CURRICULUM VITAE I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Michael A. Schuett Associate Professor Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences 2261 TAMU Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-2261 Email: [email protected] Date of Appointment: January 1, 2003. II. EDUCATION Ph. D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Leisure Studies, August, 1991 M.S. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. College Instruction in Outdoor Recreation, December, 1985 B.A. North Central College, Naperville, IL. Recreation Administration, June, 1982 Minor: Sociology III. EXPERIENCE Current Position Associate Professor 2003-Present Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Salary Source: 76% AgriLife Research; 24% Texas A&M University Associate Professor, Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences (RPTS), 2003-present o 12 month appointment, 76% AgriLife Research, 25% TAMU 1

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Michael A. SchuettAssociate Professor Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences2261 TAMUTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77843-2261Email: [email protected] of Appointment: January 1, 2003.


Ph. D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Leisure Studies, August, 1991

M.S. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. College Instruction in Outdoor Recreation, December, 1985

B.A. North Central College, Naperville, IL. Recreation Administration, June, 1982

Minor: Sociology


Current PositionAssociate Professor 2003-PresentDepartment of Recreation, Park and Tourism SciencesSalary Source: 76% AgriLife Research; 24% Texas A&M University

Associate Professor, Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences (RPTS), 2003-present

o 12 month appointment, 76% AgriLife Research, 25% TAMUo Percent effort for research, teaching and service

Associate Faculty Member, Applied Biodiversity Science NSF-IGERT Program, 2012-present

o Attend at least two ABS faculty meetings a year; o Serve on at least one ABS committee (for faculty with IGERT Trainees); o Co-coordinate as instructor of record a one-hour, for credit reading group; o Actively participate in the ABS Seminar Series


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o Actively recruit prospective doctoral students for the program.Position Description

Research (68% Effort) Primary responsibilities will be to develop a competitive and externally funded research program in the area of peoples’ interaction with the natural environment, focusing on visitor use management and public involvement. Work with natural resource managing agencies and other scholars in adding to the body of knowledge in visitor use management and public involvement and provide new information that impacts policy and management for parks and protected areas in the United States and internationally. Submit research proposals, seeking external/external funding to manage this research program while supporting and mentoring a cadre of graduate students. Establish research partnerships with agencies, universities and scholars. Recruit, advise and train graduate students on independent and sponsor-funded research projects. Write for publication in quality refereed journals, regularly attend academic conferences and create usable knowledge for managers. Be available to consult with various agencies, practitioners and organizations on relevant research issues.

Teaching (23% Effort) Teach two-three courses each academic year: one undergraduate course (RPTS 336) Recreation Research Methods and Analysis, and one graduate course (RPTS 609) Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of Outdoor Recreation. Teach one course in the South Pacific Study Abroad program as available. Supervise graduate students’ teaching, serve on thesis committees, mentor graduate students and advise undergraduate students. Stay current on course content in the area of recreation, parks and tourism.

Service (9% Effort) Serve on departmental, college, and university committees. Make periodic presentations and write technical reports for practitioners as needed; serve on editorial boards, review manuscripts for academic journals, participate in professional organizations, and serve on ad-hoc organizational committees as requested.

Past Positions and Experiences at Texas A& M University

Director, Center for Socioeconomic Research & Education (CSRE), 2006-2011 o Obtained external and internal funding sources for research; o Supervised staff and graduate students;o Provided education and professional training on the use of secondary data for

public and private users as well as students and faculty;o Conducted and disseminated research on trends in recreation, parks and tourism,

and the implications of those trends for planning and management;o Performed specialized analyses of the use of parks and protected areas and socio-

economic impacts of change;


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o Distributed information on recreation, parks, and tourism and socio-economic trends to public and private sector constituencies;

o Offered consultation on recreation, parks and tourism to facilitate public-sector policy making, private-sector strategic thinking and community and business decision-making;

o Taught RPTS 609, graduate course.

Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, 2003-2010o Directed the CSRE, see previous job description;o Conducted and disseminate applied research; o Interacted with stakeholders throughout the state.

Associate Department Head, Texas AgriLife Extension, 2007-2008 o Managed the RPTS AgrLife Extension’s budget and reporting system;o Supervised, hired and evaluated staff;o Represented RPTS at AgriLife Extension meetings.

Associate Department Head, Graduate Programs, 2005 o Oversaw graduate admission procedures;o Provided input on graduate assistantships with graduate committee;o Represented RPTS at Graduate Program Council Meetings.

Past Positions and Experiences at West Virginia University, Recreation, Parks andTourism Resources Program, Division of Forestry, Morgantown, WV.

Program Coordinator (Chair), 2000-2002 o Responsible for course scheduling, faculty teaching assignments, summer funding

allowances, teaching three classes each year (two undergraduate, one graduate) , advising undergraduate and graduate students, seeking funding, conducting research, serving on committees, and mentoring new faculty.

Associate Professor, 2001-2002 (Tenured 2001)o Taught three classes each year, advised undergraduate and graduate students,

conducted research, served on committees, and mentored new faculty.

Assistant Professor, 1997- 2001 o Responsible for course scheduling, faculty teaching assignments, summer funding

allowances, taught three classes each year, advised undergraduate and graduate students, and conducted research.

Assistant Professor & Faculty Coordinator Off-Campus Summer Programs, 1999-2002 3

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o Responsible for promotion and marketing of the summer program, budgeting, administration, and program evaluation.

Trainee, Leadership Development Program, Agricultural Experiment Station, Organization and Policy and Academic Programs Committee on Organization and Policy, (ESCOP/ACOP), 2001-2002.

o Attended a three-day leadership development training in Washington D.C. and worked with the Associate Dean in the College of Natural Resources on student recruitment project for nine months.

Texas State University at San Marcos, Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation, San Marcos, TX.

Associate Professor, 1997 (Tenured 1997) o Taught five classes each year (Four undergraduate, one graduate), advising

undergraduate students, supervising student interns, conducting research, and serving on committees.

Assistant Professor, 1991-1997 o Taught five classes each year (Five undergraduate), advised undergraduate

students, supervised student interns, conducted research, and served on committees.


Program Statement

My research program has been focused on the planning and management of natural resources. Within this theme I have focused my efforts in two areas. My first area of research concentrates on visitor use in parks and protected areas and water-based settings. My work is applied yet theoretically grounded and seeks to understand the recreation user experience so it can be translated into usable knowledge. Given changes in technology, demographics, urbanization, and social trends, there are numerous factors that can impact people’s use of our natural environment. I have conducted various recreation user studies assessing their behaviors, motivations, attitudes, and values and worked with managers to connect this information to specific management strategies. This research on visitors has provided managers with relevant information that can be readily implemented into management plans and at the same time has added to the body of knowledge on the use of our parks and protected areas.

A second line of research directly tied to my central research focus is dedicated to public involvement. Individuals often form voluntary associations (formal and informal) so they can be recognized and engaged in natural resource decision-making processes. The relevance of these


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stakeholders and their influence in the planning and management of parks and protected areas is an ever-present and complex issue for resource managers in national and international settings. Research projects I have been involved with have focused on the effectiveness of voluntary associations, motivations/barriers of participation, and their influence in policy development. As parks and protected areas experience increasing pressure in balancing visitation and development, managers are mandated to obtain input from stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of public resources. Public involvement can be a means and an end and both need to be explored from various perspectives.

My line of research is applied; hence, I publish in natural-resource related journals with that focus, e.g., Environmental Management, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration and Human Dimensions of Wildlife. When appropriate, I have published my work in more theoretical journals, e.g., Leisure Sciences. In the first half of my career, I was usually sole or lead author on the majority of my refereed journal articles in order to get my work out in the field and develop my reputation. Over the last decade, I have concentrated my efforts in mentoring my graduate students, so now their names often appear first and mine is second or even third. The goal for my graduate students is altruistic, helping them get published and developing a research niche.

Major Accomplishments

Texas A&M University

Funding to support my research program has been consistent and has come from several sources including federal, state and local agencies as well as nonprofit organizations and foundations. Total funding in my career with all PIs has been $3,193,961.00 of which $2,152,310.00 has been attributable to my research program. This funding by various sources totals almost 100 research projects. The $2.1 million that is attributable to my research program exceeds the average amount of funding ($1.5 million) for faculty seeking promotion to full professor at TAMU. This funding is a strong indication of my research being conducted effectively, and my expertise recognized by various agencies, organizations and managers nationwide. I have been sought to conduct research on visitor use studies and public involvement research by funding sources across the country on a consistent basis for the last twenty years.

While Director of the Center of Socioeconomic Research and Education (CSRE) (2006-2011) my research funding at the CSRE approached two million dollars ($1.8) studying natural resource-related issues at a state and national level. These funds have allowed me fund an average of six graduate students per year.

Given my focus on conducting research in the planning and management of natural resources, I have concentrated on two key areas: visitor use management and public involvement in parks and protected areas. I have published 38 peer-reviewed journal articles. Thirty-eight refereed publications exceeds the average number (35) for faculty


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seeking promotion to full professor at TAMU. I have worked to mentor a cadre of graduate students and in my last 20 refereed articles 65% articles have been authored with my graduate students.

o In examining visitor use management, my work has explored outdoor recreation activities extensively on land and water-based settings. I have directed over 70 visitor use management studies in assessing the characteristics and behaviors of recreation participants and tied these results to resource management strategies. On an applied level, these studies have yielded 58 technical reports and 38 peer–reviewed journal articles. Some of these studies have also used secondary data in assisting resource managers in understanding how to plan for visitor needs. I have conducted this type of research for federal land managing agencies nationwide including the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, U.S Army Corps of Engineers and state agencies, e.g., Texas Parks and Wildlife and local entities. Articles: 38, 34, 32, 31, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 15, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.

o Closely tied to effectively managing our parks and protected areas is public involvement. Public involvement in environmental planning can be done in a variety of ways, in informal grassroots coalitions or through more formalized voluntary associations. My research in this area has contributed to the understanding of individual levels of engagement, effectiveness of the public involvement process in planning as well as motivations to be part of the decision-making process. Whether it is through the analysis of the group participants, the collaborative process, individual benefits or the realized outcomes, my research has provided managers and stakeholders with valuable information impacting policy development and implementation for parks and protected areas. Articles: 37, 36, 35, 30, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10.

I have presented or co-authored 125 papers at various conferences across the country as well as international symposia in Australia, Central America, Europe, and Canada.

I have written 58 research and technical reports for various federal and state agencies that have supported my research. These research findings have been incorporated into various plans for parks and other protected areas.

As Director of the CSRE and in conjunction with my staff, I was instrumental in

acquiring over 7 terabytes of data from Census data to National Park Service visitation data that was used to analyze trends and social/demographic forces that impact the use of our parks and protected areas. Access to these datasets was made available to the general public through our website. Presentations on secondary data use were conducted at various venues across the country.


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Based on my expertise in studying the visitor experience, management issues, and public involvement, I have been asked to review papers for a dozen different journals and served on three editorial boards. I have been serving on the editorial board of Environmental Management for four years and serve as an Associate Editor for Leisure Sciences, one of our flagship journals. I served as Associate Editor on the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (JPRA) for six years and have been a Guest Associate Editor for JPRA.

Served as an outside reviewer in a research capacity for various agencies to: examine all Research Centers and Institutes at the University of Texas at San Antonio; evaluate the National Park Service’s Visitor Services Project research program and data collection activities at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, and initiate a Social Science Research Program for the Valles Caldera National Trust for the Valles Caldera National Preserve (89,000 acres), Jemez Springs, New Mexico.

West Virginia University and Texas State University

My research contributions have been recognized through various awards: The David E. Samuel Award for Faculty Excellence; Outstanding Research Award, and Gamma Sigma Delta Junior Faculty of Merit Award at West Virginia University and Scholarly and Creative Award at Texas State University.

Role in Obtaining External and Internal Funding to Support my Research Program

The financial support I have been able to develop for my research program has been consistent over time and has come from several external sources including federal, state and local agencies as well as nonprofit organizations and foundations. This level of productivity demonstrates that my national reputation as a researcher is not limited to one agency or funding source. This funding has primarily come from the key federal agencies that manage our parks and protected areas including the National Park Service, USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and related agencies, e.g., the U.S. Geological Survey. I have also conducted research with the state land managing agencies including the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Total funding in my career with all PIs has been in excess of three million dollars ($3,193,961.00) for which $2,152,310.00 has been attributable to my research program and supports a team of graduate students. I have been sought out by various agencies and organizations to conduct research on visitor use studies, public involvement and other natural resource-related issues on a regular basis for the last twenty years. This level of funding is a strong indication of my expertise being recognized for its quality. My work continues to be disseminated regularly to managers in the field and scholars in academia.


