Curriculum Vitae -€¦ · Scientificeducation 2006–2007...

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Thomas Bocklitz

Transcript of Curriculum Vitae -€¦ · Scientificeducation 2006–2007...

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Thomas Bocklitz


Thomas Bocklitz Arvid-Harnack-Straße 9, 07743 Jena; [email protected]; 0163/1541989


Personal informationName: Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Wilhelm BocklitzDate of birth: 11.01.1982Marital status: marriedAddress: Arvid-Harnack-Strasse 9

07743 Jena, GermanyMobile: +491631541989Email: [email protected]

Field of workChemometrics & Image analysisSignal analysis for spectroscopic dataApplied multivariate statistics

Scientific education

2013 – today Junior Research Group Leader Statistical Modelling and Image Analysis

2011 – 2013 PostDoc within DFG-Project Characterization of Raman signatures of epithelialcells at different stages of malignant Transformation in an animal model of theadenoma-carcinoma sequence in the colon

2011 – 2013 PostDoc within DFG-Project Exploring the molecular origin of the Raman sig-natures of complex biological samples

2010 –2011 Research stay in the research group of Prof. Umapathy (Indian Institute of Sci-ence, Bangalore)

2008 – 2011 PhD at Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Ger-manyDoctoral thesis: Studies on the analysis strategies Raman effect-based experi-mentsSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp, Rating magna cum laudeSubmission: 21.04.2011, Defense: 14.9.2011

• Prof. Jürgen Popp summa cum laude• Prof. Rainer Heintzmann magna cum laude• Defense summa cum laude


Scientific education

2006 – 2007 Basic studies Mathematics, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany

2001 – 2007 Study of Physics, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany

• Special subject: Theoretical Physics (Diploma examination grade 1,0)• Subsidiary subject: Higher Analysis (Diploma examination grade 1,0)• Subsidiary subject: Didactics Physics (Diploma examination grade 1,3)• Thesis: Studies on boundary value problems of Einstein’s field equations

(Rating 1,0)• Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meinel

Scholarships and Awards

2015 The Bruce R. Kowalski Award in Chemometrics’ for outstanding young researchersin the field of chemometrics and by extension, for advanced mathematical and/orstatistical methods in chemistry

2015 Editor Special Issue Image Processing in Biomedical Diagnosis Journal of Biopho-tonics

2015 Session Chair SciX15 Chemometrics for spectroscopic/spectrometric data

2015 Book Reviewer for Elsevier

2011 – today Reviewer for international journals: Journal of Biophotonics, Journal of Ramanspectroscopy, Computers in Biology and Medicine Review, Journal of Microscopy,Applied. Spectroscopy

2010 – 2011 German Academic Exchange Service, Scholarship for Scientific exchange, Banga-lore, India (Indian Institute of Science)

Stays abroad

2010 – 2011 Scientific exchange, Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore, Indien

Professional training

2015 Workshop: Advanced rhetoric

2014 Workshop: Communication, conflict and appreciative leadership in science

2014 Workshop: Rhetoric

2012 – 2013 Basic Certificate: Teaching


Professional activities

2013 – today Junior Research Group Leader, Scientific Assistant in the Institute for PhysicalChemistry, University JenaStatistical Modelling and Image Analysis

2011 – 2013 PostDoc, Scientific assistant in the Institute for Physical Chemistry, UniversityJenaDFG-Project Raman-spectroscopic characterization of the adenoma-carcinomasequence in the animal model

2011 Inspector, Scientific assistant in the Leibniz Institute for Photonic TechnologyLaTEX-Typesetting Handbook of Biophotonics Vol.1

2008 – 2011 PhD-Student, Scientific assistant in the Institute for Physical Chemistry, UniversityJenaBMBF-Projekt Automated multi-dimensional tissue-based diagnostics to improveprognosis assessment and treatment recommendations in cancers (Exprimage)

2007 Inspector Quantum mechanics II, Research Assistant in the Faculty of Physics andAstronomy, University Jena

2006 – 2007 Seminar leader for Analysis I, Research Assistant in the faculty of mathematicsand computer science, university Jena

2006 – 2007 Seminar leader for Introduction into mathematics, Research Assistant in the Fac-ulty of Physics and Astronomy, University Jena

2005 – 2005 Seminar leader for Mathematics for computer scientists, Research Assistant in thefaculty of mathematics and computer science, University Jena

2004 – 2005 Seminar leader for Introduction into mathematics, Research Assistant in the Fac-ulty of Physics and Astronomy, University Jena

2004 – 2005 Inspector for Electrodynamics, Research Assistant in the Faculty of Physics andAstronomy, University Jena

2003 – 2004 Tutor for Analysis III, Research Assistant in the faculty of mathematics and com-puter science, University Jena

2000 – 2001 Military service, Mittenwald, Murnau and Leipzig, Germany


Voluntary work

2013 – today Training officer alpine club (DAV) Weimar2012 – today Trainer B Mountaineering (DAV)

Linguistic proficiency

German Native languageEnglish Advanced knowledgeRussian Basic knowledgeSpanish Basic knowledge

Other relevant skills

Programming C/C++, Pascal, PythonStatistical software R, S, Matlab, OriginMathematical software Maple, MathematicaText processing LaTEX, OfficeE-Learning MetacoonPhysical modeling Zemax

Jena, January 19, 2016

Thomas Bocklitz



Thomas Bocklitz Arvid-Harnack-Straße 9, 07743 Jena; [email protected]; 0163/1541989


1. Bocklitz, Thomas ; Walter, Angela ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Howto Pre-process Raman Spectra for reliable and stable models? In: Anal. Chim. Acta 704 (2011), S. 47–56. – DOI 10.1016/j.aca.2011.06.043Eine Untersuchung über die korrekte Signalverarbeitung für die weitere statistische Analyse.

2. Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Crecelius, Anna C. ; Matthäus, Christian ; Tarcea, Nicolae ; Eggeling,Ferdinand ; Schmitt, Michael ; Schubert, Ulrich S. ; Popp, Juergen: Deeper understanding of biologicaltissue: Quantitative correlation of MALDI-TOF and Raman imaging. In: Anal. Chem. 85 (2013), Nr. 22, S.10829–10834. – DOI 10.1021/ac402175cKombination zweier Messmethoden mittels Bild-analytischen Methoden und multivariater Regression.

3. Bocklitz, Thomas ; Kämmer, Evelyn ; Stöckel, Stephan ; Cialla-May, Dana ; Weber, Karina; Zell, Roland ; Deckert, Volker ; Popp, Jürgen: Single virus detection by means of atomic forcemicroscopy in combination with advanced image analysis. In: J. Struct. Biol. 188 (2014), Nr. 1, 30–38. – DOI 10.1016/j.jsb.2014.08.008. – ISSN 1047–8477Statistische Auswertung der Morphologie von Viren.

4. Berry, David ; Mader, Esther ; Lee, Tae K. ; Woebken, Dagmar ; Wang, Yun ; Zhu, Di ; Palatin-szky, Marton ; Schintlmeister, Arno ; Schmid, Markus C. ; Hanson, Buck T. ; Shterzer, Naama; Mizrahi, Itzhak ; Rauch, Isabella ; Decker, Thomas ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen ; Gib-son, Christopher M. ; Fowler, Patrick W. ; Huang, Wei E. ; Wagner, Michael: Tracking heavywater (D2O) incorporation for identifying and sorting active microbial cells. In: Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences 112 (2015), E194–E203. – DOI10.1073/pnas.1420406112Resultat einer erfolgreichen internationalen Kooperation.

5. Legesse, Fisseha B. ; Chernavskaia, Olga ; Heuke, Sandro ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Meyer, Tobias ;Popp, Jürgen ; Heintzmann, Rainer: Seamless Stitching of Tile Scan Microscope Images. In: J. Microsc.258 (2015), S. 223–230. – DOI 10.1111/jmi.12236Erforschung von Algorithmen, die in multimodalen Bildern Vignetting-Artefakte kompensiert.



Thomas Bocklitz Arvid-Harnack-Straße 9, 07743 Jena; [email protected]; 0163/1541989



• Bocklitz, Thomas: Student Workshop – Modern Chemometrics. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

Invited Talks

• Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Investigations on the analysis workflow for biomedical application ofRaman spectroscopy. In: SciX 2015, Provedence, 2015

• Bocklitz, T. ; Heuke, S. ; Chernavskaia, O. ; Meyer, T. ; Bielecki, C. ; Schmitt, M. ; Krafft,C. ; Matthäus, C. ; Marquardt, C. ; Gharbi, A. ; Knösel, T. ; Eggeling, F. v. ; Ernst, G. ;Dirsch, O. ; Bräuer, R. ; Lichius, O. G. ; Stallmach, A. ; Petersen, I. ; Dietzek, B. ; Popp, J.:Challenges in Image Analysis and Chemometrics for Biophotonics. In: DFG Rundgespräch ” , 2014

• Bocklitz, T. ; Vogler, N. ; Schmidt, C. ; Salah, F. ; Bräuer, R. ; Bielecki, C. ; Schmitt, M. ;Krafft, C. ; Marquardt, C. ; Gharbi, A. ; Knösel, T. ; Greten, F. ; Stallmach, A. ; Petersen,I. ; Popp, J.: Chemometric procedures for cell/tissue diagnostics based on Raman spectroscopy. In: ICORS,Jena, 2014

• Bocklitz, T. ; Vogler, N. ; Schmidt, C. ; Salah, F. ; Bräuer, R. ; Bielecki, C. ; Schmitt,M. ; Krafft, C. ; Marquardt, C. ; Gharbi, A. ; Knösel, T. ; Greten, F. ; Stallmach, A. ;Petersene, I. ; Popp, J.: Chemometric procedures for tissue diagnostics based on Raman spectroscopy.In: Saratov Fall Meeting, 2014


• Bocklitz, Thomas ; Dörfer, Thomas ; Tarcea, Nicolae ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Inves-tigation on calibration procedures of Raman devices. In: GeoRaman X, Nancy, 2012

• Bocklitz, Thomas ; Mallick, Babita ; Umapathy, Siva ; Popp, Jürgen: Application of MaximumEntropy methods for the lineshape analysis of Stimulated Raman measurements. In: Saratov Fall Meet-ing – SFM’11 – XIV International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics &Biophotonics, 2011. – September 27 - 30, 2011 Saratov, Russia

• Bocklitz, Thomas ; Putsche, Melanie ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Understanding SupervisedClassification Methods. In: Saratov Fall Meeting – SFM’10 – XIV International School for Young Scientistsand Students on Optics, Laser Physics & Biophotonics, 2010. – October 5 - 8, 2010 Saratov, Russia

• Bocklitz, Thomas ; Mallick, Babita ; Umapathy, Siva: Application of Maximum Entropy methodsfor the line shape analysis of stimulated Raman measurements. In: National Seminar on Chemistry ofNanomaterials and Molecular Dynamics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, 2010



Thomas Bocklitz Arvid-Harnack-Straße 9, 07743 Jena; [email protected]; 0163/1541989


List of publications

Thomas Bocklitz Arvid-Harnack-Straße 9, 07743 Jena; [email protected]; 0163/1541989

I have been able to write 1 book chapters, 2 patent and 44 peer-reviewed publications (Web of Science). Theresulting h-index is thus 13 (at 7 years of scientific activity) and the cumulative impact factor is 183 (Research-Gate). In addition, 4 articles were submitted. Thus, 11 main author articles (including shared authorship) and 5correspondence authorship resulted.

