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Page 1: CUPRINS / TABLE OF CONTENTS - · de Medicină dentară a Universității de Medicină și farmacie








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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 2


Simpozionul internațional Napoca Biodent, organizat de Facultatea

de Medicină dentară a Universității de Medicină și farmacie Iuliu Hațieganu, își propune din nou, în această a 8-a ediție, să aducă în fața auditoriului cele mai recente informații din cercetarea dedicată medicinii dentare.

Medicina dentară- de la Cercetare la Practică- această temă generoasă înglobează de fapt, ceea ce dorim cu toții in viața noastră profesională de zi cu zi... să răspundem întrebărilor pe care ni le punem noi, ca medici practicieni - întrebări la care trebuie să răspundem, indirect, pacienților noștri- alegând materialele cele mai performante, generând planuri de tratament individualizate în funcție de specificul biologic al fiecărui individ, oferind ceea ce este mai nou și mai adecvat…

Ne vor împărtăși din experiența profesională personalități ale medicinii dentare din țară și din străinătate, care, împreună cu colegii noștri chimiști, biologi, fizicieni, ingineri, formează echipe de cercetare dedicate problemelor ridicate de practica stomatologică.

Și în acest an, ne bucurăm să îi avem alături, ca discipoli și putători ai tradiției de cercetare în medicina dentară pe colegii noștri mai tineri, studenții- este prima ediție care are o sesiune dedicată susținerilor studențești. Prezența lor este o garanție că, deși generațiile se schimbă- așa cum s-a întâmplat întotdeauna de-a lungul istoriei- cei tineri intuiesc esența a ceea ce este cu adevărat important și merită perpetuat. Iar pentru o Școală medicală nimic nu este mai important decât deschiderea spre înnoire.

Prof. dr.Diana Dudea Facultatea de Medicină dentară

UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj-Napoca

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Simpozionului Internaţional de Stomatologie Napoca Biodent 2018


WELCOME The International Napoca Biodent Symposium, organized by the

Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Haţieganu aims again, in this 8th edition, to bring to the audience the latest information from dental research.

Dental medicine - from Research to Practice - this generous theme actually encompasses what we all want in our everyday professional life ... to answer the questions we ask ourselves as practitioners - questions we have to answer indirectly to our patients - choosing the best materials, generating individualized treatment plans according to the individual's biological specificity, offering what is newer and more appropriate ...

Personalities of dental medicine from our country and abroad will share their professional experience; they, together with our colleagues - chemists, biologists, physicists, engineers, form research teams dedicated to the problems raised by the dental practice.

And this year, we are glad to have, as disciples and continuators of the tradition of dental research, our younger college students – it is the first edition that has a student- centred session. Their presence is a guarantee that, although generations are changing - as has always been the case throughout history - young people have the intuition of the essence of what is truly important and deserving of perpetuation. And for a medical school, nothing is more important than the opening for renewal.

Prof. dr.Diana Dudea Facultatea de Medicină dentară

UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj-Napoca

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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 4


Președinte / President Prof. dr. Diana Dudea

Comitet de organizare / Organizing Committee

Conf. dr. Sorana Baciu Conf .dr.Mihaela Hedeșiu

Conf. dr. Aranka Ilea Conf. dr. Mariana Constantiniuc Sef lucr. dr. Smaranda Buduru

Sef lucr. dr. Marius Manole Sef lucr. dr. Bogdan Culic Sef lucr. dr. Anca Mesaroș

Sef lucr. dr. Alexandra Botoș Sef lucr. dr. Sanda Cimpian

Sef lucr. dr. Andreea Kui Asist. dr. Marius Negucioiu Asist. dr. Alexandru Grecu Asist. dr. Mihai Varvara Asist. Alexandru Burde

Asist. dr. Ioana-Sofia Pop-Ciutrila Student Andreea Radulescu

Student Sebastian Matei

Comitet Științific / Scientific Committee

Prof. dr. Radu Septimiu Campian Prof. dr. Mihaela Baciuț Prof .dr. Iulian Antoniac Conf. dr. Horațiu Rotaru

Conf dr. Simion Bran Conf. dr. Ondine Lucaciu

Conf. dr. Ada Delean dr. Marioara Moldovan Dr. Cristina Prejmerean

Sef lucr. dr. Alexandra Irimie Sef lucr. dr. Cristina Gasparik

Sef lucr dr. Sorina Sava Sef lucr. dr. Crisan Bogdan

Student Olah Renata

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Simpozionului Internaţional de Stomatologie Napoca Biodent 2018



FRIDAY – VINERI 25.05.2018 08.45-09.00 Welcome ceremony - Cuvânt de bun-venit- Prof dr. Radu Septimiu Câmpian, Decan al Facultății de Medicină dentară

• CONFERENCES / CONFERINȚE Moderatori: Prof dr. Veronica Mercuț, Prof dr. Diana Dudea 09.00-09.30 Prof. dr. Veronica Mercuț (UMF Craiova) – „Determination of jaw forces in patients with dental wear by dynamic simulation using kinematic analysis and finite element analysis” (Determinarea forțelor de la nivelul maxilarelor la pacienții cu uzură dentară prin simulare dinamică utilizând metodele analizei cinematice și a elementelor finite) 09.30-10.00 Prof. dr. Horia Manolea (UMF Craiova) – “Biocompatibility assessment of zirconia-based materials used for dental prosthesis” (Evaluarea biocompatibilității materialelor pe bază de oxid de zirconiu utilizate în realizarea restaurărilor dentare) 10.00-10.30 Prof. dr. Mihai Romînu (UMF Timișoara) – „Theoretical and practical considerations of traditional impression taking” (Considerații teoretice și practice ale tehnicilor convenționale de amprentare) 10.30-10.50 Claus Pukropp (VITA) – “Systematic review of tooth shaded CAD-CAM materials” (Un review sistematic al materialelor estetice pentru tehnologia CAD-CAM )


• CONFERENCES / CONFERINȚE Moderatori: Prof dr. Mihaela Băciuț, Prof dr.Alexandra Roman 11.10-11.30 Adrian Apreotesei (VITA) – „Indication determines the material” (Indicația determină alegerea materialului)

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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 6

11.30-12.00 Prof. dr. Gottfried Schmalz (Univ. of Regensburg) – “How the Minamata convention impacts your dental practice” (Modul în care Convenția Minamata influențează practica dentară) 12.00-12.30 Prof. dr. Emmanuel D’Incau (Univ. of Bordeaux) – “Tooth wear: from prevention to management” (Abrazia dentară: de la prevenție la tratament) 12.30-13.00 Assist. Prof. dr. Adrien Lastrade and Assist. Prof. dr. Thibault Roulland (Univ. of Bordeaux) – “Conventional fixed prosthodontics: evolution of indications and protocols” (Protetica fixă convențională: evoluția indicațiilor și a protocoalelor)


