketing. There is a reason why virtually every big company works with testimonials to some extent. Toothpaste makers have been saying that 9 out of 10 doctors recommend their product for decades. So let’s jump right in and see what the buzz is all about.

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To start it off, let’s think about why testimonials matter so much. It’s simple enough. When you’re trying to sell your product, people are naturally bound to see you as biased. That means they trust the things you say less. But a good testimonial, coming from a real person who has used your service doesn’t have that problem. And therein lies the crux of the issue – you don’t need just any testimonial. Nobody buys the 9 out 10 doctors thing anymore. You’ll have to work for real feedback.

1. They are the best way to increase trust1. They are the best way to increase trust

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There are a couple of ways to get good testimonials. The most simple one – just ask clients you have worked with. As soon as you wrap up a project, kindly ask them to tell you how they felt about the business you did together. If you intend to use that as a testimonial, make sure to make it clear beforehand, though!

Testimonials are not always that formal. Sometimes they are on review sites or on social networks. These types are usually genuine per se, but might require some extra attention. We’ll go back to that in a bit. First, let’s look at what different types of testimonials you might want.

2. Need to be genuine

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We’ve already mentioned a couple of forms – there are the ones you get from your clients, which can in turn be formally requested by you or publicly shared without your interference. These will obviously have to be handled differently, but should both be encouraged.

Testimonials can come not only from customers, but from other professionals in your field as well. These usually require you being proactive and asking for them. But they hold a lot of value. Clients are far more likely to trust professionals that know their stuff than random people on Facebook.

3. Come in different forms

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No matter who the feedback comes from, one thing is certain: There is no company in this world that has gotten ONLY positive reviews. Bad testimonials are a part of reality and you will have to deal with them. In such cases be honest and apologize for your mistakes when appropriate. If the feedback itself is wrong, however, don’t hesitate to set things straight. Especially if the interaction is taking place publicly (e.g. social media). People following the discussion will be able to see the arguments and make the right decision.

4. There will be bad ones – honesty works best

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