Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares · Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares October 2010 ! [2]! Index Research...

Curriculum Vitae P P e e d d r r o o T T a a v v a a r r e e s s October 2010

Transcript of Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares · Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares October 2010 ! [2]! Index Research...

Page 1: Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares · Curriculum Vitae Pedro Tavares October 2010 ! [2]! Index Research experience and education 5 Supervision experience Ph ... Filipe dos Santos Folgosa,


Curriculum Vitae PPeeddrroo TTaavvaarreess October 2010

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Index Research experience and education 5 Supervision experience Ph.D thesis 6 M.Sc thesis 6 Postdoctoral fellows 6 Integration in research fellows 7 Undergraduate research thesis 7 Undergraduate research projects 7 Publications Doctoral dissertation 7 Chapters in books 7 Peer reviewed international research articles 8 Papers in national periodicals with referees 14 Papers in conference procedures 14 Oral communications by invitation 17 Posters in conferences 18 Funding, awards and grants As principal investigator 28 As member of research team 29 As collaborator 30 Awards 31 Teaching experience In FCT/UNL 31 In ISEIT 32 Committee service and academic management In FCT/UNL 32 In ISEIT 33 Thesis committees / Juries 33 Organization of conferences 34 Refereeing and reviewing 35 Membership of professional societies 35 Current research interests 35

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Pedro António de Brito Tavares Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Molecular Biophysics Group Departmento de Química Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL Campus de Caparica 2829-516 Caparica PORTUGAL

Email: [email protected] Phone: (351) 212949659 Fax: (351) 212948550

RReesseeaarrcchh EExxppeerriieennccee aanndd EEdduuccaattiioonn 11999999 –– ……

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

• Research topics include molecular biophysics and physical biochemistry (see also current interests below).

11999977 -- 11999999

Assistant Professor, Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares (ISEIT). Instituto Piaget, Almada


Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

• Researcher in the laboratory of Prof. José J. G. Moura. • Research topics included purification and characterization of

enzymes involved in denitrification pathway.

11999966 Research visit to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA (6 months).

11999955 -- 11999977

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Emory University

• Researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Boi Hanh Huynh. • Research topics included Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopic

characterization of non-heme iron enzymes.

11999944 Doctorate of Philosophy, Physical Biochemistry, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

• Research Advisor: Prof. Isabel Moura • Dissertation Title: “Study of new iron centers. Purification and

characterization of proteins from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774”.

11999944 Post-Graduate Course: "International Workshop on Iron-Sulfur

Proteins, New Structures and Unexpected Functions - In honor of Helmut Beinert", Universität Konstanz, Germany.

11999933 Post-Graduate Course: "Magnetic Spectroscopy on Bioinorganic Transition Metal Centers Workshop", Universität des Saarlandes, Homburg, Germany.

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11999911 Post-Graduate Course: "Inorganic Biochemistry Summer Workshop",

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

11999900 -- 11999944

Research visits, in different occasions, to the: • Department of Biochemistry, University of Georgia, Athens,

Georgia, USA (total 3 months). • Department of Physics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

(total 6 months).

11999900 Post-Graduate Course: "FEBS Advanced Course on Inorganic and Physical Biochemistry" Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

11999900 Applied Chemistry – Biotechnology (5 year degree), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

• Graduated with an average of16 (out of 20) values.

SSuuppeerrvviissiioonn eexxppeerriieennccee ((22000033 –– 22001100)) PPhh..DD TThheessiiss "Structural and Mechanistic Studies of Iron Containing Proteins",

Filipe dos Santos Folgosa, Physical Biochemistry, 2008 (Sole Supervisor).

“Transport and storage of water molecules in membranes”, Andreia Arrimar, Physics, ongoing (co-supervision with Prof. Maria Raposo, Dept. of Physics, FCT/UNL).

“Development of software solutions for spectral analysis – SpecTools”, António Manuel Nunes, Biophysics and Computer Science, suspended (Sole Scientific Supervisor, in collaboration with Barents Consulting)

MM..SScc TThheessiiss “Electrochemical characterization of dps, a DNA protecting enzyme”, Joana Fernandes Alberto Wilton Pereira, Biotechnology, ongoing (co-supervision with Dr. Cristina Cordas, Dept. Chemistry, FCT/UNL).

“Study of ionizing radiation effect in metalloproteins that bind DNA”, Daniela Penas da Silva, Biotechnology, ongoing (co-supervision with Dr. Alice S. Pereira).

PPoossttddooccttoorr aall ffee lllloowwss

“Kinetic and structural studies of biological molecular oxygen activation” by Dr. Isabel Cristina Timóteo, 2005-2008 (Sole Supervisor).

“Iron detoxification and stress response in bacteria. A mechanistic study” Filipe dos Santos Folgosa, 2008-2009 (Sole Supervisor).

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II nntt eeggrr aatt iioonn iinn RReesseeaarr cchh ffee lllloowwss

“Biochemical studies of enzymes involved iron metabolism and oxidative stress – biochemical nature of binding of dps to DNA”. Raphael Faustino Canadas, 2009.

UUnnddeerr ggrr aadduuaatt ee rr eesseeaarr cchh tt hheessiiss

“Mechanistic and structural studies on bacterial ferritins”. Luís Filipe Madureira Fonseca, 2009.

“Biochemical studies of a recombinant dps of Pseudomonas nautical 617”. Fábio Miguel Figueiredo Santos, 2009.

"Overexpression, purification and characterization of DfxZn-Fe. Kinetic characterization of different metal forms of recombinant desuldoferrodoxin from D. vulgaris". Joana Santos, 2005-2007.

“Study of electron transfer reactions between redox partners by stopped-flow”. Filipe dos Santos Folgosa, 2003-2004.

UUnnddeerr ggrr aadduuaatt ee rr eesseeaarr cchh pprr oojjeecctt ss

“Thermodynamic and kinetic study of the formation of Mioglobin-azide complex”. 3 undergraduate students (Applied Chemistry).

“Study of Mioglobin denaturation”. 4 undergraduate students (Applied Chemistry).

“Study of the reduction of horse cytochrome c by cathecols using fast kinetic techniques”. 3 undergraduate students (Applied Chemistry).

PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss ((11999900--22001100)) DDooccttoorr aall ddiisssseerr tt aatt iioonn:: 11 TToottaall cciitt aatt iioonnss:: 889999 CChhaapptt eerr ss iinn bbooookk ss:: 44 AAvveerr aaggee cciitt aatt iioonnss:: 2222 ..4488 PPeeeerr rr eevviieewweedd iinntt eerr nnaatt iioonnaall rr eesseeaarr cchh aarr tt iicclleess:: 3388 hh--iinnddeexx :: 1177 PPaappeerr ss iinn nnaatt iioonnaall ppeerr iiooddiiccaallss ww iitt hh rr ee ffeerr eeeess:: 33 PPaappeerr ss iinn ccoonnffeerr eennccee pprr oocceeeeddiinnggss:: 2222 OOrr aall ccoommmmuunniiccaatt iioonnss bbyy iinnvviitt aatt iioonn:: 1133 PPoosstt eerr ss iinn ccoonnffeerr eenncceess:: 7744 DDooccttoorr aall DDiisssseerr tt aatt iioonn

“Study of new iron centers. Purification and characterization of proteins from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774”. Pedro Tavares (1994). Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

CChhaapptt eerr ss iinn bbooookk ss

"Reductive activation of aerobically purified Desulfovibrio vulgaris hydrogenase: Mösbauer characterization of the catalytic cluster". B.H. Huynh, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, I. Moura, and J.J.G. Moura. “Biochemistry and Physiology of Anaerobic Bacteria”, pag. 35-45, ed. L.G. Lungdahl, M.W. Adams, L.L. Barton, J.G. Ferry, M.K. Johnson, Springer-Verlag NY, Inc. (2002).