• CONFERENCES / CONFERINȚE Moderatori: Prof dr. Melinda Szekely, Prof dr. Iulian Antoniac 14.15-14.45 Assist. Prof. dr. Mariusz Cierech (Univ. of Warsaw) – “Significance of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) modification by zinc oxide nanoparticles for fungal biofilm formation” (Rolul modificării polimetilmetacrilatului (PMMA) cu nanoparticule de oxid de zinc în formarea biofilmului fungic) 14.45-15.15 Assist. Prof. dr. Răzvan Ghinea (Univ. of Granada) – “Pink esthetics: recent advances in research on color of gingiva and gingival shade guide modeling” (Estetica roz: progrese actuale în cercetarea din domeniul culorii gingivale și prefigurarea cheilor gingivale) 15.15-15.45 Prof. dr. Iulian Antoniac (Univ. Politehnica Bucuresti) - “Dental biomaterials-tissue interaction: new trends & characterization techniques”. (Interactiunea biomaterialelor dentare cu tesuturile: noi tendinte si tehnici de caracterizare) 15.45-16.15 Prof. dr. Melinda Székely (UMF Tg. Mureș) – “The attitude of children towards dental treatments” (Atitudinea copiilor față de tratamentele dentare)



Moderatori: Prof. dr. Adriana Filip, Sef lucr. dr. Marius Manole

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Simpozionului Internaţional de Stomatologie Napoca Biodent 2018


16.30-16.40 Prof. dr. Adriana Filip (UMF Cluj) – „Medical applications of bio-functionalized silver nanoparticles with natural extracts from fruits” (Aplicații medicale ale nanoparticulelor de argint biofuncționalizate cu extracte naturale din fructe) 16.40-16.50 Conf. dr. Alexandrina Muntean (UMF Cluj) – „A risk factor analysis for changes in the appearance of enamel due to orthodontic treatment” (Analiza factorului de risc privind modificarea aspectului smalțului datorită tratamentului ortodontic) 16.50-17.00 C.S. Codruța Saroși (UBB Cluj) – “Physical properties of different experimental orthodontic cements” (Proprietățile fizice ale diferitelor cimenturi ortodontice experimentale) 17.00-17.10 C.S. Gabriel Furtos (UBB Cluj) – “Antimicrobial nanocomposite membranes for dental applications” (Membrane nanocompozite antimicrobiene pentru aplicații dentare) 17.10-17.20 Șef lucr. dr. Marius Manole (UMF Cluj) – „Implementation of holographic research in periodontal disease” (Implementarea cercetării holografice în boala parodontală) 17.20-17.30 Asist. univ. dr. Daniela Popa (UMF Cluj) – “Predicting the vertical dimension of occlusion based on preliminary casts – A pilot study” (Estimarea dimensiunii vertical de ocluzie pe baza analizei modelelor prelimiare – Un studiu pilot) 17.30-17.40 Asist. univ. dr. Alexandru Burde (UMF Cluj) - “In vitro comparison of the accuracy of direct and indirect optical impression systems” (Comparație in vitro a acurateței sistemelor directe și indirecte de amprentare optică) 17.40-17.50 Asist. univ. dr. Alexandru Grecu (UMF Cluj) – “Dental and oral status self-perception in a student population” (Autopercepția statusului oro-dentar într-o populație de studenți)


Moderatori: Conf. dr. Ada Delean, Sef lucr. dr. Alexandra Irimie, Sef lucr. dr. Cristina Gasparik 17.50-17.55 Ionuț Codiță (UMF Sibiu) - “Mechanisms of degradation of the hybrid layer in adhesive dentistry - an analysis of the literature” (Mecanisme de degradare a stratului hibrid în stomatologie adezivă - o analiză a literaturii de specialitate) 17.55-18.00 Andreea Rădulescu/Daiana Todea (UMF Cluj) - “The influence of the type of bevel on the aesthetics of the class IV cavities” (Influența tipului de bizou asupra esteticii cavităților de clasa a IV-a)

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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 8

18.00-18.05 Diana Pașcalău (UMF Cluj) – „Novel hybrid formulations for internal bleaching of non-vital teeth” (Noi compoziții hibride pentru albirea internă a dinților devitali) 18.05-18.10 Irina Poiana (UMF Cluj) – „The incidence of bruxism among Cluj-Napoca students” (Incindeța bruxismului în rândul studenților din Cluj-Napoca) 18.10-18.15 Ralph Boutros (UMF Cluj) – “Rehabilitation of the first mandibular molar using lithium silicate reinforced with zirconia CAD-CAM ceramic blocks” (Restaurarea primului molar mandibular folosind blocuri ceramice din silicat de litiu armat cu zirconia pentru tehnica CAD-CAM) 18.15-18.30 Q&A (Întrebări și discuții)

19.30-21.00 COCKTAIL LA RESTAURANT ROCHELLE Official opening of the event (Deschiderea oficială a evenimentului)



Moderatori: Prof. dr. Meda-Lavinia Negruțiu, Prof. dr. Cosmin Sinescu 09.00-09.30 Prof. dr. Norina Forna (UMF Iași) – „Success elements in applying bone regeneration materials in Oral Implantology” (Elemente de success în aplicarea materialelor de regenerare osoasă în implantologia orală) 09.30-10.00 Prof. dr. Meda-Lavinia Negruțiu (UMF Timișoara) – „Nondestructive assessment of sintering temperature in dental ceramic technologies” (Evaluarea neinvazivă a temperaturii de sinterizare în tehnica ceramicii dentare) 10.00-10.30 Prof. dr. Cristina Borțun (UMF Timișoara) – „Assessment of laser welding in RPD technology” (Evaluarea sudurii cu laser în tehnologia protezelor parțiale mobilizabile) 10.30-11.00 Prof. dr. Cosmin Sinescu (UMF Timișoara) – „Dental impression between conventional and future approaches” (Amprenta dentară, între abordările convenționale și cele moderne)



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Simpozionului Internaţional de Stomatologie Napoca Biodent 2018


