CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

post with Facebook, text messaging, Twitter and some interactive methods to allow us to have virtual meetings and the like. Wow, we’re really moving into the 21 st Century. Sister Yolanda Surrency has agreed to chair the team and she has an outstanding group of people working with her. Currently we have Angela Brice, Tunisha Clark, Elaine Dawsey, Marjorie Golphin, Joselyn Miller-Jackson, Rebecca Mungin, and DeDe Simmons. Please pray continually for the success of your Communications Ministry team as they strive for EXCELLENCE IN ALL THINGS! Finally, our architect is in the final stages of designing our new church building. The development committee is inviting all members to come out to review the plans on Wednesday February 6 th at 6:30 p.m. I hope you will do your best to make it. In His Service, Pastor K. Daniel Dawsey During the month of January we spent four weeks in corporate prayer, fasting and study. We focused on gratitude, faith, vision and commitment. I was overjoyed to see how many of you faithfully attended prayer services and bible study. By most accounts it also appears that many of you sincerely sought the Lord for guidance and direction for 2013. My prayer is that you are walking closer with God than when you began on January 7 th and that you are committed to building on your relationship with God and your church family. As we press toward the mark of Excellence in All Things I encourage you to remain focused on our 2013 ministry focus and the Jesus Test Ministries. Every ministry and member should be asking … “am I operating in excellence”? As we ask ourselves this vital question, I trust you will answer honestly and know that there is always room for improvement. There are so many wonderful things going on at the Union I am proud and thankful to serve as your pastor. The Black History Month committee has planned a great month of festivities so please be sure to avail yourselves of every opportunity to actively participate. Please be prayerful about our evangelism efforts and actively support the Upward Sports Program, AWANA and Sunday School. We have renamed and are redirecting the focus of our college ministry. We realize that there are many young people in the congregation between the ages of 18 – 27 that are either not college students or have graduated from college. Therefore, we have changed the name from “College Ministry” to “Young Adult and College Ministry.” So if you are in that age group or even a little older we welcome you to join in with this group and get involved with your church family. Just see Reverend or Sister Rashidi and tell them you want to be a part of what’s going on. If you sing, dance, rap, step, write or have other talents, God wants you to use them at the Union for His glory! I’m also excited about our new Communications Ministry Team that will be debuting this month. The purpose of the communications Ministry Team is to enhance communication opportunities using a multitude of communication platforms and methods. The team is working to integrate our communication efforts using our existing methods such as, the CU Connector, web page, church bulletins, and calling From the Pastor’s Desk INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FYI 2 Prayer Focus 3 Upcoming Small Group Study 4 Daily Devotional Readings 5 To every thing there is a season... 6 Puzzle Page 7 Church Humor 8 CU Connector CU Connector CU Connector FEBRUARY 2013 VOLUME 24,NUMBER 2 STAFF STAFF STAFF Sister Constance Miller Editor Sister Joselyn Miller-Jackson Layout Sister Rebecca Mungin Printing Brother Vaquan Wright Photographer Sister Angela Brice, Sister Edna Murray and Rev. Dr. Donald Williams Reporters Rev. Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey Pastor/Teacher Email us: [email protected] or [email protected] OUR MISSION AT CENTRAL UNION MISSIO CENTRAL UNION MISSIO NARY BAPTIST CHURCH NARY BAPTIST CHURCH IS TO SEEK, SAVE, SUPPORT, SHAPE, AND SERVE THIS PRESENT AGE.



Transcript of CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

Page 1: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

post with Facebook, text

messaging, Twitter and some

interactive methods to allow us

to have virtual meetings and the

like. Wow, we’re really moving

into the 21st Century. Sister

Yolanda Surrency has agreed to

chair the team and she has an

outstanding group of people

working with her. Currently we

have Angela Brice, Tunisha Clark,

Elaine Dawsey, Marjorie Golphin,

Joselyn Miller-Jackson, Rebecca

Mungin, and DeDe Simmons.

Please pray continually for the

success of your Communications

Ministry team as they strive for

EXCELLENCE IN ALL THINGS! Finally, our architect is in the

final stages of designing our new

c h u rc h b u i l d i n g . T h e

development committee is

inviting all members to come out

to review the plans on

Wednesday February 6th at 6:30

p.m. I hope you will do your best

to make it.

In His Service,

Pastor K. Daniel Dawsey

During the month of January we

spent four weeks in corporate

prayer, fasting and study. We

focused on gratitude, faith, vision

and commitment. I was overjoyed

to see how many of you faithfully

attended prayer services and

bible study. By most accounts it

also appears that many of you

sincerely sought the Lord for

guidance and direction for 2013.