Book chapters

• Kapitel 7 Image Processing – Chemometric Approaches to Analyze Optical Molecular Images. In:Bocklitz,Thomas ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Ex-vivo and In-vivo Optical Molecular Pathology. Wiley-VCHVerlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2014, S. 215–248


• März, Anne ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Wellenzahlkalibration und Intensitätsnormierung mittelseiner Trägersubstanz. 2011

• Property measurement on a biological tissue sample. 2015

Publications (Peer Review)

1.* Vogler, Nadine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Salah, Firas S. ; Schmidt, Carsten ; Bräuer, Rolf ; Cui,Tiantian ; Mireskandari, Masoud ; Greten, Florian ; Schmitt, Michael ; Stallmach, Andreas; Petersen, Iver ; Popp, Jürgen: Systematic evaluation of colorectal tissue diagnostics based on thestatistical analysis of Raman spectra. In: eingereicht (2015)Correspondence authorshipShared main authorship

2.* Chernavskaia, Olga ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Meyer, Tobias ; Vogler, Nadine ; Akimov, Denis ;Heuke, Sandro ; Dietzek, Benjamin ; Heintzmann, Rainer ; Popp, Jürgen: Correction of mosaickingartefacts in multimodal images caused by uneven illumination. eingereicht (2015)Correspondence authorship

3.* Bocklitz, Thomas ; Salah, Firas S. ; Vogler, Nadine ; Heuke, Sandro ; Chernavskaia, Olga ;Schmidt, Carsten ; Waldner, Maximilian ; Greten, Florian R. ; Bräuer, Rolf ; Schmitt, Michael; Stallmach, Andreas ; Petersen, Iver ; Popp, Juergen: Combining CARS/TPEF/SHG multimodalimaging and Raman-spectroscopy as a fast and precise non-invasive pathological screening tool. eingereicht


(2015)Shared correspondence authorship

4. Heuke, Sandro ; Chernavskaia, Olga ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Legesse, Fisseha B. ; Meyer, Tobias; Akimov, Denis ; Dirsch, Olaf ; Ernst, Günther ; Eggeling, Ferdinand von ; Petersen, Iver ;Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Multimodal nonlinear microscopicinvestigations on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma – an automatic approach. eingereicht (2015)

5. Zhang, Ying ; Kupfer, Stephan ; Zedler, Linda ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Guthmuller, Julien ; Rau,Sven ; Dietzek, Benjamin: In Situ Spectroelectrochemical and Theoretical Study on the Oxidation of a4H-Imidazole-Ruthenium Dye Adsorbed on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Film Electrodes. In: Phys. Chem.Chem. Phys. - (2015), -. – DOI 10.1039/C5CP04484G

6. Egodage, Kokila ; Dochow, Sebastian ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Chernavskaia, Olga ; Matthaeus,Christian ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Juergen: The combination of optical coherence tomography andRaman spectroscopy for tissue characterization. In: Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 1 (2015),Nr. 2, S. 169–177

7. Kämmer, Evelyn ; Olschewski, Konstanze ; Stöckel, Stephan ; Rösch, Petra ; Weber, Karina; Cialla-May, Dana ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Quantitative SERS studies by combiningLOC-SERS with the standard addition method. In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry in press (2015). – DOI 10.1007/s00216–015–9045–z

8.* Bocklitz, Thomas ; Bräutigam, Katharina ; Urbanek, Annett ; Hoffmann, Franziska ; Eggeling,Ferdinand von ; Ernst, G ünther ; Schmitt, Michael ; Schubert, Ulrich ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ;Popp, Jürgen: Novel workflow for combining Raman-spectroscopy and MALDI-MSIs for tissue based studies.In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407 (2015), Nr. 26, S. 7865–7873. – DOI 10.1007/s00216–015–8987–5Shared correspondence authorshipShared correspondence authorship

9. Silge, Anja ; Brautigam, Katharina ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Rosch, Petra ; Vennemann, Antje ;Schmitz, Inge ; Popp, J ; Wiemann, Martin: ZrO2 nanoparticles labeled via a native protein corona:detection by fluorescence microscopy and Raman microspectroscopy in rat lung. In: Analyst 140 (2015), Nr.15, 5120–8. – DOI 10.1039/C5AN00942A

10. Dochow, Sebastian ; Ma, Dinglong ; Latka, Ines ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Hartl, Brad ; Bec, Julien ;Fatakdawala, Hussain ; Marple, Eric ; Urmey, Kirk ; Wachsmann-Hogiu, Sebastian ; Schmitt,Michael ; Marcu, Laura ; Popp, Jürgen: Combined fiber probe for fluorescence lifetime and Raman spec-troscopy. In: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407 (2015), S. 8291–301.– DOI 10.1007/s00216–015–8800–5

11. Vogler, Nadine ; Heuke, Sandro ; Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Multi-modal Imaging Spectroscopy of Tissue. In: Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. 8 (2015), S. 359–87. – DOI 10.1146/ANNUREV–ANCHEM–071114–040352

12. Geitner, R. ; Kötteritzsch, J. ; Siegmann, M. ; Bocklitz, T. W. ; Hager, M. D. ; Schubert,U. S. ; S. Gräfe and, B. D. ; Schmitt, M. ; Popp, J.: Two-dimensional Raman correlation spectroscopyreveals molecular structural changes during temperature-induced self-healing in polymers based on the Diels-Alder reaction. In: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015), S. 22587–95.