Moderatori: Prof. dr. Sorin Andrian, Prof dr. Rareș Stiufiuc 11.20-11.40 Prof. dr. Diana Dudea (UMF Cluj) – “Questionnaire-based studies on the perception of facial and dental aesthetics” (Studii pe bază de chestionar privind percepția esteticii dento-faciale) 11.40-12.10 Prof. dr. Sorin Andrian (UMF Iași) – „Strategies to provide increased resistance of dental hard tissues to acidic challenge” (Strategii de creștere a rezistenței țesuturilor dentare dure față de provocarea acidă) 12.10-12.30 Prof. dr. Rareș Știufiuc (UMF Cluj) – „RAMAN/SER Spectroscopy on biological fluids” (Spectroscopie RAMAN/SER pe fluide biologice) 12.30-12.50 Șef lucr. dr. Smaranda Buduru (UMF Cluj) – „The diagnostic value of computerized axiography in detecting the TMJ internal derangements” (Valoarea diagnostică a axiografiei computerizate în detectarea deranjamentelor interne ale ATM)


• CONFERENCES / SESIUNE CONFERINȚE Moderatori: Conf. dr. Ondine Lucaciu, Sef lucr. dr. Anca Mesaroș 14.00-14.20 Conf.dr. Ondine Lucaciu (UMF Cluj) – „Platelet rich fibrin and its application in Dental Medicine: review of literature and report of clinical cases” (Aplicațiile PRF în Medicina dentară: Review de literatură și cazuri clinice) 14.20-14.40 Șef lucr. dr. Ioana Chifor (UMF Cluj) – „Photodynamic therapy (PDT) applications for the control of oral biofilm” (Terapia fotodinamică pentru controlul biofilmului oral) 14.40-15.00 Șef lucr. dr. Anca Mesaroș (UMF Cluj) – „The intake of CAD/CAM systems in Orthodontics” (Aportul sistemelor CAD-CAM în Ortodonție) 15.00-15.20 Șef lucr dr. Bogdan Culic (UMF Cluj)- „Development of new fiberglass reinforced composite for CAD-CAM application” (Dezvoltarea unui nou compozit armat cu fibre de sticlă pentru aplicații CAD-CAM)


Moderatori: Sef lucr. dr. Cristina Gasparik, Sef lucr. dr. Alexandra Irimie

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15.20-15.30 Șef lucr. dr. Daniela Maria Pop (UMF Timișoara) – „Technological alternatives in the achievement of polymeric fixed prosthesis” (Alternative tehnologice în realizarea protezei fixe polimerice) 15.30-15.40 Șef lucr. dr. Alexandra Irimie (UMF Cluj) – „Genetic and epigenetic implications in oral cancer evolution” (Implicații genetice și epigenetice în evoluția cancerului oral) 15.40-15.50 Șef lucr. dr. Cristina Gasparik (UMF Cluj) – “Optical properties of new materials for chairside CAD/CAM restorations” (Proprietăți optice ale noilor materiale pentru restaurările CAD / CAM)



Moderatori: Conf. dr. Sorana Baciu, Șef lucr. dr.Bogdan Culic 16.00-16.10 Asist. univ. dr. Delia Greța (UMF Cluj) – “Study on the perception of dental dyschromic condition” (Studiu privind percepția discromiei dentare) 16.10-16.20 dr. Radu Lazăr (UMF Cluj) – “Shade measurements using digital photography and spectrophotometry - a comparison” (Evaluarea comaparativă a culorii dentare utilizând fotografia digitală și spectrofotometria dentară) 16.20-16.30 Asist. univ. Willi Uriciuc (UMF Cluj) – “Research about different methods in dental alloys casting structures” (Cercetări privind diferitele metode de turnare a aliajelor dentare)

• POSTER CADRE DIDACTICE / SESIUNE POSTERE Moderatori: Cercet st. Marioara Moldovan, Conf dr. Mariana Constantiniuc 16.30-16.35 Conf. dr. Mariana Constantiniuc (UMF Cluj) – “Effect of whitening gel based on hydrogen peroxide on the metallic alloys frequently used in Prosthetic Dentistry. Studies by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy” (Efectul gelului de albire pe bază de peroxid de hidrogen asupra aliajelor metalice utilizate frecvent în protetica dentară. Studii prin spectroscopie de impedanță electrochimică) 16.35-16.40 dr. Roxana Vasiliu (UMF Timișoara) – „Optical behaviour of hot pressed dental ceramics after different surface finishing in

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aqueous environment” (Comportamentul optic al ceramicii dentare presate la cald, după prelucrarea de suprafață prin metode diferite în mediu apos) 16.40-16.45 dr. Cristian Zaharia (UMF Timișoara) – „Micro-CT analysis of dental adhesive reinforced with nanoparticles” (Analiza prin micro-CT a adezivului dentar armat cu nanoparticule) 16.45-16.50 Asist. univ. dr. Alin Gabor (UMF Timișoara) – „Applications of 3D printing in modern Dentistry. Implant insertion simulation on 3D printed mandible” (Aplicații ale imprimării 3D în stomatologia modernă. Simularea inserției implantului pe mandibula imprimată 3D) 16.50-16.55 Asist. univ. dr. Mónika Kovács (UMF Tg. Mureș) – „The ability of different irrigation delivery methods to remove dentinal debris from root canals with artificially created pits” (Abilitatea diferitelor metode de irigare de a îndepărta resturile dentinare din canalele radiculare) 16.55-17.00 Asist. univ. dr. Bernadette Kerekes-Máthé (UMF Tg. Mureș) – „Effect of preliminary acid etching and double-layer application on the shear bond strengths of self-etch adhesives” (Efectul gravajului acid preliminar și a aplicării în strat dublu a adezivilor autogravanți asupra rezistenței la forfecare) 17.00-17.05 Asist. univ. dr. Cecilia Bacali (UMF Cluj) – “Effects of graphene silver nanoparticles on compressive, flexural and tensile strength of a commercial denture base acrylic resin” (Efectele includerii grafenelor cu nanoparticulelor de argint asupra rezistenței la compresiune, încovoiere și tracțiune a rășinilor acrilice pentru proteze dentare) 17.05-17.10 C.S. Diana Sucala (Univ. Tehnică Cluj) – “Shear bond strength of self-etch and total-etch experimental adhesive systems with TIO2” (Rezistența la forfecare a sistemelor adezive autogravante experimentale pe bază de TIO2) 17.10-17.15 C.S. Doina Prodan (UBB Cluj) – “Obtaining, characterisation and selection of a new organic phase precursors used in the formulation of restoration composites” (Obținerea, caracterizarea și selecția unor noi precursori de fază organică utilizați în formularea compozitelor de restaurare) 17.15-17.20 dr. Ioana-Codruța Mirică (UMF Cluj) – “The compressive strength and flexural strength of flowable resin composites” (Rezistența la compresiune și încovoiere a rășinilor compozite de tip „flow”) 17.20-17.25 dr. Laura Rusu (UMF Cluj) – “Study on physical, chemical and mechanical properties of natural revelators used in photodynamic therapy” (Studiu privind proprietățile fizice, chimice și mecanice ale revelatorilor naturali utilizați în terapia fotodinamică) 17.25-17.30 Q&A (Întrebări și discuții)