My prayer is that you are walking

closer with God than when you

began on January 7th and that you

are committed to building on your

relationship with God and your

church family. As we press toward the mark of Excellence in All Things I

encourage you to remain focused

on our 2013 ministry focus and the

Jesus Test Ministries. Every

ministry and member should be

asking … “am I operating in

excellence”? As we ask ourselves

this vital question, I trust you will

answer honestly and know that

there is always room for

improvement. There are so many wonderful

things going on at the Union I am

proud and thankful to serve as

your pastor. The Black History

Month committee has planned a

great month of festivities so

please be sure to avail yourselves

of every opportunity to actively

participate. Please be prayerful

about our evangelism efforts and

actively support the Upward

Sports Program, AWANA and

Sunday School.

We have renamed and are

redirecting the focus of our

college ministry. We realize that

there are many young people in

the congregation between the

ages of 18 – 27 that are either

not college students or have

graduated from col lege.

Therefore, we have changed the

name from “College Ministry” to

“Young Adult and College

Ministry.” So if you are in that

age group or even a little older

we welcome you to join in with

this group and get involved with

your church family. Just see

Reverend or Sister Rashidi and

tell them you want to be a part

of what’s going on. If you sing,

dance, rap, step, write or have

other talents, God wants you to

use them at the Union for His

glory! I’m also excited about our new

Communications Ministry Team

that will be debuting this month.

T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e

communications Ministry Team

is to enhance communication

opportunities using a multitude

of communication

p la tfo rms and

methods. The team

is working to

i n t e g ra t e o u r

c o m m u n i c a t i o n

efforts using our

existing methods

such as, the CU

Connector, web

p a g e , c h u r c h

bulletins, and calling

From the Pastor’s Desk

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :


Prayer Focus 3

Upcoming Small

Group Study 4

Daily Devotional

Readings 5

To every thing there is a season...


Puzzle Page 7

Church Humor 8

CU ConnectorCU ConnectorCU Connector

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 V O L U M E 2 4 , N U M B E R 2

STAFFSTAFFSTAFF Sister Constance Miller


Sister Joselyn Miller-Jackson Layout

Sister Rebecca Mungin Printing

Brother Vaquan Wright Photographer

Sister Angela Brice,

Sister Edna Murray and

Rev. Dr. Donald Williams Reporters

Rev. Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey


Email us:

[email protected] or

[email protected]




S E E K , S A V E , S U P P O R T , S H A P E , A N D S E R V E T H I S P R E S E N T

A G E .

Page 2: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

P A G E 2

9 CLS/Time—TBA

W.A.C.K.Y. Saturday—10AM to NOON

10 Youth Sunday

YWA Meeting

13 Ash Wednesday

Lent Begins

Deaconess “Go Red” - 11AM—2PM


Happy Valentine’s Day

18 Presidents’ Day

23 CLS/Time—TBA


9:00AM—Sunday School

10:30AM—Church Service Children’s Church will be EVERY Sunday except 2nd Sunday

MONDAY 4/5PM—Mission Meeting

4/7PM—Partners in Training (PIT)


TUESDAY 7—8:30PM—Media Training

5 & 12/7—8:30PM— College Ensemble Rehearsal

19/7—8:30PM—Adult Choir Rehearsal

26/5:30PM—Deaconess Meeting

WEDNESDAY *6:30 PM—Prayer Meeting

6:30PM—Youth AWANA

*12 Noon & 7:00PM—Adult Bible Study Small Group Study will begin March 4th and end April 12th.

No Mid-Week Bible Study Meetings.

THURSDAY 28/TBA—Deacons Meeting DFM—Update

SATURDAY 8/1PM—Young Women’s Association Meeting (YWA)

16/10AM—Usher’s Meeting

2 Sierra Adams

Samuel Lee Blue

Norman Whittington

3 Demetri McKibben

4 Sayyid Clark

5 Lakoniar Ezell

7 Estell Miller

9 Deitra Rogers

13 Katherleen Ford

Miracle Rumph

14 Rosa Hammock

Marquyse Jackson

Horace Love

15 Alecia Livatt

17 Ariel Crafter

18 Maxwell Armstrong

20 Jacques Surrency

23 Earlene Blue

26 Shandrea A. Hill

Willie Mae Martin

Mary Murray

C U C O N N E C T O R - F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3

The staff of the CU

Connector is in the

process of purging and

updating the email

database. If you are

interested in having

your CUC emailed to

you monthly, please

send an email to [email protected]


[email protected].