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Program Statement

The university environment is a venue where students not only learn about specific academic subjects but also about priorities, values and respect for each other which I feel should be incorporated into the classroom. The basis for my teaching is to provide students with the required skills they must have to understand, analyze, and solve key issues in our field. These skills whether they are based on key concepts, theories or current trends are critical at the undergraduate and graduate levels to prepare students for their professional careers. My current research, experience at two previous universities, and knowledge of the field enable me to guide students in helping them learn more about the general area in which I work, human interactions with the natural environment.

For undergraduate students, I help them learn key topics, while fostering critical thinking and writing skills. I feel “hands-on” experience is tantamount in working with undergraduates so I engage them outside the classroom as frequently as possible. Professional development is a necessary skill to promote and teach in order to help students find employment upon graduation. For graduate students, I work with them to understand the theoretical underpinnings of our field, providing research skills they need to conduct their own projects. I collaborate with them on teaching, grant writing and writing publications in order to give them the competitive skills they will need in management or as a future academic.

My current teaching load of six hours and in many years nine hours per academic year exceeds the course load expected of a faculty member with my current AgriLife Research and Teaching appointment. Given this teaching load, over the years my course evaluation scores have exceeded the RPTS average for graduate and undergraduate courses.

Major Accomplishments

Texas A&M University

Co-PI with 22 other faculty on the Applied Biodiversity grant ($300,000) “Integrating Multidisciplinary Research and High Impact Learning into Undergraduate and Graduate Education”. This grant will allow both undergraduate and graduate students to obtain high impact learning experiences to conduct international research, interdisciplinary training, attend study abroad programs and build a community of scholars at TAMU.

My overall course evaluation scores have exceeded the RPTS average for graduate and

undergraduate courses.


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I have been actively engaged as a faculty member in the Study Abroad program, co-teaching each course with another RPTS faculty member for four study abroad courses in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji.

Received a very high peer evaluation for my graduate course.

Developed a distance Masters’ Degree in Natural Resource Development in RPTS and was instrumental in developing the course fee structure for online courses in RPTS.

Developed a course co-taught with a colleague from the CSRE that introduced students into using secondary datasets in studying recreation and park issues as well as taught the basics of SAS (stats program).

Re-established the Graduate Research Seminar Series and coordinated this program for two years.

Created a Graduate Teaching Seminar Series in fall 2005 consisting of eight guest lectures from various RPTS faculty.

West Virginia University and Texas State University

At West Virginia University (WVU), taught five undergraduate courses and one new graduate course.

As Faculty Coordinator of Off-Campus Summer programs at WVU, generated $40,000+ annually through course offerings of field-based and continuing education courses.

Created the West Virginia Rural Recreation Program with a $250,000 grant from the Benedum Foundation which provided summer recreation programs, internships and summer employment for students.

Taught eight different undergraduate courses and was instrumental in developing the graduate degree program in the Department of HPER at Texas State University.

Courses Taught at Texas A&M University

1. RPTS 336 Recreation Research and Analysis. The material and assignments from this course familiarize the student with various techniques, concepts, and issues involved in conducting and understanding research in recreation, parks, and tourism settings, e.g., reading research articles, scientific method, data collection procedures, questionnaire


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design, and data reporting.

2. RPTS 609 Social, Economic, and Cultural Issues in Outdoor Recreation. This course examines social/cultural phenomenon and trends that impact outdoor recreation activities, participants, research, planning, and management. This class investigates the current literature in the field as well as the stakeholders, scientists, and agencies that use, manage and conduct research about participants and natural resources.

3. RENR 400 Study Abroad in Natural Resources (South Pacific). This course exposes students to issues of natural resource management, sustainability, ecology and culture in one of three countries: Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.

4. RPTS 689 Working with SAS. This course taught students the basics of SAS, a statistical program and also introduced them to working with secondary datasets.

Summary of TAMU Teaching with Student Evaluation Scores 2004-2013

Course Credits Semester # of Students _____Me/RPTS___ Graduate RPTS 609 3 Spring 2013 8 4.86/4.62RPTS 609 3 Spring 2012 6 4.67/4.53

RPTS 689 3 Spring 2011 2 5.00/4.36

RPTS 609 3 Spring 2011 6 4.83//4.53RPTS 609 3 Spring 2009 5 4.89/4.72RPTS 609 3 Spring 2008 5 4.80/4.63RPTS 609 3 Spring 2007 5 5.00/4.46RPTS 609 3 Spring 2006 5 4.60/4.56RPTS 609 3 Spring 2005 5 4.50/4.32RPTS 609 3 Spring 2004 5 3.75/4.30

My Grad Avg. = 4.67Dept Avg. = 4.50

Undergraduate RENR 4001 6 Wintermester 2013-14 18 4.11/4.31

RPTS 336 3 Fall 2013 48 4.34/4.25RENR 400 6 Summer I 2010 26 4.82/4.47RENR 400 6 Summer I 2009 18 4.57/4.44RENR 400 6 Summer I 2008 19 4.41/4.56

My UG Avg. = 4.45Dept Avg = 4.40


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1 All RENR 400 Study Abroad courses were co-taught with other faculty members (Drs. Dunlap, Matarrita, Kyle, and Woosnam).

Guest Lectures

Texas A&M University “The Students all Learn the Same, Right? Learning Styles, Assignments and Exams”

Presented at the Graduate Teaching Seminar, Fall 2005. “The CSRE: Who We Are, What We Do and How to Get Involved.” Presented in the

CSRE Brownbag Seminar Series, Fall 2009. “A Qualitative Analysis of National Outdoor Recreation Surveys.” Presented in the

CSRE Brownbag Seminar Series, Fall 2009. “Understanding Park Visitation Data.” Presented to RPTS 201: Foundations of

Recreation and Parks, Spring 2010. “Outdoor Recreation Benefits.” Presented to RPTS 201: Foundations of Recreation and

Parks, Summer 2011. “Trends in Outdoor Recreation Participation.” Presented to the Graduate Research

Seminar, Fall 2011. “Using Secondary in Recreation, Parks and Tourism.” Presented to the Graduate

Research Seminar, Fall 2012. “Managing for Park Visitors.” Presented to RPTS 201: Foundations of Recreation and

Parks, Spring 2014.

Professional Peer Evaluations

The following course has been evaluated by one of my peers. This evaluation was very positive and extremely helpful in improving my teaching.

RPTS 609 Spring 2008 Conducted by Dr. John Thomas

Summary of Teaching from West Virginia University and Texas State University

West Virginia University (1997-2002)RPTR 450 Evaluation in Parks, Resource Recreation, and TourismRPTR 491 InternshipsRPTR 485 Professional Development RPTR 415 Recreation AdministrationRPTR 714 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (Graduate)

Texas State University (1991-1997)REC 5318 The Social Science of Recreation and Leisure (Graduate)REC (3360, 4381, 4382) Fieldworks


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REC 4380 Seminar in Recreation and Leisure REC 4319 Recreation Administration REC 3351 Evaluation of Leisure Services ProgrammingREC 3319 Marketing Recreation and Leisure ServicesREC 1330 Leisure and Outdoor Recreation REC 1310 Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services

Graduate Student Committee Involvement

Graduated At TAMU CareerDegree Chair or Co-Chair Member Chair or Co-Chair Member

M.S. 3 5 7 14Ph.D. 3 3 5 4CurrentlyDegree Chair or Co-Chair Member

M.S. 3 1Ph.D. 4 1

Graduate Student Support

As soon as I came to TAMU, I identified potential funding sources for graduate students for various research projects. From 2006-2011, I was the Director of the Center for Socioeconomic Research and Education (CSRE). The CSRE was engaged in a variety of research projects funded from across the country including the National Park Service, USDA Forest Service as well as state agencies including Texas Parks and Wildlife and the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism. We conducted research, teaching and extension focusing in the human dimensions of natural resources area. One main objective of the CSRE was to obtain and manage secondary datasets. This included Census data, park visitation data and GIS data and creating a library of over 7 terabytes of data for research projects, presentations, workshops, outreach, and teaching. Research activities provided funding for a team of graduate students who obtained experience in conducting research, data collection, project management, website management, and grant writing. As Director of the CSRE, we did a first-rate job of funding graduate students. My ability to fund graduate students has been consistent during my entire research program and continues.

Graduate Student Funding


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2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20152 4 5 6 8 8 5 10 7 5 4

Graduate Student Committees-Texas A& M University (Completed)

Chairo Kyunghee Lee (PhD, 2013): “Exploring spatial variations in the relationship between

national park visitation and associated factors in Texas Counties”

- Currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography & Planning at St. Cloud State University (MN)

o Meghan Wall (MS, 2011): “Nature tourism in Texas: Is it ecotourism or not?”

- Currently Email Marketing Coordinator, Golfsmith International (Texas)

o Amanda Bentley (MS, 2011): “On the border in Everglades and Dry Tortugas: Identifying federal law enforcement perspectives on response to Cuban immigrant landings in south Florida’s national parks”

- Currently a Doctoral Student, University of Idaho, Department of Conservation Social Science

o Ramaa Shingote-Jhamvar (MS, 2011), “Predators of Junnar: Local peoples’ knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes towards leopards and leopard conservation”

- Currently a Doctoral student, Saint Louis University, Department of Biology

o Jiaying Lu (PhD, 2010): “Voluntary associations and their involvement in collaborative forest management”

- Currently an Associate Professor, Zhejian University, Hangzhou, China

o Smriti Dahal (PhD, 2011): “Understanding the participation of marginal groups in Annapurna Conservation Area Project Nepal”

- Currently a Senior Program Officer, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment, Kathmandu, Nepal

Committee Member

o Nese Yilmaz (MS, 2014): “The influence of hotel managers’ intentions for green marketing practices: An application of the theory of planned behavior in Turkey”

o Wei Qian (MS, 2013): “Leisure patterns and acculturative stress: Chinese students in the United States”


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

o Zennure Ucar (MS, 2012): ”Impacts of climate change and wildfire to ecosystem services of Texas state parks”

o Jason Hairston (MS, 2012): “Guided cave tours-taking visitor experience underground”

o Fernanda Pegas (PhD, 2010): “Twenty-five years of sea turtle protection in Brazil: Evaluating local effects”

o Yung-Ping Tseng (PhD, 2009): “From substitution to coping: Developing and testing a leisure constraints-based coping model”

o Nathan Wolber (MS, 2008): “A comparison of Texas urban and rural resident anglers”

o Minsun Doh (PhD, 2006): “Change through tourism: Resident perceptions of tourism development”

Texas A&M University (Ongoing) Chair

o Guillermo Canales (MS, 2014)o Michele Muller (MS, 2014)o Andrew Chin (MS, 2014)o Yunseon Choe (PhD, 2015)o Chen Ding (PhD, 2015)o Evgenia Marukhenko (PhD, 2015)o Gwanggyu Lee (PhD, 2016)

Committee Member

o Seon He An (PhD, 2015) o Samuel Sweeney (MS, 2015)

West Virginia University (Completed) Chair

o Pat Seiser (PhD, 2003): “Dark wilderness: A phenomenological exploration of cave wilderness”

o Sei-Yi Oh (PhD, 2001): “Flow in golf: Motivation, goal orientation, and challenge determinant”


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o Melissa Garretson (MS, 2001): “Recreation: The key to a life of benefits in assessing community recreation in West Virginia”

o Derek Ibarguen (MS, 2001): “Participant opinions of a land acquisition process involving ski area development and protection of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail”

o Kate Steptoe (MS, 2001): “Snowshoe satisfaction survey”

o Brian Shope (MS, 2000): “The development and implementation of an experiential education program”

Committee Member

o Ross Bash (MS, 2010): “Religious and environmental values in PCUSA and UCC church camp programs”

o Aurora Moldovanyi (MS, 2003): “Examining specialization for a fishing subactivity: Is activity and place specialization better understood at the activity or subactivity level?”

o Chris Babka (MS, 2003): “Adult volunteers at heritage tourism sites: A study of characteristics and motivations”

o George Weekly (MS, 2002): “Recreation specialization and the recreation opportunity spectrum: A study of climbers”

o Elizabeth Erickson (PhD, 2001): “Rocky Mountain National Park: History and meanings as constraints to African-American park visitation”

o Jon Erickson, (MS 2001): “Managers’ perceptions of interpretive programs”

o Naira Zepeda (MS 2000): “Evaluation of rural community partnerships”

o Ella Belling (MS 2000): “Examining the volunteer trail maintenance program on the Mon and Decker’s Creek Trails in Monongalia and Preston Counties”

o Jeanne Kraje (MS, 1999): “Factors of underperformance in collaborative groups and partnerships: The case of the West Virginia forest roundtable”

o Kathleen Swisher (MS, 1998): “Inventory of ecotourism programs of state travel offices”


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Role in Obtaining External and Internal Funds to Support Teaching Enhancement

In 2014, I was Co-PI with 22 other faculty on the Applied Biodiversity grant ($300,000) “Integrating Multidisciplinary Research and High Impact Learning into Undergraduate and Graduate Education”. This grant will allow both undergraduate and graduate students to obtain high impact learning experiences to conduct international research, interdisciplinary training, attend study abroad programs and build a community of scholars at TAMU.