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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 12

SESIUNI WORKSHOP / WORKSHOPS 2Shape/ One Curve _ un nou pas in simplificarea prepararii mecanice a canalelor radiculare Data : Vineri, 25 mai 2018 ora 13.00 Locatie: Amfiteatrul Motilor nr. 33 si sala de lucrari practice de langa amfiteatru Lectori : Sef. Lucrări Dr. Sanda Cîmpean, Asist. Univ. Dr. Ioana-Sofia Ciutrila Taxa de participare : 100 Ron Numarul maxim de participanti la partea practica : 18 persoane Photodynamic therapy (PDT) applications for the control of oral biofilm Data : Vineri 25.05. ora 9- 12 Locatie: Str. Avram Iancu Nr.31 Lectori : Mindra Badea, Radu Chifor, Laura Rusu (Dascalu), Alina Rotar, Andrei Picos, Marioara Moldovan, Ioana Chifor Taxa de participare- 100 RON Folosirea articulatoarelor în medicina dentară, folosirea pas cu pas- workshop dedicate studenților Data : Vineri: ora 14.00-17.00 Locatie: Str. Avram Iancu Nr.31, parter Sef. Lucrări Dr. Alexandra Botoș Taxa de participare : gratuit Numarul maxim de participanți la partea practica : 12 persoane

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Napoca Biodent International Symposium 2018 14

PROF.DR. SORIN ANDRIAN Dr. Sorin Andrian was born on 09. 03.1962 in Iași, Romania. He is married and has a sun who is student in the 6th year of study at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr.T. Popa”, Iaşi. In 1985 he graduated the Faculty of Stomatology, at the ”Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy”, Iaşi, with the highest grade, being valedictorian. In 1990 he became university assistant at the discipline of Odontology and Periodontology and he became professor at Cariology and Operative Dentistry subject matter, Faculty of Dental Medicine, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iaşi on 01.10.2002. He is doctorates manager from 01.10.2004 and he coordinated 23 thesis until now. He was head of the Department of Odontology and Periodontology and he was also deputy dean of the faculty (2000-2006). He is a member of the University Senate. He was the manager of postgraduate master in Odontology. Major research themes: 1. identification of the etiological factors of rampant caries and establishment of preventive measurements , 2. clinical and in vitro studies regarding the etiology, the preventive and restorative treatment of tooth wear, 3. dental hard tissues remineralization of carious lesions and erosive wear. He published 23 articles as first author and 18 articles as co-author in ISI journals, 54 articles as first author and 47 articles as co-author in journals indexed in international databases. He is author of 3 monographs, 6 book chapters as principal author and 10 book chapters as co-author. He presented more then 23 conferences at the national and international congresses. He is also deputy editor of Journal of Romanian Medical Dentistry and member in editorial board of Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. and Stomatology Edu Journal. He is ORCA senior member since 2014. He participated at ORCA and ADEE meeting in Berlin for developing the European core curriculum in Cariology on july 2010. He is also member of University Ethical Committee (2012-2016) and he is president of Regional General Dental Council Disciplinary Committee (2012-2016).

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PROF.DR. IULIAN ANTONIAC Iulian Antoniac graduated from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, University “Politehnica” Bucharest. Prof. Antoniac is one of the initiators of researches conducted in the field of Biomaterials in Romania, being also the founder of Medical Engineering specialty at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, since 2002. Prof. Antoniac is leader of the Biomaterials research group and coordinator of the Biomaterials and Interface Phenomena Laboratory, publishing over 200 scientific papers in journals and abstract volumes, over 50 journal articles indexed in ISI Web of Science, owns 7 patents, and published over 20 books and book chapters in the field of Biomaterials. He is editor-in-chief of Materials Science Forum (Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland) and member in the editorial committee of other ISI journals (Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Heliyon, Biomanufacturing Reviews, Bioactive Materials, Engineering of Biomaterials, Biomaterials and Tissue Technology). Prof. Antoniac is vice-president and member of the board of Romanian Society of Biomaterials (Societatea Romana de Biomateriale), permanent member and past-president of the board of International Society of Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM), and also member in numerous national and international organizations in the field of Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. His research interests are biomaterials for orthopedic and dental applications, bioceramic coatings, biocomposites, microscopic and spectrometric techniques for characterization of biomaterials, surface engineering, implants and orthopedic prostheses, cements, nanomaterials, tissue-implant interaction phenomena.

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ADRIAN APREOTESEI, MDT Experiența profesionala: iunie 1999 - astazi

• Proprietarul unui laborator de tehnica dentara, Cantech Dental S.R.L și al unui laborator de școlarizare, Cancourse Dental SRL, în București

• 2005 : Primul laborator dentar (în București) cu tehnologie CAD/CAM ( In-Lab Sirona cu VITA Machinable Materials )

• 2007 Titlul de „VITA Masterlab“

iunie 2004 -astazi

• A 2-a colaborare cu VITA Zahnfabrik o Consilier tehnic o Conducator de curs certificat VITA, participanți din Romania,

Bulgaria, Ungaria, Serbia, Albania, Grecia, Germania o Traducator

iunie 1997 – mai 1999

• S eful secției de ceramica la C & B Dental Laboratories Inc. în Toronto, Canada

• Asigurarea verificarii tehnice și estetice a producției unui laborator cu aprox. 450 de clienți dentiști activi din Canada și statul New York, pregatirea noilor angajați

august1994 - iunie 1997

• Ceramist la C & B Dental Laboratories Inc. in Toronto, Kanada

mai 1994 – august1994

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• Ceramist la Shaw Dental Labs in Toronto, Kanada

aprilie 1994

• Emigrare în Canada

sept.1992 – aprilie 1994

• Prima colaborare cu VITA Zahnfabrik o Consilier profesional Comesa Ges.m.b.H., Wien, Austria o Conducator de curs și demonstrator pentru VITA Zahnfabrik și o BEGO în Romania und Republica Moldova o Laborator de demonstrație VITA / BEGO o Dotare completa Espe, Schick, Erkodent, Forestadent, W&H, Jota,

Freuding, KaVo


• Ceramist în laboratorul dentar Dentex G.m.b.H. Mu hlheim/Ruhr

mai 1992 – sept. 1992

• Instructor la Colegiul de Tehnica Dentara Ctin.Gaucan, București

1981 – 1992

• Tehnician dentar (din 1987 principal) la Policlinica Ministerului Transporturilor, București

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PROF.DR. MÎNDRA EUGENIA BADEA Prof.dr. Mindra Eugenia Badea was educated in Cluj-Napoca at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hațieganu", getting her dr. med. dent. in 1998. Since 2006 she is the chair of Preventive Dentistry Department in Cluj-Napoca at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hațieganu". The scientific research was focused on aspects of preventing dento-periodontal diseases, minimally invasive dentistry, photodynamic laser therapy în dentistry, interdisciplinary investigations, applications of ultrasonography in evaluating the dento-maxilar system. These activities resulted in 94 în extenso publications.