C5CP02151K. – DOI 10.1039/C5CP02151K

13. Bocklitz, T.W. ; Dörfer, T. ; Heinke, R. ; Schmitt, M. ; Popp, J.: Spectrometer calibration protocolfor Raman spectra recorded with different excitation wavelengths. In: Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecularand Biomolecular Spectroscopy 05 (2015), 544–549.– DOI 10.1016/j.saa.2015.04.079

14.* Legesse, Fisseha B. ; Chernavskaia, Olga ; Heuke, Sandro ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Meyer, Tobias ;Popp, Jürgen ; Heintzmann, Rainer: Seamless Stitching of Tile Scan Microscope Images. In: J. Microsc.258 (2015), S. 223–230. – DOI 10.1111/jmi.12236Correspondence authorship

15. Jahn, Martin ; Patze, Sophie ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Weber, Karina ; Cialla-May, Dana ; Popp,Jürgen: Towards SERS based applications in food analytics: Lipophilic sensor layers for the detection of SudanIII in food matrices. In: Analytica Chimica Acta 860 (2015), Nr. 0, 43–50. – DOI – ISSN0003–2670

16. Olschewski, Konstanze ; Kämmer, Evelyn ; Stöckel, Stephan ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Deckert-Gaudig, Tanja ; Zell, Roland ; Cialla-May, Dana ; Weber, Karina ; Deckert, Volker ; Popp,Jürgen: Manual and automatic TERS based virus discrimination. In: Nanoscale 7 (2015), S. 4545–4552

17. Berry, David ; Mader, Esther ; Lee, Tae K. ; Woebken, Dagmar ; Wang, Yun ; Zhu, Di ; Palatin-szky, Marton ; Schintlmeister, Arno ; Schmid, Markus C. ; Hanson, Buck T. ; Shterzer, Naama; Mizrahi, Itzhak ; Rauch, Isabella ; Decker, Thomas ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen ; Gib-son, Christopher M. ; Fowler, Patrick W. ; Huang, Wei E. ; Wagner, Michael: Tracking heavywater (D2O) incorporation for identifying and sorting active microbial cells. In: Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences 112 (2015), E194–E203. – DOI10.1073/pnas.1420406112

18. Silge, Anja ; Abdou, Elias ; Schneider, Kilian ; Meisel, Susann ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Lu-Walther,Hui-Wen ; Heintzmann, Rainer ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Shedding light on host niches: Label-free in situ detection of Mycobacterium gordonae via carotenoids in macrophages by Raman microspec-troscopy. In: Cell. Microbiol. 17 (2015), 832–842. – DOI10.1111/cmi.12404. – ISSN 1462–5822

19.* Bocklitz, Thomas ; Kämmer, Evelyn ; Stöckel, Stephan ; Cialla-May, Dana ; Weber, Karina; Zell, Roland ; Deckert, Volker ; Popp, Jürgen: Single virus detection by means of atomic forcemicroscopy in combination with advanced image analysis. In: J. Struct. Biol. 188 (2014), Nr. 1, 30–38. – DOI 10.1016/j.jsb.2014.08.008. – ISSN 1047–8477Correspondence authorshipShared main authorship

20. Neugebauer, Ute ; Kurz, Christian ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Berger, Tina ; Velten, Thomas ;Clement, Joachim H. ; Krafft, Christoph ; Popp, Jürgen: Raman-Spectroscopy Based Cell Identi-fication on a Microhole Array Chip. In: Micromachines 5 (2014), Nr. 2, 204–215. – DOI 10.3390/mi5020204. – ISSN 2072–666X

21. Kämmer, Evelyn ; Olschewski, Konstanze ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Rösch, Petra ; Weber, Karina ;


Cialla, Dana ; Popp, Jürgen: A new calibration concept for a reproducible quantitative detection basedon SERS measurements in a microfluidic device demonstrated on the model analyte adenine. In: Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014), Nr. 19, S. 9056–9063

22. Neugebauer, Ute ; Trenkmann, Sabine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schmerler, Diana ; Kiehntopf,Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Fast differentiation of SIRS and sepsis from blood plasma of ICU patients usingRaman spectroscopy. In: J. Biophoton. 7 (2014), Nr. 3-4, S. 232–240

23. Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Crecelius, Anna C. ; Matthäus, Christian ; Tarcea, Nicolae ; Eggeling,Ferdinand ; Schmitt, Michael ; Schubert, Ulrich S. ; Popp, Juergen: Deeper understanding of biologicaltissue: Quantitative correlation of MALDI-TOF and Raman imaging. In: Anal. Chem. 85 (2013), Nr. 22, S.10829–10834. – DOI 10.1021/ac402175cShared main authorship

24. Schwarz, Martha ; Pahlow, Susanne ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Steinbrucker, Carolin ; Cialla, Dana; Weber, Karina ; Popp, Jurgen: Convenient detection of E. coli in Ringer’s solution. In: Analyst 138(2013), 5866-5870. – DOI 10.1039/C3AN01240A

25. Becker-Putsche, Melanie ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Clement, Joachim H. ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp,Jürgen: Towards improving fine needle aspiration cytology applying Raman microspectroscopy. In: J.Biomed. Opt. 18 (2013), S. 047001–047001. – DOI10.1117/1.JBO.18.4.047001

26. Bräutigam, Katharina ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schmitt, Michael ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Ramanspectroscopic imaging for the real-time detection of chemical changes associated with docetaxel exposure.In: ChemPhysChem 14 (2013), S. 550–553Shared main authorship

27. Beleites, Claudia ; Neugebauer, Ute ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Krafft, Christoph ; Popp, Jürgen:Sample Size Planning for Classification Models. In: Anal. Chim. Acta 760 (2013), S. 25 – 33