Program Statement

My philosophy on service centers on active engagement at various levels in order to interact best with our constituencies. Service is critical for faculty as a mechanism to bring their expertise and research to the field and the general public. The thrust of my service has been to integrate my research program and experience into selected aspects of the field of recreation and parks, in the university as well as local communities. My service to the public was exemplified as Director of the Center of Socioeconomic Research and Education (CSRE) at Texas A& M University. In the CSRE, we managed over seven terabytes of secondary data which was available to the public through our website. Our outreach on information on parks and protected areas, park visitation, and population statistics has been presented and published in several outlets, e.g., annual reports, national park and forest management plans and state comprehensive management plans. I feel service to the field is critical to maintaining the integrity of our discipline through journal appointments, article reviews and other committee work at the university level as well as at the community level through interaction with the general public and our professional organizations.

I have been connected regularly with academics, practitioners and agency managers throughout the country and beyond. My expertise has been shared with several professional organizations, and my involvement with these groups has been positive myself and the organization. Internationally, I was asked to participate with the Tourism Task Force for the IUCN World Commission of Protected Areas. I was involved with the Task Force for three years and continue to serve as a member of this international organization. One of my key roles was to obtain funding for a database that would standardize visitation to parks and protected areas worldwide. In the United States, I have served on the Advisory Board of American Trails for ten years, the premier trails organization in the United States. This relationship has allowed me to work with a diverse group of professionals at a state and national level. I served as Chair and Chair-Elect of the Recreation Working Group of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) for two years, one of the oldest and most influential natural resource organizations in the country. My involvement with SAF has added to increasing recognition of social science in forestry-related issues. The working groups help develop educational programs and promote issues focused on research and policy. I stay actively involved with several professional organizations attending their national


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conferences and serving on ad-hoc committees, e.g., graduate student recruitment. On a statewide basis, I served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Recreation and Park Society for two years, the predominant organization for recreation and parks in Texas. I was on the Board of Directors of the Mon River Trails Conservancy in West Virginia for three years, a leading statewide trails/conservation organization. At the university level I have served on numerous committees throughout my career, chairing several key committees, e.g., Executive, Strategic Planning, Awards, averaging about four committees per year at TAMU and serving as chair on several of these committees.

Major Accomplishments

Texas A&M University I have been actively involved as a reviewer with over a dozen different journals and

served on various editorial boards since arriving at Texas A&M and beforehand. I have reviewed manuscripts for numerous top-tier journals including, Society and Natural Resources, Leisure Sciences and Environment and Behavior. I have served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration for six years. I have served on the Editorial Board for Environmental Management for the past four years and served as Associate Editor for Leisure Sciences for the past two years.

I have served on the Advisory Board of American Trails for ten years; served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Recreation and Park Society for two years, and was Chair of the Recreation Working Group of the Society of American Foresters for one year. Before I came to TAMU, I was on the Board of Directors of the Mon River Trails Conservancy in West Virginia for three years.

I have been an external evaluator for review of promotion and tenure dossiers for faculty at the University of Florida, Colorado State University, West Virginia University, and George Mason University. I also served as an external evaluator for University Research Centers and Institutes at the University of Texas in San Antonio.

I was asked to resurrect the Department Graduate Seminar after it lay dormant for many years. I served as its Coordinator for two years which involved securing speakers (national and local), creating forums and panels for faculty and graduate students.

Created a Graduate Teaching Seminar Series one semester with RPTS faculty.

Served as Chair of the Awards Committee and have helped numerous faculty, staff and students with various awards. Chaired the department’s Strategic Planning committee and organized an all-day departmental workshop. Served on at least three committees each year including the Executive Committee.


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Served as the Associate Department Head of Extension for two years and Graduate Program Coordinator for one year.

My service at the community level has been conducted in conjunction with the courses I have taught. Through numerous graduate and undergraduate taught over the years, students have been involved in conducting research and evaluation projects for state and local land managing agencies, municipal park departments, and nonprofits. Students have provided many stakeholders with information they would not have been able to collect focusing on program evaluation, visitor studies, and also working on service learning projects.

West Virginia University and Texas State University

Served on the Board of Directors of the Mon River Trails Conservancy in West Virginia for three years.

Created the West Virginia Rural Recreation program with a $250,000 grant from the Benedum Foundation which provided summer recreation programs for rural communities.

Served as Program Coordinator (Chair) for two years in the Recreation, Park and Tourism Resources Program at WVU.

Service at the Field Level

Board Memberships and Advisory Committees

Board Member (1999-2001). Mon River Trails Conservancy, Morgantown, WV George Wright Society Scholarship Committee (2005). Philadelphia, PA Recreation Advisory Committee (2004).Valles Caldera National Preserve, Los Alamos,

NM Texas Recreation and Park Society Planning Committee (2005) Planning Board National Trails Symposium (2006). Austin, TX Visitation Team Member (2011-). Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism

and Related Professions (COAPRT) Chair Recreation Working Group (2011-2012). Society of American Foresters Chair Elect Recreation Working Group (2012-2013). Society of American Foresters Board of Directors (2009-2011). Texas Recreation and Park Society Advisory Board Member (2004-). American Trails, Redding, CA

External Reviewer of Promotion and Tenure Dossiers

West Virginia University George Mason University


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

University of Florida Colorado State University

Reviewer for Proposals, Conference Abstracts and Programs

Co-Coordinator Research Presentations: (1993, February). Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Unicoi Park, GA.

Session Chair: (1994, February). "Social Issues and Conflicts in Multiple Use" session at the Second Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, San Diego, CA.

Facilitator: (1994, July). 1995 Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan Statewide Workshop, Austin, TX.

Facilitator: (1995, February). "Market Research" forum at the San Marcos Tourism Unity Conference, San Marcos, TX.

Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Trends Symposium, St. Paul, MN. 1995 Rapporteur: (1995, May). "Recreation Trends in Society" session at the Fourth

International Outdoor Planning and Management section of the Leisure Research Symposium

for the National Recreation and Park Association, San Antonio, TX. 1995 Outdoor Recreation in American Life: A National Assessment of Demand and Supply,

Chapter IX. H. K. Cordell, Editor. 1998 Proposals for the National Trails Symposium, Austin, TX. 2004 Abstracts for the International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors

(MMV) in Recreational and Protected Areas. 2007 Proceedings for the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Proceedings. 2007 University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA), Research Centers and Institutes. 2008 Book Proposal for Outdoor Recreation and the Post-Industrial City Routledge Publishing,

New York, NY. 2009 Hatch proposal on “The Fairbanks North Star Borough: Status and Trends in the Quality of

Life and Landscape”. 2008 Poster Judge for the ISSRM Conference, Madison, WI. 2011. Program Review of Materials, Visitor Services Project, University of Idaho. 2012 Sea Grant Research Proposals. 2013

Editorial Responsibilities for Peer-Reviewed Journals

Associate Editor: (1996-2003). Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Guest Associate Editor (2013). Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Special

Issue: “More connection and less contention please: Applying a relationship focus in protected area planning and management”

Editorial Board: (2008-). Environmental Management Associate Editor (2014-). Leisure Sciences


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Reviewership Responsibilities for Peer-Reviewed Journals

Environment & Behavior Environmental Management Fisheries Human Dimensions of Wildlife Journal of Environmental Management Journal of Land Use Planning Journal of Leisure Research Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Journal of Rural Social Issues Landscape and Urban Planning Leisure Sciences Society & Natural Resources

Committees for the University and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University

2004-2005 Urban Research Committee

2005-2006 Graduate Program Council

2009-2010 Recreational Sports Advisory

2010-2011 Recreational Sports Advisory

2013-2014 COALS Awards Committee

Committees for the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences

2003-2004 Faculty Search

2004-2005 Diversity Committee Executive Committee Leadership & Diversity Committee

2005-2006 20

VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Executive Committee Strategic Planning (Chair) Webpage Committee Graduate Committee (Chair & member) Graduate Seminar (Chair) Graduate Programs

2006-2007 Executive Committee P & T Committee Graduate Seminar (Chair)

2007-2008 P & T Committee Faculty Search Awards Committee Executive Committee Community Resources and Economic Development Committee

2008-2009 P & T Committee Rural Recreation Advisory Committee Awards Committee Executive Committee Community Resources and Economic Development Committee

2009-2010 P & T Committee Executive Committee

2010-2011 P & T Committee Fundraising Committee Executive Committee Recreational Sports Advisory

2011-2012 P & T Committee Executive Committee

2012-2013 P & T Committee


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Executive Committee Awards Committee (Chair)

2013-2014 P & T Committee Executive Committee Awards Committee (Chair)

2014-2015 P & T Committee Executive Committee Awards Committee (Chair)

Committees at West Virginia University and Texas State University

West Virginia University (1997-2002)o College Committees: Executive; Davis Endowed Professorship; National

Conservation Training Center Master’s Degree Program.o Division Committees: RPTR Faculty Search (Chair & Member); Computer Lab;

Transportation; Promotion and Tenure. o Community: Board Member, Mon River Trails Conservancy, Morgantown, WV.

Texas State University (1991-1997)o University Committees: Aquarena Springs Planning and Proposal Review.o College Committees: Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Review; Research

Enhancement Grants.o Departmental Committees: Research and Technology; Evaluation.

International Committeeso Tourism Task Force: (2008-2011). IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

(WCPA).o Reviewer: (2011, October). IUCN World Conservation Congress, Jeju, Korea.

Additional Service Activities

Professional Memberships/Associations


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

o American Fisheries Societyo Academy of Leisure Scienceso American Trailso International Association for Society and Natural Resourceso IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas o Society of American Foresters

Consulting Activitieso Outdoor Foundation, Boulder, CO. 2011o Routledge Publishing, New York, NY. 2009o Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM. 2004o BOPARC Morgantown, WV. 2001-2002o National Park Service, Washington D.C. 1998-2010o Hatfield-McCoy Trails, Nitro, WV. 1999-2000o San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department, San Antonio, TX. 1997o Adirondack North Country Association, Saranac Lake, NY. 1994

Administrative Responsibilities at the University, College and Departmental Levels

Director, Center for Socioeconomic Research and Education, 2006-2011 Associate Department Head AgriLife Extension, 2006-2008 Associate Department Head, Graduate Programs, 2005


Funding to support my research program has come from numerous sources, primarily the key federal land managing agencies, e.g., National Park Service, USDA Forest Service. My record of funding has been consistent and has allowed me to support an excellent team of graduate students consistently and develop a nationally recognized research program. This research funding has provided my own graduate students and others I have worked with practical experience in conducting research projects. Career funding with all PIs has totaled $3,193,961 with $2,152,031 attributable to my program. This level of funding is a strong indication of my expertise being recognized for its quality. My work continues to be disseminated regularly to managers in the field and scholars in academia.

Summary Table of Funding Awarded


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

TAMU (Since 2003) Career

External CompetitiveTotal dollars to all PIs

Dollars allocated to my program

Total dollars to all PIs

Dollars allocated to my program

PI $1,564,675.00 $1,237,248.00 $2,563, 076.00 $1,818,591.00Co-PI $ 180,044.00 $ 114,490.00 $ 253,175.00 $ 225,730.00Total (PI & Co-PI) $1,744,719.00 $1,351,738.00 $2,816,251.00 $2,044,321.00InternalPI $ 73,210.00 $ 73,210.00 $ 75,790.00 $ 75,790.00Co-PI $300,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $301,920.00 $ 31,920.00Total (PI & Co-PI) $373,210.00 $103,210.00 $377,710.00 $107,710.00CAREER TOTAL (Int & Ext)

$2,117,929.00 $1,454,948.00 $3,193,961.00 $2,152,031.00

(Note: See grant Summary Chart in Appendix)

West Virginia University and Texas State University

1. Title: Testing the Adventure Model for Outdoor Adventure Recreation Participation, 1990-1991Agency: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Riverside, CA. $6,770Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

2. Title: An Examination of the Characteristics, Preferences, and Attitudes of Mountain BikeUsers of the National Forests: A Preliminary Analysis, 1992-1993Agency: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Riverside, CA. $34,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

3. Title: A National Study of Mountain Biking: User Characteristics, Attitudes, Conflicts, andCommunication, 1993-1994Agency: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Riverside, CA. $39,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

4. Title: Training Manual of Team Building Activities, 1994Agency: Educare Institute, Texas State University. $2,500Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

5. Title: A Master Plan for Bicycling in the North Country, 1994Agency: Adirondack North Country Association, Saranac Lake, NY. $6,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

6. Title: Collaborative Planning and Ecosystem Management: A Literature Synthesis, 1994Agency: USDA Forest Service, North Central Station, St.Paul, MN. $15,478Investigators: Schuett, M.A.