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“Using EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopies to probe the metal clusters in [NiFe] hydrogenases”. P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, and J.J.G. Moura. Hydrogen as Fuel. Learning from Nature (2001)

“Simple and complex iron-sulfur proteins in sulfate reducing bacteria”. I. Moura, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares and J.J.G. Moura Advances in Inorganic Chemistry Series, Sykes ed., 41:361-419, (1999). IF: 4.857; Citations: 12

"Characterization of three proteins containing multiple iron sites:

Rubrerythrin, Desulfoferrodoxin and a 6Fe-containing protein". Isabel Moura, Pedro Tavares e Natarajan Ravi. Methods in Enzymology, 243, 216-240 (1994). IF: 2.082; Citations: 18

PPeeeerr RReevviieewweedd II nntt eerr nnaatt iioonnaall RReesseeaarr cchh AArr tt iicclleess

"Effect of kefir grains on proteolysis of major milk proteins " Isabel M.P.L.V.O. Ferreira, Olívia Pinho, Daniela Monteiro, Sofia Faria, Susana Cruz, Alice Pereira, Ana Cecília Roque; Pedro Tavares. Journal of Dairy Science, 93, 27-31 (2010). IF: 2.463; Citations: 0; doi:

"Isolation and characterization of a new Cu-Fe protein from

Desulfovibrio aminophilus DSM12254". Maria G. Rivas, Cristiano S. Mota, Sofia R. Pauleta, Marta S. P. Carepo, Filipe Folgosa, Susana L. A. Andrade, Guy Fauque, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Juan J. Calvete, Isabel Moura, Jose J. G. Moura. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 103, 1314-1322 (2009) IF: 3.252; Citations: 0; doi:

“Camelid nanobodies raised against an integral membrane

enzyme, nitric oxide reductase”. K. Conrath, A.S. Pereira, C.E. Martins, C.G. Timóteo, P. Tavares, S. Spinelli, J. Kinnes, C. Flaudrops, C. Cambillau, S. Muyldermans, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, M. Tegoni, A. Desmyter. Protein Science, 18, 619-628 (2009). IF: 2.937; Citations: 2; doi:

"A new type of metal-binding site in cobalt- and zinc-containing

adenylate kinases isolated from sulfate-reducers Desulfovibrio gigas and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774" Olga Yu. Gavel, Sergey A. Bursakov, Giulia Di Rocco, José Trincão, Ingrid J. Pickering, Graham N. George, Juan J. Calvete, Valery L. Shnyrov, Carlos D. Brondino, Alice S. Pereira, Jorge Lampreia, Pedro Tavares, José J.G. Moura, Isabel Moura J. Inorg. Biochem., 102, 1380-1395 (2008). IF: 3.133; Citations: 4; doi:

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“NMR assignment of the apo-form of a Desulfovibrio gigas

protein containing a novel Mo–Cu cluster”. Sofia R. Pauleta, Américo G. Duarte, Marta S. Carepo, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura. Biomol NMR Assign 1, 81–83, (2007). IF: NA; Citations: 2; doi:

“Development and validation of an HPLC/UV method for

quantification of bioactive peptides in dairy products”. I.M.P.L.V.O. Ferreira, O. Pinho, R. Eça, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, A.C. Roque. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 30, 1-9 (2007). IF: 0.977; Citations: 5; doi:

"Conformations Generated during Turnover of the Azotobacter

vinelandii Nitrogenase MoFe Protein and Their Relationship to Physiological Function" K. Fisher, D.J. Lowe, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, B.H. Huynh, D. Edmondson, W.E. Newton. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 101, 1649-1656 (2007) IF: 3.663; Citations: 2; doi:

“Superoxide reductases”.

A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, F. Folgosa, R.A. Almeida, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura.Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 2569-2581 (2007). IF: 2.597; Citations: 9; doi:

“Ingredients for antihypertensive functional foods based on

trypsin hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates”. I.M.P.L.V.O. Ferreira, O. Pinho, M.V. Mota, P. Tavares, A. S. Pereira, M.P. Gonçalves, D. Torres, C. Rocha, J.A. Teixeira. International Dairy Journal, 17, 481-487 (2007). IF: 2.198; Citations: 11; doi:

"Metalloenzymes of the denitrification pathway."

P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, J.J.G.Moura, I. Moura. J. Inorg. Biochem. 100, 2087-2100, (2006). IF: 2.654; Citations: 27; doi:

“Nitric Oxide Reductase: Direct Electrochemistry and

Electrocatalytic Activity”. Cristina M. Cordas, Alice S. Pereira, Carlos E. Martins, Cristina G. Timóteo, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura, Pedro Tavares. Chem. Biochem. Chem. 7, 1878-1881 (2006). IF: 4.1; Citations: 1; doi:

“Kinetics studies of the superoxide-mediated electron transfer

reactions between rubredoxin-type proteins and superoxide

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reductases”. Françoise Auchère, Sofia R. Pauleta, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 11(4): 433-444, (2006). IF: 3.303; Citations: 8; doi:

“Overexpression and purification of Treponema pallidum

rubredoxin; kinetic evidence for a superoxide-mediated electron transfer with the superoxide reductase neelaredoxin”. F. Auchere, R. Sikkink, C. Cordas, P. Raleiras, P. Tavares,I. Moura, J. J. G .Moura Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 9(7): 839-849, (2004). IF: 3.3; Citations: 12; doi:

“Formation of a stable cyano-bridged dinuclear iron cluster

following oxidation of the superoxide reductases from Treponema pallidum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris with K3Fe(CN)6”. F. Auchere, P. Raleiras, L. Benson, S. Y. Venyaminov, P. Tavares, J. J. G .Moura, I. Moura, F. Rusnak. Inorganic Chemistry 42(4): 938-940, (2003). IF: 3.389; Citations: 14; doi:

“Ca2+ and the bacterial peroxidases: the cytochrome c

peroxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri”. C. G. Timoteo, P. Tavares, C. F. Goodhew, L. C. Duarte, K. Jumel, F. M. F. Girio, S. Harding, G. W. Pettigrew, I. Moura. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 8(1-2): 29-37, (2003). IF: 3.905; Citations: 11; doi:

“Stoichiometric production of hydrogen peroxide and parallel

formation of ferric multimers through decay of the diferric-peroxo complex, the first detectable intermediate in ferritin mineralization”. G. N. L. Jameson, W. Jin, C. Krebs, A. S. Perreira, P. Tavares, X. F. Liu, E. C. Theil, B. H. Huynh. Biochemistry 41(45): 13435-13443, (2002). IF: 4.064; Citations: 34; doi:

“Mössbauer Characterization of the Iron-Sulfur Clusters in

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hydrogenase”. A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, B.H. Huynh. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123(12): 2771-2782, (2001). IF: 6.079; Citations: 67; doi:

“Substitution of murine ferrochelatase glutamate-287 with

glutamine or alanine leads to porphyrin substrate-bound variants” R. Franco, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, A. Mangravita, M.J. Barber, I. Moura, G.C. Ferreira. Biochem J., 356, 217-222, (2001). IF: 4.326; Citations: 11; doi: NA

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“Redox Potentials Measurements of the Mycobacterium

tuberculosis Heme Protein KatG and the Isoniazid-Resistant Enzyme KatG (S315T): Insights into Isoniazid Activation.” N.L. Wengenack, H. Lopes, M.J. Kennedy, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, F. Rusnak. Biochemistry, 39: 11508-11513 (2000). IF: 4.221; Citations: 25; doi: NA

“Purification, Characterization, and Preliminary Crystallographic

Study of Copper-Containing Nitrous Oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica 617”. M. Prudêncio, A. S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson, I. Cabrito, K. Brown, B. Samyn, B. Devreese, J. Van Beeumen, F. Rusnak, G. Fauque, J.J.G. Moura, M. Tegoni, C. Cambillau, I. Moura. Biochem., 39, 3899-3907 (2000). IF: 4.221; Citations: 45; doi: NA

“Reactions of Nitric Oxide with the Reduced Non-Heme Diiron

Center of the Soluble Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase” David E. Coufal, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, Boi Hanh Huynh, Stephen J. Lippard Biochem., 38:4504-4513 (1999). IF: 4.221; Citations: 27; doi: NA