28. Walter, A. ; Kuhri, S. ; Reinicke, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Schumacher, W. ; Rösch, P. ; Merten,D. ; Büchel, G. ; Kothe, E. ; Popp, J.: Raman spectroscopic detection of Nickel impact on singleStreptomyces cells–possible bioindicators for heavy metal contamination. In: J. Raman Spectrosc. 43 (2012),S. 1058–1064

29. Bergner, Norbert ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Romeike, Bernd F. ; Reichart, Rupert ; Kalff, Rolf; Krafft, Christoph ; Popp, Jürgen: Identification of primary tumors of brain metastases by Ramanimaging and support vector machines. In: Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 117 (2012), S. 224–232. – DOI 10.1016/j.chemolab.2012.02.008

30. Bielecki, C. ; Bocklitz, T.W. ; Schmitt, M. ; Krafft, C. ; Marquardt, C. ; Gharbi, A. ;Knösel, T. ; Stallmach, A. ; Popp, J.: Classification of inflammatory bowel diseases by means ofRaman spectroscopic imaging of epithelium cells. In: J. Biomed. Opt. 17 (2012), Nr. 7, S. 076030–076030. – DOI 10.1117/1.JBO.17.7.076030Shared main authorship

31. Ramoji, Anuradha ; Neugebauer, Ute ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Foerster, Martin ; Kiehntopf,Michael ; Bauer, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Toward a Spectroscopic Hemogram: Raman SpectroscopicDifferentiation of the Two Most Abundant Leukocytes from Peripheral Blood. In: Anal. Chem. 84 (2012),


Nr. 12, 5335–5342. – DOI 10.1021/ac3007363

32. Hartmann, Katharina ; Putsche-Becker, Melanie ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Pachmann, Katharina ;Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: A Study of Docetaxel induced Effects in MCF-7 Cells by means of Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. In: Anal. Bioanal. Chem 403 (2012), S. 745–753

33. Bocklitz, Thomas ; Walter, Angela ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Howto Pre-process Raman Spectra for reliable and stable models? In: Anal. Chim. Acta 704 (2011), S. 47–56. – DOI 10.1016/j.aca.2011.06.043

34. Walter, Angela ; Schumacher, Wilm ; Reinicke, Martin ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; ; Rösch, Petra ;Kothe, Erika ; Popp, Jürgen: From bulk to single cell classification of the filamentous growing Strepto-myces bacteria by means of Raman Spectroscopy. In: Appl. Spectrosc. 65 (2011), Nr. 10, S. 1116–1125

35. März, Anne ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Online-Calibration for Reliable and Robust Lab-on-a-Chip Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Measurement in a Liquid/Liquid Segmented Flow. In:Anal.Chem. 83 (2011), Nr. 21, S. 8337–8340

36. Dörfer, Thomas ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Tarcea, Nicolae ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Checkingand Improving Calibration of Raman Spectra using Chemometric Approaches. In: Z. Phys. Chem. 225 (2011),S. 753–764. – DOI 10.1524/zpch.2011.0077Shared main authorship

37. Walter, A. ; Erdmann, S. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Jung, E.-M. ; Vogler, N. ; Akimov, D. ; Dietzek,D. ; Rösch, P. ; Kothe, E. ; Popp, J.: Analysis of the cytochrome distribution via linear and nonlinearRaman spectroscopy. In: Analyst 135 (2010), S. 908–917. –DOI 10.1039/B921101B

38. Walter, Angela ; Reinicke, Martin ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schumacher, Wilm ; Rösch, Petra ;Kothe, Erika ; Popp, Jürgen: Raman Spectroscopic Detection of Physiology Changes in Plasmid-bearingEscherichia coli with and without Antibiotic Treatment. In: Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 400 (2011), Nr. 9, S.2763–2773. – DOI 10.1007/s00216–011–4819–4

39. Dochow, Sebastian ; Krafft, Christoph ; Neugebauer, Ute ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Henkel, Thomas; Albert, Jens ; Popp, Jürgen: Tumor Cell Identification by Means of Raman Spectroscopy in Combinationwith Optical Traps. In: Lab Chip 11 (2011), S. 1484–1490.– DOI 10.1039/C0LC00612B

40. Neugebauer, U. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Clement, J. H. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Towards detection andidentification of circulating tumour cells using Raman spectroscopy. In: Analyst 135 (2010), Nr. 12, 3178–3182. – ISSN 0003–2654

41. Vogler, Nadine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Mariani, Melissa ; Deckert, Volker ; Markova, Aneta ;Schelkens, Peter ; Rösch, Petra ; Akimov, Denis ; Dietzek, Benjamin ; Popp, Jürgen: Separation ofCARS image contributions with a Gaussian Mixture Model. In: J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27 (2010), S. 1361–1371Shared main authorship

42. Walter, A. ; Erdmann, S. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Jung, E.-M. ; Vogler, N. ; Akimov, D. ; Dietzek,D. ; Rösch, P. ; Kothe, E. ; Popp, J.: Analysis of the cytochrome distribution via linear and nonlinearRaman spectroscopy. In: Analyst 135 (2010), S. 908–917. –DOI 10.1039/B921101B


43. Neugebauer, U. ; Clement, J. H. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Identification andDifferentiation of single cells from peripheral blood by Raman spectroscopic imaging. In: J. Biophoton. 3(2010), S. 579–587. – DOI 10.1002/jbio.2010000201

44. Bocklitz, Thomas ; Putsche, Melanie ; Stüber, Carsten ; Käs, Josef ; Niendorf, Axel ; Rösch,Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: A comprehensive study of classification methods for medical diagnosis. In: J. RamanSpectrosc. 40 (2009), S. 1759–1765. – DOI 10.1002/jrs.2529

