CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz anyagai/Miszlivetz_Ferenc_CV.pdf · 1 CURRICULUM VITAE...

1 CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz Director, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (IASK) Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 9730 Kőszeg, Chernel u 14. phone: 36 94 563 055 email: [email protected] web: Education, Qualifications, Degrees 2005 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in International Relations 2004 Full Professor (egyetemi tanár) 2002 Habilitation, Corvinus University of Budapest 1994 Candidate of Science in Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1983 Ph.D. (University Doctorate), 20 th Century European History, ELTE, Budapest 1982 Masters Degree, 20 th Century European History, ELTE, Budapest 1978 Masters Degree, Karl Marx University of Economics, Budapest Professional Experience and Activities 2014-present Director and Founder, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg 2014-2015 Academic Director, Research Grant Programs: New Central Europe and New Central Europe 2 (TÁMOP-financed with University of Pannonia) 2014-2015 Director, “Creative Cities – Sustainable regions” (KRAFT) project in Kőszeg 2014-present Full professor, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences 2013 Jean Monnet Chair ‘ad personam’ 2012 President of the Hungarian Social Sciences UNESCO Committee 2012 Deák Visiting Professor, Columbia University, Harriman Institute, East European Center, Deparment of Sociology, New York 2012-2014 Research Professor, Péter Pázmány Catholic University 2011 UNESCO Chair, Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability, ISES-Corvinus, Kőszeg 2010-present Coordinator, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, ISES-Kőszeg 2009present Academic Director, Global and European Integration Studies (IGES- Corvinus), Kőszeg

Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz anyagai/Miszlivetz_Ferenc_CV.pdf · 1 CURRICULUM VITAE...

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CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Ferenc Miszlivetz

Director, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (IASK)

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 9730 Kőszeg, Chernel u 14.

phone: 36 94 563 055 email: [email protected]


Education, Qualifications, Degrees

2005 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in International Relations

2004 Full Professor (egyetemi tanár)

2002 Habilitation, Corvinus University of Budapest

1994 Candidate of Science in Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1983 Ph.D. (University Doctorate), 20th Century European History, ELTE, Budapest

1982 Masters Degree, 20th Century European History, ELTE, Budapest

1978 Masters Degree, Karl Marx University of Economics, Budapest

Professional Experience and Activities

2014-present Director and Founder, Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg

2014-2015 Academic Director, Research Grant Programs: New Central Europe and New Central Europe 2 (TÁMOP-financed with University of Pannonia)

2014-2015 Director, “Creative Cities – Sustainable regions” (KRAFT) project in Kőszeg

2014-present Full professor, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences

2013 Jean Monnet Chair ‘ad personam’

2012 President of the Hungarian Social Sciences UNESCO Committee

2012 Deák Visiting Professor, Columbia University, Harriman Institute, East European Center, Deparment of Sociology, New York

2012-2014 Research Professor, Péter Pázmány Catholic University

2011 UNESCO Chair, Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability, ISES-Corvinus, Kőszeg

2010-present Coordinator, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, ISES-Kőszeg

2009–present Academic Director, Global and European Integration Studies (IGES- Corvinus), Kőszeg

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2008–present Permanent guest-professor, University of Bologna (MIREES MA program in East Central European Interdisciplinary Studies)

2005–2006 Visiting Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften (WZB), Berlin

2004-2012 Tenured University Professor, Director of the Institute for International

Relations, University of Western Hungary, Savaria University Centre

2002 Visiting Scholar (Civil Society Research Project), Columbia University

2002 Principal investigator of the research project Knowledge Society and the New Social Actors on Regional Level, Hungarian Academy of Science

2001–2003 Member of Social Science Research Council Steering Committee on Global Security and Cooperation

2005–present Scientific Advisor, Institute of Political Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2001 Research Expert, Notre Europe Research Institute, Paris, France

2000–2001 Member of the Reflection Group on the ‘Political Consequences of Eastern Enlargement’ headed by Jacques Delors and Jean-Luc Dehaene

2000 Principal Investigator of the European crossborder research project “Preparity” – Structural Policy and Regional Planning Along the External EU Frontier to Central Europe: Preparing for Eastern Enlargement

2000 Visiting Professor, University of Vienna, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

1999 Guest Professor, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, Department of Sociology

1998–2000 Deputy Academic Director, European Peace University, Stadtschlaining, Austria

1997 Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies

1997 European Union Visitors Program, Brussels, London, Berlin, Bonn

1997 Established the European Documentation Center, Szombathely

1996–2001 Senior Research Fellow and Executive Board Member, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