“Formate Dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio gigas is a tungsten

enzyme - Purification and Characterization ” M.J. Almendra, C. Brondino, O. Gavel, S. Bursakov, R.O. Duarte, J. Caldeira, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura. Biochem., 38: 16366-16372 (1999). IF: 4.221; Citations: 26; doi: NA

“Biochemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of

Overexpressed Fuscoredoxin from Escherichia coli”. Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Carsten Krebs, Boi Hanh Huynh, Frank Rusnak, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura. Biochem. Biophys. Res.Com., 260:209-215 (1999). IF: 3.161; Citations: 8; doi: NA

“Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Tetra-Nuclear Fe

Cluster in an Iron-Sulfur Protein Isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774”. Pedro Tavares, A.S. Pereira, C. Krebs, N. Ravi, J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura, B.H. Huynh. Biochem. 37: 2830-2842 (1998). IF: 4.493; Citations: 12; doi: NA

“Probing the iron environment in desulforedoxin. EXAFS of

oxidized and reduced states”. Christina M.V. Stålhandske, Jun Dong, Pedro Tavares, Ming-Y. Liu, Jean LeGall, José J.G. Moura, Isabel Moura, Jae-Bum Park,

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Michael W.W. Adams, Rober A. Scott. Inorg. Chim. Acta. 273:409-411 (1998). IF: 1.454; Citations: 1; doi: NA

“Direct Spectroscopic and Kinetic Evidence for the Involvement of

a Peroxodiferric Intermediate During the Ferroxidase Reaction in Fast Ferritin Mineralization”. Alice S. Pereira, William Small, Carsten Krebs, Pedro Tavares, Dale E. Edmondson, Elizabeth C. Theil, Boi Hanh Huynh. Biochem. 37:9871-9876 (1998). IF: 4.493; Citations: 89; doi: NA

“Generation of a mixed-valent Fe(III)Fe(IV) form of intermediate Q

in the reaction cycle of soluble methane monooxygenase, an analog of intermediate X in ribonucleotide reductase R2 assembly”. Ann M. Valentine, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, Roman Davydov, Carsten Krebs, Brian M. Hoffman, Dale E. Edmonson, Boi Hanh Huynh, Stephen J. Lippard. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120: 2190-2191 (1998). IF: 5.725; Citations: 43; doi: NA

“Rapid and Parallel Formation of Fe3+ Multimers, Including a

Trimer, During H-Type Subunit Ferritin Mineralization”. Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, S.G. Lloyd, D. Danger, D.E. Edmonson, E.C. Theil, B.H. Huynh. Biochem. 36, 7917-7927 (1997). IF: 4.572; Citations: 29; doi: NA

“Conversion of Desulforedoxin into a Rubredoxin center”.

Lian Yu, Matthew Kennedy, Christopher Czaja, Pedro Tavares, José J. G. Moura, Isabel Moura, Frank Rusnak. Biochem. Biophys. Res.Com., 231, 679-682 (1997). IF: 2.671; Citations: 11; doi: NA

"The solution structure of desulforedoxin, a simple iron-sulfur

protein - an NMR study of the zinc derivative". Brian J. Goodfellow, Pedro Tavares, Maria J. Romão, Christopher Czaja, Frank Rusnak, Jean LeGall, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura. J. BioInorg. Chem. 1, 341-354 (1996). IF: 3.75; Citations: 12; doi: NA

"Primary structure of desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio

desulfuricans ATCC 27774, a new class of non-heme iron proteins". Bart Devreese, Pedro Tavares, Jorge Lampreia, Nancy Van Damme, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura, Josef van Beeumen, Isabel Moura. FEBS Lett. 385, 138-142 (1996). IF: 3.75; Citations: 21; doi: NA

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"Preliminary crystalographic analysis of the oxidized form of a two mono-nuclear iron centres protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Ana V. Coelho, Pedro M. Matias, Maria A. Carrondo, Pedro Tavares, José J. G. Moura, Isabel Moura, V. Fulop, J. Hajdu, Jean LeGall. Protein Science 5, 1189-1191 (1996). IF: 4.867; Citations: 10; doi: NA

"Crystal structure of Desulforedoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas

determined at 1.8 Å resolution. A novel nonheme iron protein structure" Margarida Archer, Robert Huber, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura, Maria A. Carrondo, Larry C. Sieker, Jean LeGall, Maria J. Romão. J. Mol. Biol 251, 690-702 (1995). IF: 5.195; Citations: 59; doi: NA

“Total Synthesis of a Simple Metalloprotein - Desulforedoxin”

Pedro Tavares, John K. Wunderlich, Steven G. Lloyd, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura, Isabel Moura. Biochem. Biophys. Res.Comm., 208, 680-687 (1995). IF: 2.872; Citations: 5; doi: NA

“Expression of Desulfovibrio gigas Desulforedoxin in Escherichia

coli: Purification and Characterization of Mixed Metal Isoforms”. Christopher Czaja, Robert Litwiller, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura, Frank Rusnak. J. Biol. Chem., 270, 20275-20277 (1995). IF: 7.452; Citations: 26; doi: NA

"Spectroscopic Properties of Desulfoferrodoxin from

Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774" Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, José J. G. Moura, Jean LeGall, Yun-Hua Huang, Brian R. Crouse, Michael K. Johnson, Boi Hanh Huynh, Isabel Moura. J. Biol. Chem., 269, 10504-10510 (1994). IF: 7.452; Citations: 72; doi: NA

"Direct Spectroscopic Evidence for the presence of a 6Fe Cluster

in an Iron-Sulfur Protein Isolated from D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Isabel Moura, Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura, Boi Hanh Huynh. J. Biol. Chem., 267, 4489-4496 (1992). IF: 7.452; Citations: 40; doi: NA

"Purification and Characterization of Desulfoferrodoxin, a novel

protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 and from Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Hildenborough that contains a distorted rubredoxin center and a mononuclear ferrous center".

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Isabel Moura, Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, José J. G. Moura. J. Biol. Chem., 265, 21596-21602 (1990). IF: 7.452; Citations: 87; doi: NA

PPaappeerr ss iinn nnaatt iioonnaall ppeerr iiooddiiccaallss ww iitt hh rr ee ffeerr eeeess

“Building a specific bioelectrode for nitrite determination” M.G. Almeida, P. Tavares e J.J.G. Moura. Bol. Soc. Port. Quím., 84, 67-71 (2002).

“Using Mössbauer spectroscopy to unveil structures and catalytic secretes of enzymes containing iron” Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 77: 35-43 (2000).

"Proteins containing non-heme iron. An example of structural and functional variability”. Pedro Tavares, Jorge Caldeira, Alice S. Pereira, Isabel Moura e José J.G. Moura Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Biotecnologia, 47, 11-24 (1994).

PPaappeerr ss iinn ccoonnffeerr eennccee pprr oocceeeeddiinnggss

“Radiation exposure: cellular damage and defense mechanisms”. Filipe Folgosa, Rodrigo Silva, Pedro Tavares, Fátima Raposo and Alice S. Pereira. FEBS Journal (2009) 276 (Suppl 1):308

"Kinetic studies of metal incorporation in Desulfovibrio gigas rubredoxin". Filipe Folgosa, Joana A. Santos, Alice S. Pereira, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura, Pedro Tavares. J Biol Inorg Chem 12 (Suppl 1):S77 (2007).

"Spectroscopic and Mutagenesis studies on the Iron Sulfur Centers from the Fuscoredoxin of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans". Rui O. Duarte, Ana R. Ramos, Sara Costa, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura. J Biol Inorg Chem 12 (Suppl 1):S76 (2007).

"Functional studies on a bacterioferritin from the anaerobe Desulfovibrio vulgaris". Márcia Guilherme, Cristina G. Timóteo, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira. J Biol Inorg Chem 12 (Suppl 1):S77 (2007).

"Redox states of Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas nautica: Kinetic and Spectroscopic characterization". Carlos E. Martins1, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Cristina M.Cordas, Filipe Folgosa, Cristina G. Timóteo, Sunil Naik, Boi Hanh Huynh, José J. G. Moura, Isabel Moura.