45. März, Anne ; Ackermann, Katrin R. ; Malsch, Daniéll ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Henkel, Thomas ;Popp, Jürgen: Towards a quantitative SERS approach - online monitoring of analytes in a microfluidicsystem with isotope-edited internal standards. In: J. Biophoton. 2 (2009), S. 232–242. – DOI 10.1002/jbio.200910069

Publications (others)

1. Neugebauer, U. ; Dochow, S. ; Krafft, C. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Clement, JH ; Popp, J.: Diagnostics oftumor cells by combination of Raman spectroscopy and microfluidics. In: European Conference on BiomedicalOptics Optical Society of America, 2011

2. März, A. ; Mönch, B. ; Walter, A. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Schuhmacher, W. ; Rösch, P. ; Kiehntopf,M. ; Popp, J.: The multifunctional application of microfluidic lab-on-a-chip surface enhanced Ramanspectroscopy (LOC-SERS) within the field of bioanalytics. In: European Conference on Biomedical OpticsOptical Society of America, 2011

3. Vogler, N. ; Meyer, T. ; Latka, I. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Krafft, Ch. ; Deckert, V. ; Bendsoe, N. ;Svanberg, K. ; Dietzek, B. ; Popp, J.: Biomedical imaging by means of linear and non-linear Ramanmicrospectroscopy. In: Proc. SPIE 7715 (2010), S. 77152W.– DOI 10.1117/12.853838

4. Popp, J. ; S ; Stöckel ; Meisel, S. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Schumacher, W. ; Putsche, M. ; Rösch, P.:Raman spectroscopic characterization of single cells. In: Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita (Hrsg.) ; Petrich,Wolfgang (Hrsg.): SPIE Bd. 7560, SPIE, 2010, 75600B

Proceedings (selected)

1. Ramoji, Anuradha ; Requardt, Robert ; Ryabchykov, Oleg ; Galler, Kerstin ; Markwart, Robby; Rubio, Ignacio ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Bauer, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen ; Neugebauer, Ute: Ramanspectroscopic investigation of LPS induced murine inflammation model: influence of biological heterogeneityon Raman model. In: ICAVS, Wien, 2015

2. Ryabchykov, Oleg ; Ramoji, Anuradha ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Neugebauer, Ute ; Bauer, Michael; Kiehntopf, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Combination of image processing and Raman spectroscopy forautomated white blood cell classification. In: ICAVS, Wien, 2015

3. Bocklitz, T. ; Vogler, N. ; Schmidt, C. ; Schmitt, M. ; Bräuer4, R. ; Greten, F. ; Petersen,I. ; Stallmach, A. ; Popp, J.: Raman-spectroscopic characterization of the adenoma-carcinoma sequencein a mouse model. In: 98. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie e.V. , Berlin, 2014


4. Bräutigam, K. ; Ryabchykov, O. ; Jahn, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Neugebauer, U. ; Mosig, A. ; vonEggeling, F ; Bauer, M. ; Popp, J.: Characterization of the unique human liver cell line HepaRG byRaman microspectroscopy. In: Photonics Europe, Brussels, 2014

5. Bräutigam, K. ; Ryabchykov, O. ; Jahn, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Galler, K. ; Neugebauer, U. ;Mosig, A. ; von Eggeling, F. ; Bauer, M. ; Popp, J.: How does the cell react? Insights into cell-druginteractions by Raman imaging. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

6. Egodage, K. D. ; S.Dochow ; Bocklitz, T. W. ; Matthäus, C. ; Chernavskaia, O. ; Krafft,C. ; Popp, J.: One device with two optical modalities: OCT and Raman spectroscopy. In: SPEC, Krakau,2014

7. Kämmer, Evelyn ; Olschewski, Konstanze ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Rösch, Petra ; Weber, Karina; Cialla-May, Dana ; Popp, Jürgen: Optimization of SERS measurements towards reproducibility andcomparability using a Lab-on-a-chip device. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

8. Olschewski, Konstanze ; Kämmer, Evelyn ; Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Stöckel, Stephan ; Zell,Roland ; Cialla-May, Dana ; Weber, Karina ; Deckert, Tanja Decker-Gaudig V. ; Popp, Jürgen:Automated discrimination of viruses based on their TERS spectra. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

9. Ramoji, Anuradha ; Ludewig, Katrin ; Ryabchykov, Oleg ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Foerster, Martin; Hagel, Stefan ; Kroegel, Claus ; Brunkhorst, Frank M. ; Bauer, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen ;Neugebauer, Ute: Raman spectroscopic investigation of neutrophils and lymphocytes from the blood ofhealthy donors and patients with clinical symptoms of infection. In: 8th Senftenberg Innovation Forum onMultiparametric Analysis: Autoimmune Diagnostics, 2014

10. Ramoji, Anuradha ; Ryabchykov, Oleg ; Hünniger, Kerstin ; Windecker, Hanna ; Foerster,Martin ; Shahangi, Erfane ; Stefan Hagel, Katrin L. ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Kroegel, Claus ;Michael Kiehntopf, Frank M. B. ; Bauer, Michael ; Kurzai, Oliver ; Popp, Jürgen ; ; Neugebauer,Ute: Raman spectroscopic fingerprint analysis of neutrophils upon in-vitro activation and in patient’s bloodsamples. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

11. Ryabchykov, Oleg ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Ramoji, Anuradha ; Neugebauer, Ute ; Bauer, Michael; Kiehntopf, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: Optimization and automatization of the analysis of Raman spectrafor biomedical diagnosis. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014

