Culture and change

Ashfaq Sadiq Drammen 15.04.07 [email protected] Culture and Change

Transcript of Culture and change

Ashfaq SadiqDrammen [email protected]

Culture and Change

What is Culture? Accumulated habits Learned attitudes Beliefs of people that define for them

their general behavior Way of life Total set of learned activities of people Language(s) Geographic location

Culture: Typology General Human Culture

Specific Culture

Constituent Culture

Cultural Scenes

World Culture Scenes

Culture: Forms Ideal Culture

Real Culture

Construct Culture

Culture Forms

IDEAL CULTURE: What people believe, think and say they do.

REAL CULTURE: What people really think and do.

CONSTRUCT CULTURE: Combines what people think and say they do with waht they reall do.


Change a Continuous Process



Favours New Responses

Results in Culture Change

Elements of Change




(Communication)(Change Agent)

(Perceived Solution)

Cultural Change

Why Change?


Problem Solving

Where Change Leads to? Alteration




Some Characteristics

Small or big, it impacts social structure and organization of culture

It has implications for political, economic, social and world views

Explaining Change

Unilineal ModelAll cultures go through basic stages of development: Simple to complex

Ecological Model

Change Mechanisms







Adaptation: End Result Natural and Socio-cultural are the

source of all change

A result of humans accomodating to their environments

An interaction between environment and groups of people

Innovation Innovation:

1. Discovery or Primary Innovation

2. Invention or Secondary Innovation



Internal change


Borrowing Culture Culture Changed






Interactional Two levels of interaction:

1. Local: Where change is associated with internal forces

2. External: Where change is associated with external forces

Interaction People come up with the response to

challenge themselves (Innovation)

People get it from someone else who already has solved the problem satisfactorily (Acculturation and Diffusion)

Acculturation A process involving more than one culture

Often non-voluntary or directed in character

Borrowing/Exporting the solution in its totality

Close and continuous contact between or among the cultures

More concerned to assimilation, partial or total.

Diffusion Change brought about through

borrowing, with or without cultural contact

Selectivity Reinterpretation Reciprocal borrowing (if there is a

cultural contact)

Change Settings

Singular and Internal

Multi-cultural and External

Change Processes

Voluntary Change

Directed Change

Volunteer Change Non directional

Informal interaction between individuals and innovators

People choose to change


Both in singular cultural settings and multicultural settings

Volunteer Change…


Voulntary Interaction

Directed Change Planned and Designed Interaction between ‘Change agent’

and group members External process involving contacts

with others Meant for collective problems of

society Interventionist character

Directed Change… Change Agent

Focal Group

Plan characteristics

Nature of interaction

Change Agent

Individuals who through their actions and using some form of coercion, attempt to induce people to change some aspect of their lives.

Change Agents (Internal) People from same group (Communication).

Know the cultural codes

Could be same person as innovator and disseminator

They are from the group but set themselves aside from the group.

Role of change agent is assumed

Change Agent (Internal)… May not know all.

May face severe limitations than external ones

May be considered as a threat.

Change Agents (External) Representatives of another culture Roles are assigned They have technical expertise They have a clear purpose to

intervene Are part of a big organization/state


Change process and communication

Clear communication

Bad communication

Motivation Varies according to need Varies according to gravity of the

problem Age Social norms Religious norms Perceptions

We can see that:

Resistance to Change When change agent is not able to

communicate appropriately. When people don’t understand/are

not well aware about the need/problem

Problem/need is not severe enough Relevance of proposed change to

problem/need of every day life.

Resistance to Change… People don’t understand as to how

implement proposed change in their lives

Indirect communication/interaction Change that focuses upon core

systems of culture naturally faces resistance

Change that threatens existing power/social structure

Resistance to Change… When change agents’ performance is

poor in focal group as compared to in homeland.

When change agent takes position Conflicting perceptions about key role

in change process Culture shock leading to withdrawl or


Resistance to Change… Living habits of change agent

Vested interests of leaders (political, social, religious etc.) are at stake

Costs involved.

Thank You