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J Biol Inorg Chem 12 (Suppl 1):S83 (2007).

"The catalytic center of a Desaturase from Arabidopsis thaliana". Cristina G. Timoteo, Cristina Pantana, Américo G. Duarte, Filipe Folgosa, Alice S. Pereira, PedroTavares. J Biol Inorg Chem 12 (Suppl 1):S93 (2007).

“Cloning and overexpression of Bacterioferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough” Márcia Guilherme, Pedro Tavares and Alice S. Pereira Eur Biophys J., 34(6): p. 661 (2005)

“Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas náutica” Carlos E. Martins, Cristina M. Cordas, Cristina G. Timóteo, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, José J. G. Moura and Isabel Moura Eur Biophys J., 34(6): p. 663 (2005)

“Nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) from Pseudomonas nautica 617” I. Cabrito, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson, C. Brondino, B. Hoffman, K. Brown, M. Tegoni, C. Cambillau, J.J.G. Moura and I. Moura 10th International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry, Florence, 26-31 August 2001 J. Inorganic Biochemistry 86, 165 (2001)

“Calcium in bacterial peroxidases-Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c peroxidase” C.G. Timóteo, P. Tavares, G.W. Pettigrew and I. Moura 10th International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry, Florence, 26-31 August 2001 J. Inorganic Biochemistry 86, 125 (2001)

“Development of an electrochemical biosensor for nitrite determination” G. Almeida, P. Tavares, J. Lampreia, J.J.G. Moura and I. Moura 10th International Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry, Florence, 26-31 August 2001 J. Inorganic Biochemistry 86, 121 (2001)

“Redox potential of the heme protein katg from Mycobacterium tuberculosis” N. Wengenack, H. Lopes, M. Kennedy, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura and F. Rusnak 9th ICBIC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 11-16,1999 J. Inorg. Chem. 74, 336 (1999)

“Copper-containing nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica: spectroscopic and redox properties” M. Prudêncio, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson and I. Moura

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9th ICBIC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 11-16,1999 J. Inorg. Chem. 74, 267 (1999)

“Cloning and overexpression of E. coli fuscoredoxin” A. Pamplona, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, F. Rusnak and J.J.G. Moura 9th ICBIC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 11-16,1999 J. Inorg. Chem. 74, 260 (1999)

“Spectroscopic characterizationof porphyrin binding to ferrochelatase; the last enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway” R. Franco, J.-G. Ma, Y.Liu, A. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, J.A. Shelnut and G. Ferreira 9th ICBIC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, July 11-16,1999 J. Inorg. Chem. 74, 130 (1999)

“Mössbauer Spectroscopic and Kinetic Characterization of Ferric Clusters formed in H-Chain Ferritin Mineralization”. Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, Steven G. Lloyd, Dana Danger, Dale E. Edmonson, Elizabeth Theil e Boi Hanh Huynh. Abstracts of the 213PthP American Chemical Society National Meeting, EUA, (1997).

“The Primary Structure of Desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774”. Bart Devreese, Pedro Tavares, Jorge Lampreia, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura, Josef Van Beeumen e Isabel Moura. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 56, 418 (1995).

“Structural Studies on a simple iron-sulfur protein - Desulforedoxin”. Mauro Sharf, Carla S. Ascenso, Pedro Tavares, Brian J. Goodfellow, Margarida Archer, Jean LeGall, Robert C. Scott, Frank Rusnak, Maria A. Carrondo, Robert Huber, Maria J. Romão, José J.G. Moura e Isabel Moura. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 56, 417 (1995).

"Chemical Synthesis of a Simple Iron-Sulfur Protein. Assembling of Desulfoferrodoxin." Pedro Tavares, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura e Isabel Moura. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry - Special Issue in Honor of Helmut Beinert, 56 (1994).

"Spectroscopic Studies on Fully Oxidized and Semi-Reduced Desulfoferrodoxin purified from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Pedro Tavares, José J. G. Moura, Natarajan Ravi, Boi Hanh Huynh, Jean LeGall e Isabel Moura.

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Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 51, 478 (1993).

"EPR and Mössbauer evidence for a spin 9/2 [6Fe] cluster containing non-sulfur ligation in a novel protein isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774." Natarajan Ravi, Pedro Tavares, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura e Boi Hanh Huynh. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 43, 252. (1991).

"Desulfoferrodoxin, a novel protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 that contains a distorted rubredoxin center and a mononuclear ferrous center". Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, Isabel Moura e José J. G. Moura. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 43, 264 (1991).

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“Structural and mechanistic characterization of iron containing proteins by spectroscopic techniques coupled to rapid-freeze quench” Pedro Tavares Workshop in fundamentals and application of radiation, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (2010)

“Proteins involved in iron metabolism – the ferritin family” Pedro Tavares Conferences of the Department of Physics, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (2009)

“Oxidative stress” Pedro Tavares JORTEC, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (2008)

“Dinitrogen activation” Pedro Tavares Conferences of the Department of Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (2008)

"Structural and mechanistic studies of biologic oxygen activation" P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira 6th Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Funchal (2005)

“Use of molecular oxygen and iron in biological systems” Pedro Tavares. Conferences of the Department of Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (2005).

“Mössbauer investigation of the iron clusters in Desulfovibrio vulgaris hydrogenase” A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, and B.H. Huynh

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6th International Conference on the Molecular Biology of Hydrogenases, Postdam, Alemanha (2000)

“Spectroscopic and redox properties of D. vulgaris hydrogenase” Pedro Tavares CERC3 young chemists’ workshop, Florence (2000).

“Mössbauer and EPR studies of novel Fe clusters" P. Tavares, A. S. Pereira, C. Krebs, N. Ravi, J. J. G. Moura, I. Moura and B. H. Huynh XI National Congress of Biochemistry, Tomar (1998).

“Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Tetra-Nuclear Fe Cluster - Mössbauer and EPR Studies" Pedro Tavares. Conferences of the Department of Chemistry, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL (1998).

“Proteins containing bi and mononuclear non-heme iron centers.” Pedro Tavares, José J. G. Moura, Natarajan Ravi, Boi Hanh Huynh, Jean LeGall e Isabel Moura. 2nd Meeting of the “EEC Network on Dinuclear and Polinuclear Metal Clusters in Biology: Enzymes and Synthetic Analogues”, Milan (1994).

"Spectroscopic Studies on the 6Fe Protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura. Iron Sulphur Meeting, Kings Colledge, Londres, (1992).

"The Desulforredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774." Pedro Tavares. Seminars of Centro de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Oeiras, (1992).

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"Direct Electrochemistry of Immobilized Ferritin Proteins" Cristina M. Cordas, Inês S. Camacho, Joana Cristovão, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares 61st. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE 2010), 26 Sept - 2 Oct, 2010, Nice, France.

"Direct Electrochemistry of the nitric oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica" A.G.Duarte, C.M. Cordas, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura 61st. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE 2010), 26 Sept - 2 Oct, 2010, Nice, France.

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"The Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas nautica, Spectroscopic charecterization, kinetics and direct electrochemical studies." A.G. Duarte, C.M. Cordas, A. S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura EUROBIC 10, 22-26 June, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Filipe Folgosa, Luis Marques, Pedro Tavares, Maria Raposo, Alice S. Pereira, “Ionizing Radiation: Molecular damage and cellular response”, RADAM 2010, Madrid, Spain, 30 June to 4th of July 2010

Filipe Folgosa, Rodrigo Silva, Pedro Tavares, Fátima Raposo and Alice S. Pereira, “Radiation exposure: cellular damage and defense mechanisms”, 34th FEBS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 4 - 9 July 2009

Filipe Folgosa, Rodrigo Silva, Pedro Tavares, Fátima Raposo, Alice S. Pereira, M.J. Cabrita, João Durão, M.D.R. Gomes da Silva, “Radiation exposure: Determination of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) in airline pilots by GC/MS-SIM after solidphase extraction”, 6º Encontro Nacional De Cromatografia, Funchal, Portugal, 14 – 16 December 2009

“NMR solution structure of the apo-form of the Desulfovibrio gigas orange protein” S.R. Pauleta, A.G. Duarte, M.S. Carepo, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, P. Turano, I. Bertini. EUROMAR – Magnetic Resonance Conference, Tarragona, Spain. 1 – 6 July, 2007.

“Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of metal incorporation in Desulfovibrio gigas rubredoxin” F. Folgosa, J.A. Santos, A.S. Pereira, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura, e P. Tavares. 7ª Conferência de Química Inorgânica, Fátima, Portugal, 2007.

“Production of Casuarina glauca recombinant proteins involved in root nodulation by Frankia bacteria”. I. Graça, A. Fortunato, P. Santos, J. Liang, C.P. Ricardo, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, e A. Ribeiro. Micro’07-Biotec’07-XXXIII JPG Congress, Lisboa, Portugal, 2007.

“The catalytic center of a desaturase from Arabidopsis thaliana”. C.G. Timóteo, C. Pantana, A.G. Duarte, F. Folgosa, A.S. Pereira e P. Tavares. ICBIC-13, Viena, Áustria, 2007.

“Redox states of nitric oxide reductase from Pseudomonas

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nautica: Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization”. C.E. Martins, A.S. Pereira, P.Tavares, C.M. Cordas, F. Folgosa, C.G. Timóteo, S.N., B.H. Huynh, J.J.G. Moura e I. Moura. ICBIC-13, Viena, Áustria, 2007.

“Functional studies on a bacterioferritin from the anaerobe Desulfovibrio vulgaris”. M. Guilherme, C.G. Timóteo, P. Tavres e A.S. Pereira. ICBIC-13, Viena, Áustria, 2007.

“Kinetics studies of metal incorporation in Desulfovibrio gigas rubredoxin”. F. Folgosa, J.A. Santos, A.S. Pereira, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura e P. Tavares. ICBIC-13, Viena, Áustria, 2007.

“Spectroscopic and mutagenesis studies on the iron sulfur centers from the fuscoredoxin of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans”. R.O. Duarte, A.R. Ramos, S. Costa, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura. ICBIC-13, Viena, Áustria, 2007.

"Redox states of Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas nautica: Kinetic and Spectroscopic characterization" Carlos E. Martins, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Cristina M. Cordas, Filipe Folgosa, Cristina G. Timóteo, Sunil Naik, Boi Hanh Huynh, José J. G. Moura and Isabel Moura 3th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC 13), 15-20 July, 2007, Vienna, Austria.

“Pseudomonas nautica cytochrome c peroxidase – the role of calcium”. C.G. Timóteo, P. Tavares, A.S. Pereira, C. Bonifácio, J. Trincão, G.W. Pettigrew, M.J. Romão e I. Moura. XX Encontro nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Caparica, Portugal, 2006.

“Pseudomonas nautica nitric oxide reductase: spectroscopic and kinetic studies”. C.E. Martins, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, C.G. Timóteo, S. Naik, B.H. Huynh, J.J.G. Moura e I. Moura. XX Encontro nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Caparica, Portugal, 2006.

“Spectroscopic and kinetic characterization of bacterioferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris sbsp. vulgaris str. Hildenborough”. M. Guilherme, F. Folgosa, C. Timóteo, P. Tavares e A.S. Pereira. XX Encontro nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Caparica, Portugal, 2006.

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“Cloning and overexpression of a fatty acid desaturase isolated

from Arabidopsis thaliana”. F. Folgosa, A.G. Duarte, A.S. Pereira, e P. Tavares. XX Encontro nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Caparica, Portugal, 2006.

“Fuscoredoxin from D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774: A site-directed mutagenesis study”. R.O. Duarte, A.R. Ramos, S. Costa, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura e J.J.G. Moura. XX Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Caparica, Portugal, 2006.

“Cloning and overexpression of the orange protein (ORP) from Desulfovibrio gigas in different host strains. Purification of the apo-protein”. A.G. Duarte, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, A. Dolla, J.J.G. Moura e I. Moura. XV National Congress of Biochemistry, Aveiro, Portugal, 2006.

“Cloning and overexpression of a plant fatty acid desaturase”. F. Folgosa, A.G. Duarte, A.S. Pereira, e P. Tavares. XV National Congress of Biochemistry, Aveiro, Portugal, 2006.

“Pseudomonas nautica nitric oxide reductase: spectroscopic and kinetic studies”. C.E. Martins, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, C.G. Timóteo, S. Naik, B.H. Huynh, J.J.G. Moura e I. Moura. XV National Congress of Biochemistry, Aveiro, Portugal, 2006.

“Cloning and overexpression of Bacterioferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris str. Hildenborough”. Márcia Guilherme, Cristina Timóteo, Pedro Tavares and Alice S. Pereira. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

“Mutagenesis studies on the Iron Sulfur Centers of the D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774 Fuscoredoxin” Rui O. Duarte, Sara Costa, Ana R. Ramos, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura and José J. G. Moura. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

“Pseudomonas nautica nitric oxide reductase: spectroscopic and kinetic studies”. Carlos E. Martins, Alice S. Pereira1, Pedro Tavares, Cristina G. Timóteo, Sunil Naik, Boi Hanh Hyunh, José J. G. Moura and Isabel Moura. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

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“Cloning and overexpression of the orange protein (ORP) from

Desulfovibrio gigas in different hots strains. Purification of the apo-protein”. Américo G. Duarte, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Alain Dolla, José J.G. Moura and Isabel Moura. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

“Nitric Oxide Reductase. Direct electrochemical response and electrocatalytic activity”. Cristina M. Cordas, Carlos E. Martins, Cristina G. Timóteo, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura and José J. G. Moura. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

“Cloning and overexpression of a fatty acid desaturase from Arabidopsis thaliana”. Filipe Folgosa, Américo G. Duarte, Alice S. Pereira and Pedro Tavares. EUROBIC-8, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2 - 6, 2006.

“Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas náutica” Carlos E. Martins, Cristina M. Cordas, Cristina G. Timóteo, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, José J. G. Moura and Isabel Moura Meeting on Microbial Respiratory Chains, Tomar, Março de 2006

"Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies of Desulfoferrodoxin, a Functional SOR Enzyme" F. Folgosa, A. S. Pereira, I. Moura, J. J. G. Moura and P. Tavares 4ª Reunião Requimte, Fátima, Março 2006

"Direct electrochemistry of NO reductase (NOR)" Cristina M. Cordas, Carlos E. Martins, Cristina Timóteo, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura and José J. G.Moura Requimte, CQFB-CEQUP, Fátima, Portugal, Março 2006.

“Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c peroxidase – the role of calcium” Cristina G. Timóteo, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, Cecília Bonifácio, José Trincão, Graham W. Pettigrew, Maria J. Romão e Isabel Moura First European Conference on Chemistry for Live Sciences, Rimini, Itália, Outubro de 2005.

“Cloning and overexpression of Bacterioferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough” Márcia Guilherme, Pedro Tavares and Alice S. Pereira First European Conference on Chemistry for Live Sciences, Rimini, Itália, Outubro de 2005.

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“Pseudomonas nautica Nitric Oxide Redúctase” Cristina G. Timóteo, Márcia Guilherme, Carlos E. Martins, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira and Isabel Moura VIª Conferência de Química Inorgânica, Funchal, Madeira, Abril 2005

"Metalloproteins and Cellular Detoxification" F. Folgosa, A. S. Pereira, I. Moura, J. J. G. Moura and P. Tavares 12th International Conference on Biological Inorganic, Ann Arbor, USA, Agosto 2005

"Spectroscopic Techniques and Metalloproteins" F. Folgosa, A. S. Pereira, I. Moura, P. Tavares and J. J. G. Moura EPR Summer School-COST Action P15, Wiesbaden, Germany, Julho 2005

"Redox transitions and metal centers interconversions in ferredoxins" Ana S. Martins, Cristina M. Cordas, Rui O. Duarte, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura XVIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society and 3rd Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY-2005), Coimbra, Junho, 2005.

