Curriculum Vitae & portfolio of Rolf van de Wal

PORTFOLIO Rolf van de Wal



Transcript of Curriculum Vitae & portfolio of Rolf van de Wal

Page 1: Curriculum Vitae & portfolio of Rolf van de Wal

P O R T F O L I ORol f van de Wal

Page 2: Curriculum Vitae & portfolio of Rolf van de Wal


My name is Rolf van de Wal. I was born and raised in Breda, in the south of the Netherlands. I have been drawing and sketching since I was a kid. After secondary school I studied graphic design at the zoomvliet college in Roosendaal. During this study I learned a lot about graphic design and photography. I liked it a lot. However, there was something I missed. I would like to learn to design in 3D instead of 2D. Thats why I went to the University of applied science in Rotterdam.This is were I'm studying "Industrial design".

In this Portfolio you can find work that has been designed and made by me. Within this portfolio work from is bwing shown, that has been made during both studies.

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1. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4


Currilum Vitae

ProjectSketchingSolidworksGraphic designPhotography- Wedding photography- Automotive photography- Party photography- Product photography


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Name: Rolf van de WalBorn 7 april 1994 in BredaLiving in Rijsbergen

Educat ion2006 - v2010 Secondary school in Etten-Leur

2010 - 2014 Graphic design Zoomvlietcollege, in Roosendaal

2014 - today Industrial product design Hogeschool Rotterdam, in Rotterdam

Workexper ienceJune 2009 - today Contributor Pemen leekfactory, Rijsbergen

January 2013 - June 2013 Graphic Design B-Eager in Etten-Leur

January 2014 - June 2014 Graphic Designer/Dtp-er Visser & Visser in Breda

April 2014 - December 2015 Photographer at GoodVisuals, Roosendaal

March 2015 - April 2016 Photographer Bar-Dancing Peddels, Breda

November 2015 - Today Photographer and co-owner Matrimony, Breda

VoluntaryJuly 2013 - August 2013 Construction worker at CrossBorders Sankhu, Nepal

Ski l lsPhotography, Photoshop, Indesign,Illustrator, Sketching, Solidworks,Brainstorming.



Curriculum Vitae

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Project Balcony table

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ConceptThe task was to create a practical table, which could be used on a balcony. After analysing different balcony tables, I started sketching. These are the best three concepts I made.

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Origami tafel1.

2. 3. 4.


Rolf van de WalIP3B


- Compacte tafel

- Uitgeklapt vergroting van 400 procent

- Weinig handelingen

- Realiseerbaar in verschillende materialen

Industrieel Product Ontwerpen Rotterdam -

Oprol tafel Rolf van de WalIP3B


- op twee manieren in geklapt.

- uitrolbaar.

- in 1 handeling uitgeklapt.

- Realiseerbaar in verschillende materialen.

Industrieel Product Ontwerpen Rotterdam -

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PrototypingThe material used in the first prototype was cardboard, in order to determine the size and the placement of the hinges. The next table was made of wooden planks. Because it was too heavy, I made a third one from MDF.

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Rendering in so l idworks

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Het openklap-systeem van dicht naar open.

Rolf van de Wal | Ip3B | groep 6

Schor aan de onderkant



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S k e t c h i n gI f ind sketch ing to be a good method of v isua l iz ing your f i rs t ideas.I sketch a lo t . On the fo l lowing pages you wi l l be ab le to see some work I made.

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S o l i d w o r k sSol idworks is the autocad sof tware that I use to make my products and ideas in 3D.

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VandeWal FiftyThis is a f i f ty meter long sh ip wi th three decks, a swimming pool , and a garage for a tender. I des igned th is and assembled i t in Sol idworks.

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Page 21: Curriculum Vitae & portfolio of Rolf van de Wal

Glass-stabi l izerThis is a product that keeps your g lass steady when i ts pos i t ioned on a couch or other unsta-b le spot .

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VANDEWAL N˚1This is a 7 meter boat that I assembel led in so l idworks.

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“De week van de laagstaande zon” is een initiatief van Veilig Verkeer Nederland. Per jaar worden er 1200 ongelukken, 240 gewonden en 9 dodelijke ongevallen veroorzaakt door de laagstaande zon. Dit is de reden waarom wij van VVN een campagne

hebben opgericht. We willen bereiken dat het aantal ongelukken door de laagstaande zo sterk omlaag gaat. Kom ook in de week van 15 november tot en met 22 november naar 1 van de actiepunten en ontvang een gratis zonnebril.

G r a p h i c D e s i g n

Besides Indust r ia l des ign, I a lso work wi th programs l ike Adobe Photoshop, I l lust ra tor and Indes ign.

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Veilig Verkeer NederlandFor a f ic t iona l miss ion we had to make a brand new corporate ident i ty and a campaign for Ve i l ig Verkeer Neder land, the non-prof i t organ isat ion which a ims at mak ing t ra f f ic in the Nether lands safer.

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“De week van de laagstaande zon” is een initiatief van Veilig Verkeer Nederland. Per jaar worden er 1200 ongelukken, 240 gewonden en 9 dodelijke ongevallen veroorzaakt door de laagstaande zon. Dit is de reden waarom wij van VVN een campagne

hebben opgericht. We willen bereiken dat het aantal ongelukken door de laagstaande zo sterk omlaag gaat. Kom ook in de week van 15 november tot en met 22 november naar 1 van de actiepunten en ontvang een gratis zonnebril.

The a im of the campaign was to warn motor is ts for a low sun dur ing sunr ise and sunset . The words in the middle of the poster say "Don' t be b l inded." I t is not very wel l readable, in the same way that motor is ts are not ab le to see the road very wel l dur ing sunr ise and sunset .

W i th in th is campaign, there would be a g iveaway as wel l . Sunglasses would be g iven away in order to protect the motor is ts ' eyes f rom the sun. These would be g iven away at 25 tankstat ions which pos i t ioned a long h ighways in the west and east d i rect ions.

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P h o t o g r a p h y

Ever s ince I was young I have been tak ing photos. F i rs t i t was just for my hobby, la ter I began wi th wedding Photograpy. I a lso worked one year at a bar-dancing were I photographed par ty ing people.

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WeddingTogether wi th a f r iend I s tar ted photographing weddings. In the past years we have had a few ass ignments. You wi l l f ind a shor t impress ion of the photo ’s here.

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Car photography

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PartyFor one year I worked every saterday at Peddels Breda as a Photographer. Bar-dancing Peddels is a lways f i l led wi th par ty ing people. I took the photo ’s, and put them on facebook.

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product photography

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This was my por t fo l io , thanks for reading.I f you want to see and hear more f rom me, fee l f ree to send me an emai l .

yours s incer ly,Rol f van de Wal

Rol f van de Wal | +31 6 250 450 39 | ro l f vandewa l@hotma i l .com

E p i l o g u e