Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management...

Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting

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Page 1: Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting.

Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training

Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting

Page 2: Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting.


• Stages involved in creating a CHAMP

• CHAMP pilot study in MAC Area 7 - current best practice

• Range, type and date of heritage assets involved

• Principal impacts of route operation, maintenance and development on heritage assets

• Practical mitigation measures

• Implications of CHAMPs for management planning

• Interaction of CHAMPs with other disciplines

• Next steps: CHAMP bids and delivery

• Questions and feedback

M1, Lilbourne medieval motte and bailey, Northants

Page 3: Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting.

Stages involved in creating a CHAMPPrepare proposal Objectives, scope & methodology

Resources, detailed cost estimate and programme

Stage 1 – Review heritage data Supplied by EnvIS

Meeting with Service Provider / HA to discuss constraints, access etc.Review the Service Provider’s future works schedule –maintenance and renewal programmesPrepare EnvIS-compatible pro formas for the cultural heritage asset condition surveyReview and analyse the cultural heritage data supplied by EnvIS • desk-based assessment of sites• selection of subset of sites for field visits

Stage 2 – Carry out condition survey of heritage assets

Undertake Project Risk Assessment & draft Health and Safety PlanProgramme site visits for condition surveys – identify constraints, book roadspace etc.Undertake site visits • review current condition of the cultural heritage asset • identify existing threats, risks and issues from the current management of the HA estate• anticipate future issues based on Service Provider forward works programme

Stage 3 – Prepare Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan

Collate field survey data into database & GISDraft Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan• Part 1: Ready reference section Route Management Action Plans Three year Management Action Plan Risk assessment of MAC forward programme of works• Part 2: Methodology, regional overview and statistical analysis

Stage 4 – Submit CHAMP to HA Submit first draft, Service Provider and Regional Environmental Advisor to revise according to any recommendations, issue final CHAMP

Stage 5 – Integrate CHAMP GIS & feed data up to HAGIS and EnvIS

Integrate CHAMP into Service Provider internal GIS and feed data back into HAGIS and EnvIS

Stage 6 – Use the CHAMP! Undertake management actions & use CHAMP data for forward planning and routine maintenance

Feed data on management actions and updated assessments into EnvIS

Page 4: Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting.

Case study: CHAMP MAC Area 7

First CHAMP to be undertaken for an entire MAC Area• 700 linear km if highways assessed • 1189 heritage assets• 120 listed buildings• Assets date from Palaeolithic (c.10,000 BC) to modern period

Aims of study:• Assess the condition of heritage assets within & immediately adjacent to HA


• Identify those that are the responsibility of the HA and at risk of damage and/or loss of significance due to the environmental, operational and development impacts of the MAC’s current and predicted programme

Deliverables:• Technical report (illustrated; 144pp)

• Project Geographical Information System (GIS) with links to PDFs of condition survey asset visit sheets and digital photographs

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CHAMP MAC Area 7 Team structure

GIS and database support Field survey team

Antonia Glyde, EnvIS Project Manager

David Freke, Cultural Heritage Advisor to HA

David Griffiths, Senior Environmental Advisor

Mark Braithwaite, Regional Route Performance Manager

Richard Gulliver, Regional Environmental Champion

Simon Came, Watchman

Gareth Wilson, Environmental Manager

Liza Broomfield, Environmental Coordinator

Richard Carline, EnvIS & Environmental GIS

Highways Agency

Service Provider, MAC Area 7A-One+

Heritage Consultant Scott Wilson

Project Manager

Archaeology & historic landscape

Historic buildingsGIS Data Manager

Project Coordinator

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• 1189 sites• Average assets/km: 1.7• Average number of sites/day: 21• 56 person days field condition


• Teams of two heritage specialists– Built heritage– Archaeology & historic


• Undertake in winter when vegetation is low and visibility is good

CHAMP MAC Area 7 Cost and schedule

June 2009 Project proposal approved

July 2009 Project setup and logistics, databases, design

pro formas, laminated key sheets, H&S

July 2009 Desk-based analysis and site selection

July-Aug 2009Field team 1 surveys (4 weeks)Methodology testing

Sep-Oct 2009Field team 2 surveys (3 weeks)

Collation & analysis of Field team 1 data

Oct-Nov 2009Collation & analysis of Field team 2 data

Reporting and GIS construction

December 2009 Draft report & GIS submitted

January 2010 Final report & GIS submitted

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CHAMP MAC Area 7 Distribution of tasks

M45, New Oxford Canal (Northants)A1, Stamford (Lincs)M1, relict ridge and furrow at Brockhall Park (Northants)CHAMP project GIS Route planning

Heritage & GIS specialists

Create project GIS, a subset of the HA EnvIS database inventory of cultural heritage assets within and adjacent to the highway estate

Assess the condition of selected cultural heritage assets by field survey

Establish Management Action Priorities for cultural heritage assets

Set out actions to protect and enhance assets within the context of the MAC’s forward works programme

MAC management tasks

Provide route and programme information

Discuss implications of management priorities and actions with heritage team

Implement the actions of the CHAMP

Monitor the process and feed information to the Highways Agency Environmental Information System (EnvIS)

Page 8: Cultural Heritage Asset Management Plan Training Preparing a CHAMP: condition surveys, management actions and reporting.