"Direct Electrochemical Behaviour of Nitric Oxide Reductase" Cristina M. Cordas, Carlos E. Martins, Cristina Timóteo, Alice Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura XVIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society and 3rd Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY-2005), Coimbra, Junho, 2005.

“Direct electrochemical response of NO reductase” Cristina M. Cordas, Carlos E. Martins, Cristina Timóteo, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura 12th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC 12), Ann Arbor, EUA, Julho 2005.

“Pseudomonas nautica Nitric Oxide Redúctase” Carlos E. Martins, Cristina G. Timóteo, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira and Isabel Moura XIVCongresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Vilamoura, Dezembro de 2004

"Identification and Characterization of Intermediate Species by Fast Kinetics Systems" F. Folgosa, P. Tavares, A. S. Pereira, I. Moura and J. J. G. Moura XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Vilamoura, Dezembro

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"Pseudomonas nautica nitric oxide reductase". Cristina G. Timóteo, Márcia Guilherme, Carlos E. Martins, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira e Isabel Moura. III Meeting of REQUIMTE, Janeiro 2004 Fátima

"Use of fast kinetics to study electron transfer between physiological parteners". Filipe Folgosa, Sofia R. Pauleta, Pedro Tavares, Alice S. Pereira, Isabel Moura e José J. G. Moura. III Meeting of REQUIMTE, Janeiro 2004 Fátima

"EPR signals of prismane protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 in intact cells of E. coli". Rui Duarte, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares e, José J. G. Moura. III Meeting of REQUIMTE, Janeiro 2004 Fátima

"Cytochrome c peroxidase from Ps. Nautica: spectroscopic and electrochemical studies". Teresa Alves, Stéphane Besson, Alice S. Pereira, Pedro Tavares, Graham W. Pettigrew, José J. G. Moura e Isabel Moura. III Meeting of REQUIMTE, Janeiro 2004, Fátima

“Formation of a stable cyano-bridged dinuclear iron-cluster following oxidation of superoxide reductases with KB3BFe(CN)B6B” P.Raleiras, F.Auchère, L.Benson, S.Y.Venyaminov, P.Tavares, I.Moura, F.Rusnak, J.J.G.Moura 7th FIGIPS, Lisboa, Portugal, June 11-14 2003

“Biochemical characterization, aminoacid sequence and crystal structure from pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c peroxidase” C.G.Timóteo, P.Tavares, A.S.Pereira, A.Muller, C.Cunha, C.Bonifácio, J.M.Dias, G.W.Pettigrew, M.J.Romão, I.Moura EUROBIC-6, Lund and Copenhagen, July 29-August 3, 2002

“Stuctural aspects of denitrification” I.Moura, I.Cabrito, P.Cheng, A.Pereira, P.Tavares, E.Solomon, M.Tegoni, C.Cambillau and J.J.G.Moura 1st Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry Gordon Conference, June 2002 , Andover, USA

“Nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) from pseudomonas nautica 6172” I.Cabrito, A.S.Pereira, P.Tavares, S.Besson, C.Brondino, B. Hoffman, K.Brown, M.Tegoni, C. Cambillau, J.J.G.Moura and I.Moura II Meeting of REQUIMTE, September 2001, Monte de Caparica

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“Calcium in bacterial peroxidases- pseudomonas stutzeri

cytochrome c peroxidase” C.G.Timóteo, P.Tavares, G.W.Pettigrew and I.Moura II Meeting of REQUIMTE, September 2001, Monte de Caparica

“The active sites of nitrous oxide reductase-novel copper cluster” I. Cabrito, M. Prudêncio, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson, C. Brondino, J.J.G. Moura and I. Moura V Conferência de Química Inorgânica, Monte Real, Portugal (2001)

“Cobalt, a novelstructuralelementof bacterialadenylate kinase containing metals O.Y. Gavel, S.A. Bursakov, G. di Rocco, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, J. Lampreia, G.N. George, T.J. Pickering, J.J. Calvete, J.J.G. Moura and I. Moura EUROBIC-5, Toulouse, France (2000)

“Physiologicalantagonists: molybdenum and copper in a new heterometallic cluster in a novel protein from D. gigas” S. Bursakov, O.Y. Gavel, G.N. George, J. Lampreia, G. di Rocco, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, J.J.G. Moura and I. Moura EUROBIC-5, Toulouse, France (2000)

“Nitrous oxide reductasefrom Pseudomonas nautica 617: purification,characterization and crystallographic studies” I. Cabrito, M. Prudêncio, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson, K. Brown, B. Samyn, B. Devreesese, J.Van Beeumen, F. Rusnak, G. Fauque, J.J.G. Moura, M. Tegoni, C. Cambillau and I. Moura EUROBIC-5, Toulouse, France (2000)

“Mössbauer investigation of the iron clusters in Desulfovibrio vulgaris hydrogenase” B.H. Huynh, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, J.J.G. Moura and J. LeGall The Power of Anaerobes, Athens, Georgia (2000)

“A peroxidase do citocromo c de Pseudomonas stutzeri” C.G.Timóteo, P. Tavares, L.C. Duarte, F.M.F. Gírio, G.W. Pettigrew and I. Moura XVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Lisboa (2000)

“Purificaçâo e caracterizaçâo da redutase do óxido ntroso de Pseudomonas nautica 617” M. Prudêncio, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, S. Besson, I. Cabrito, J.J.G. Moura e I. Moura XVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química,

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Lisboa (2000)

“Spectroscopic characterization of nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica” M. Prudêncio, A.S. Pereira, S.Besson, P. Tavares and I. Moura Reunião RequiMte, First Meeting, February 5-6 (1999).

“ Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies on Mammalian Ferrochelatase: a [2Fe-2S] Cluster-Containing Metalloenzyme”. R. Franco, S.G. Lloyd, A.S. Pereira, P. Tavares, J.J.G. Moura, I. Moura, B.H. Huynh and G.C. Ferreira. Gordon Research Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Tetrapyrroles, Newport, RI, E.U.A. (1998).

“Spectroscopic characterization of a novel tetra-nuclear Fe cluster in an iron-sulfur protein isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". A. S. Pereira, P. Tavares, C. Krebs, N. Ravi, J. J. G. Moura, I.Moura, B. H. Huynh. 2PndP Portuguese –Spanish Biophysics Congress, Madrid, Espanha (1998)

“Cloning and overexpression of E. coli fuscoredoxin. Characterization of a novel tetra-nuclear Fe cluster in an iron-sulfur protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774”. A. Pamplona, A. S. Pereira, P. Tavares, I. Moura, F. Rusnak and J. J. G. Moura. XI Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Tomar (1998).

“Spectroscopic characterization of a novel tetra-nuclear Fe cluster in an iron-sulfur protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC27774”. P. Tavares, A.S.Pereira, C.Krebs, N.Ravi, J.J.G.Moura , I.Moura and B.H.Huynh. Symposium on Inorganic Biochemistry and Regulatory Mechanisms of Iron Metabolism, Sintra, Portugal, (1998).

“Molybdenum Proteins from Sulfate Reducing Bacteria”. J.J.G. Moura, J. Caldeira, R.O. Duarte, M.J. Almendra, S. Bursakov, O. Gavel, P. Tavares, A. Pereira e I. Moura. Gordon Research Conference, Metals in Biology , Ventura, California, EUA, (1998).

“Studies on monomeric iron-sulfur centers and their association with other non-heme iron centers.” Pedro Tavares, José J. G. Moura, Natarajan Ravi, Boi Hanh Huynh, Jean LeGall e Isabel Moura. EUROBIC II, Florença, Itália, (1994).

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"Total Synthesis of Desulforedoxin - The Assembly of a Simple Metalloprotein." Pedro Tavares, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura e Isabel Moura. 9º Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, Algarve, Portugal, (1993).

"Desulfoferrodoxin - A non-heme iron containing protein purified from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, José J. G. Moura e Isabel Moura. Comunicação apresentada nos seguintes congressos: • "Magnetic Spectroscopy on Bioinorganic Transition Metal Centers Workshop", Homburg, Alemanha, (1993). • Iron Sulphur Proteins, Discussion Group Meeting, Kings Colledge, Londres, (1993).

