Curb Weight

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  • 8/11/2019 Curb Weight


    Curb weight

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Curb weight (US English ) or kerb weight (U English ) is the total weight of a

    !ehicle with standard e"uipment, all necessary operatingconsumables (e#g#, motor oiland coolant ), a full tank offuel , while not loaded with eitherpassengers or cargo #

    $his definition may differ from definitions used bygo!ernmental regulatory agencies or other organi%ations# For e&ample, many European Union manufacturers include theweight of a ' kilogram dri!er to follow European irecti!e *+-+EC#./01dditionally,organi%ations may define curb weight with fi&ed le!els of fuel and other !ariables toe"uali%e the !alue for the comparison of different !ehicles#

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    $are weightFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    $his article needs additional citations for!erification# =lease help impro!e

    article by adding citations to reliable sources# Unsourced material may b

    challenged and remo!ed# (ecember 3>>-)

    $are weight +t Ar +, sometimes called unladen weight, is the weight of an empty !ehicle

    or container#./02y subtracting it from the gross weight(laden weight), the weight of the
  • 8/11/2019 Curb Weight


    goods carried (thenet weight) may be determined# $his can be useful in computing the

    cost of the goods carried for purposes ofta&ation(sometimes called a tariff) or for tolls

    related to barge, rail, road, or other traffic, especially where the toll will !ary with the

    !alue of the goods carried (e#g#, tolls on the Erie Canal)# $are weight is often published

    upon the sides ofrailway carsand transport !ehicles to facilitate the computation of theload carried# $are weight is also used in body composition assessment when doing

    underwater weighing#.citation needed0

    $he word tare originates from the8iddle Frenchword tare Bwastage in goods,

    deficiency, imperfectionB (/c#), from @taliantara, from 1rabicD tarh, lit# Bthing

    deducted or reGected,B from taraha Bto reGectB.30

    $are weight is accounted for in kitchen, analytical (scientific)weighing scalesand other

    scales which include a button that resets the %ero of the scale display when an empty

    container is placed on the weighing platform, in order to subse"uently display only the

    weight of the contents of the container#

    Hross weight (the total weight) I :et weight (the weight of the goods) J $are weight (the

    weight of the empty container)#

    See also.edit0

    Hross !ehicle weight ratingFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    $his article needs additional citations for!erification# =lease help impro!e

    article by adding citations to reliable sources# Unsourced material may b

    challenged and remo!ed# (February 3>>-)

    $he gross !ehicle weight rating (HKW7), or gross !ehicle mass (HK8) is the ma&imum

    operating weight+massof a!ehicleas specified by the manufacturer./0including the

    !ehicleLschassis, body,engine, engine fluids, fuel, accessories, dri!er, passengers and

    cargobut e&cluding that of any trailers#.30$he term is used for motor !ehiclesand trains#

    $he weight of a !ehicle is influenced by passengers, cargo, e!en fuel le!el, so a numberof terms are used to e&press the weight of a !ehicle in a designated state# Hross combined

    weight ratingrefers to the total mass of a !ehicle, including all trailers# HKW7 and

    HCW7 both describe a !ehicle that is in operation and are used to specify weight

    limitations and restrictions# Curb weightdescribes a !ehicle which is Bparked at the curbB

    and e&cludes the weight of any occupants or cargo# ry weightfurther e&cludes the

    weight of all consumables, such as fuel and oils#Hross trailer weight ratingspecifies the
  • 8/11/2019 Curb Weight


    ma&imum weight of a trailer and the gross a&le weight ratingspecifies the ma&imum

    weight on any particular a&le#