1996–present Director, International Summer University, Kőszeg, Hungary

1996–1998 Advisor and contributor to Civil Society and the Aid Industry, Earthscan, North–South Institute, Ottawa, Canada

1994–2009 Faculty Member, permanent guest professor, deputy academic director,

European Peace University, Stadtschlaining, Austria

1993–1996 Editor, Savaria University Press series, Átiratok (Transcripts) on East Central European transition

1992–2000 Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Sciences, Dániel Berzsenyi College, Szombathely

1992 Visiting Professor, University of Salzburg, Austria, Senatinstitute für Politikwissenschaft

1990–1992 Academic Advisor in the project The European Imperative: Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990s, with Stuart Holland

1990 Visiting Scholar, European University Institute, Florence; research on Political and Social Changes in Eastern Europe

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1989–1991 SSRC-MacArthur Fellow in International Peace and Security

(UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Harvard University, European University Institute, Firenze)

1982–2001 Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

1978–1989 Editor, Fejlődés-tanulmányok Development Studies

Public Activities and Memberships

2008–present Member of the Screening Committee, CivWorld-Interdependence Day.

2003-2006 Advisor for Etele Baráth, Minister for European Affairs

2000 Member of the International Editorial Board of the Global Civil Society

1999-2002 Member of the ad hoc advisory board for Foreign Minister János Martonyi

1996 Director, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, Liaison Office for East Central European Cooperation

1994–2009 Member of Board of the “Másság Alapítvány” (Otherness Foundation) dealing with the violation of the human rights of the Roma community

1994–1999 Member of the Planning board, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam

1994 Founder, Europe House, Kőszeg, Hungary

1992-1994 Editorial Board Member of Contemporary Sociology

1992 Advisory Board Member of the Political Science Review (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)

1992 Participated in the work of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights

1990–1993 Participated in meetings of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe; reports on human rights, democratization and civil society in East Central Europe

1989 Co-founder, of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HCA)

1987–1999 Associate Fellow, member of the Planning board, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1986–1989 Member of the Board of the Duna Kör (Danube Circle), an independent ecological movement in Hungary awarded the alternative Nobel Prize

1987 Co-author of the memorandum Giving Real Life to the Helsinki Accords

1987 Co-founder with Iván Bába The Central European Research Group

1987 Co-founder, The Network of Free Initiatives, Hungary

1985 Co-founder, European Network for East-West Dialogue


Hungarian (native), English (excellent), German (excellent), Russian (passive)

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Awards and scholarships

2015 Dr. István Lajos Award for Innovation, Szombathely

2012 István Deák Visiting Professor, Columbia University in New York

2011 “Pro Integrationem” Award

2011 UNESCO Chair in Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability, Kőszeg

2010 Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, ISES, Kőszeg

2009 County Vas ‘Prima Primissima’ award for outstanding research, education and institution building in Western Hungary

2006 Visiting Scholar at the Wissenschaftszentrunm für

Sozialwissenschaften in Berlin

2005 Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Republic for international research on European integration and civil society

2002 Visiting Researcher, Columbia University, Department of Sociology

2001 Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, ISES, Szombathely

1997 Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies

1992-1993 MacArthur Fellow, Individual Research and Writing Grant

1989-1991 Social Science Research Council-MacArthur Foundation Grant in International Peace and Security (Universitiy of Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy).

1983-1984 Leverhume Trust Young Researcher Fellowship for Poland and Hungary, Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K.

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Reframing Europe’s Future: Challenges and Failures of the European Construction. (co-edited with Jody Jensen) New York and London: Routledge, 2015, p. 288

Creative Cities and Sustainability. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2014. p. 236

A centrista liberalizmus győzelme és az Európa-központúság geokultúrája, EDUCATIO, XXII. /1. 2013 A Kraft index- kreatív városok- fenntartható vidék VEZETÉSTUDOMÁNY, XLIV. /9., pp. 2-22. (2013)

Global Challenges – European and Local Answers. (co-edited with Jody Jensen) Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2013.

The Global Crisis and the Crisis of Democracy: A Cosmopolitan Way Forward?- RESEARCH IN WORLD ECONOMY, Vol. 4,: (No. 1.) pp. 60-69. (2013) The future of Europe: or how to burst the bubbles around our heads?- OPEN DEMOCRACY, 22 March: p. online. (2013) Európa halmozódó válságai- KÖZ-GAZDASÁG, 2013: (1) pp. 87-97. (2013)

Kreatív városok és fenntarthatóság. Javaslatok a Duna-stratégia megvalósítására Nyugat-Pannónia példáján. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2012. p. 208

Crisis and Social Research [Válság és társadalomkutatás], ed. Budapest – Szombathely: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia – Savaria University Press, 2011. p. 312