You can also read

the CU Connector

on the website at

If you are interested

in becoming a

member of the staff,

please contact Pastor

Dawsey, the Church

Office, or send us an

email at cumediamarketing@

Submissions for the

March 2013 Edition

are due on

February 16th.

Page 3: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 2 4 , N U M B E R 2


DATES TO REMEMBER Feb 17th - Early Registration

$10.00 Feb 23rd- 1st Evaluation

10AM—2PM Feb 27th- Regular Registration

$15.00 Feb 27th- 2nd Evaluation


For more information, call Sarah Nottingham at (478) 737– 8250 or

the church office at (478) 825-2958


2013 Ministry Focus

As we…SERVE & SUPPORT Pastoral Ministry—Preaching, Shepherding, Worship

Deacon Family Ministry—Serving the needs of the membership (worship, prayer, visitation, stewardship) Stewardship Ministry—Planning for our future facilities (Vision to Victory Capital Campaign, HWY 96 Development, Financial Audit, Facilities Management)

As we…SEEK, SAVE, & SHAPE Evangelism— (Integration of efforts) - Sunday School, AWANA, Bible Study and Upward Sports, for

the purpose of Evangelism.

Week One – Pray for God to guide

you in your decision to make a

sacrificial gift to the Vision to Victory

Capital Campaign.

Week Two – Pray for God to heal all

brokenness in your family and the

entire Central Union family.

Week Three – Pray for God to send a

harvest of believers this month.

Week Four – Pray for the Upward

Sports staff and all children that will

participate in Upward Soccer.






Closing Activity


February 6, 2013


6:30 p.m. Design plans for the

new church will be

reviewed and we need

your input!

Page 4: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

GET READY- GET READY- GET READY Please make plans to participate in our upcoming Small Group Home Study

CELEBRATE PHILLIPIANS. The study will begin the week of March 4, 2013 and continue for six weeks, ending April 12, 2013. The culminating activity will be April 18, 2013. Small Group is a wonderful opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to both grow stronger in the Word and to develop great relationships with other Christians. Each group has a facilitator who leads but does not dominate the group. We encourage all participants to attend all sessions, but each lesson is complete within itself; so, if you must be absent for a night/day, you will still be okay. Some groups serve food; some groups do not. It is left up to the group to decide. Some groups meet at the same home each session of the Study; some groups rotate meeting places within the group. This is another decision that the groups make once they start meeting. Regular mid-week Bible Study is suspended during Small Group Study, as this is Bible Study.

February is Sign-up Month. Sign-up Sheets will line the hallway leading to the Fellowship Hall. Check your schedule and then sign up for study at the home that best meets your needs. Only college students should sign-up for the College Group, which will be led by the Rashidi’s. And, no new people should sign-up for the Murrays’ home, since that group is already filled to capacity. All other groups are open to everyone. Finally, the cost of the book is $5.00. You will pay and receive your book at your Host Home on your first meeting date. The groups will meet at the following Host Homes:

HOST DAY TIME Sister Ann Corbin Wednesday 12:00 NOON

Pastor K. Daniel and Sister Elaine Dawsey Thursday 6:30 PM

Sister Henrietta Hartsfield and Sister Elizabeth White Wednesday 6:30 PM

Deacon Ulysses and Sister Teletta Marable Thursday 7:00 PM

Sisters Mary and Edna Murray Tuesday 6:30 PM

Minister Kuumba and Sister Lisa Rashidi (College Group) Tuesday 6:30 PM

Trustee Robert and Sister Alice Ross Friday 6:30 PM

Page 5: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter


February 4 - 10 February 11 - 17 February 18 - 24 February 25 – March 3

M Matthew 8:1-4

Touched by Jesus

Matthew 14:22-33

Setting Aside Doubt

Matthew 20:29-34

Following Jesus

Daniel 5:13-21

The Lord Deals with the Mighty

T Acts 2:37-47

Called by God

Romans 6:11-19

Getting Rid of Old Ways

Acts 1:6-14

Devoted to Prayer

Daniel 5:22-31

The Lord Judges the Powerful

W Romans 8:1-8

In Christ Jesus

1 John 3:10-20

Living in Love

Romans 15:1-6

Living in Harmony

Daniel 6:1-9

The Plot to Undermine Daniel

T Romans 8:9-17

Living in the Spirit

Matthew 18:21-35

Forgiving as You Were


1 Thess. 4:1-12

Living to Please God

Daniel 6:10-23

The Plot Fails

F Romans 8:18-30 John 14:25-31 Eccles. 5:1-7 Daniel 6:24-28

S Romans 8:31-39 Psalm 107:1-9 Colossians 4:2-6 Daniel 7:1-8

S Colossians 2:6-15

Receiving Christ


Colossians 3:5-17

Living as God’s Chosen

Colossians 4:7-18

Supporting Others in the Faith

Daniel 7:9-14

The Exalted One is


GO REDGO RED Heart Disease is the #1

killer of women in the

United States

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Central Union Missionary Baptist Church

501 Preston Street; Fort Valley, GA

For information and to RSVP, please contact:

Lois Carter (478) 825-8721 Margaret McCormick (478) 825-3537

Teletta Marable (478) 956-7967

Mary Murray (478) 825-3972

Come adorned in red!

