CUSTOMER INNOVATION STUDY Infor CloudSuite Industrial ...

11 CUSTOMER INNOVATION STUDY Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) Infor cuts order fulfillment time by over 85% with Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) The implementation of Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) has provided a significant number of benefits and dramatically improved speed and accuracy of one of the company’s most important set of business processes.” Mike Brooks CIO, Infor

Transcript of CUSTOMER INNOVATION STUDY Infor CloudSuite Industrial ...


Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)Infor cuts order fulfillment time by over 85% with Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

The implementation of Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) has provided a

significant number of benefits and dramatically improved speed and accuracy

of one of the company’s most important set of business processes.”

Mike Brooks

CIO, Infor

Table of Contents3 Facts at a glance

4 Executive overview

5 Situation analysis When it’s time to change: do it right,

the first time

6 Innovation strategy

Identifying the best

8 Results

Widespread benefits by working smarter, not harder

9 Looking ahead

The start of something big

10 Learn more


New York, NY





Infor CloudSuite® Industrial (SyteLine®)


High-Tech & Electronics

Facts at a glance



Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) 3

Executive overview

High-level impact


reduction in average order fulfillment time


reduction of required headcount to

manage processes


reduction in errors related to fulfillment

Situation analysis

■ Unable to process orders and software distribution efficiently and accurately, without compromising timely revenue recognition or customer satisfaction.

■ Lacked a scalable, intuitive platform capable of supporting dynamic business requirements.

■ Required heavy human intervention throughout the process, resulting in errors and reduced throughput.

■ Obsolete and unsupported software elevated business risk.

Innovation strategy

■ Implemented Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) based on extensive research of available options, to manage electronic and physical software requests for order management and distribution.

■ Utilized an easy-to-customize, scalable application.

■ Provided real-time visibility into individual shipment status to facilitate expedited error mitigation and more accurate order information.

■ Integrated Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) with the company’s existing Infor ION® interfaces to provide cross-enterprise application synchronization.


■ Fully automated the electronic order fulfillment process, which helped to reduce the average time to fulfill an order from 15 minutes to 2 minutes, and freed up the equivalent of one full-time employee.

■ Leveraged the intuitive Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) user interface to support at-a-glance view of order status and to eliminate the need for multiple legacy reports.

■ Eliminated the need for IT involvement in the creation of forms and custom fields by utilizing the customizable grid view of data, making it possible to quickly accommodate changing business requirements.

■ Improved data validation and problem resolution times throughout the process by integrating the application with Infor ION interfaces.

Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) 4


When it’s time to change: do it right, the first time

An initiative was launched to move from the current system to a supported application that would manage the fulfillment process for electronic and physical software distribution with greater performance, improved integrations, and an enhanced user experience. The new implementation was required to exceed prevailing industry norms for order processing and management. It also had to be capable of fully supporting Infor’s dynamic business requirements.

Taking care of business

The ability to efficiently process and fulfill orders is fundamental to Infor’s ongoing success; the reliance of these functions on a legacy application that was obsolete and out of support formed a burning platform for change. Overlooked or inaccurate shipments created the potential for missed revenue and compromised financial performance.

The age of the application discouraged enhancements, making it impossible to respond to changing business needs. The absence of formal support expertise dramatically increased business risk.

Infor’s fiscal quarter-based accounting model placed great emphasis on processing a majority of orders within a compressed period of time every three months; any restrictions to delivering products would jeopardize the company’s ability to recognize revenue and ensure customer satisfaction.

To further compound the situation, the legacy application relied heavily on human intervention in order to process and fulfill orders, with each intervention introducing the possibility of errors and time delays.

Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) 5

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) proved to be easy to customize, intuitive to navigate, scalable, and able to easily integrate with the company’s existing state-of-the-art Infor ION interfaces.


Identifying the best

SyteLine shines

As part of the project team’s due diligence, they conducted an analysis of numerous products, both external and internal to Infor. The mandate was to identify the absolute best fit against requirements, irrespective of an application’s origin. After evaluation against a stringent set of predefined criteria, and extensive reviews of available options, it was determined that Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) would be the optimal solution for managing the company’s distribution and order processing needs.

The Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) implementation would empower the company’s order management functions, customer support, and product management systems, as

well as the download center; together representing some of the most critical and fundamental business processes in the entire company.

The implementation plan entailed the use of Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) to capture the electronic and physical software requests from order management into an easily maintained and manageable system. Manual intervention and modifications throughout the electronic distribution process were to be minimized, and eliminated wherever possible; the anticipated acceleration would enable timely fulfillment and speed up revenue recognition. Having real-time visibility into individual shipment status would expedite error mitigation and support, providing customers with more accurate order information.

6Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)



By completely automating the fulfillment of electronic orders, the average time to fulfill an order has been reduced from 15 minutes to 2 minutes; this has freed up the equivalent of one full-time employee to focus on other tasks.

The intuitive Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) user interface and use of standard forms supports an at-a-glance view of order status and has eliminated the need for multiple legacy reports.

Value realized Reports are easy to configure and available across the application. End users are able to use online training materials to quickly become proficient in navigating the application and share data.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)’s customizable grid view of data allows users to modify forms with no development effort, and the ability to easily add custom fields makes it possible to quickly accommodate dynamic business requirements.

7Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

A dynamic application for a dynamic environment

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)’s ease of integration with all existing Infor ION interfaces allows for improved data validation throughout the process; if an error situation does occur, immediate notification reduces the time needed to correct the problem. Infor ION ensures that updates between previously disparate applications, such as the order management and billing systems, are now nearly instantaneous, which has eradicated synchronization and mapping issues.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) provides a robust platform for future expansion and growth in business volumes, removing the need to replace the application because of changing business conditions.

“Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) has proved to be a tremendous improvement from our previous system and has enhanced performance, provided for scalability, streamlined processes, and enhanced the end user experience. We’re delighted with the outcome,” summarizes Mike Brooks, Infor’s CIO.


Widespread benefits by working smarter, not harder

Detailed impact


increase in employee productivity

3months of lead time per report

avoided by eliminating reliance on IT

for customized report generation


reduction in fail rate attributable to

human error

Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) 88

The successful implementation of the Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)-based order fulfillment system gives Infor the perfect platform for the migration of additional applications, including incorporating functionality to replace items like the company’s license key management system.

Infor solutions are renowned across the industry for their ability to maximize business benefits, so it is always great to experience this first-hand by again driving value throughout the enterprise with the deployment of another Infor product.”

Mike Brooks

CIO, Infor


The start of something big

Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) 9

Infor delivers significant SyteLine release

Major enhancements provide manufacturers with agility through multi-site options, improved financials, cloud, compliance, and Infor 10x integration.

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Infor SyteLine Quality Control Solution

Infor SyteLine Quality Control Solution supports quality activities relating to receiving, manufacturing, shipping and returns.

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Cloud deployment for Infor SyteLine

Infor SyteLine already helps manufacturers worldwide improve performance and reduce costs, while web technology keeps top firms connected to the rest of the business world. Now you can combine and multiply those benefits by subscribing to Infor SyteLine through a cloud —computing platform.

Read more ›

Learn moreInfor implemented SyteLine to manage electronic and physical software requests for order management and distribution. As a result, Infor cut order fulfillment time by 87%. Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)’s integration with the company’s existing Infor ION interfaces allows cross-enterprise application synchronization.

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10Customer Innovation Study: Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine)

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