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

7. Title: An Examination of Mountain Biking Management in the State Parks, 1995Source: Texas State University, Research Enhancement Grants Program. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

8. Title: A Study of Environmental Attitudes and Issues of Conflict Among OutdoorRecreation Participants, 1995Agency: USDA Forest Service, Riverside, CA. $14,674Investigators: Schuett, M.A

9. Title: Shared Leadership in Forest Planning and Management, 1995-1996Agency: USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C. (Policy Analysis Unit). $30,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

10. Title: Surveying Multiple Trail Customers: Understanding Conflict II, 1996Agency: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Riverside, CA. $10,800Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

11. Title: Developing a Typology of Collaborative Natural Resource Stewardship Initiatives, 1997-1998Agency: USDA Forest Service, North Central Station, St. Paul, MN. $30,000Investigators: Selin, S., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

12. Title: Surveying Multiple Trail Users: Understanding Conflict, 1997Agency: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Experiment Station, Riverside, CA.$2,724Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

13. Title: Evaluating Outcomes of a Rural Community Assistance Conference, 1998Agency: USDA Forest Service, North Central Station, St. Paul, MN. $10,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

14. Title: Student Support for Camp Roy Weller, 1998Agency: Girl Scouts of America, Washington D.C. $42,000Investigators: Selin, S., (PI) Wang, T., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Schuett, M.A. (Co-PI) (25% effort)

15. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 1998Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $25,000Investigators: Hollenhorst, S.J., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S.A.

16. Title: Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, 1999Agency: National Park Service, Philadelphia, PA. $26,000


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Investigators: Selin, S., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

17. Title: Volunteer Trail Maintenance Program Organization: West Virginia UniversityOffice of Service Learning, 1999 Agency: (W.K. Kellogg Foundation “Community Partnerships” Program). $10,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Pings, P. (Co-PI)

18. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 1999Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $34,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S.J.

19. Title: Evaluating Outcomes of a Rural Community Assistance Conference, 1999Agency: USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C. $15,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

20. Title: Monitoring and Data Management for Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) RiverManagement Plan on the New, Gauley, Cheat, Shenandoah, and Tygart Rivers of WestVirginia, 1999-2000Agency: West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Charleston, WV. $30,410Investigators: Hollenhorst, S.J., (PI), Schuett, M.A., (Co-PI) (50% effort), & Whisman, S. A.

21. Title: Developing a Summer Park and Recreation Program for Taylor County, 1999Agency: West Virginia University’s Office of Service Learning (W.K. Kellogg Foundation“Community Partnerships” Program). $15,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

22. Title: NPS Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program, 2000Agency: National Park Service, Philadelphia, PA. $12,000Investigators: Schuett, M. A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

23. Title: Interpretation Coordination and Heritage Tourism Development at Bulltown Historic Area in Braxton County, WV., 2000Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington, WV. $6,188Investigators: Wang, T., (PI), Selin, S., Schuett, M.A., (Co-PI) (25% effort) & Pierskalla, C. D.

24. Title: Developing a Rural Recreation Program for West Virginia Organization, 2000Agency: West Virginia University’s Office of Service Learning (W.K. Kellogg Foundation“Community Partnerships” Program). $15,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

25. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 200026

VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $29,958Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S. J.

26. Title: Evaluating Outcomes of a Rural Community Assistance Program, 2000Agency: USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C. $15,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

27. Title: Volunteer Trail Maintenance Program on the Mon and Decker’s Creek Trails inMonongalia and Preston Counties, WV: Phase II, 2001Agency: West Virginia University’s Office of Service Learning (W.K. Kellogg Foundation“Community Partnerships” Program). $10,955Investigators: Pings, P., (PI), Schuett, M.A., (Co-PI) (33% effort), & Belling, E.

28. Title: Evaluating Outcomes of a Rural Community Assistance Program, 2001Agency: USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C. $7,500Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Selin, S. (PI)

29. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2001Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $63,654Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S. J.

30. Title: Interpretation Coordination and Heritage Tourism Development at Bulltown Historic Area, 2001Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington, WV. $16,500Investigators: Wang, T., (PI), Selin, S., Schuett, M.A., (Co-PI) (30% effort) & Pierskalla,C. D.

31. Title: Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, 2001Agency: National Park Service, Washington DC. $12,000Investigators: Selin, S., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

32. Title: Trail User Fee Policy Manual, 2001Organization: Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Development Coalition, Inc. Nitro, WV.$21,900Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), & Whisman, S.A.

33. Title: Aquaculture Food and Marketing Development Project: Fee Fishing Experiences &Willingness to Pay, 2001Agency: USDA, Washington D.C. $109,563Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), & Pierskalla, C. D. (PI)

34. Title: West Virginia Rural Recreation Program, 200127

VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Organization: Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA. $250,000 Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

35. Title: Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site Survey, 2002Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project, $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

36. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2002Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $51,188Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J.

37. Title: Volunteer Trail Maintenance Program on the Mon and Decker’s Creek Trails inMonongalia and Preston Counties, WV: Phase III., 2002Organization: West Virginia University Office of Service Learning (W.K. KelloggFoundation “Community Partnerships” Program). $35,380Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort), Pings, P., & Belling, E.

38. Title: Evaluating Outcomes of a Rural Community Assistance Program: Case Studies,2002Agency: USDA Forest Service, Washington D.C. $20,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort) & Selin, S. (PI)

Texas A&M University

39. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2003Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $58,226Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort) Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S. J.

40. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2003Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$45,577Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

41. Title: Capulin Volcano National Monument Survey, 2003Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

42. Title: Texas Urban Park Initiative: Cooperating with the National Park Service to ExamineDiverse Audiences, 2003Agency: Texas A&M University, RREA. $9,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

43. Title: Federal Geographic Data Committee Metadata Workshop Support, 200428

VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Agency: United States Geologic Survey, Denver, CO. $49,987Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

44. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2004Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $31,220Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI), (33% effort) Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S.J.

45. Title: Bureau of Land Management Fire Programs Partner Satisfaction Project, 2004-2005Agency: Bureau of Land Management, Washington D.C. and the National InteragencyFire Center, Boise, ID. $45,425Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

46. Title: John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Survey, 2004Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

47. Title: Manage TX Tourism Contracts, 2004Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$59,894Investigator: Schuett, M.A.

48. Title: Examining the Relationship between Local Communities and Urban Serving Units,2004-2005Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $15,980Investigator: Schuett, M., (PI) (70% effort), Scott, D., Shafer, S., & Kyle, G. T.

49. Title: The Leadership and Diversity Initiative, 2004-2005Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $30,187Investigators: Schuett, M.A. (PI), & Bowser, G. (PI)

50. Title: Monitoring Visitor-Induced Ecological Impacts: Development of Training Materialsand Workshops in Texas, 2005Agency: Texas A&M University, RREA. $9,500Investigators: Nepal, S.K., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

51. Title: Fort Sumter National Monument Survey, 2005Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

52. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2005Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $18,575Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S. J.


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

53. Title: Inventory, Analyze and Make Recommendations Related to the Texas Trails Plan,2005Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. $15,065Investigators: Shafer, S., (PI), Schuett, M. A., (Co-PI) (33% effort) & Scott, D.

54. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2005Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$62,684Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

55. Title: Concept Plan for an Enhanced Information System for Visitor Services ProjectDatasets, 2005Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $28,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

56. Title: Storm Hazard Analyses, 2006-2008Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $220,899Investigators: Kyle, G.T., (PI), O’Leary, J.T., Schuett, M.A., (Co-PI) (30% effort)Beavers, R., & Bowser, G.

57. Title: Examining Demographic and Socio-economic Changes in Four Park Units in theNortheastern Region, 2006Agency: National Park Service, Atlanta, GA. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

58. Title: Sources of Assistance and Developing Tourism in Your Community ManualsUpdates, 2006Agency: Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division, Austin,TX. $30,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

59. Title: Regional Workshops to Promote Diversity in Urban Park and Recreation Offerings,2006Agency: Texas A&M University, RREA. $10,548Investigators: Scott, D., (PI) Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), & Shafer, S. (PI)

60. Title: Manage TX Tourism Contracts, 2006Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$71,018Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

61. Title: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Survey, 2006Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $6,100


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (33% effort), Whisman, S. A., & Hollenhorst, S.J.

62. Title: Golden Spike National Historical Site Survey, 2006Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

63. Title: Sources of Assistance and Developing Tourism in Your Community ManualsOnline, 2007-2008Agency: Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division, Austin,TX. $22,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

64. Title: Nature Tourism Operators Inventory in Texas, 2007-2008Agency: Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division, Austin,TX. $30,000Investigators: Phillips, M., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (Co-PI) (50% effort)

65. Title: Recreational Boating Use Study: Lakes Travis, Lyndon B. Johnson and Austin, 2007Agency: Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, TX. $7,000Investigators: Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Graefe, A., Absher, J., Ivy, M., & Schuett, M.A. (CoPI) (100% effort)

66. Title: Federal Geographic Data Committee Metadata Workshop Support, 2007Agency: United States Geological Survey, Denver, CO. $25,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

67. Title: Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Survey, 2007Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project, $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

68. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2007Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$128,653Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

69. Title: Development of Enhanced Database Prototype for Visitor Services Project, 20072008Agency: National Park Service, Washington D.C. $42,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

70. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2008Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$91,968


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

71. Title: Support for the Center for Socioeconomic Research & Education, 2008Agency: Texas A&M University (AgriLife Research & Extension) $15,000Investigator: Schuett, M.A.

72. Title: Everglades National Park Survey, 2008Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

73. Title: Predicting Changing Recreation Visitation Rates through the Analysis of Secondary Databases, 2008Agency: USDA Forest Service, St. Paul, MN. $10,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

74. Title: Visitor Services Data Project, 2008Agency: National Park Service, Social Science Program, Washington D.C. $18,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

75. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2009Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$95,265 Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

76. Title: Bryce Canyon National Park Survey, 2009Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

77. Title: Operations Funding for the Center for Socioeconomic Research & Education, 2009Agency: Texas A&M University (AgriLife Research) $7,500Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

78. Title: Visitor Services Web Interface, 2009-2010Agency: National Park Service, Social Science Program, Washington D.C. $40,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

79. Title: Managing TX Tourism Contracts, 2010Agency: Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism, Austin, TX.$56,776Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

80. Title: Issues Facing South Florida/Caribbean Parks in the Southeast Region: A ScopingProcess, 2010


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $6,815Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort) & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (PI)

81. Title: New Bedford Whaling Museum Survey, 2010Agency: National Park Service, Visitor Services Project. $2,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

82. Title: Texas Outdoor Recreation Participation Data Trends, 2010Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. $6,000Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

83. Title: Visitor Services Data Project, 2010Agency: National Park Service, Social Science Program, Washington D.C. $8,680Investigators: Schuett, M.A

84. Title: Issues Facing South Florida/Caribbean Parks in the Southeast Region, 2010-2011Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $32,179Investigator: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort) & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (PI)

85. Title: Examining Demographic and Socio-economic Changes in Texas National ParkUnits, 2010-2011Agency: National Park Service, Atlanta, GA. $30,000

Investigator: Schuett, M.A.

86. Title: Visitor Services Data Project, 2010Agency: National Park Service, Social Science Program, Washington, D.C. $14,496Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

87. Title: 2009 Texas Statewide Angler Survey Report, 2011Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. $22,457Investigators: Kyle, G, T., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (Co-PI) (50% effort)

88. Title: 2007 Amistad Angler Survey Report, 2011Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. $22,457Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort) & Kyle, G, T. (Co-PI)

89. Title: Nature Tourism Business Operators – Motivation and Barriers to Participation inProfessional Nature Tourism Associations, 2012Agency: Texas A & M University, RREA, College Station, TX $3,84Investigators: Phillips, M., (PI), & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

90. Title: Annual Outdoor Recreation Participation Study, 2012Organization: Outdoor Foundation, Boulder, CO. $3,750


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Investigators: Schuett, M.A.