The Pendulum of the World System and the Future University. Conversations with Immanuel Wallerstein [A világrendszer ingája és a Jövőegyetem: Beszélgetések Immanuel Wallersteinnel], Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2010. p. 213

The Hungarian Work Culture in a Global Context [A magyar munkaerő kultúrája globális környezetben], Szombathely: Társadalomtudományok és Európa-tanulmányok Intézete, 2010. p. 240

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Crisis in a World System Perspective [Válság világrendszerszeméleletben], ed. Budapest – Szombathely: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia – Savaria University Press, 2009. p. 377

Original Crisis Accumulation [Eredeti válságfelhalmozás], ed. Budapest – Szombathely: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia – Savaria University Press, 2009. p. 301

Let us Reinvent…! Festschrift for Elemér Hankiss [Találjuk ki…! Tanulmányok Hankiss Elemér tiszteletére], ed. Miszlivetz Ferenc. Budapest – Szombathely: MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete – Savaria University Press, 2008. p. 334

What Happened to You, Hungary? [Mi lett veled, Magyarország?] Szombathely – Kőszeg: Társadalomtudományok és Európa Tanulmányok Intézete, 2007. p. 46 (ISES füzetek ; 4.)

The European Construction. The Birth of a New Sovereign [Új szuverén születik: Az európai konstrukció], Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2005. p. 196

The Languages of Civil Society. Europe and Beyond, with Jody Jensen. Florence: European University Institute, 2005. Working paper.

The Future of Europe: Democracy, Civil Society, Eastern Enlargement [Európa jövője: Demokrácia, civil társadalom, bővítés], Szombathely: Társadalomtudományok és Európa-tanulmányok Intézete – Budapest: MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete, 2002.

Central Europe ante Portas [Közép-Európa a kapuk előtt], Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2001. p. 216

Preparing for a new Europe – Preparity: Structural Policy and Regional Planning Along the External Frontier to Central Europe: Final report, Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2001. p. 197

Illusions and Realities, Szombathely: Savaria University Press: Szombathely, 1999. p. 302

Borsody, Stephen: The New Central Europe, [Borsody István: Az új Közép-Európa], ed. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 1998. p. 302

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Central European Transformations [Közép-európai alakulások], Budapest-Szombathely: Savaria University Press, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998. p. 282

East Central Europe: Paradoxes and Perspectives, ed., with Jody Jensen. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 1995. p. 346

Wild East Party [Vadkelet-party], Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 1995. p. 260

Reinventing the Boundaries of the Possible. Nationalism and Civil Society in East-Central Europe before and after 1989 [A lehetséges határainak újrafogalmazása], Budapest: Pesti Szalon, 1993. p. 230

Frogs on the Dry Shore. Essays on New Social Movements, Arms Race and East-West Dialogue [Békák a szárazon], Budapest: Múzsák, 1989. p. 224


“The Multiple Crises of Europe”. In: Léonce Bekemans (ed.) A Value-Driven

Europe, pp 181-195) Peter Lang, Brussels, New York, Oxford, 2012

“Lost in Transformation: the Crisis of Democracy and Civil Society. In: Global Civil Society 2012, Palgrave-Macmillan, New York. Forhcoming Winter 2011/2012.

“Lessons of 1989 for European Democracies Today: Outlines of a New Paradigm”. In: Peter Hermann (ed.), Democracy and Theory in Action. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011, pp. 251-264. Also published in Archibigi, Daniele, Montani, Guido, eds. European Democracy and Cosmopolitan Democracy. The Ventotene Papers, The Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies, Italy pp 187-203. 2011.

“The Spirit of Freedom and Hope: the Meaning and Message of the ’56 Revolution”. In: Leonidas Donskis and Ineta Dasinskiene (eds.) European Memory – a Blessing or a Curse? A series of Balkan and East European Studies, University of Bologna. Longo Editore in Ravenna, 2010.

“Reinventing Hungarian Work Culture in a Global Context” (with Jody Jensen). Society and Economy, December 2010.

“We Are in a Situation of Relative Free Will: An interview with Immanuel Wallerstein”. Society and Economy 32 (2010), pp. 137–148.

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“1989 újraértelmezése”. (Re-interpreting 18989) Magyar Tudomány, 2010/10, Vol. 171. pp. 1215–1226.

“The Tunnel at the End of the Light: the Crisis of Transition in Hungary”. Transition Studies Review 15 (2009), pp. 623–635.

“Understanding Civil Society Before and After 1989”. Societat Civil: Una Perspectiva Crítica. Recerca Revista de Pensament i Análisi, No. 8 (2008), pp. 91–112.