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PROF.DR. CRISTINA MARIA BORȚUN Dr. Borţun is full professor and head of the Department of Dental Prostheses Technology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara. She was dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine between 2013 and 2016, and vice-dean between 2012 and 2013. Dr. Borţun has a professional degree in Prosthetic Dentistry and Oral Surgery. She was speaker or invited speaker at many national and international conferences (FDI Annual World Dental Congress New Delhi, India, 2014; Symposium ”Medicina între real și virtual” – Republica Dominicana 16-22 martie 2014, FDI Annual World Dental Congress, 28- 31 august, 2013 Istanbul; FDI Annual World Dental Congress, 29 august-1 september, 2012 Hong Kong; DAAAM 2011 the 22st International DAAAM Symposium, Viena, Austria; 45th Meeting of the Continental European, Division of the International Association for Dental Research (CED-IADR) with the Scandinavian Division, August 31-September 3, 2011; 24 th European Conference on Biomaterials 4th- 9th September, Dublin, Irlanda, 2011; FDI Annual World Dental Congress, 14-17 September, 2011 Mexico City; 15th BaSS Thessaloniki and Annual Meeting of the European College of Gerontology, 22-25 april 2010; FDI Annual World dental Congress, Salvador da Bahia, Brazilia, 2010; 14th Swiss Conference on Biomaterials, Basel, Elveţia; Annual World Dental Congress FDI Stockholm, Suedia, 24-27 septembrie 2008; 29th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, 25-29 aprilie 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia; 13th Swiss Conference on Biomaterials (SSB2007) May 9th, 2007, Neuchatel, Elveţia; Annual World Dental Congress, Dubai, 22-25 octombrie 2007,). Dr. Borţun has a significant scientific activity publishing over 35 full papers in peer-reviewed journals. Her research areas include surface characterization of alloys, properties of biomaterials, silicone rubber- based membranes, composite resins and ceramic materials.

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ȘEF LUCR.DR. SMARANDA BUDURU Dr. Smaranda Buduru is lecturer in Dental Occlusion at the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu", Cluj-Napoca. She graduated UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu", class of 1991. In 1995 she graduated the residency program in General Dentistry, obtaining the Master of Science Degree. In 2000 she obtained the primary doctor degree in General Dentistry. In 2003 she obtained the PhD title in Prosthodontics. In 2013 she obtained the Master of Science Degree in Prosthodontics. She is a member of the Prosthodontics Department since 1997. Over the time she published several studies and articles. She also published the following books: "The clinical examination of patients with temporomandibular disorder", "Clinical notions of occlusion", "Comprehensive esthetic dentistry", "Incursion in esthetic dentistry”.

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ASSIST.PROF.DR MARIUSZ CIERECH Education 2013–2017 Department of Prosthodontics, Baby Jesus Clinical Hospital of Warsaw, Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry field 2012-2016 Medical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, PhD studies, PhD degree 2006-2011 Medical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Surgery Experience: 2012 – present: Department of Prosthodontics, Medical University of Warsaw – Assistant Language: English - very good Interests: music, film, sport (ski, snowboard)

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ȘEF LUCR.DR. BOGDAN CULIC Dr. Bogdan Culic is a lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Department of Prosthodontics, specializing in oral surgery. He published several book chapters, including in Comprehensive Aesthetic Dentistry, Quintessence Publishing (translated in Romanian, English and Chinese) and several articles in ISI quoted journals. Dr. Culic is a lecturer on dental photography, CAD/CAM, dental esthetics topics, and has published numerous articles and book chapters. He is a certified member of ESCD, and member of various Romanian and abroad learned societies. He maintained a private practice focused on implantology and dental esthetics.

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ASSOC.PROF.DR. EMMANUEL D’INCAU Emmanuel d’Incau obtained his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) in 1998 in the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). From 2002 to 2006 he was assistant professor in the prosthodontics department. At the same time, he worked in a private practice until 2012, when he obtained his PhD and took up the position of Associate Professor. Emmanuel d’Incau is currently active on three fronts: he teaches occlusion, orofacial pain and prosthodontics at the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). He is also conducting research into tooth wear and dento-alveolar compensations in the current populations and past populations (PACEA laboratory – UMR 5199 of the CNRS). Finally, he works full-time at the university hospital of Bordeaux where his main activities are to manage patients with temporomandibular disorders, sleep disorders (OSA, sleep bruxism, chronic insomnia, GERD, etc.) and/or who need complex prosthetic rehabilitations. Numerous national and international publications value these different works.

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PROF.DR. DIANA DUDEA Diana Dudea, PhD, DDS is Habilitated Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is head of Dental Propedeutics and Esthetics Division, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Dental materials. She is member of International Association for Dental Research, Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry, Romanian Society of Biomaterials and President of the Cluj branch of the Romanian Society of Esthetic Dentistry; she is also Adjunct investigator in the Houston Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics of the University of Texas Dental Branch. Dr Dudea lectured in national and international meetings on topics from Esthetic and Restorative dentistry. She coordinated several Research projects, more recently “,, New generation of materials for cosmetic dentistry” and „Clinical and experimental study of the frequency, etiology and non-invasive treatment of dental discolorations”. Dr Dudea has published 6 books and 17 book chapters, 91 full papers and 140 abstracts in the field of Restorative dentistry and Dental Color and is reviewer for national and international journals. Her interests in research are the Optical properties of dental structures and dental materials, Properties of Dental ceramic and composites, Perception in Esthetic dentistry, Dental bleaching. She practices dentistry in “Sonodent” Private practice- Cluj-Napoca.

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- Dean, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Grigore T. Popa”, Iasi

- European Specialist in Dental Prosthetics - European Prosthodontic Association

- Vice-President and Ambassador for Romania - International Congress of Oral Implantologists (SUA)

- Vice-President of CIDCDF Board and Ambassador for Romania – Confederation of Deans of the Dental Medicine Faculties with Total or Partial French Expression (since 2013)

- Fellow and Diplomat International Congress of Oral Implantologists (since 2010)

- Member in the Council of European Association of Dental Prosthetics (since 2013)

- Member in the Leading Board of Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS) (since 2009)

- President of the International Society of General and Oro-Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation Forum Odontologicum, Switzerland (since 2013)

- President of the Consortium of Romanian Dental Medicine Faculties Deans - Member of Pierre Fauchard Academy, SUA (since 2011) - Member of the National Academy of Dental Surgery, France (since 2010) - Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Englands - Correspondent Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences - Associated Member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists (since 2014) - Doctor Honoris Causa of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy

„Nicolae Testemiţanu” Chişinău, Rep. Moldova - Trainer in Diplome d`Universite de Chirurgie et d`Implantologie Orale

(DUCIO), (since 2007) Author of 22 monographs, 2 treaties, 9 textbooks and 2 book chapters, over 30 articles ISI indexed, over 40 articles PUBMED and BDI indexed and over 400 articles published in abstract or in extensor in the volumes of national and international scientific manifestations.

