Custom High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters

Custom HPC (High Performance Computing) 6 Considerations by Ace Computers Ace Computers 575 Lively Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-2013 Contact 877-ACECOMP (877-223-2667) www.acecomputers. com

Transcript of Custom High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters

Page 2: Custom High Performance Computing  (HPC) Clusters

Custom high performance computing and supercomputers are now within the financial reach of most organizations. But before you buy, you need to decide whether it makes more sense to go with custom or off-the shelf equipment…. To that end, consider the following 6 tips:

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Consideration 1

Do you have existing equipment that needs to be integrated? This is especially important if this is not your

first high performance computer. The more legacy hardware and software you have, the more likely it is that you are

going to need a custom supercomputer.

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If you don’t have complex system components that need to be integrated into the supercomputer-- off-the shelf is

probably OK. Otherwise you’ll eliminate a lot of headaches and downtime (and

likely save money) with a custom solution that’s designed to be compatible with

your existing technology.

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Most organizations start shopping for HPCs in the first place because they are growing rapidly. While an off-the-shelf solution is expandable to a degree, it may

not be expandable in ways that best fit your organization. A good custom builder, like Ace

Computers, will help you forecast future needs and integrate specific expandability capabilities.

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Even though the price of supercomputers has decreased dramatically, they are still an investment. You need assurance that the system you bought performs to both the

manufacturer’s specifications and your own. This is not an issue with custom

supercomputers that are independently built for and benchmarked to the

client’s intended use.

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Supercomputers require specialized knowledge and a level of expertise that is far above that of a typical independent IT service

provider. A custom builder will already know your system inside and out and will be available to

help you long after your purchase.

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If you’ve decided custom is your best choice, here is a summary of what to look for in a supercomputer builder: • Do they provide 100% true customization that incorporates

leading edge technology?• Do they offer top quality products that meet or exceed

industry standards? • Do they offer an exact solution that’s designed collaboratively

and is expandable to your future needs?• Will they design a system that will easily integrate to your

existing technology?• Will they thoroughly benchmark the system under conditions

that replicate your intended use?• Do they offer comprehensive post-implementation support?

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