“The Crisis of European Construction and the Need for a European Civil Society”. In ed., András Blahó, Tanulmányok Palánkai Tibor akadémikus 70. születésnapja tiszteletére. Budapest: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Világgazdasági Tanszék, 2008, pp. 171–186.

“A Hankiss-jelenség”. In ed., Ferenc Miszlivetz, Találjuk ki…! Tanulmányok Hankiss Elemér tiszteletére. Budapest, Szombathely: MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete, Savaria University Press, 2008, pp. 7–10.

“Miért is kell újra kitalálnunk Közép-Európát és vele együtt Magyarországot?”. In eds. Melinda Kindle and Zoltán Erdős, Változatok Közép-Európára. Pécs: SosemArt Egyesület, 2008.

“The Crisis of European Constitution and the Search for a European Civil Society”. In eds. József Bayer and Jody Jensen, From transition to Globalization: New Challenges for Politics, the Media and Society. Budapest: MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete, 2007, pp. 206–224.

“Hungary looks to its 2010–11 EU Presidency to Cure a Deepseated Political Malaise”. Europe’s World (2007 Autumn).

“The Second Renaissance of Civil Society in East Central Europe – and in the European Union”. with Jody Jensen, in, ed. Peter Wagner, The Languages of Civil Society. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006, pp. 131–158.

“A civil társadalom változó nyelvezete és táguló horizontja”. Információs társadalom V, No. 1 (2005), pp. 7–22.

“The Future of Democracy and Civil Society in Europe”. Central European Political Science Review, Vol. 7, No. 23-24 (2005), pp. 52–63.

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“Globális civil társadalom”. Civil Szemle II, No. 4 (2005), pp. 5–24.

“Globális civil társadalom felé – avagy lehetséges-e új partnerség az állam, a piac és a társadalmi szereplők között?” with Jody Jensen. In Fejlődés, versenyképesség, globalizáció. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest, 2005, pp. 363–411.

“Közép-Európa a kapuk előtt”. In, ed. Péter Módos, Közép-Európai olvasókönyv. Budapest: Osiris, Európai Kulturális Intézet, 2005, pp. 274–287.

“Why Should We Reinvent Central Europe?” Central European Political Science Review, Vol. 6, No. 21-22 (2005), pp. 8–14.

“The Birth of a New Sovereign,”Society and Economy, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2003), pp. 283–303.

“Európa jövője”. In ed. József Bayer, Trendváltozások. Budapest: MTA PTI, 2003, pp. 34–58.

“Az európai konstrukció”. (The European Construction) Politikatudományi Szemle. Vol. 12, No. 1 (2003), pp. 19–60.

“A Konvent és az európai civil szervezetek?” In ed. András Blahó, Elmaradottság – fejlődés – átalakulás: Tanulmányok Szentes Tamás akadémikus 70. születésnapja tiszteletére. Budapest: BKÁE Világgazdasági Tanszék, 2003, pp. 260–276.

The Future of Europe. Democracy, Civil society and Enlargement. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2002, Studies in European transition. Discussion papers 11.

“A Haydn-Liszt vonósnégyes: új intézmények, társadalmi szereplők és hálózatépítés a Nyugat-Pannon régióban”. In eds. Marjorie Jouen and Ferenc Miszlivetz, Az új Európa a széleken találja ki önmagát? Határokat átszelő együttműködés Európa öt régiójában. Szombathely: Savaria University Press, 2002, pp. 97–112.

“Kétszer két város meséje, avagy a sikertelenség politikai gazdaságtana”. Vasi Szemle LVI, No. 3 (2002), pp. 594–614.

“A magyar csatlakozás helyzete és Magyarország integrációjának körülményei; Magyarország regionális szerepe, céljai törekvései és lehetőségei,” Parlamenti Európa-füzetek 1. Budapest: Magyar Országgyűlés, 2002. pp. 38, 70–72.

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“Civil society und Europäische Bürgerschaft in neuen Europa”. Europahaus Burgerland Almanach 2000. Polis Pannonia. Eisenstadt, 2001, pp. 61–69.

“The Haydn–Liszt Quartet: New Institutions, Social Actors and Networking in the West-Pannonian Euroregion”. In The New Europe is Inventing itself in its Margins. Paris: Notre Europe Groupment D’études de Recherches, 2001, pp.61–75.

„Hol a határ? Régi problémák, új kihívások”. (Where ist h Border? Old questions, ne challanges). Budapest–Szombathely: ISES, 2000. ISES Műhelytanulmányok, 6.

“Közép-Európa a kapuk előtt” Budapest–Szombathely–Kőszeg: ISES Alapítvány, 2000. ISES Műhelytanulmányok, 2.