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ASSIST.PROF.DR. RĂZVAN GHINEA My academic training includes a BSc in Medical Physics and a BSc in Optics and Optometry, an MSc in Advanced Methods and Techniques in Physics and a PhD in Physics. I am currently holding a position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Optics of the Faculty of Science at the University of Granada Spain. My research is focused on objective color measurements, color perception and evaluation of optical properties of different types of biomaterials (especially dental materials) as well as on developing new methods and technique for determining physical properties of both dental materials and dental structures. My publication record includes 27 published papers with IF, 4 book chapters, 12 conference papers and more than 50 conference proceedings. I also recently co-authored an Editorial of the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. I am a member of the Editorial Board of Helyion and I also serve as a reviewer for several Journals, including Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Clinical Oral Investigations, Color Research and Application, PloS One and Biomed Research International. I was distinguished with the “VITA Award for Excellence in Research Related to Color and Appearance in Dentistry” in 2013. I belong to FQM-151 Andaluzian Research Group since 2010, to Laboratory of Biomaterials Optics at the University of Granada since 2007 and I am Adjunct Scientist of Houston Center for Biomaterials and Biomimetics at University of Texas since 2012. Also, I am a member of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD).

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ASSIST.PROF.DR. ADRIEN LASTRADE Adrien Lastrade obtained his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) in 2015 in the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). Since 2016, he is assistant professor in the prosthodontics department. In the same time, he work in a private practice since 2013. Adrien Lastrade teaches fixed and esthetics prosthodontics at the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). He works half-time at the university hospital of Bordeaux where his main activities are to manage patients who need complex and esthetic prosthetic rehabilitations. A few national publications value these different topics.

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CONF.DR. PATRICIA ONDINE LUCACIU Dr. Patricia Ondine Lucaciu works as a Associate Professor in the Oral Rehabilitation, Oral Health and Dental Management Department since 2015. She obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 2009 with the thesis title: " Tissue engineering of bone usable in cranio-maxillofacial bone defect plasty. A study on an animal model "with the Magna cum laude rating. Since 2010 she has been confirmed as consultant in dentoalveolar surgery. She has published 18 articles in ISI indexed journals, 19 articles in in BDI indexed jounals and 69 abstracts in national and international scientific events and a number of 6 book chapters and 2 books. She was project director in two projects and member of eight other projects. She has won 13 national and international prizes for research. Fields of interest and research include stem cell, tissue engineering, titanium implants and bone regeneration. She is member of the editorial staff of the following journals JOAM, International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Cluj Medical, Human & Veterinary Medicine, International Journal of the Bioflux Society, Journal of Dentistry, Oral Disorders and Therapy, and Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.

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PROF.DR. HORIA MANOLEA Horia Manolea is Professor at the Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials Department and currently Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania. He graduated as valedictorian the Faculty of Dentistry in 2001, holds a PhD in Medicine and a Master degree in implant supported prosthesis. Research interests include resin restorative materials research, implant supported prosthesis technologies, the bioactive materials study, development of ceramic and metal-ceramic technology, dental and periodontal structures morphology study. His professional and scientific activity comprises 9 textbooks, 50 papers published in scientific journals of which 23 were published in ISI journals with impact factor, more than 100 papers published in abstract in the proceedings of international or national conferences, invited speaker at several national and international scientific meetings, reviewer for several specialty scientific journals.

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PROF.DR. VERONICA MERCUȚ From 2008, Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry Craiova, Department of Prosthodontics and Dean of the faculty. Areas of competence: Oral Implantology and Health Services Management 13 books published, 71 scientific papers “in extenso”, 91 summary papers. Member in professional associations: Consultative Commission of Dental Prosthetics of the Ministry of Health (Annex 4 to the Minister of Health Order 398/2013), Biomaterials Society (2014), BASS (2014), International Association for Dental Research (2011) Member of the editorial boards of several journals: Revista Romana de Stomatologie, Current Health Sciences Journal, Medicine in Evolution, Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation.

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ȘEF LUCR. DR. ANCA ȘTEFANIA MESAROȘ Anca-Stefania Mesaros is currently Lecturer within the Discipline of Dental Propaedeutics, Department of Prosthetics and Dental Materials of the Faculty of Dental Medicine from the „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Cluj-Napoca. Her work with students consists in lectures and practical activities on: - Dental Morphology, - Semiology of the Oral Cavity -Dental Prosthetics - Aesthetics for students in dental medicine. She graduated the Faculty of Dental Medicine in 2008, obtained her Masters’ Degree in Oral Rehabilitation and Oral Health in 2010, her PhD Degree in 2014 with the thesis „Investigations of the impact of orthodontic treatment upon dento-facial esthetics”. She is a specialist in the fields of Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics since 2012 and therefore her main research topics have combined Orthodontics, Aesthetics, Dental Materials and Morphology. She had scholarships at University of Marseille (3 months in 2006) and University of Bordeaux (6 months in 2009 and 3 months in 2013) in France. She is a member of numerous national and international professional associations and thus she has had the opportunity to present the results of her research in both national and international congresses as oral or poster presentations.

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PROF.DR. MEDA-LAVINIA NEGRUȚIU Meda-Lavinia Negruţiu (47 years old) is habil. professor at the "Victor Babeş" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Faculty of Dentistry, Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials Department. Her research activities and competences are in the fields of dental materials and prostheses technology, alternative technologies in prosthodontics; imagistic investigations in dentistry – optical coherence tomography, polymer injection technology; numeric simulation studies; soldering and welding technologies (plasma, laser); unconventional technologies of investigation, analysis, prognosis in dentistry. She was part of the research group that developed the first Time Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and the first Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Systems dedicated to dentistry in the east of Europe. She has 557 scientific works – 262 of them published (144 listed on the ISI Web of Science) and 302 oral communications at meetings in Romania and abroad. She is an author and coauthor at 21 monographies and 6 courses, co-author of one accorded (RO 121317 B1 /29.05.2009) and three in work OSIM patents. She is/was member in the research team of 11 grants - by 3 of them as project manager and 1 partner project responsible. She was member in the Management Comitee, representing Romania, of the FP7 COST Action MP 1005 and FP7 COST Action FP1101. According to Web of Science, the Hirsch index is 9 The address of the profile is: She is Visiting Profesor in the School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. She is member of the Romanian Society of Biomaterials, West Romania Multidisciplinary Research Association, Romanian Society of Lasers in Dentistry, Romanian Society of Esthetic Dentistry, SPIE, OSA, ADEE.