"New types of iron centers in Desulfovibrio sp. ". Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, Isabel Moura e José J. G. Moura. Second Italian-Portuguese-Spanish Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Algarve, (1992).

"Purification and characterization of Desulfoferrodoxin, a novel protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774". Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, Isabel Moura e José J. G. Moura. Frontiers in Inorganic Chemistry, IST, Lisboa , (1992).\

"Unusual Spin states of iron-sulfur proteins" J. J. G. Moura, A. L. Macedo, P. Tavares, and I. Moura 4PthP Chianti Workshop on Magnetic Resonance-Nuclear and Electron Relaxation, Itália (1991).

"EPR and Mössbauer evidence for a spin 9/2 [6Fe] cluster containing non-sulfur ligation in a novel protein isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774." Natarajan Ravi, Pedro Tavares, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Isabel Moura, José J. G. Moura e Boi Hanh Huynh. Inorganic Biochemistry Summer Workshop, Poster Abstracts, (1991).

"Association of a distorted Rubredoxin center and a mononuclear ferrous center in a novel protein isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774." Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh, Isabel Moura e José J. G. Moura. Inorganic Biochemistry Summer Workshop, Poster Abstracts, (1991).

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"P1PH-NMR studies on a novel iron containing protein isolated from sulfate reducing bacteria - Desulfoferrodoxin". Anjos L. Macedo, Pedro Tavares, Jean LeGall, José J. G. Moura and Isabel Moura. Italian-Portuguese-Spanish Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry Gandia, Espanha, (1990).

"Purification and characterization of Desulfoferrodoxin, a novel protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 and from Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Hildenborough". Isabel Moura, Pedro Tavares, Natarajan Ravi, Ming-Yih Liu, Jean LeGall, Boi Hanh Huynh e José J. G. Moura. FEBS Advanced Course on Inorganic and Physical Biochemistry Universidade Católica de Louvain, (1990).

!FFuunnddiinngg,, aawwaarrddss aanndd ggrraannttss (( iinntteerrnnaall aanndd eexxtteerrnnaall)) RReesseeaarr cchh GGrr aanntt ss ((22000000 -- 22001133)) AAss PPII :: 44 ((448822 kk€€)) AAss mmeemmbbeerr ooff rr eesseeaarr cchh tt eeaamm:: 77 AAss pprr iinncciippaall iinnvveesstt iiggaattoorr

“Analytical tools to study the effect of cosmic radiation exposure in professional airline pilots” Financed by FCT/MCTES, PTDC/SAU-SAP/111482/2009 (01-1-2011 to 31-12-2013) Research Team:

• Pedro Tavares (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) • Cristina Maria Barrocas Dias Teixeira da Costa (Assistant

Professor, Universidade Évora) • Marco Diogo Richter Gomes da Silva (Assistant Professor,

FCT/UNL) • Maria João Pires de Bastos Cabrita Costa (Assistant Professor,

Universidade Évora) • Paulo Alexandre Ramos Figueiredo Soares (APPLA) • Paulo António Martins Ferreira Ribeiro (Assistant Professor,

FCT/UNL) • Raquel Marta Neves dos Santos Garcia (Invited Assistant

Researcher, Universidade de Évora) • Rodrigo Oliveira da Silva (MD, occupational medicine)

“Biomineralization and iron release control in enzymes of the ferritin

family” Financed by FCT/MCTES, PTDC/BIA-PRO/111485/2009 (01-1-2011 to 31-12-2013) Research Team:

• Pedro Tavares (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) • Cristina Maria Grade Couto da Silva Cordas (Assistant

Researcher, FCT/UNL) • Isabel Cristina da Costa Garcia Timóteo (Assistant Researcher,


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“Iron detoxification and stress response in bacteria. A mechanistic

study” Financed by FCT/MCTES, PTDC/QUI/67142/2006 (01-11-2007 to 31-10-2010) Research Team:

• Pedro Tavares (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) • Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro (Assistant Researcher, IICT) • Isabel Cristina da Costa Garcia Timóteo (Post-Doctoral fellow,

FCT/UNL) • Filipe dos Santos Folgosa (PhD student, FCT/UNL)

“Structural and mechanistic studies of fatty acid desaturases.

Looking for reactivity of diiron clusters” Financed by FCT/MCTES, POCTI/QUI/37413/2001 (01-03-2002 to 30-10-2005) Research Team:

• Pedro Tavares (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) AAss mmeemmbbeerr ooff rr eesseeaarr cchh tt eeaamm

“Stalking intermediates on iron oxidation by anaerobic bacterial ferritins” PI: Maria Alice Santos Pereira (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) Financed by FCT/MCTES, PTDC/QUI/64248/2006 (1-01-2009 to 31-12-2011)

“Kinetic and mechanistic studies of superoxide reduction” PI: Maria Alice Santos Pereira (Assistant Professor, FCT/UNL) Financed by FCT/MCTES, POCI/QUI/57475/2004 (1-09-2005 to 31-08-2009)

“Separation and characterization of bioactive peptides from whey hydrolysis to be applied in food and pharmaceutical industries: A contribute to valorisation of cheese whey protein fraction” PI: Isabel Maria Pinto Leite Viegas Oliveira Ferreira (Assistant Professor, FFUP) Financed by REQUIMTE (2006-2009)

“Role of defense-related genes during the establishment of root-nodule symbioses between higher plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria” PI: Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro (Assistant Researcher, IICT) Financed by FCT/MCTES, POCI/AGR/55651/2004 (2005-2008)

"Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: common features between actinorhizal and legume root modules" PI: Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro (Assistant Researcher, IICT) Financed by FCT/MCTES, POCTI/BME/36191/99

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“Biomolecular Analysis – Contract PID55 Reequipment project” PI: José J. G. Moura (2004 – 2006)

“Catalytic mechanisms of oxygen activation non-heme iron enzymes” PI: Boi Hanh Huynh Financed by National Institutes of Health, Grant GM47295

AAss ccoollllaabboorr aattoorr

Contract POCI/QUI/55350/2004: "Novos cofactores de molibdénio e cobre em proteínas de bactérias redutoras de sulfato", coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura. Contract CEE BIO4-CT 96-0281: “Structural dynamics of nitrite reductases”, coordinated by Professor José J. G. Moura. Contract STRDA/BIO/359.: "Caracterização de três proteínas contendo novos tipos de centros de ferro", coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura. Contract PRAXIS/P/QUI/10087/98: “Estudos estruturais e mecanismos de enzimas chaves do ciclo do azoto”, coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura. Contract PRAXIS/PCEX/C/QUI/0097/96: “Para a criação de uma estrutura interdisciplinar em engenharia de proteínas”, coordinated by Professor José J. G. Moura. Contract PRAXIS 2/2.1/Bio/1161/95: "O mecanismo enzimático da peroxidase do citocromo c isolada de Paracoccus denitrificans -papel do CaP2+P e mudanças na coordenação hémica", coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura Contract PRAXIS 2/2.1/BIO/1123/95: "Produção, purificação e caracterização de exoperoxidases de culturas de células em suspensão de Vaccinium myrtillus", coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura. Contract PRAXIS.2/2.1/QUI/219/94: "Biossíntese do hemo: estudos estruturais e funcionais da enzima ferroquelatase, recentemente incluída na classe das metaloenzimas", coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura. Contract PBIC/QUI/1646/93 (Praxis/2/2.1/QUI/3/94): “Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Miméticos de Processos Biológicos Fundamentais, com Relevância Ambiental e Económica”, coordinated by Professor Isabel Moura.

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AAwwaarr ddss 4th place ex aequo in “IBM Leonardo Da Vinci 95” free style

competition for the development of software used to support chemistry teaching.

“Etude fonctionelle et structurale des quatre enzymes de la chaine de denitrification: nitrate, nitrite, NO et N2O reductases.” Agreement 536 C1. Association APDF.