Door Prizes ~ Fashion Show ~ Free Lunch ~ Heart Health Information



All ages wanted! Speaking and non-speaking

parts available.

Come out and be a part

of the 2013

Easter Experience.

See Sister Davina Jackson

Page 6: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. 2. A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3. A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up; 4. A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance;

5. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;

6. A time to get and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away; 7. A time to rend and a time to sew; a time to speak and a time to keep silent;

8. A time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace. ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8

P A G E 6


Welcome our new

Communications Ministry

Team that will be

debuting this month.

The purpose of the

Communications Ministry

Team is to enhance


opportunities using a

multitude of

communication platforms

and methods. The team

is working to integrate

our communication

efforts using our existing

methods such as, the CU

Connector, web page,

church bulletins, and

calling post with

Facebook, text and email

messaging, Twitter and

some interactive

methods which will allow

us to have virtual

meetings, conferences,

and other technological


Sister Yolanda Surrency

has agreed to chair the

team and she has an

outstanding group of

people working with her.

Currently we have Angela

Brice, Tunisha Clark,

Elaine Dawsey, Marjorie

Golphin, Joselyn Miller-

Jackson, Rebecca

Mungin, and DeDe


Please, continuously

pray for the team as they

work for Excellence in

ALL Things.


Sister Florine Arnold Sister Pinkie Ross

Sister Willie Mae Clark Sister Maude Rumph

Sister Donna Chatfield Sister Pauline Rumph

Sister Marion Cobb Brother Sammie Smith

Sister Grace Dollar Deacon George T. Snead

Sister Katherleen Ford Brother Ulysses Statham

Sister Bernice Kemp Sister Louvenia Stephens

Sister Louise Love Sister Willie Mae Thomas

Sister Estelle Miller Sister Betty Doris Walker

Sister Virginia Willis

Brother Liggen and Sister Margaret Harvey


Sister Mamie Booth Sister Annie Hubbard

Brother James Golphin Sister Bessie Massey

Brother Willie Hamilton Sister Jewel Wynn

Brother Jessie Hatcher

To all members who have experienced illness, surgery, and/or bereavement, and we

are unaware, may God continue to bless you with wholeness and peace.

We extend our sincerest condolences go to the family and friends of

Sister Janie SibleySister Janie Sibley. Sister Sibley was the oldest female member of

Central Union and was one of those who marched from Pine Street to the present

structure. She was an educator in the Peach County School System, a political activist and a dedicated member of the CUMBC Choirs,

Mission, and Sunday School. Her memory will be cherished by all who knew and loved her.

Page 7: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

FEBRUARY Puzzle Page

Solve the cryptogram of the great scientist who worked “for peanuts”.





The first word is WHERE; the letter V appears twice; three words repeat.

























Page 8: CUMBC February 2013 Connecter

Phone: (478) 825-2958

Fax: (478) 825-2099

Email: [email protected]

Central UnionCentral Union Missionary Baptist Church

501 Preston Street; P.O. Box 788

Fort Valley, GA 31030

We’re on the Web


An old man calls up his son and says, "Listen, your mother and I are getting divorced. Forty-five years of misery is enough. This should be the season of love, but, I can’t take this old woman another second" "Dad, what are you talking about?" the son screams. “We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,” he says. "I'm sick of her face, and I'm sick of talking about this, so call your sister and tell her," and he hangs up. Now, the son is worried. So he calls up his sister. She says, "Oh, no they’re NOT getting divorced!" and calls her father immediately. "You’re not getting divorced! Don't do another thing, the two of us are flying home tomorrow to talk about this. Until then, don't call a lawyer, don't file a paper, DO YOU HEAR ME?” We’re going to plan a nice romantic dinner and some together time for you two so that you can remember the loving days and work this whole thing out”, and she hangs up. The old man turns to his wife and says "Okay, my dear, they’re coming for Valentine’s Day, paying their own airfare, and treating us to a nice, romantic Valentine’s Day."