Customer avatar nomadicincomeexperiment com



A customer avatar worksheet can help you craft the right message and know exactly where your customers are so that you can target the right audience. Complete customer avatar worksheet brought to you by Learn to Earn from Anywhere!

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|The Nomadic Marketer


Complete Customer Avatar Worksheet

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Customer Avatar WorksheetThis avatar breaks down into 3 sections. It is essential that you complete all five sections of the avatar, so that you have clear idea of who your ideal customer is. You need to know:

what their interest are where they hang out on the Internet, what motivates them, what they fear or what keeps them up at night what their objections are and how to overcome them

Through this exercise, you will know how and where to market to them and how best to position your content/products.

To begin, we need to first get in the head of your ideal customer. To do this, you need to do some homework, searching through a few sites. Here are a few sites you can use to get started in your research.

One last tool that you can use it to go to the “Audience Insights” section of Facebook’s ad platform. Just do a Google search for how to access this. One of the best ways to use this is to take a person who is a leader in the field you are trying to reach (i.e., Internet marketing, coaching, personal development, etc.) and type in their name. Once you do this, you will get a listing of suggested options that looks something like this:

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Customer Avatar WorksheetAs you can see at number 1, I have entered Jim Rohn (motivational, personal development speaker) as an interest. From that, it gives me a demographic breakdown at number 2. I can use this to help fill in the demographic breakdown of my ideal customer.

Once we have done this initial research into who our customer is from a demographic standpoint, we begin to fill in that portion of the worksheet below.

1. Demographic Information Name:



Marital Status:

# of Children:


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Customer Avatar WorksheetLevel of Income:

Level of Education:


Guiding values/beliefs:

What do they read (blogs/magazines/books):

What is their favorite book? Movie? Song? Why?:

What conferences/Events do they attend:

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Customer Avatar WorksheetHow do they spend their free time:

Dirty secrets (things they feel/believe, that they don’t want others to know):

Who are their mentors/who do they look up to:

Once you have completed (do not skip any questions!) all of the information, you can begin to get a feel for how this person thinks and you can “step into their shoes,” so to speak. This is essential in completing the rest of the information.

2. Psychographic Information What are their key values (lifestyle, family, money, career, etc.):

What are their top 3 goals in work and personal life:

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Customer Avatar Worksheet

What do they most fear in their professional life? Personal life?:

What things keep them awake at night:

If money was no object, how would they spend their time (travel, volunteer/service to others, at home in a garden/DIY around their estate, etc.)?:

What TV shows do they watch?:

As you complete the psychographic information and have it together with the demographic information, we begin to see a complete picture of who they are as a person. This helps us to complete the final section of the worksheet below.

3. Challenges, Pain Points and Objections

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Customer Avatar Worksheet

What is their greatest challenge in career right now (what is bothering them the most at/about work)? Personal life?:

What keeping them from realizing greater professional potential? Personal Potential?:

What are they afraid will happen if they don’t get resolution to these challenges in their professional and personal life?:

What kind of dialogue takes place in their head when dealing with these situations?:

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Customer Avatar WorksheetIf their “dream situation” was realized in personal and professional life, what would that look like?:

What would they be able to be, have or do, if this dream situation was realized?:

What keeps them from purchasing products that might provide “dream” solutions to their fears/problems (i.e., fear of loss, fears of looking silly, making a mistake, what others might think/say, etc.)?:

Finally, the last question. What is their one secret wish?:

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Customer Avatar WorksheetUpon completion of the entire customer avatar worksheet, you will have the answers to most if not all of the questions that will come up about how best to market to your target cusomer. Things like:

1. Where do I spend my marketing dollars trying to reach this customer?2. How do I craft my ads to best appeal to them?3. What kind of products do I look for to fill their needs and help them resolve their issues?

If you think of other questions, feel free to add them in as you see fit.

As always,

Here’s to your success!

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Customer Avatar Worksheet

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