91. Title: Texas Licensed Angler Survey, 2012-2013Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. $75,271Investigators: Kyle, G.T., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

92. Title: Illegal Immigrants in South Florida’s National Parks, 2012-2013Agency: National Park Service, Southeast Region, Atlanta, GA. $8,437Investigators: Schuett, M.A., (PI) (50% effort) & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (PI)

93. Title: Examining the Relationship between National Parks and Adjacent Communities:Understanding Stakeholders’ Perspectives, 2013-2014Agency: Texas A&M University, Division of Research. $17,822Investigators: Matarrita-Cascante, D., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

94. Title: Socio-Economic Study of Texas Artificial Reefs, 2013-2014Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX: $128,033Investigators: Schuett, M. A., (PI) (50% effort) & Kyle, G.T. (PI)

95. Title: Electronic Survey of Licensed Texas Anglers: Potential Revisions to RegulationsImpacting Spotted Seatrout and Flounder Fisheries, 2014Agency: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX. $8,625Investigators: Kyle, G. T., (PI) & Schuett, M.A. (PI) (50% effort)

96. Title: Integrating Multidisciplinary Research and High Impact Learning intoUndergraduate and Graduate Education, 2014-2016 Agency: Texas A& M University, Division of Research, Tier One Program, CollegeStation, TX $300,000 Investigators: Brightsmith, D.J., Fitzgerald, L., Stronza, A. (PIs), Schuett, M. A. (Co-PI (10% effort with 22 other Faculty)


Given the applied nature of my research program, my work has been disseminated in several types of outlets. I have published 38 refereed journal articles in top quality journals, Leisure Sciences, Environmental Management and Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Of my last 20 publications, 65% have been co-authored with my graduate students. I have produced 58 research and technical reports for various federal and state agencies and made 125 presentations, both nationally and internationally. Of my last 50 presentations over 50% have been co-authored with my graduate students.

Summary Table for Publications and Scholarly Work


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

Type Since 2003 CareerRefereed/Peer Reviewed 20 38Scientific Abstracts 24 48Chapters in Books 1 2Research Agency Publications 30 58Extension Agency Publications 4 4Popular /Industry Articles 5 5

Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

1. Wicks, B.E., & Schuett, M.A. (1991). Examining the role of tourism promotion throughthe use of brochures. Tourism Management, 12(4), 301-312.

2. Schuett, M.A. (1992). Juvenile restitution and outdoor adventure: Prevention strategy for youth-at-risk. Leisure Information Quarterly, 18(2), 3-5.

3. Schuett, M.A. (1993). Information sources and risk recreation: The case of whitewater kayakers. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 11(1), 67-77.

4. Schuett, M.A. (1993). Amish perceptions of tourism in an Illinois Amish community. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 1(3), 63-78.

5. Schuett, M.A. (1993). Refining measures of adventure recreation involvement. LeisureSciences, 15(3), 205-216.

6. Wicks, B.E., & Schuett, M.A. (1993). Using travel brochures to target frequent travelers and "big spenders." Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2(2-3), 77-90.

7. Schuett, M.A. (1994). Environmental preference and risk recreation: The case of whitewater kayakers. The Journal of Environmental Education, 25(2), 9-14.

8. Schuett, M.A. (1995). Predictors of social group participation in whitewater kayaking.Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 13(2), 42-54.

9. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., Olson, D., & Chavez, D. (1995). An examination of thecharacteristics, preferences, and attitudes of mountain bike users of the national forests.Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 13(3), 41-51.

10. Schuett, M.A., & Holmes, T. P. (1996). Using a collaborative approach to developing a regional bicycle tourism plan. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 4(1), 83-95.

11. Schuett, M.A. (1997). State park directors’ perceptions of mountain biking. Environmental 35

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Management, 21(2), 239-246.

12. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D. S. (1997). Has collaborative planning taken root inthe National Forests? Journal of Forestry, 95(5), 25-28.

13. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D. S. (1998). Collaborative planning and NationalForest planning and management: A preliminary perspective from external partners.Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 15(3), 1-6.

14. Carr, D.S., Selin, S.W., & Schuett, M.A. (1998). Managing public forests: Understandingthe role of collaborative planning. Environmental Management, 22(5), 767-776.

15. Schuett, M.A., Whisman, S.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2000). An importance-performance evaluation of selected programs in the National Center for Recreation and Conservation. Park Science, 20(2), 30-35.

16. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D.S. (2000). Modeling stakeholders’ perceptions ofcollaborative initiative effectiveness. Society & Natural Resources, 13(8), 735-746.

17. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (2001). Making it work: Collaboration in naturalresource management. Environmental Management, 27(4), 587-593.

18. Schuett, M.A, Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (2002). Profiling collaborative natural resource initiatives and active participants. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 19(4), 155-160.

19. Schuett, M.A., & Ostergren, D. (2003). Environmental concern and involvement ofindividuals in selected voluntary associations. Journal of Environmental Education, 34(4),30-38.

20. Seiser, P*., & Schuett, M.A. (2006). Defining the concept of cave wilderness and its designation values. International Journal of Wilderness, 12(2), 8-16.

21. Schuett, M. A., & Pierskalla, C. D., (2007). Managing for site preferences and characteristics: The case of fee-fishing anglers. Environmental Management, 39(2), 164-


22. Schuett, M.A., Lu, J*., Fannin, D., & Bowser, G. (2008). The wildland urban interface andthe national forests of East Texas. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 25(4),24.

23. Schuett, M.A., Jacob, J., Lu, J*., & Respess, L. (2008). Keeping our charm: Residents,growth and quality of life issues in a small but growing Texas coastal community.


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Journal of Extension, 46(6). [electronic version].

24. Schuett, M.A., Warnick, R.B., & Lu, J*. (2009). A qualitative analysis of national outdoorrecreation surveys. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 27(2), 46-59.

25. Tseng, Y.P**., Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Graefe, A.R., Bradle, T.A., & Schuett, M.A.(2009). Exploring the crowding-satisfaction relationship in recreational boating.Environmental Management, 43(3), 496-507.

26. Oh, J**., & Schuett, M.A. (2010). Exploring expenditure-based segmentation for rural tourism: Overnight stay visitors versus excursionists to fee-fishing sites. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 27(1), 31-50.

27. Schuett, M.A., Le, L., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2010). Who visits U.S. national parks:Analysis of park visitors and visitation 1990-2008. World Leisure Journal, 52(3), 200210.

28. Schuett, M.A., Lu, J*., Ditton, R.B., & Tseng, Y.P**. (2010). Sociodemographics, motivations, and behavior: The case of Texas anglers 1989-2004. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 15(4), 247-261.

29. Pierskalla, C.D., Schuett, M.A., & Thompson, K. A**. (2011). Management perceptions ofoff-highway vehicle use on national forest system lands in Appalachia. Northern Journal ofApplied Forestry, 28(4), 172-178.

30. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2012). Examining the role of voluntary associations inenvironmental management: The case of the Sam Houston National Forest. EnvironmentalManagement, 49(2), 334-346.

31. Bentley, A. L*., & Schuett, M.A. (2012). On the border in Everglades and Dry TortugasNational Parks: Federal law enforcement perspectives on response to Cuban immigrant

landings. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 30(2), 63-84.

32. Shingote-Jhamvar, R*., & Schuett, M.A. (2013). The predators of Junnar: Local peoples’ knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes towards leopards and leopard conservation. HumanDimensions of Wildlife, 18(1), 32-44.

33. Kang, M**., & Schuett, M.A. (2013). Determinants of sharing travel experiences in socialmedia. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 30(1), 93-107.

34. Ding, C*., & Schuett, M.A. (2013). Examining the motivation and involvement of Chineserock climbers. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 5(1), 54-73.


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35. Dahal, S*., Nepal, S., & Schuett, M.A. (2014). Examining marginalized communities andlocal conservation institutions: The case of Nepal’s Annapurna Conservation area.Environmental Management, 53(1), 219-230.

36. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2014). Examining the relationship between motivation, enduring involvement and volunteer experience: The case of outdoor recreation voluntary associations. Leisure Sciences, 36(1), 68-87.

37. Schuett, M.A., Kyle, G.T., Leitz, J., Kurzawski, K. & Lee, K*. (2014). Anglers’ motivations for volunteering with fishing or conservation organizations. Fisheries, 39(7), 305-311.

38. Lee, K*., & Schuett, M.A. (2014). Exploring spatial variations in the relationships between

residents' recreation demand and associated factors: A case study in Texas. AppliedGeography, 53, 213-222.

__________________________*Graduate student I chair(ed); **Graduate student

Under Review/Revision

1. Choe, Y*. & Schuett, M. A. An analysis of first-time and repeat visitors to Koreannational parks. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. (Under review).

2. Dahal, S*., Schuett, M.A., & Nepal, S. Perceived benefits of tourism and conservation: The views from nonprofit, local management and marginal populations. Journal of Environmental Management. (Under review).

3. Wallen, K. E*., Landon, A*., Kyle, G., Schuett, M.A. & Leitz, J., & Kurzawski, K. Sampling efficacy and bias in mode of response for survey-based research: Implications forrecreational fisheries management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management(Under review).

Book Chapters

1. Wicks, B.E., & Schuett, M.A. (1993). Using travel brochures to target frequent travelersand "big spenders." In M. Uyssal and D. R. Fesenmaier, Communication and channelsystems in tourism marketing (pp. 77-90). New York: Haworth Press.

2. Schuett, M.A., Scott, D., & O’Leary, J.T. (2008). Factors impacting participation in


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hunting, fishing, and wildlife-associated recreation. In M. Manfredo, Pathways to success:Integrating human dimensions into fisheries and wildlife management (pp. 18-30).Washington DC: Island Press.

Reviewed Conference Proceeding Papers

1. Schuett, M.A., Phelan, C.M., & McGuire, F.A. (1989). Motivational differences forpleasure travel across the lifespan. Proceedings of the Intermountain Leisure Symposium,10, 77-85.

2. Phelan, C.M., & Schuett, M.A. (1990). Performance appraisal in leisure services. The major legal considerations. Proceedings of the Intermountain Leisure Symposium, 10, 231-247.

3. Schuett, M.A. (1992). Social interaction in adventure recreation participation. Proceedings of the First Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, 1, 63-64.

4. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Olson, D. (1995). Conflicts and issues related to Mountain biking in the national forests: A multi methodological approach. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, 2, 7-10 (USDA General Technical Report, PSW-156, 1995).

5. Schuett, M.A. (1995). Mountain bike use on public lands: What's the policy? ContributedPapers, 8th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and Public Lands. George Wright Society, 8, 224-231.

6. Holmes, T.P., & Schuett, M.A. (1995). Bicycle tourism development in the AdirondackNorth Country region of New York State. Proceedings of the 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 17-23.

7. Schuett, M.A. (1995). Outdoor recreation participation and demand trends. Proceedings of the Fourth International Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Trends Symposium, 4, 39-42.

8. Phelan, M., Schuett, M.A., & McGuire, M.A. (1996). Student perceptions of internships and their professional preparation: An exploratory study. Proceedings of the Southwest District AAHPERD, 15, 15-25.

9. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D.S. (1996). Collaborative planning and the USDA Forest Service: Land manager perspectives. Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 101-104.

10. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (1998). An examination of effectiveness in thecollaborative management of natural resources. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern


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Recreation Research Conference, 42-45.

11. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Whisman, S.A. (1999). The Government Performanceand Results Act survey: Results from selected programs of the National Park Service. InHarmon, D. (Ed). On the Future of Communities: Proceedings of the 10th George WrightConference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, (pp. 34- 40) Hancock, MI: George Wright Society.

12. Schuett, M.A., & Seiser, P*. (2001). Trails research: Where do we go from here? Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 333-335.

13. Fields, J. N**., Moldovanyi, A**., Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2003). Determining standards of quality for fee fishing establishments in West Virginia. Proceedings of the 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 134-138.

14. Schuett, M.A., & Bowser, G. (2006). Managers’ perceptions of issues in serving racial andethnic minorities in urban parks. The George Wright Forum, 23(4), 40-48.

15. Moldovanyi, A**., Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004). Examining specialization for a fishing subactivity: Is activity and place specialization better understood at the activity or subactivity level. Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 412-415.

16. Zongxiang, M**., Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2006). Connecting WV fee-fishingbusinesses with the larger tourism market through the development of tourism packages.Proceedings of the 2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 197-205.