“Remények, célok, realitások 1989 előtt és után”. Kritika XXIX, No. 2, February 2000.

“Turkey and EU. New Perspectives on Human Rights” Justice and Home Affairs. London: British Council Working Papers, November 2000.

“Die zerbrochenen Gütesiegel”. Gegenworte, Branderburgische Akademie für Wissenschaften, No. 5, Spring 2000.

“Identitás és védelem. Az európai biztonságpolitika változásai közép-európai szemmel”. Európai Utas, No.2.; in English in After Kosovo, Szombathely: ISES, 1999.

“An Emerging Paradox – Civil Society from Above?” with Jody Jensen. In ed. M. Rueschemeyer, Participation and Democracy East and West, Armonk, New York: M.E.Sharpe, 1998, pp. 83–98.

“Participation and Democracy: Can the Civil Society Project Survive in Hungary?” The Journal of Communist Politics and Transition Politics, Vol. 13, No.1, (March 1997), pp. 27–40.

“Redefining (European) Security”. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Winter 1996/97.

“Inventing Central Europe”. In Transborder Cooperation between Western Hungary and Eastern Austria, Studies in European Transition, Discussion Papers, Budapest–Kőszeg–Szombathely: ISES, 1996.

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“A civil társadalom programjától az etnopolitikáig”. In ed. Gizella B. Vörös, Egy univerzális értelmiségi, Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, 1995.

“Demokratisierungsdilemma in Osteuropa“. In ed. Egon Matzner, Europa-Zukunft eines Kontinents. Munster: Agenda Verlag, 1994, pp. 128–132.

“Die Radikalisierung den Rechten in Ungarn“. Neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte (January 1993).

“Eastern Europe in Revolution”. Contemporary Sociology (Winter 1992).

“Der Nationalstaat in Ost-Mittel-Europa: angehaufte Wunden, sich wiederholende Mißerfolge,“ DIALOG Beitrage zur Friedensforschung, Vol. 22, Nos. 1–2 (1992).

“The Injuries of Eastern Europe: Is the Autotherapy of Civil Society Possible?” SLOVO 4, no. 1, (June, 1991).

“Mitteleuropa – Der Weg nach Europa” Die Neue Gesellschaft, Frankfurter Hefte 11 (November, 1991).

“The Strange Death of Liberalism: A Conversation with Immanuel Wallerstein,” The New Hungarian Quarterly 24 (Winter 1991).

“The Unfinished Revolutions of 1989: The Decline of the Nation State?” Social Research (Winter 1991); in German in Kommune (Fall,1991).

“Civil Society in Eastern Europe? The Case of Hungary,” World Futures 29 (1990).

“Estonian Independence: An Interview with Tunne Kelam,” Peace Review (Winter 1990).

“Redefining the Boundaries of the Possible: New Perspectives on European Unification,” World Futures 29, pp. 3-17, 1990; and in eds., Beverly Crawford and Peter W.Schulze, The New Europe Asserts Itself, Berkeley: Institute for International and Area Studies, 1990.

“'Dialogue' and What is Behind It,” Across Frontiers (Summer 1989).

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“Emerging Grassroots Movements in Eastern Europe: Toward a Civil Society?” in ed., Vera Gathy, State and Civil Society: Relationships in Flux. Buapest: Venture Publishers, 1989.

“Europe: Redefining the Possible,” Peace Review (Fall 1989).

“Towards the First Person, Singular,” Across Frontiers (Winter-Spring 1989).

“The Sociology of Militarism, Structural Violence and Peace: The State of the Art,” in The Almanach of the Institute of Sociology. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1988.

“Interdependent Europe: The Possibilities of Integration,” Ideas and Production VI Cambridge 1987

“Civilizational Crisis,“ with Mary Kaldor, IDS Bulletin (October 1984); also published in German, "Der Aufstieg des neuen Nationalismus. Das lange leben eines verfehlten Paradigmas", Kommune 4, No. 11 (November, 1986).

“An Essay on Nationalism,” in ed., R. Andorka, Economy and Society in Hungary. Budapest: KarI Marx University, 1986.

“The Hidden Agendas of Common Security,” IDS Bulletin (October, 1985).

“Zsidókérdés Kelet-Közép-Európában,” edited with Robert Simon; ELTE AJK, Budapest, 1985. (The Jewish Question in East-Central Europe)

“Paul Levi: Kiútkeresés a német munkásmozgalomban a elején,” Medvetánc, Nos. 2-3, 1983.

“The Class Concept of Immanuel Wallerstein”. Institute of Sociology, HAS, (Working Paper, 1982)