Customer Service Magazine




Transcript of Customer Service Magazine

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Index Improvement Analysis Ethics Presentation Reading Comprehension Presentations Essay Pictionary

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Improvement Analysis

Pollo Campero is an industry with great products like chicken, pizza, hamburgers, ice cream. Guatemalan families consuming these products, restaurant service is very good as it is quick and the staff is very friendly. What I think they should improve is the price of their products and that is very high and most families do not have many resources for these prices.

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Ethics Presentation Presentation

InvestigationThe largest discount retailer in the world. The company started out as a small chain of stores in rural towns. The store chain was founded by Samuel Walton in 1962 and currently is one of the largest employers in the United States. The store has been criticized for running smaller "mom and pop" stores out of business with its extremely low prices. Some of the stores are considered Super Wal-Marts and they typicallyprovide a grocery store and automotive repair shop for customers.


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Wallmart pay more to the man and the woman win less.


Wallmart is the largest discount retailer in the world, this company always have good prices in her products and they have a good service for clients the problema is that the pay more to mzn and less to woman and they have a demand because that is unjust.

Customer Service Reading Name: ____________________________ Grade: _____ Key: ____ Date: _____

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You are going to read an article about customer service in banks. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap. Write the letter in the space provided to complete the sentences. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A  Although people do not expect much from the internet these days, this will change in the future. B  The managers recognise that customers find them impersonal and unnatural.C  First National is also preparing to adopt this personal approach to its internet banking.D  They have the attitude that some skills, such as keyboard skills and so on, can be taught, but a member of staff can’t be taught to be a nice person.E  Telephones are very personal because staff are speaking to people on their own territory.F  And if customers try to contact the bank by telephone, they are put through to a call centre in another country where they have to speak slowly in order to be understood.G  Not everyone wants a chatty, friendly service.

Customer Service in Banks

The banking profession doesn’t have a very good reputation for customer service at the moment, and it’s not just due to loss of savings. High street branches are shutting down and where banks are available, their opening hours are inconvenient.  Staff at the desks are surly, increasingly under-qualified and often unable to answer questions.

. Astonishingly, however, 86% of the customers at one bank are either ‘extremely satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service they receive. And what is even more surprising is that the bank in question has no High Street outlets at all. 


First National bank is run entirely through the telephone and the internet. And its success shows that customer service is just about face-to-face contact with clients.  The primary concern of the bank is recruiting the right people.  .  So they only recruit people who already exhibit good communication skills. A

And unlike other services that operate primarily over the telephone, the staff at First National do not use scripts.   What this bank asks for is that staff be themselves and establish a rapport with their customers. Part of this is recognizing people’s needs. . Some want the process to


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be swift and efficient.  The member of staff has to pick up on the caller’s mood and react accordingly. B C

.  The idea that customer service can be improved on a medium where there is no actual contact with a member of staff may seem strange at first. However, the website designers at First National spend a great deal of time understanding their customers and offering services which meet their needs. First National is already taking steps to fill this demand. They already offer a service in which custDomers receive a text when funds are

received or when their account falls below a certain level. In the future, online systems may pre-empt customers’ needs in even more sophisticated ways.


Additional Instructions:

Notice the highlighted words, please write the definitions, synonyms or your own explanation for each of them. Make sure that they are defined in the appropriate context to match this reading.

Branches = Filial Shutting down = close Staff = workforce Outlets = shop Primary = elementary Recruiting = conscription Scripts = hyphen Rapport = good relation Demand = plaint Pre- empt= get ahead

Then, write a short paragraph defining why you believe Customer Service is important in business.

Customer ServiceThe good customer service in business is important because with good care the people are satisfied and can provide good

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references of the company, business, restaurant, school or store. Good service makes any business prosper and have more customers. All businesses should have a good customer service smiling and friendly people with great patience that is what makes a customer come back to find people who understand. That is the reason I think all business has to have good customer service

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Presentations Vitamin Water

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Undercover Product

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In all the presentations we saw the bad way that famous restaurants like Kentucky Fried chicken who raise their chickens in a dirty place. Because the bad form and place to raise her chickens one of them contract salmonella and when they cook that chicken one girl eat that chicken and get sick of Salmonella, this girl is in a bad way because that salmonella caused she being a vegetal human.

Another bad way to give the food is the Chinese restaurants because they want to save money cheat people and instead of give you chicken y a rice and noodles they give u a rat that looks like chicken, I think that is a Bad thing because rats are very dirty animals that cause serious illness in persons.

I think that many restaurants gives a bad service in the food because cheat people and cause many bad situations and illness.

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Word Definition Example


Word of Mouth

Oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service.

The Apple store give us a good service.

Word Definition Example DrawingCustomer

RelationshipIs a model of management

throughout the organization,

based on customer


Siman have a good customer

relationship with her clients.

Word Definition Example


commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

App Store is an e-commerce system.

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Word Definition Example DrawingExternal Customer

An external customer is a client who is directly affected or uses the company's products or services.

I am External customer.

Word Definition Example DrawingInternal

CustomerAn employee who

receives good services in a

organization as inputs to his or

her work.

My brother is a internal

customer in her work

Word Definition Example

DrawingGoodwill An intangible asset

that arises as a result of the acquisition of one company by another for a premium value. 

The value of a company’s brand name, solid customer base, good customer relations, good employee relations and any patents or proprietary technology represent goodwill. 

Word Definition Exampl Drawing

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eLoyalty Loyalty is

faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. 

Employees of a company have to be loyalty

Word Definition Example Drawing

Social Networking

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors.

Mcdonalds company have a good social network.

Word Definition Example DrawingEmployee A person working

for a salary.My aunt is a employee of


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