17. Thompson, K**., Pierskalla, C.D, & Schuett, M. A. (2007). Management perceptions of off-highway vehicle use on national forest system lands in Appalachia. Proceedings of the 2007 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 300-305.

18. Schuett, M.A., Jacob, J., Lu, J*., & Respess, L. (2008). Keeping our charm: Residents, growth and quality of life issues in a small but growing Texas coastal community. Proceedings of the 2008 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 292-297.

19. Warnick, R. B., Schuett, M.A., Kuentzel, W.K., & More, T.A. (2009). Changes in nationalpark visitation (2000-2008) and interest in outdoor activities (1993-2008). Proceedings of

the 2009 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 204-213.

20. Lu, J*., Schuett, M.A., Wolber, N., & Ditton, R. B. (2009). Longitudinal analysis of Fishing behavior among Texas anglers (1990-2006). Proceedings of the 2009Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, 128-134.


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21. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2009). Understanding visitors’ attitudes toward fees: The case of a privately-leased nature tourism site in China. Proceedings of the International Society

of Travel and Tourism Educators, 337-345.

22. Warnick, R. B., Schuett, M.A., Kuentzel, W.K., More, T.A., & Stevens, T. (2011). National Park Service visitation and interest in outdoor activities: An update through 2009. Proceedings of the 2011 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference.

23. Warnick, R.B., & Schuett, M.A. (2011). National Park Service visitation and interest in the outdoors-An update through 2010. Proceedings of the 2011 Northeastern Recreation Research Conference.

Research and Technical Reports

1. Wicks, B.E., & Schuett, M.A. (1990). An investigation of the utility of using brochures asa tourism communications tool. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois, Department of Leisure Studies Internal report.

2. Schuett, M.A., & Wicks, B.E. (1990). The impact of recreational boating in Illinois.Illinois Indiana Sea Grant Program. Urbana-Champaign, IL.

3. Schuett, M.A., & Wicks, B.E. (1990). Sources of assistance for the tourism industry inIllinois. Office of Recreation and Tourism Development: Urbana-Champaign, IL.

4. Schuett, M.A. (1991). Testing the adventure model for outdoor adventure recreationparticipation. USDA Forest Service Internal Report# PSW 90-0036CA: Riverside, CA.

5. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Olson, D. (1993). An examination of thecharacteristics, preferences, and attitudes of mountain bike users of the national forests: Apreliminary analysis. USDA Forest Service Internal Report# PSW 92-0019CA: Riverside,CA.

6. Schuett, M.A. (1994). A collection of icebreakers and team building activities forworkshops. San Marcos, TX: Educare Institute, Texas State University.

7. Holmes, T., Healy, D., & Schuett, M.A. (1994). Bicycle master plan for the AdirondackNorth Country region of New York state. Adirondack North Country Association: SaranacLake, NY.

8. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Olson, D. (1995). A national study of mountain bikingopinion leaders: Characteristics, preferences, attitudes and conflicts. USDA ForestService Internal Report# PSW 93-0034CA: Riverside, CA.


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9. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D.S. (1995). Collaborative planning and NationalForest management: Land manager perspectives. USDA Forest Service Internal Report:Washington D.C.

10. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (1996). Collaborative planning and NationalForest management: Perspectives of external partners. USDA Forest Service Internal Report: Washington, D.C.

11. Carr, D.S., Selin, S.W., & Schuett, M.A. (1996). Public forest management: Implementingcollaborative planning in National Forest management. USDA Forest Service InternalReport: Washington, D.C.

12. Schuett, M.A. (1997). Recreation program appraisal for the San Antonio Parks andRecreation Department. Leonard Ehrler & Associates and Management LearningLaboratories Internal report: Austin, TX.

13. Schuett, M.A. (1998). Summary report of off-highway vehicle study. National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, Inc. Internal report: Sheboygan, WI.

14. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Kraje, J.M*. (1999). Evaluation of the rural communitypartnership meeting in Knoxville, TN 1995. USDA Forest Service Report Internal Report:Washington D.C.

15. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (1999). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Cultural Resources, Stewardship and Partnerships. National ParkService Internal Report: Washington D.C.

16. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (1999). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Recreation and Conservation. National Park Service Internal Report: Washington D.C.

17. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Zepeda, N**. (2000). Evaluation of the rural communitypartnership meeting in Kalispell, MT 1999. USDA Forest Service Internal report:Washington D.C.

18. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2000). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Cultural Resources, Stewardship and Partnerships. National ParkService Internal Report: Washington D.C.


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19. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2000). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Recreation and Conservation. National Park Service Internal Report:Washington D.C.

20. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2001). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Cultural Resources, Stewardship and Partnerships. National ParkService Internal Report: Washington D.C.

21. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2001). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Recreation and Conservation. National Park Service Internal Report:Washington D.C.

22. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2002). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Center for Cultural Resources, Stewardship and Partnerships. National ParkService Internal Report: Washington D.C.

23. Le, Y., Littlejohn, M., & Schuett, M.A. (2002). Hopewell Furnace National Historic sitevisitor study. Report #139. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.

24. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2003). Serving customers: A report oncustomer satisfaction with selected programs of the National Park Service’s CulturalResource Partnerships Programs. National Park Service Internal Report: Washington D.C.

25. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2003). Serving cooperators: A reporton selected programs of the National Center for Recreation and Conservation. NationalPark Service Internal Report: Washington D.C.

26. Kaiser, R., Shafer, S., & Schuett, M.A. (2003). Issues and opportunities associated withoff road vehicle use in Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

27. Shields, W.L., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2003). Capulin Volcano NationalMonument visitor study. Report #146. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow,ID.

28. Schuett, M.A., Bowser, G., Crompton, J., Scott, D., Shafer, S., Witt, P., & O’Leary, J.(2004). Enhancing the effectiveness of park and recreation services for racial and ethnicminorities. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

29. Shafer, S., Doh, M**., Skadberg, A., & Schuett, M.A. (2004). Visit Big Bend tourism43

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survey report. Visit Big Bend Tourism Council, Terlingua, TX.

30. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2004). Serving customers: A report oncustomer satisfaction with selected programs of the National Park Service’s CulturalResource Partnerships Programs. National Park Service Internal Report: Washington D.C.

31. Le, Y., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S. J. (2004). John Day Fossil Beds NationalMonument visitor study. Report #162. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow,ID.

32. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2005). Serving customers: A report oncustomer satisfaction with selected programs of the National Park Service’s National Center for Recreation and Conservation. National Park Service Internal Report:Washington D.C.

33. Le, Y., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S. J. (2005). Fort Sumter National Monument visitorstudy. Report #169. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.

34. Schuett, M.A. & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2005). Fire programs partner satisfaction study. Bureauof Land Management & National Interagency Fire Center Internal Report: Washington D.C.

35. Shafer, C.S., Schuett. M.A., Scott, D, & Cheng, C.K**. (2006). Trail-related recreation in Texas: A review of plans and available data. Report submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX.

36. Schuett, M.A., Fannin, D., & Folts, T.F**., Scott, D., Kyle, G.T., & Shafer, C.S. (2006).Demographic and socio-economic profile of the region surrounding the Big Thicket National Preserve. National Park Service Internal Report: Beaumont, TX.

37. Evans, J., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2006). Golden Spike Historic Site visitorstudy. Report #181. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.

38. Hollenhorst, S.J., Schuett, M.A., & Whisman, S.A. (2007). Serving customers: A report oncustomer satisfaction with selected programs of the National Park Service’s National Center for Cultural Resources. National Park Service Internal Report: Washington D.C.

39. Holmes, N., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2007). Agate Fossil Beds NationalMonument visitor study. Report #191. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.

40. Papadogiannaki, E., Holmes, N.C., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2008). Everglades National Park visitor study. Report #199. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit:Moscow, ID.


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41. Schuett, M.A. (2008). A review of UTSA research centers and institutes. University ofTexas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

42. Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Schuett, M.A., Tseng, Y.P**., Bradle, T., & Richardson, J., et al. (2009). A study of recreational boating on Lake Travis, Texas. Lower Colorado River Authority: Austin, TX.

43. Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Schuett, M.A., Tseng, Y.P**., Bradle, T., & Richardson, J., et al.(2009). A study of recreational boating on Lake Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas. Lower Colorado River Authority Internal Report: Austin, TX.

44. Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Schuett, M.A., Tseng, Y.P**., Bradle, T., & Richardson, J., et al. (2009). A study of recreational boating on Lake Austin, Texas. Lower Colorado River

Authority: Austin, TX.

45. Holmes, N.C., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2009). Bryce Canyon National Parkvisitor study. Report #219. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.

46. Schuett, M.A., Bentley, A*., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2010). Exploring the impact ofillegal migrants on Everglades National Park. National Park Service Internal Report:Atlanta, GA.

47. Schuett, M.A. Texas recreation participation trends data. (2010). Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Report: Austin, TX.

48. Schuett, M.A., Bentley, A*., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2010). Exploring the impact ofillegal migrants on Dry Tortugas National Park. National Park Service Internal Report:Atlanta, GA. Schuett, M. (2010).

49. Schuett, M.A. (2011). Five-year review of the Center for Socioeconomic Research & Education. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University, College,Station, TX.

50. Nussbaum, K.E., Manni, M.F., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S. J. (2011). New BedfordWhaling National Historical Park visitor study. Report #236. University of Idaho, ParkStudies Unit: Moscow, ID.

51. Schuett, M.A. (2011). An external review of documents and reports for the University ofIdaho’s visitor services project. University of Idaho, Park Studies Unit: Moscow, ID.


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52. Landon, A.C**., Jun, J**., Kyle, G.T., Yoon, J.I**., & Schuett, M.A. (2012). Demographics, participation, attitudes and management preferences of Texas anglers. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

53. Schuett, M.A., Gao, X**., Shingote-Jhamvar, R*., Kyle, G.T., & Dudensing, R. (2012).Economic characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors among Lake Amistad Anglers 2007. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

54. Schuett, M.A., & Lee, K*. (2012). Demographic changes surrounding Texas national parkunits 1990-2010. National Park Service Internal Report: Denver, CO.

55. Phillips, M., Gao, X**., Schuett, M.A. & Brueggerhof, S. (2013). 2012 Nature tourismbusiness operator survey: Examining motivation and barriers to participation in professional nature tourism associations. RREA Internal Report Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

56. Kyle, G.T., Schuett, M.A., Lee, K*., Yoon, J. I**., Ding, C*., & Wallen, K**. (2014).Demographics, participation, attitudes and management preferences of Texas anglers.Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

57. Kyle, G.T., Schuett, M.A., Park, J**., & van Riper, C**. (2014). Texas licensed saltwater anglers’ attitudes to potential regulation changes affecting spotted seatrout and flounder fisheries. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

58. Schuett, M.A., Kyle, G.T., Dudensing, R., Ding, C*., van Riper, C**., & Park, J**. (2014). Attitudes, behavior, and management preferences of Texas artificial reef users. TexasParks and Wildlife Department: Austin, TX.

Popular Articles and Extension Publications

1. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Chavez, D. (1996). Researchers study IMBAmembers. IMBA Trail News, 8(2), 12-13.

2. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Chavez, D. (1997). Profiling club members: The caseof the International Mountain Biking Association. Trends, 34(3), 48-51.

3. Schuett, M.A. (1999). Research needs for trails detailed at symposium. Trail Tracks,28(1), 20.

4. Jones, C., Hollenhorst, S. J., & Schuett, M.A. (1998). Experience quality considerations in

managing for risk recreation access. Trends, 35(1), 2-8.

5. Schuett, M.A. (1998). The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, Inc: An


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overview of the organization and OHV issues. Trends, 35(1), 14-17.

6. Schuett, M.A. (2006). Urban parks: Volunteers and civic engagement. AgriLife FactSheet, Texas A&M University. E-440.

7. Schuett, M.A., Shafer, S., & Lu, J*. (2008). Outdoor recreation participation trends inTexas. AgriLife Fact Sheet, Texas A&M University E-500.

8. Schuett, M.A., & Bentley, A*. (2010). Cave tourism: Opportunities and responsibilities.AgriLife Fact Sheet, Texas A&M University. E-255.

9. Schuett, M.A., Gao, X**., & Fannin, D. (2010). National park visitation trends in Texas1990-2008. AgriLife Fact Sheet, Texas A&M University. E-254.