12. Schmidt, Carsten ; Vogler, Nadine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schmitt, Michael ; Bräuer, Rolf ; Pe-tersen, Iver ; Popp, Jürgen ; Stallmach, Andreas: Differentiation of colonic adenomas and carcinomasfrom normal epithelial cells in a p53-ko-carcinogen-induced colorectal tumor mouse model by means ofRaman spectroscopic imaging. In: Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, 2014

13. Schmidt, Carsten ; Vogler, Nadine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schmitt, Michael ; Bräuer, Rolf ; Pe-tersen, Iver ; Popp, Jürgen ; Stallmach, Andreas: Differentiation of Colonic Adenomas and CarcinomasFrom Normal Epithelial Cells in a p53-Ko-Carcinogen-Induced Colorectal Tumor Mouse Model by Means ofRaman Spectroscopic Imaging. In: 2014 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 2014

14. Schmitt, Michael ; Chernavskaia, Olga ; Heuke, Sandro ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Meyer, Tobias; Matthäus, Christian ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Dirsch, Olaf ; Petersen, Iver ; Dietzek,Benjamin ; Popp, Jürgen: Multimodal Imaging for Disease Diagnostics. In: ICORS, Jena, 2014


15. Silge, A. ; Abdou, E. ; Schneider, K. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Meisel, S. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Thecultivation independent identification of mycobacteria on a single cell level by Raman microspectroscopy. In:Photonics Europe, Brussels, 2014

16. von Eggeling, Ferdinand ; Berger, Judith ; Hoffmann, Franziska ; Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Held-mann, Stefan ; Trede, Dennis ; Oetjen, Janina ; Becker, Michael ; Ernst, Günther ; Schmitt,Michael ; Alexandrov, Theodore ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Popp, Jürgen ; Thiele, Herbert:Perspectives of multimodal 3D imaging in medicine. In: OurCon II, Madrid, 2014

17. von Eggeling, Ferdinand ; Berger, Judith ; Hoffmann, Franziska ; Bocklitz, Thomas W. ; Held-mann, Stefan ; Trede, Dennis ; Oetjen, Janina ; Becker, Michael ; Ernst, Günther ; Schmitt,Michael ; Alexandrov, Theodore ; Thiele, Herbert ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Popp, Jürgen:Role and perspectives of MALDI in future molecular imaging applications. In: Molekulare Bildgebung, Jena,2014

18. Bocklitz, T.: Raman-spectroscopic characterization of the adenomacarcinoma sequence in a mouse model.In: 5th Dornburg Symposium on Cancer Research, Dornburg, 2013

19. Bocklitz, T. ; Vogler, N. ; Schmidt, C. ; Schmitt, M. ; Bräuer, R. ; Greten, F. ; Petersen, I.; Stallmach, A. ; Popp, J.: Raman-spectroscopic characterization of the adenoma-carcinoma sequencein a mouse model. In: 5th Postgraduate Symposium on Cancer Research, Dornburg, 2013

20. Bräutigam, Katharina ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schmitt, Michael ; Rösch, Petra ; Popp, Jürgen:Understanding the mode of action of chemotherapeutic agents on a molecular level – Raman spectroscopyas a key technology for personalized therapy. In: BioImag, 2013

21. Crecelius, A. C. ; Bocklitz, T. W. ; Matthäus, C. ; Tarcea, N. ; Eggeling, F. von ; Schmitt,M. ; Schubert, U. S. ; Popp, J.: Correlating Raman and MALDI imaging. In: Dechema,, 2013

22. Matthäus, C. ; Crecelius, A.C. ; Bocklitz, T.W. ; Tarcea, N. ; Eggeling, F. von ; Schmitt,M. ; Schubert, U.S. ; Popp, J.: Correlating MALDI-TOF and Raman imaging of Biological Samples. In:ECBO, München, 2013

23. Ramoji, A. ; Windecker, H. ; Kathiriya, NB. ; Hünniger, K. ; Förster, M. ; Bauer, M. ; Kurzai,O. ; Popp, J. ; Neugebauer, U.: Characterization of neutrophil s response towards Candida albicans bymeans of Raman spectroscopy. In: 6th International Congress ’Sepsis and Multiorgan Dysfunction’, Weimar,2013

24. Bocklitz, T.W. ; Bielecki, C. ; Schmitt, M. ; Krafft, C. ; Marquardt, C. ; Gharbi, A. ;Knösel, T. ; Stallmach, A. ; Popp, J.: Classification of inflammatory bowel diseases by means ofRaman spectroscopic imaging of epithelium cells. In: ICORS12, Bangalore, 2012

25. März, Anne ; Mönch, Bettina ; Walter, Angela ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Schuhmacher, Wilm ;Rösch, Petra ; Henkel, Thomas ; Michael Kiehntopf and, Jürgen P.: Microfluidic lab-on-a-chipsurface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (LOC-SERS) as a powerful multifunctional tool in bioanalytics. In:ICORS12, Bangalore, 2012

26. Hartmann, Katharina ; Putsche, Melanie ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Pachmann, Katharina ; Rösch,Petra ; ; Popp, Jürgen: Interactions between Docetaxel (Taxotere) and human cancer cells by Ramanspectroscopic imaging. In: ECSBM, Coimbra, 2011


27. Neugebauer, U. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Clement, J. H. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Biological variance andstatistical variation in the Raman spectra of biological cells from different days and patients. In: RKI-FT-Workshop, Berlin, 2011

28. Neugebauer, U. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Kurz, C. ; Velten, T. ; Clement, J. H. ; Hochhaus, A. ;Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Raman-spectroscopy based cell identification on a microhole-array-chip Imagingof dried and fixed cells Cell Imaging on Micro-Hole Chip. In: BBMEC, Weimar, 2011

