Culture of Greece




Transcript of Culture of Greece

  • 1. CULTURE

2. 29.2 City of Contrasts(Geography of Greece)1. Why can Athens be called a city of contrasts? Explain. The people of Athens lived insmall, uncomfortable houses, but the cityspublic spaces and buildings were large andbeautiful.2. What is the Acropolis? What is located there? Hill in the center of the polis that is used fortemples and government 3. 29.3 Religion: The Temple at Delphi (Athena)1. In what ways did Greek gods and goddesses play an important part in the lives of the Athenians? Each god and goddess had power over a particular areaof life (explained all parts of their life). SometimesGreeks asked them for advice or help.2. What were the Greek Gods and goddesses like? They looked and acted like humans but did not age or die.3. Why did the Greeks go to Delphi? To get advice from Apollo through the oracle.4. What is a myth? A traditional story that helps to explain a cultures beliefs. 4. Activity - Passport You have been learning about Greekmythology. You told your teacher that yousaw no point in studying this subject. Yourteacher sent you to Delphi to ask the oracle ifmythology would be important in the future.The oracle has said, Greek mythology will bethe origin of many words in a great languageof the future. To learn a few words of this new language, play the game I havedesigned. 5. panic TantalusDefinition: extreme fearThe gods punished Tantalus by placing himExample: There was panic in the audience when in a lake. When he tried to drink the water in the lake, thethe fire broke out. water level dropped. When he tried to eat the fruit that hungabove him, the branches blew away.tantalize PanDefinition: to torture someone with something Pan was half man and half goat. His bright red face, his flathe or she cannot have nose, and the two horns growing from his head made himExample: Please dont tantalize me with candy very frightening.when Im on a diet. titanic TitansDefinition: great in size or strength The Titans were huge creatures who ruled the world untilExample: The artist created a titanic sculpture they were defeated by Zeus and the other Olympian gods.for the town square.nemesisMusesDefinition: the cause of harm or failureThe muses were nine daughters of Zeus. They ruled over theExample: I dont do well in school becausearts of history, poetry, music, dance, and drama.taking tests is my nemesis.museumNemesisDefinition: a place where valuable objects of art Nemesis was the goddess who judged men. She causedand science are displayed unhappiness in the lives of people she thought were tooExample: The Greek statues are kept in ahappy. Nemesis punished those who were conceited or guiltyof EchoDefinition: a repeated soundHera was Zeuss wife. One day, Hera punished Echo. EchosExample: When you speak in an empty room, punishment was that she could speak only when someoneyou sometimes hear an echo. else spoke first, and then she could only repeat what wassaid. 6. 29.4 Architecture: The Acropolis(acropolis) 1. What is architecture? Designing a building2. What is the Parthenon?The most beautiful building in Greece. It was built to honorAthena 3. Name the three types of columnsDoric, Ionic, Corinthian 4. Not in your bookwhere in the US could you find buildings similar to these?Washington D.C., Harrisburg, Philadelphia etc. 7. Activity - Passport Draw the three types of Columns and labelthem. 8. 29.5 Sculpture: A Marble Workshop(Pericles)1. How did Athenian sculpture change over the years? Sculptures originally were very stiff looking.Later Sculpture became more realistic.Statues were sculpted in natural poses andshowed detailed muscles, hair, and clothing. 9. Activity2. Draw a stick figure example of each:Original GreekLater GreekSculpture Sculpture 10. 29.6 Drama: The Theater ofDionysus (Minotaur)1. Who is Dionysus? The God of theater and wine2. Where were the theaters found in a Greek polis? Shaped like a bowl on the side of the hill3. How did the actors show emotion? They used body language and wore mask that showed emotion4. List three ways Greek drama differed from plays and movies of today (it should not already be listed). It relied upon the chorus to help explain and expand the story. It had no women actors. It was held in outdoor theaters. 11. Activity Acting out a play Introduction: When the Greeks won the Trojan War,they destroyed the city of Troy and made the Trojanwomen and children into slaves. Queen Hecuba (HEH-coo-bah) of Troy and her daughter Polyxena (POOL-ix-EE-nah) were captured. The Greek soldiers told Hecubathat Polyxena was to be sacrificed to the gods to makesure the Greek ships returned safely home. After the few lines are acted out . In yourpassport write what do you think happens next. 12. ActivitySelection from Hecuba by EuripidesHecuba: O my child Polyxena,step from the tent! Come and hear the news your wretched mother brings, this news of horror that touches your life!(Enter Polyxena, a beautiful girl, from the tent)Polyxena: That terror in your voice! That ry of fear flushing me forth like a bird in terror!Hecuba: O my child! My babyPolyxena: Again that cry! Why?Hecuba: I am afraid for youPolyxena: Tell me the truth, Mother. No, I am afraid. Something in your face frightens me. You must tell me, Mother.Hecuba: A dreadful rumor came. Some Greek decree that touches your lifePolyxena: Touches my life how? For Gods sake, Mother, speak!Hecuba: The Greeks, in full assembly, have decreed your death, a living sacrifice upon Achilles (ah-KILL-eez) tomb.Polyxena: O my poor mother! How I pity you, this brokenhearted life of pain! 13. Ancient Greek Philosophers 14. 29.7 Philosophy: The Agora (Trojan Horse)1. What is an agora? The marketplace at the bottom of the acropolis2. What do philosophers do? They talk about the world around them, nature, the meaning of life, justice, truth, and beauty.3. How did Socrates try to teach others? What did he encourage people to do? He asked people questions that forced them to think about their beliefs. He encouraged them to question everything they knew.4. What happened to Socrates?He was put to death. His enemies accused him of not honoringthe gods and leading young peopleinto error and disloyalty.5. Name other philosophers he influenced. Plato & Aristotle 15. Activity - Passport Listening to Socrates in the Agora. Socrates said, The unexamined life is not worthliving.1. Socrates meant.2. I agree / disagree with Socrates. Why? 16. 28.8 Sports: The Panathenaic Games (Minoan Boats)1. What was the purpose of athletic events in Greece?They showed the importance of a healthy bodyand honored the gods and goddesses.2. Describe one Panathenaic event that is part of our present Olympics. Footraces, boxing, or wrestling.3. Describe one Panathenaic event that is not part of our present Olympics. Chariot races, races in full armour, or the pancratium.