Scientific Conference Presentations and Posters


1. Schuett, M.A. (1993, May). Information sources and risk recreation: The case ofwhitewater kayakers. Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

2. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D.S. (1997, February). Collaborative planning and natural resource management in the Americas: Potential and pitfalls. International

Symposium on Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management in the Americas, Belize City, Belize

3. Chavez, D., & Schuett, M.A. (1999, July). Comparing two national surveys: Mountain bicyclists and off-highway vehicle users. International Symposium on Society and

Resource Management, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

4. Schuett, M.A., & Chavez, D. (1999, July). Profiling off-highway vehicle enthusiasts: A national study. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Brisbane,

Queensland, Australia.

5. Schuett, M.A., Scott, D., & Shafer, S. (2006, June). U.S. Outdoor recreation participation data: What can you believe? International Symposium on Society and Resource

Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

6. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2012, September). Examining the relationship between motivation, enduring involvement, and organizational engagement: The case of outdoor recreation voluntary associations. World Leisure Congress, Remini, Spain.


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7. Lu, J*., Schuett, M.A. & Hung, K**. (2014, June). Motivation to travel abroad: The effect of time perspective. ApacCHRIE, Annual International Conference on Tourism, Athens,Greece.

United States

1. Schuett, M.A., Peterson, G.A., & O'Leary, J.T. (1990, October). Adventure based outdoor recreation: An analysis and comparison of two national surveys. National Recreation and Park Association's Leisure Research Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

2. Schuett, M.A. (1991, February). The impact of tourism on the Illinois Amish: Anexploratory analysis. Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Asheville, NC.

3. Schuett, M.A., & Wicks, B.E. (1991, November). Examining the role of brochures inpromoting commercial recreation and tourism. Resort and Commercial RecreationAssociation Conference, Bend, OR.

4. Schuett, M.A. (1992, February). Social interaction in adventure recreation participation.First Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, Ontario, CA.

5. Schuett, M.A. (1992, May). Examining the social context of adventure recreation: Thecase of whitewater kayaking. International Symposium on Symposium on Society andResource Management, Madison, WI.

6. Schuett, M.A. (1992, October). Testing the adventure model for outdoor adventurerecreation participation. National Recreation and Park Association's Leisure ResearchSymposium, Cincinnati, OH.

7. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., Chavez, D., & Olson, D. (1993, October). Investigatingthe phenomenon of mountain biking in the national forests. National Recreation and ParkAssociation's Leisure Research Symposium, San Jose, CA.

8. Schuett, M.A. (1993, November). The major issues and challenges in technology andrecreation. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

9. Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (1993, November). Mountain biking: Userperspectives. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

10. Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (1994, June). Access, impacts, user conflict and more:Issues facing mountain biking in the national forests. International Symposium on Societyand Resource Management, Fort Collins, CO.


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11. Schuett, M.A. (1994, June). Factors predicting social participation in whitewaterkayaking. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Fort Collins,CO.

12. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Olson, D. (1994, February). Conflicts and issuesrelated to mountain biking in the national forests: A multi methodological approach.Second Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, San Diego, CA.

13. Chavez, D., Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Olson, D. (1994, February). Mountainbiking on the San Jacinto District. Second Symposium on Social Aspects and RecreationResearch, San Diego, CA.

14. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., Chavez, D., & Olson, D. (1994, October).Differentiating between early and later adopters in mountain biking. National Recreationand Park Association's Leisure Research Symposium, Minneapolis, MN.

15. Schuett, M.A. (1995, February). Mountain bike use on public lands: What's the policy?Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and Public Lands, GeorgeWright Society, Portland, OR.

16. Holmes, T.P., & Schuett, M.A. (1995, April). Bicycle tourism development in theAdirondack North Country region of New York State. Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

17. Holmes, T.P., & Schuett, M.A. (1995, August). Bicycle tourism development in theAdirondack North Country region of New York: An example of social sciencediversification and downsizing. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, WashingtonD.C.

18. Selin, S.W., Schuett, M.A., & Carr, D. S. (1996, April). Collaborative planning andnational forest management: Land managers’ perspectives. Northeastern RecreationResearch Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

19. Schuett, M.A., & Selin, S.W. (1996, May). Collaborative planning and natural resourcemanagement. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, StateCollege, PA.

20. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., Chavez, D., & Olson, D. (1996, May). Motives formembership in a voluntary recreation organization: The case of the InternationalMountain Biking Association. International Symposium on Society and ResourceManagement, State College, PA.

21. Schuett, M.A., Chavez, D., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (1997, October). International Mountain49

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Biking Association: The meaning and influence of social capital. National Recreation andPark Association’s Leisure Research Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT.

22. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (1998, March). An examination of effectivenessin the collaborative management of natural resources. Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.

23. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Carr, D.S. (1998, June). Outcome achievement incollaborative planning. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management,Columbia, MO.

24. Schuett, M.A. (1998, November). The latest in trails-related research. National TrailsSymposium, Tucson, AZ.

25. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Whisman, S.A. (1999, March). The Government and

Performance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Park Service. Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands

(George Wright Society Conference) Asheville, SC.

26. Schuett, M.A. (1999, April). Research needs of trail users: A land manager’s agenda.National Recreation Resource Planning Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

27. Whisman, S.A., & Schuett, M.A. (2000, April). Commercial rafting allocations in West Virginia: Science, art or politics? River Management Society Conference, Charleston, SC.

28. Schuett, M.A., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Whisman, S.A. (1999, May). The Government andPerformance and Results Act (GPRA) survey: Results from selected programs of theNational Park Service. Rivers, Trails and Conservation Training Conference, TraverseCity, MI.

29. Schuett, M.A., Selin, S.W., & Odell, S. (2000, May). Outcomes of a rural communityassistance conference. National Tourism Extension Conference, Kona, HI.

30. Jones, C., Hollenhorst, S.J., & Schuett, M.A. (2000, June). Development of a riskrecreation opportunity spectrum: Comparisons of Canadian and U.S. strategies formanaging risk in the national parks. International Symposium on Society and ResourceManagement, Bellingham, WA.

31. Whisman, S.A., Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (2000, June). Safety programs in WestVirginia’s commercial whitewater rafting industry. International Symposium on Societyand Resource Management, Bellingham, WA.

32. Schuett, M.A., & Ostergren, D. (2000, June). Environmental attitudes and activism of


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individuals in selected voluntary associations. International Symposium on Society andResource Management, Bellingham, WA.

33. Schuett, M.A., & Seiser, P*. (2000, September). Trails research agenda: What do youwant? National Trails Symposium, Redding, CA.

34. Schuett, M. A., & Seiser, P. (2001, April). Trails research needs: Where do we go fromhere? Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

35. Schuett, M.A., & Goldman, T. L. (2002, June). Linking community design, economicdevelopment and livability in rural and urban areas. International Symposium on Societyand Resource Management, Bloomington, IN.

36. Fields, J. N**., Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, March). Determining catch-related standards of quality for pay fishing establishments in West Virginia. World Aquaculture Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

37. Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, March). A contingent valuation of hybrid bluegill at West Virginia fee fishing businesses. World Aquaculture Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

38. Fields, J. N**., Pierskalla, C. D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, April). Determining standards ofquality for fee fishing establishments in West Virginia. Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.

39. Moldovanyi, A**., Pierskalla, C. D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, April). Understanding fishingspecialization of pay-fishing anglers in West Virginia. Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.

40. Pierskalla, C.D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, June). Pay pond fishing motivations and catch related standards of quality. International Symposium on Society and Resource

Management, Keystone, CO.

41. Moldavanyi, A**., Pierskalla, C. D., & Schuett, M.A. (2004, June). Reconceptualizingspecialization for a fishing subactivity: Is activity and place specialization betterunderstood at the activity or subactivity level? International Symposium on Society andResource Management, Keystone, CO.

42. Schuett, M.A. (2005, March). Bridging the gap between academics and practitioners.George Wright Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

43. Schuett, M.A., & Scott, D. (2005, March). Enhancing effectiveness of urban park andRecreation services for racial and ethnic minorities. George Wright Society Conference,


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Philadelphia, PA.

44. Schuett, M.A., Shafer, S., Scott, D., & Swick, H*. (2005, June). The state of trail plans in the U.S.: Who has them, what’s in them and why? National Association of Recreation Resource Planners Conference, Folsom, CA.

45. Zongxiang, M**., Pierskalla, C. D., Schuett, M.A., & Moldovanyi, A. (2006, April).Examining the relationship between push and pull motivational factors associated withdifferent West Virginia fishing packages. Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium,Bolton Landing, NY.

46. Kyle, G.T., & Schuett, M.A. (2006, April). Shifting demographics: Implications for publicland management. Northeast Recreation Research Symposium, Bolton Landing, NY.

47. Schuett, M.A., & Bowser, G. (2006, October). Changing socio-demographics surrounding national parks. Society for Human Ecology Conference, Bar Harbor, ME.

48. Schuett, M.A., Bowser, G., Fannin, D., & Lu, J*. (2007, April). The impacts of populationand landscape change on national parks. The George Wright Society Conference, St.Paul, MN.

49. Thompson, K*, Pierskalla, C. D., & Schuett, M.A. (2007, April). Management perceptions of off-highway vehicle use on national forest system lands in Appalachia. Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

50. Schuett, M.A., Lu, J*., & Warnick, R. B. (2007, May). National outdoor recreationdatasets: Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). National Association of RecreationResource Planners, Austin, TX.

51. Hyun, W.Y*., & Schuett, M.A. (2007, June). Factors affecting water-based recreationparticipation by water flow change. International Symposium on Society and ResourceManagement, Park City, UT.

52. Tseng, Y.P**., Kyle, G.T., Shafer, S., Graefe, A.R., Schuett, M.A., & Bradle, T.A. (2008,April). Exploring the crowding-satisfaction relationship in recreational boating.

Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

53. Lu, J*., Schuett, M.A., & Jacob, J. (2008, April). Keeping our charm: Residents, growth, quality of life issues in a small but growing Texas coastal community. Northeastern

Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

54. Gao, X**., & Schuett, M.A. (2008, June). Who are they? The characteristics of Americanleisure travelers. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management.


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Burlington, VT.

55. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2008, June). Understanding wildlife watching participation among older adults: A national assessment 2001-2006. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington VT.

56. Schuett, M.A., & Lu, J*. (2008, November). National outdoor recreation surveys: Pros, cons and potential uses. Society of American Foresters National Convention, Reno, NV.

57. Warnick, R.B., More, T. A., & Schuett, M.A. (2009, March). Outdoor recreationparticipation; What are these data telling us? Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.

58. Lu, J*., Schuett, M.A., Wolber, N**., & Ditton, R. B. (2009, March). Longitudinal analysisof fishing behavior among Texas anglers (1990-2006). Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.

59. Warnick, R.B., More, T.A., Schuett, M.A., & Kuentzel, W.K. (2009, March). National

Park Service visitation and interest in outdoor activities. Northeastern RecreationResearch Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

60. Lu, J*., & Schuett, M.A. (2009, June). Understanding visitors’ attitudes toward fees: The case of a privately leased nature tourism site in China. International Society of Travel

and Tourism Educators, San Antonio, TX.

61. Bentley, A*., Six, G**., Schuett, M.A., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2010, March). Wet foot, dry foot. Exploring the impact of illegal migrants on South Florida’s national parks. Presented at Graduate Student Research Week, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

62. Kuentzel, W.K., More, T.A., Schuett, M.A., Stevens, T., Stewart, S.I., & Warnick, R.B.(2010, April). Who cares about national parks? Social change and declining visitation.

Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

63. Schuett, M.A. Warnick, R.B., Stevens, T., More, T.A., Kuentzel, W.K., Stewart, S.I. & Flint, B. (2010, April). Getting a handle on existing data to assess the use of parks/

recreation/protected areas in the U.S. Northeastern Recreation Research Conference,Bolton Landing, NY.

64. Lu, J*, & Schuett, M.A. (2010, April). Exploring the antecedents of place attachment: Therole of motivation and involvement for Texas anglers. Northeastern Recreation ResearchConference, Bolton Landing, NY.


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65. Bentley, A*., Six, G**., Schuett, M.A., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2010, June). Wet foot, dry foot. Exploring the impact of illegal migrants on South Florida’s national parks. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, TX.

66. Lu, J*., Schuett, M.A., & Huan, W**. (2010, June). Privately-operated nature preserves inChina: A case study of the Tai Hu Yuan scenic area. International Symposium on Society

and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, TX.

67. Collins, J.R., & Schuett, M.A. (2010, November). Keeping up with the Joneses: What some of the best are doing. American Trails National Symposium, Chattanooga, TN.

68. Bentley, A*., Schuett, M.A., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2011, March). On the border inEverglades & Dry Tortugas: Identifying perspectives on response to Cuban immigrantlandings in south Florida’s national parks. George Wright Society Conference, New

Orleans, LA.