CHAMP MAC Area 71: Project GIS

EnvIS Level 1 Dataset (statutory, EH): National Monuments Record• 155 statutorily designated assets - World Heritage Sites, listed buildings,

scheduled monuments, parks and gardens and historic battlefields (13% of all assets).

EnvIS Level 2 Dataset (non-statutory, LPA): Historic Environment Record

• 1034 non-statutory assets (87% of all assets)

A subset of assets within 8m of the HA estate boundary was clipped from the EnvIS dataset.

This group of assets was subject to an initial stage of desk-based analysis to select sites for field assessment

This was required as national and regional heritage inventories include details of assets that have been destroyed or are not visible in the field, as well as poorly geo-referenced entries and antiquarian finds.

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CHAMP MAC Area 71: Project GIS

A5, Towcester, listed telephone boxes

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CHAMP MAC Area 71: Rapid desk-based analysis and selection of assets for field visits

Rapid desk-based analysis of all 1189 assets

• 575 (48.36%) were selected for field condition assessment: extant, upstanding buildings, monuments, linear routes and earthworks)

• 559 (47.01%) were not capable of condition assessment (findspots, cropmarks, demolished building/structure; ploughed-out earthworks, areas of modern development, private property)

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CHAMP MAC Area 71: Route history & bias in asset presence and survival

Route Summary history Construction dates

A1 Roman Ermine StreetGreat North Road coaching route, 17th to 19th century

2008 – 2009 GSJ

A5 Roman Watling Street 1980s bypasses

A38 Roman Ryknild Street between Lichfield and Derby

1969 – 1979

A46 Roman Fosse Way between Leicester and Lincoln 1980s & 1990s bypasses; 2000s dualling; Ongoing improvements

A14 Elements of medieval and historic roads 1992 linking and widening

A52 Former medieval salt route, historic roadFollows Ermine Street Roman road east of Grantham

1950s & 1960s bypasses1980s & 1990s bypasses

A45 Medieval/ historic road 1970s, 1980s & 1990s dualling & roundabouts

A43 Medieval/ historic road 1980s + bypasses

A453 Historic road from Sutton Coldfield to Nottingham 1970s spur to power station

M1 Britain’s first full-length motorway 1959 – 1967Ongoing widening

M6 Britain's longest motorway 1950s – 1970s

M45 1959 +

M69 1976 – 1977

M1 Tibshelf , Derbys

A46 Fosse Way, Notts

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CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: method

• Experienced teams of two people – one built heritage expert, one archaeologist

• Drive-by and walkover surveys, c. 14 to 30 assets/day

• Pro forma sheets for field assessment recording, appended to the project GIS

• Brief description, condition rating, value (status), vulnerability (urgency), management action priority, suggested management actions

• Informed production of cultural heritage asset and route management plans

• Baseline data and photographs enable monitoring of monument condition

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CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: period and monument forms

Historic transport features• Roman and medieval roads,

turnpikes, railways and canals

Roadside structures • Inns, hotels, gate lodges, walls

Historic landscapes • Ridge and furrow, park boundaries,

ancient woodland

Collieries and mineral railways

Roadside settlements and burials

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CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: typical heritage assets – Roman roads

A5/M6, Lutterworth Roman Road, Leicester to Tripontium (Leics) A46, Widmerpool-Newark improvement scheme, excavation of the Fosse Way (Notts)

A1, Stretton, Ermine Street (Rutland)

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A46, Bridge over River Wreake

A38 Openwoodgate incline (Denbys)

CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: typical heritage assets – Historic transport networks

A14, Peterborough to Wellingborough Turnpike road (Nhants)Fosse Dyke Roman canal (Lincs)M45, New Oxford Canal (Northants)

A1, Winthorpe Bridge, Newark (Notts)

M1 overbridge railway (Leics)

M1, Saxon hollow Way, Watford Park (Northants)Junction of M1/M45, the first junction between two motorways in Britain