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CLAUS PUKROPP, MDT Since 2014 VITA Head of Technical Marketing

• Responsible for Product Management, Product Marketing, Application Department, Technical Customer Service, Training & Education

• 10 direct reports, 40 team member 2011- 2013 BIOMET 3i EMEA Marketing Manager Restorative

Technologies and Guided Surgery • Responsible for Product- and Sales Marketing in Europe, Middle East

and Africa • No direct reports, matrix structure with 10 regional Marketing

Manager 2009- 2011 BIOMET 3i Head of Central Europe Marketing

• Responsible for Product- & Sales Marketing DACH • 8 direct reports

2008 - 2009 BIOMET 3i Marketing Manager New Technologies • Responsible for EMEA product launch of guided surgery and

Renishaw CAD CAM portfolio 2005 - 2008 BIOMET 3i Head of Marketing Germany

• Responsible for Product- & Sales Marketing • 7 direct reports

2002- 2005 BEGO Implant Systems GmbH, Global Product-Marketing Manager • Responsible for Product Management and Product Marketing

2000- 2002 Teacher at MDT School Düsseldorf for material science and restorative implant dentistry

2000-2001 BEGO Implant Systems GmbH, Product Trainer • Responsible for Customer and Staff product & sales training

1999 Degree Master Dental Technician (MDT) 1988-1992 Degree Dental Technician Publications (German)

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1. Pukropp C: Neue Behandlungskonzepte für die Sofortversorgung des zahnlosen Oberkiefers. PIP, Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik Jahrg. 2012 Nr. 4 S.26-32

2. Kehrer F, Schweizer M, Steck F, Pukropp C.: Prothetische Rehabilitation einer neurologisch geschädigten Patientin. Zahn Prax 14, Sonderausgabe Implantologie, 18.25 (2011)

3. Pukropp C: Implantatverluste und Implantatprothetische Komplikation-Vermeidung und Management. PIP, Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik Jahrg. 2010 Nr. 1 S.32-41

4. Pukropp C: Quo Vadis, Navigaton? – Marketing- Gag oder Master-Tool für erfahrene Implantologen? DZW, Die Zahnarztwoche Ausg. 8/2010

5. Pukropp C: Zentrale Herstellung von Implantatabutments und implantatgetragenen Stegversorgungen. Quintessenz Zahntech 2008;34(7):848-860

6. Meier J, Pukropp C: Fehlerquellen bei der Anfertigung implantatgetragenen Zahnersatzes. ZWR 111. Jahrg. 2001, Nr.9 S. 471- 478

National & International lectures: • Oral Implantology • Restorative implant dentistry • Bio materials • Treatment concepts • Dental material science

Faculty member & teacher:

• 2012-2013 Danube University Krems, Austria Implantology Module at CFM

• 2010-2013 Master for Periodontology (ÖGI, Öster. Gesellschaft für Paro.)

• 2000-2002 MDT School HWK Düsseldorf

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Prof. Dr. Mihai Rominu has graduated the Faculty of Dentistry, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania, in 1993. Since 1994 he works in the Department of Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials, being head of Department since 2000, University Professor since 2004 and PhD tutor since 2007. He was the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Timisoara between April 2012 and November 2013. Between November 2013 and November 2015 he worked at the Danube Private University, Krems, Austria, Department of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (Head Univ. Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Junker). The PhD title was acquired in 1999 with the dissertation “Contributions to the development of adhesive techniques”. He got his habilitation in 2017 with the thesis “Classic and modern assessments of dental interfaces”. His professional and research efforts are focused (but not limited to) on dental materials, prosthodontics, prostheses technology and the study of interfaces. The results of his research were published in ISI and BDI ranked journals and presented at different scientific events. Univ. Prof. Dr. Mihai Rominu is member of the Romanian Society of Biomaterials and the Romanian Society of Lasers in Dentistry.

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ASSIST.PROF.DR. THIBAUT ROULLAND Thibaut Roulland obtained his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) in 2015 in the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). Since 2016, he is assistant professor in the prosthodontics department. In the same time, he work in a private practice since 2013. Thibaut Roulland teaches occlusion, fixed and removable prosthodontics at the Faculty of Odontological Sciences (University of Bordeaux). He works half-time at the university hospital of Bordeaux where his main activities are to manage patients who need complex prosthetic rehabilitations. A few national publications value these different topics.

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PROF.DR. GOTTFRIED SCHMALZ Professor (Operative Dentistry and Periodontology) Universities of Regensburg/Bern, Germany/Switzerland. Main research interests: biocompatibility, tissue regeneration. More than 250 articles in PubMed, founder/Editor of “Clinical Oral Investigations”. Over 35 prices/awards, e.g. the “Distinguished Scientist Award”, “Distinguished Service Award” of IADR and the “Award of Excellence” from the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry. Member/former Senator of the German National Academy of Sciences.

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PROF.DR. COSMIN SINESCU Cosmin Sinescu is habil. professor at the "Victor Babeş" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timişoara, Faculty of Dentistry, Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials Department. The PhD thesis was focused on new methods of diagnostic and forcast in dentistry. Since 2005 he is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Applied Optics Group at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. He is also a member of several dedicated association like Romanian Society of Lasers in Dentistry (SRLS), Swiss Society of Biomaterials (SSB), IADR, IEEE, Romanian Society of Biomaterials (SRB) and SPIE., West Romania Multidisciplinary Research Association. He was member in the research team of 11 projects - in 4 of them as PI, and also a member in the working group of the FP7 COST Action MP 1005. The address of the profile is: His main research interests include invasive and noninvasive, destructive and nondestructive methods of investigations in dentistry, dental materials, bioengineering, biocompatibility, biomaterials and optoelectronics. He participated as part of the research team of the Prostheses Technology and Dental Materials Department in achieving, in collaboration with our partner from UK, the First OCT Prototypes, Time Domain and Spectral Domain with applications dedicated to Dental Medicine in Romania. Also, he contributed, with the imagistic group, in achieving the First Two Handpieces Samples dedicated to the Spectral Domain OCT system, for Dental Medicine use.