69. Gao, X**., & Schuett, M.A. (2011, March). Understanding factors that predict travel decisions of U.S. cultural heritage travelers. George Wright Society Conference, New Orleans, LA.

70. Warnick, R.B., Schuett, M.A., Kuentzel, W. K., More, T.A., & Stevens, T. (2011, April). National Park Service visitation and interest in outdoor activities: An update through

2009. Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

71. Shingote, R*., & Schuett, M.A. (2011, June). The predators of Junnar: Local peoples’knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes towards leopards and leopard conservation.

International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Madison, WI.

72. Bentley, A*., Schuett, M.A., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2011, June). On the border in theEverglades and Dry Tortugas: Identifying perspectives on response to migrant landings insouth Florida’s national parks. International Symposium on Society and ResourceManagement, Madison, WI.

73. Kuentzel, W. K., More, T.A., Schuett, M.A., Stevens, T., Stewart, S.I, & Warnick, R. B.(2011, June). Changing visitation patterns to U.S. national parks. International Symposiumon Society and Resource Management, Madison, WI.

74. Schuett, M.A., & Lu, J*. (2011, November). Forest management in Texas: Concerns of recreation and environmental groups. Society of American Foresters Convention,

Honolulu, HI.

75. Landon, A**., Kyle, G.T., Schuett, M.A., Leitz, J., Kurzawski, K., & Taylor, J. (2012,54

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February). Texas anglers: Trends in selected socio-demographic variables from 1989-2009. American Fisheries Society, Galveston, TX.

76. Warnick, R.B., & Schuett, M.A. (2012, April). National Park Service visitation and interest in the outdoors-An update through 2011. Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Cooperstown, NY.

77. Lee, K*., & Schuett, M.A. (2012, April). Examining temporal and spatial socio-demographic patterns around Texas national parks. National Association of Recreation Resource Planners, Baton Rouge, LA.

78. Jones, C.D. & Schuett, M.A. (2012, April). Assessing environmental attitudes, communication, and commitment for managing impacts at a proposed state climbing

park.National Association of Recreation Resource Planners, Baton Rouge, LA.

79. Schuett, M.A., & Lee, K*. (2012, April). The use of technology in outdoor recreationparticipation: An analysis of the Outdoor Foundation’s annual survey. National Association of Recreation Resource Planners, Baton Rouge, LA.

80. Landon, A**., Kyle, G. T., Schuett, M.A., Reichers, R., Leitz, J., & Kurzawski, K. (2012,August). The human dimensions of Texas angling: A 20 year analysis. American FisheriesSociety, Minneapolis, MN.

81. Landon, A**., Kyle, G. T, Schuett, M.A., Leitz, J., Reichers, R., Kurzawski, K., & Taylor, J. (2012, August). Species preference, motivation and consumptive orientation among Texas anglers. American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis, MN.

82. Schuett, M.A., & Lee, K*. (2012, October). Mobile technologies and outdoor recreation: Participants’ use and attitudes. Society of American Foresters Convention, Spokane, WA.

83. Choe, Y*., & Schuett, M.A. (2013, March). Korean national park visitation: An analysis of first-time, repeat and frequent visitors. George Wright Society Conference, Denver, CO.

84. Lee, K*., & Schuett, M.A. (2013, April). Exploring spatial variations in the relationship between national park visitation and associated factors in Texas counties. American Association of Geographers, Los Angeles, CA.

85. Schuett, M.A., & Choe, Y*. (2013, June). Examining Korean national park visitation: The case of urban parks (Bukhansan). International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO.

86. Choe, Y*., & Schuett, M.A. (2013, June). Residents’ perceptions of the social impacts of 55

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the World Expo 2010 Shanghai. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO.

87. Wallen, K**., Landon, A**., Kyle, G. T., & Schuett, M. A. (2013, November). Response rate decline and survey methodology: Implications for Texas fisheries management. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Corpus Christi, TX.

88. Choe, Y*., Mataritta, D., Xu, Y**., Sene-Harper, A**., Schuett, M.A., & Barthel-Canales, G.* (2014, August). Examining the relationship between national parks and adjacent communities: Understanding stakeholders’ perspectives. Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

89. Wallen, K**., Landon, A.C.**., Kyle, G. T., & Schuett, M. A. (2014, October). An examination of response mode bias in a statewide survey of licensed Texas anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference, Estes Park, CO.

Invited Presentations and Workshops

1. Schuett, M.A. (1990, September). The use of brochures in tourism promotion. Festival and Event Manager's Workshop, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

2. Schuett, M.A., & Wicks, B.E. (1991, April). The impact of recreational boating in Illinois.Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

3. Schuett, M.A. (1992, March). The use of brochures in promotions. Texas Recreation andPark Society Institute, Ft. Worth, TX.

4. Schuett, M.A., & Hollenhorst, S.J. (1993, January). Mountain biking research update.USDA Forest Service Annual Research Meeting, Pacific Southwest Station, Riverside, CA.

5. Schuett, M.A., & Selin, S.W. (1995, October). Collaborative planning and the NationalForest system: Managers’ perspectives. Society of American Foresters NationalConvention, Portland, ME.

6. Schuett, M.A. (1998, September). Off-highway vehicle research: An integral tool for thefuture. National Off-Highway Vehicle Conference, Racine, WI.

7. Schuett, M.A., & Selin, S.W. (1999, November). Collaborative planning to environmentalplanning: Blessing or blight? International Association for Public Participation, Banff,Alberta, Canada.

8. Schuett, M. A. (2000, November). Evaluation of USFS rural community assistanceconferences. National Rural Community Assistance Conference, Stowe, VT.


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9. Schuett, M.A., DiVito, M**., & Beck, J. (2002, November). The West Virginia ruralrecreation program. West Virginia Recreation and Parks Meeting. Berkeley Springs, WV.

10. Schuett, M. A. (2003, June). Programs and research of RPTS Extension faculty. TexasParks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX.

11. Cassell, J., Fernandez-Gimenez, M.E., Kusel, J., Leach, B., Margerum, R., Moseley, C.,Rosenberg, S., Schuett, M.A., Selin, S., Steelman, T., & Sturtevant, V. (2004, June).Theories of collaborative planning: Community democracy network. InternationalSymposium on Society and Resource Management, Keystone, CO.

12. Schuett, M.A., & Shafer, S. (2004, October). Options for a statewide trails plan. NationalTrails Symposium, Austin TX.

13. Schuett, M.A., & Shafer, S. (2005, March). Creating the great Texas trail plan. TexasRecreation and Park Society Institute. Corpus Christi, TX.

14. Schuett, M. A. (2005, May). State trail plans. Texas Trails Network Conference,Grapevine, TX.

15. Schuett, M.A., Scott, D., Shafer, S., & Cheng, C.K**. (2005, November). Trails plans-trail use: Understanding the situation. Texas Trails Network Conference, San Marcos, TX.

16. Schuett, M. A. (2006, June). New programs and research of RPTS Extension faculty. Texas Recreation and Park Society, Georgetown, TX.

17. Schuett, M.A., Shafer, S., & Nichols, K. (2008, March). Trails greenway planning: Whatdo we know? What do we need to know? Texas Recreation and Park Society Institute, SanAngelo, TX.

18. Schuett, M.A. (2008, May). A Texas rural recreation program. Texas AgriLife Extensionregional meeting, College Station, TX.

19. Schuett, M.A., Scott, D., & O’Leary, J.T. (2008, September). Factors impactingparticipation in hunting, fishing, and wildlife-associated recreation. Pathways to Success:Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management Conference,Estes Park, CO.

20. Schuett, M.A. (2009, December). Trails, communities and data. Rivers, Trails, andConservation Assistance Program, National Park Service, San Marcos, TX.

21. Schuett, M.A. (2009, November). A qualitative analysis of national outdoor recreation57

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surveys. Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Graduate Seminar Series,Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

22. Schuett, M.A. (2009, October). Using secondary data in teaching and research.Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Graduate Seminar Series, TexasA&M University, College Station, TX.

23. Schuett, M.A. (2009, February). Using secondary data to understand park visitation andrecreation behavior. Texas Recreation and Park Society Institute, Austin, TX.

24. Schuett, M.A. (2009, January). Outdoor recreation data: Where is it and how can I use it?Texas Trails Network, Waco, TX.

25. Schuett, M.A. (2010, June). Use of secondary data in social science research.International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, TX.

26. Schuett, M.A. (2010, June). Trends in recreation participation data. Texas Parks andWildlife Department, Austin, TX.

27. Lee, K*., & Schuett, M.A. (2011, October). A spatial socio-demographic analysis aroundTexas national parks. Southeast Regional Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units Meeting,St. Petersburg, FL.

28. Pierskalla, C., Schuett, M.A., Thorp, G., & Burns, R. (2012, October). Off-highwayvehicle trail management. Society of American Foresters Convention, Spokane, WA.

29. Schuett, M.A., Kyle, G.T., & Ding, C*. (2015, February). Profiling artificial reef users. 2nd Annual Artificial Reef Conference, Corpus Christi, TX.


Schuett, M.A. (1991). Testing the adventure model for outdoor adventure recreation participation. Ph. D. Dissertation. Urbana-Champaign, IL. University of Illinois.

Scientific and Professional PresentationsLocation Invited Volunteer or


International 1 7 8National 12 70 82Regional 0 11 11


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

State 13 7 20Local 3 1 4TOTAL 29 96 125


1. Scholarly and Creative Activities Award, Texas State University, School of Education. This award recognizes outstanding research at the university level. 1995

2. Teaching Recognition Award, Texas State University, Department of HPER. 1996 For exemplary efforts in teaching and student intern supervision.

3. Gamma Sigma Delta, Junior Faculty Award of Merit, WVU Division of Forestry and Natural Resources. This award recognizes a faculty member who has made distinct contributions to agriculture and/or natural resources through teaching, research and extension. 2001

4. Faculty Research Award, WVU Division of Forestry and Natural Resources. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in research in the Division. 2002

5. Dr. David E. Samuel Faculty Excellence Award, WVU Division of Forestry and Natural Resources. This award was created by Professor (Emeritus) David Samuel, a legendary faculty member in the Division of Forestry, and is given to those who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, and public service. 2002

6. Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS) Special Recognition Award for contributions serving on the TRAPS board for two years. 2011

7. Nominee from the RPTS Department for the Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Research in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University. 2014


My research interests are focused on the planning and management of natural resources. I have explored two lines of research within this theme, visitor use management and public involvement. Funding to support my research program has come from several sources including federal, state and local agencies as well as nonprofit organizations and foundations. Total funding in my career with all PIs has been $3,193,961.00 of which $2,152,310.00 has been attributable to my research program. This funding includes 96 funded projects which is a strong


VITAE-Michael A. Schuett

indication of my research being conducted successfully, and my expertise recognized by various agencies, organizations and managers nationwide. I have been sought to conduct research on visitor use studies and public involvement by funding agencies across the country on a consistent basis since I became as Assistant Professor.

My research has been disseminated in applied and scholarly journals, conferences nationwide and even internationally. I have published 38 refereed journal articles in top quality journals, produced 58 research and technical reports for various federal and state agencies and made 125 presentations, both nationally and internationally. The vast majority of these publications have been co-authored with graduate students. I have mentored 39 graduate students by chairing and serving on graduate committees and been able to consistently fund a cadre (n=64) of them throughout my academic career.

I have taught almost 20 different undergraduate and graduate courses to hundreds of students over the years; always receiving above the departmental average in course evaluations. My teaching has had a very positive impact on the education of undergraduate/graduate students, and been instrumental in helping them find positions across the country from public park and recreation agencies to university faculty positions. The assignments they have completed for my courses have brought considerable practical value to managers in local communities and agencies. I have also been actively engaged with students internationally through the Study Abroad program, co-teaching courses in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji.

In providing service to the profession and university, my national reputation and expertise has allowed me make a noteworthy impact to the field of recreation, and parks and tourism. I have reviewed manuscripts for 12 different journals and served on several journal editorial boards. My involvement with practitioners has been demonstrated by serving on boards with national and state organizations. I have been actively engaged as a member of many professional organizations, e.g., Society of American Foresters, International Association of Society and Natural Resources, American Trails, attending regularly and assisting in organizing conferences and meetings. I have served in leadership roles administratively in several university positions: Program Coordinator, Faculty Coordinator of Off-Campus Summer Programs, Associate Department Head and Director of a Research Center. My role as a productive and scholarly faculty member has been recognized by my colleagues through several research and teaching awards. My contribution to the field has been acknowledged and consistent over time, and I will continue to share my experience and knowledge with students, faculty, managers and communities in the future.