29. Hartmann, Katharina ; Putsche, Melanie ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Pachmann, Katharina ; Rösch,Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Raman microspectroscopic investigations of the interaction between Docetaxel andhuman breast cancer cells (MCF-7). In: Espying the secrets of cells – Nanosensor / Microscopy Workshop,Dornburg, 2010

30. Neugebauer, U. ; Dochow, S. ; Krafft, C. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Clement, J.H. ; Popp, J.: Identi-fizierung von Einzelzellen aus dem Blut mit Hilfe von Raman Spektroskopie und optischen Pinzetten. In:ANAKON, 2011

31. Neugebauer, U. ; Dochow, S. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Optical Tweezers and Trapsfor Single Cells Analysis by Raman Spectroscopy. In: Trainingschool Optical Micro-Manipulation by NonlinearNanophotonics, Visegrád P4L/COST, 2010

32. Neugebauer, Ute ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Kurz ; Thielecke, Hagen ; Clement, Joachim H. ;Hochhaus, Andreas ; Krafft, Christoph ; Popp, Jürgen: Towards detection and identification of circu-lating tumour cells. In: SPEC, Manchester, 2010

33. Dörfer, Thomas ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Tarcea, Nicolae ; Popp, Jürgen: Improving Calibration ofRaman Spectra using Chemometric Approaches. In: GeoRaman. Sydney, 2010

34. Putsche, Melanie ; Hartmann, Katharina ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Pachmann, Katharina ; Rösch,Petra ; Popp, Jürgen: Raman Spectroscopic Investigations of the Effect of Cytostatic agents on BreastCancer Cells. In: ICORS, 2010

35. März, Anne ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Henkel, Thomas ; Rösch, Petra ; Kiehntopf, Michael ; Popp,Jürgen: Towards an analytical tool based on Lab-on-a-Chip-SERS (LOC-SERS) for detection of drugs incomplex matrices. In: ICORS, 2010

36. Vogler, Nadine ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Akimov, Denis ; Deckert, Volker ; Krafft, Christoph ;Dietzek, Benjamin ; Schmitt, Michael ; Popp, Jürgen: CARS images: processing motivated by physics.In: Photonics 4 life, Barcelona, 2009

37. Putsche, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Pachmann, K. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Investigations on CultivatedBreast Cancer Cell Lines by Means of Raman Spectroscopy. In: Photonics 4 life, Barcelona, 2009

38. Neugebauer, U. ; Clement, J. H. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Single Cell Identificationbased on Vibrational Spectroscopy. In: RKI-FT-Workshop, Berlin, 2009

39. Neugebauer, U. ; Clement, J.H. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Krafft, C. ; Popp, J.: Differentiation of cellsfrom peripheral blood by vibrational spectroscopic imaging. In: ECSBM, Palermo, 2009

40. Walter, A. ; Erdmann, S. ; Schumacher, W. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Reinicke, M. ; Rösch, P. ; Kothe,E. ; J.Popp: Investigation of soil microorganisms by means of various spectroscopic methods in combinationwith statistical analysis. In: ECSBM, Palermo, 2009


41. Bocklitz, T. ; Putsche, M. ; Stüber, C. ; Käs, J. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Raman spectroscopicinvestigations on breast cancer cell lines. In: ECSBM, Palermo, 2009

42. Vogler, N. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Akimov, D. ; Ramoji, A. ; Krafft, C. ; Schmitt, M. ; Dietzek, B.; Popp, J.: CARS microscopy for biomedical imaging. In: Biophotonics Summerschool, Ven, 2009

43. Bocklitz, T. ; Putsche, M. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysisfor cancer research. In: Biophotonics Summerschool, Ven, 2009

44. Vogler, N. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Akimov, D. ; Ramoji, A. ; Krafft, Ch. ; Schmitt, M. ; Dietzek,B. ; Popp, J.: CARS microscopy for biomedical imaging. In: JSMC Workshop on Methods & ConceptsTransfer, 2009

45. Putsche, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Pachmann, K. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Comparative Investigations onCultivated Breast Cancer Cell Lines by Means of Raman Spectroscopy. In: ICAVS, Melbourne, 2009

46. März, Anne ; Malsch, Daniéll ; Ackermann, Katrin ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Albert, Jens ; Mayer,Günter ; Henkel, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Lab-on-a-chip device for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy.In: Photonics for life, Florence, 2009

47. März, A. ; Ackermann, K. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Albert, J. ; Mayer, G. ; Malsch, D. ; Henkel, T.; Popp, J.: Using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy in microfluidic devices for quantitative, moleculespecific detection of lowest drug concentrations. In: 11. JCF Frühjahrssymposium, Essen, 2009

48. Bocklitz, T. ; Putsche, M. ; Ramoji, A. ; Rösch, P. ; Käs, J. ; Stüber, C. ; Popp, J.: Klassifizierungvon malignen und gesunden Zellen mittels Raman-Spektroskopie. In: ANAKON, Berlin, 2009

49. März, Anne ; Ackermann, Katrin ; Bocklitz, Thomas ; Albert, Jens ; Mayer, Günter ; Malsch,Daniéll ; Henkel, Thomas ; Popp, Jürgen: Monitoring of Lowest Drug Concentrations Using SurfaceEnhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microfluidic Devices. In: Photonics 4 life, Brussels, 2008

50. Bocklitz, T. ; Putsche, M. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: Classification and Mapping Approaches in biomedicalRaman Spectroscopy. In: Photonics 4 life, Brussels, 2008

51. Putsche, M. ; Bocklitz, T. ; Ramoji, A. ; Rösch, P. ; Popp, J.: The Use of Raman spectroscopy toidentify and characterize Normal and Breast Cancer Cells. In: ICORS, London, 2008