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PROF.DR. RAREȘ ȘTIUFIUC Prof. Dr. Habil. Rares Ionut Stiufiuc was born on February 17th, 1978 in Jibou, Romania. He studied Physics at „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca and received his Ph.D. degree in the field of condensed matter physics from „Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca and Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France where he was awarded with a Mari-Curie Ph.D. student research fellowship for 12 months (2005). Between 2005 and 2007 he performed research activities in the field of nanobiotechnologies as a postdoctoral research associate at Institute d’Electronique, Microelectronique et Nanotehnologies (IEMN), Lille France. In 2013 he occupied an Associate Professor position at „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca and in 2018 he became full Professor of Biophysics at the Biophysics Department of the same University. Since 2016 he is the Head of the Nano Bioscopy Department of the newly built Research Center for Advanced Medicine Institute (MedFuture), University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca. In the last 15 years his research activities have been focused on investigating matter properties at the nanoscale using near field microscopy/spectroscopy for different types of atomic and/or nano-structures: single quantum states, nanowires, quantum dots and self-assembled macromolecular networks. After his return in Romania (2007) he focused on the development and characterization of new multifunctional nanohybrids (magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles, magneto/plasmonic liposomes, anisotropic plasmonic nanostructures) for biomedical applications such as targeted drug delivery, molecular ultrasensitive detection in biological fluids using vibrational spectroscopy, chiral separation, early cancer detection using Raman/SERS. In the last 10 years he managed and coordinated as PI several national and European research grants in the field of nanomedicine having a total value of more than 4.000.000 Euros. He is the first author and co-author of 42 scientific papers in highly ranked scientific journals (Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Talanta, Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, Applied Physics Letters, Nanoscale Research Letters, Physical Review B, etc).

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Dr. Melinda Székely is a Professor and Head of the Department of Morphology of teeth and dental arches; Technology of dental prosthesis and Dental materials of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Tirgu-Mures, Romania. She earned her DDS and PhD degree from this university in 1987 and 2003, respectively. Dr. Székely has been teaching for the same department since 1991, however in the meantime the former Department of Propedeutics and Dental Materials was renamed. She served as Junior Lecturer (1991–1999), Senior Lecturer (2000–2004) and Associate Professor (2004–2008) at the same institution. Subsequently she became Professor, as well as PhD supervisor in 2008. She was principal investigator of a number of research projects/grants and author–co-author of several scientific papers and congress abstracts. In 2012 she was appointed Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu-Mures, and served four years till the end of her mandate in 2016. She is actively involved in teaching and research. She is a member of several Romanian and international societies and scientific organizations. Research interest:

- Dental materials; - Dental erosion; - Fluoride in preventive dentistry; - Smoking and tobacco control; - Dental fear and anxiety.

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TAXE / FEES Categoria Până la / By 20.05.2018 După /After 20.05.2018

sau On-site Medici specialisti 250 RON 350 RON Medici rezidenţi 150 RON 200 RON Studenţi 50 RON 100 RON Taxa de participare la conferinţa include:

• Participarea la manifestarile ştiințifice • Acces în zona expoziţionala • Materialele conferinței (ecuson nominal, geanta, broşura

conferinței) • Participarea la Pauzele de cafea si la cocktailul de deschidere • Certificatul de participare cu puncte EMC emis de Colegiul

Medicilor din Romania

Taxa de participare poate fi achitata folosind urmatoarele date: SC ASOCIATIA STOMATOLOGICA NAPOCA BIODENT 2007 Str. Emil Isac, nr. 13, Cluj-Napoca Banca Transilvania, sucursala Cluj LEI: RO88BTRL01301205B90405XX Participation fee includes:

• attendance at the scientific manifestations • access to the conference area • conference materials (personalized badge, conference bag,

conference brochure)

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• Access to the coffee breaks • Invitation to the Welcome Cocktail • Participation certificate with 16 EMC points awarded by the

Romanian Medical College

The participation fee can be payed using the following details: SC ASOCIATIA STOMATOLOGICA NAPOCA BIODENT 2007 Str. Emil Isac, nr. 13, Cluj-Napoca Banca Transilvania, sucursala Cluj LEI: RO88BTRL01301205B90405XX Limba oficiala /official language: romana și engleza/Romanian and English Educație Medicala Continua : Simpozionul Internațional Napoca Biodent este creditat de catre Colegiul Medicilor Dentiști cu 16 puncte EMC Napoca Biodent International Congress is credited by the College of Dentist with 16 EMC points Certificat de Participare / Attendance Certificate Fiecare participant va primi o diploma de participare ce va putea fi ridicata de la Infostand în data de 26 mai 2018, începand cu ora 12:00 sau dupa aceasta data de la CMD Cluj. Each participant will receive an Attendance Certificate, which can be picked up from the Infostand starting with 12 PM, on May 26th, or from CMD Cluj after this date. Infostand Biroul de I nregistrare şi Informaţii al Simpozionului este amplasat la intrarea în Amfiteatrul “Ioan Aleman” Programul de lucru este: Vineri, 25 mai 2018: 07:30 – 18:30 Sambata, 26 mai 2017: 07:30 – 18:00 Pentru informaţii suplimentare legate de eveniment va rugam sa contactaţi operatorul evenimentului la adresa [email protected] sau sa completaţi formularul corespunzator de pe site (la secțiunea Contact). The registration and information office is situated at the entrance of the “Ioan Aleman” Amphitheater

Page 43: CUPRINS / TABLE OF CONTENTS - · de Medicină dentară a Universității de Medicină și farmacie

Simpozionului Internaţional de Stomatologie Napoca Biodent 2018


The working program is: Friday, the 25th of May 2018: 07:30 – 18:30 Saturday, the 26th of May 2018: 07:30 – 18:00 Informații pentru prezentatori / Information for speekers: Sunt acceptate spre prezentare doar materialele digitale care respecta condițiile tehnice impuse odata cu înregistrarea abstractului dumneavoastra. Materialele se vor depune la Infostand cu cel puțin 3 ore înaintea orei programate pentru prezentarea dvs. Neîncadrarea în acest interval orar sau în criteriile tehnice enunțate poate crea un impediment pentru buna desfaşurare a prezentarii materialului dumneavoastra. Only digital materials are accepted, that respect the technical conditions agreed upon registration. The materials will be handed at the info stand at least 3 hours before the actual presentation. To prevent any problems, please respect the planned schedule and the technical criteria. Pierdut și Ga sit/Lost and found Bunurile gasite se pot preda la Infostand. Pentru a raporta pierderea unui bun va rugam sa va adresați Infostand-ului. Lost goods can be handed over to the Info Stand. In case of losing anything, please address the Info Stand. Fumatul/Smoking Fumatul este permis doar în locurile special amenajate. Smoking is allowed only in the special designated areas.

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