TTeeaacchhiinngg eexxppeerriieennccee ((11999988 –– 22001100)) II nn FFCCTT//UUNNLL EEPPRR aanndd MMöössssbbaauueerr ssppeeccttrroossccooppiieess

Three-week course taught to first year students of the Master’s program in Structural and Functional Biochemistry. Responsible for the Mössbauer spectroscopy part since 2009.

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo BBiioocchheemmiissttrryy This course (one semester) is strictly taught to biochemistry majors. It is the first biochemistry course of the degree and covers general concepts in biology, chemistry and physics applied in biochemistry. Responsible for the course since 2007.

BBiiooeelleeccttrroocchheemmiissttrryy An optional one-semester course taught to third year biochemistry majors, that focus on the study of electron transfer reactions in biochemistry using electrochemical and fast kinetic methodologies. Responsible for the course since 2007.

IInnssttrruummeennttaall MMeetthhooddss ooff AAnnaallyyssiiss The one semester courses in instrumental methods of analysis cover spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques (potentiometry, voltammetry and coulometry), and in one case chromatography. They are taught to different students (Biology, Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Food Technology majors). Responsible for the courses since 1999. Shared responsibility with Professor Madalena Dionisio since 2004.

GGeenneerraall CChheemmiissttrryy One-semester courses taught to non-chemistry majors (Civil, Material, Environmental, Industrial and Production Engineering, as well as Natural Sciences majors). Responsible for courses in the period of 2000 to 2002.

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo PPhhyyssiiccaall--CChheemmiissttrryy This course (one semester) was taught to Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry majors. Participation in practical classes in the period of 2000 to 2002

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UUnnddeerrggrraadduuaattee SSttuuddeennttss RReesseeaarrcchh PPrroojjeeccttss These were either one-year or one-semester courses integrated in five-year or three-year degrees, respectively. They consist in small research projects (usually integrated in our own research) that undergraduate students must do to complete their degree. Responsible for several supervisions since 2000.

PPrrootteeiinn ppuurriiffiiccaattiioonn Monographic course taught to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and other professionals. Designed to teach basic and advanced techniques to protein/enzyme expression, purification and characterization. Co-responsible with Professors Isabel Moura, Alice S. Pereira, and Jorge Lampreia. Period of 1999 – 2003.

WWeebb ppaaggeess ffoorr tteeaacchhiinngg Monographic course taught to professors of the Department of Chemistry. Designed as an initiation course to introduce and stimulate the use of a website for educational purposes and creation of pedagogical materials in digital formats. Responsible. Only taught in 2001.

II nn II SSEEIITT GGeenneerraall BBiioocchheemmiissttrryy The courses (one semester) were taught to Environmental and Chemical Sciences majors as well as to Human Motricity majors. Responsible for the course in the period of 1997 to 1999.

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall PPhhyyssiiccss aanndd EEccoollooggiiccaall BBiioocchheemmiissttrryy This course (one semester) was taught to Environmental and Chemical Sciences majors. Responsible for the course in the period of 1998 to 1999.

FFiieellddwwoorrkk This course (one semester) was taught to Environmental and Chemical Sciences majors. Mainly consisted in the visit to different ecosystems and industrial environments pertinent to the courses being taught in Environmental and Chemical Sciences. Responsible for the course in the period of 1998 to 1999.

CCoommmmiitttteeee sseerrvviiccee aanndd aaccaaddeemmiicc mmaannaaggeemmeenntt ((11999988 –– 22001100)) II nn FFCCTT//UUNNLL Member of FCT scientific council (2010 - … )

Member of CQFB research center council (2009 - … )

Coordinator of Requimte Research Group on Biochemistry and

Biophysics (2008 - … )

President of selection jury of an Assistant Researcher in Physical-

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Chemistry/Biochemistry/Physics, C2008-CQFB-04 (2008)

Participation on the Departmental space management committee (2008)

Member of the Scientific Council of the Master program in Structural and Functional Biochemistry (2007 – 2008)

President of selection jury of an Assistant Researcher in Biophysics, C2007-418-CQFB-2 (2007)

Member of the Board of Direction, Adjunct Secretary-General of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry, SPQ (2004 – 2007)

Coordinator of the Departmental website development team (2001)

Participation on the Departmental computer network infrastructure acquisition committee (2000)

Member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Chemistry (2000 – 2003)

Member of the Pedagogic Committee of Applied Chemistry (2000-2002)

II nn II SSEEIITT Member of the Scientific Council of ISEIT (1999).

Coordinator of the Department of Environmental and Chemical Sciences (1998-1999).

!TThheessiiss ccoommmmiitttteeeess // JJuurriieess PPhh..DD tt hheessiiss:: 99 ((77 aass PPrr iinncciippaall EExxaammiinneerr )) MM..SScc tt hheessiiss:: 11 22001100 Doctorate dissertation: “Health hazards due to occupational

exposure to cosmic radiations of airline pilots” Rodrigo Oliveira Silva, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Principal Examiner

22000099 Doctorate dissertation: “Structural and mechanistic studies of iron oxidation by fast ferritins” Márcia Cristiana Martins Guilherme Examiner

22000088 Doctorate dissertation: “Structural and Mechanistic Studies of Iron Containing Proteins“ Filipe dos Santos Folgosa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Examiner

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22000077 Doctorate dissertation: “Electrochemical Studies of Electron Transfer Proteins and Electroactive Biofilms” Cristina Maria Grade Couto da Silva Cordas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Principal Examiner

22000055 Masters dissertation: “Comparative study of the protein fraction of malts, musts and beers from barley varieties Scarlett and Prestige” José Filipe Campos da Silva, Universidade do Porto Principal Examiner

22000055 Doctorate dissertation: “Superoxide Reductases. Structural and functional aspects” Patrícia Alexandra Rodrigues Raleiras, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Principal Examiner

22000044 Doctorate dissertation: “Structural and mechanistic studies of multihemic enzymes isolated from denitrifying bacteria” Isabel Cristina da Costa Garcia Timóteo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Examiner

22000033 Doctorate dissertation: “Complex iron-sulfur proteins. Hydrogenase and Fuscoredoxin. Biochemical and spectroscopic studies” Ana Pamplona Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Principal Examiner

22000022 Doctorate dissertation: “Characterization and isolation of proteins involved in the denitrifying pathway of Pseudomonas chlororaphis” Dora Raquel Pinho, Universidade do Porto Principal Examiner

22000022 Doctorate dissertation: “Functional and Structural Characterization of proteins containing non-heme mononuclear iron centers”. Carla Ascenso , Universidade Nova de Lisboa Principal Examiner

!!OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn ooff ccoonnffeerreenncceess 22000055 4th National Meeting of the Education and Scientific Awareness

Division of SPQ Lisboa, October 2005

22000033 7th International FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry Lisboa, June 2003


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RReeffeerreeeeiinngg aanndd rreevviieewwiinngg 22000099 Invited referee of Food Chemistry, Elsevier

Editor: G.G. Birch Impact Factor (2009): 3.146 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.606

22001100 Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, Medknow !MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp ooff pprrooffeessssiioonnaall ssoocciieettiieess Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ). Member since 2004.

American Chemical Society (ACS). Member in the period of 2002 to


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Member in the period of 2003 to 2005.

CCuurrrreenntt rreesseeaarrcchh iinntteerreessttss The research is focused on the study of enzymes involved on iron

metabolism, cellular detoxification, and other enzymes involved in oxygen activation such as desaturases and oxygenases. A series of different techniques are applied on this characterization, namely biochemical techniques, molecular biology methods and various spectroscopies (UV/visible, EPR and Mössbauer) in conjunction with fast kinetic techniques (stopped-flow and rapid-freeze quench). While initially centered in fundamental research in biochemistry and physics, recently an effort was made to apply this knowledge to other scientific areas such as occupational medicine (specifically to health issues of airline pilots) Teaching and scientific diffusion of Science should be faced as extremely important activities since promote knowledge transmission and establish links between scientific research and society. As such, there exists a commitment in the production of pedagogic materials (such as websites that support lectured courses) as well as the participation in scientific divulgation projects (Ciência Viva, Pulse Project, Days of Chemistry, and FCT/UNL Open Days) and meeting organizing committees.