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Mallows Cotton deserted medieval village (Northants) M1, internal divisions in Salcey Forest (Nhants)M1, relict ridge and furrow at Brockhall Park (Northants)

CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: typical heritage assets – Historic landscapes

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A46, Lodge, Flintham

CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: typical heritage assets – Built heritage

A5, 15th century Chantry House, Towcester (Northants))A1, 18th century inn, stable-block and forge, formerly the Stretton Highwayman

Estates and boundaries Roadside inns Other …

M1, Leicester Forest East ServicesA5, Towcester, mile plaque (Northants)

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CHAMP MAC Area 72: Field survey: typical heritage assets

M1, destroyed heritage: ploughed out medieval ridge and furrow earthworks, Lilbourne (Northants) A14, intangible heritage: Naseby battlefield, 1645 (Northants)

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CHAMP MAC Area 73: Vulnerable cultural heritage assets

Particularly vulnerable heritage asset types include:

Roadside buildings (including listed buildings)

Vehicle damage/road users and air pollution

Road-related structures, including historic bridges (e.g. railway, canal, and river crossings) and modern bridges (including listed bridges and bridges in conservation areas)

Adverse effects on their historic fabric due to vehicle/collision damage, structural maintenance, and road improvement

Estate and park boundary walls (including listed structures)

Vehicle damage/road users and air pollution

Buried remains of Roman and subsequent roads

Utilities insertion/maintenance and signage holes

Medieval settlement remains, e.g. buried or earthwork remains of deserted medieval villages and field systems

Erosion, deterioration, vegetation, planting, plough damage, recreational damage (e.g. quad bikes etc.), rabbits, badgers etc.

Landscape parks, estates and cemeteries (historic landscapes)

Visual intrusion from ATM gantries and signage structures, lights, traffic etc.

Noise intrusion from traffic

Encroachment from road construction, improvement and realignment

Inappropriate planting on sensitive botanical heritage sites

Buried and upstanding archaeological remains

Road construction, improvement and realignment

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CHAMP MAC Area 73: Potential impacts on cultural heritage assets

Environmental Natural conditions (e.g. erosion, flooding and deterioration) Environmental conditions (e.g. faunal and floral impacts)Vandalism including metal detectingRecreational useVehicular damage

Operational Verge maintenance works (tree, scrub & grassland management, line of sight vegetation clearance) Maintenance of drainage, fencing and boundaries, field accessMaintenance of structures, utilities and surfaces (surfacing, repairs, bridges) Enhancement planting and aftercareLand management (e.g. faunal management, rabbits, badgers etc.)Visual and noise intrusion (setting)Air pollutionRoad users (collision damage, vandalism)

Development Road construction, inc. lay-bys, bus bordersATM, associated gantries & signage structuresTraffic control, traffic lights and safety measuresRoad improvementRoad realignment

Other Mineral extractionChanges to regulations, procedures, or standards

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CHAMP MAC Area 7 4: Management Action Priorities for cultural heritage assets

Null : Not capable of visual condition assessment, or not owned by the HA.

• Non-HA assets, not located within the HA estate and/or maintained by others

• Assets no longer upstanding (though associated below-ground remains may survive)

• Assets with no visible remains, such as buried remains and cropmark sites.

Green : Good condition, no remedial action is needed.• Revisit in 24 months’ time.

Amber : Satisfactory but not fully meeting EnvIS objectives. • Review condition at 12 months, action needed in the next 24


Red : Poor condition and not meeting EnvIS objectives. • Urgent corrective action is required within 12 months.

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CHAMP MAC Area 7 4: Management Actions for cultural heritage assets

Feature Class Management Actions

1 Standing remains

Conservation and consolidation of structuresAssessment and Monitoring by specialistsAssessment for protected fauna and floraUse of original materials and techniquesBunding, screening, planting, quiet running


2 Earthworks Define extent with ground markers during worksImplement managed grazingSwathe management/mowingProtective fencingEnhance access and or presentation

3 Buried material Protective fencingDefine extent with ground markers during worksFollow DMRB proceduresAssess impact depths

4 Palaeo-environmental deposits

Maintain hydrological regimeUndertake mitigation sampling programmeFollow DMRB proceduresAssess impact depths

• CHAMP Guidance (DMRB Vol 10 S6 Pt 2)• Conservation of Highway Structures (DMRB Vol 3 S2 Pt 4)

• Manual for Streets (DfT 2007)

• Streets for All Regional Manuals (English Heritage 2005)

• Assessing the Effect of Road Schemes on Historic Landscape Character (HA 2007)

Feature Class Management Actions

5 Historic landscapes

Maintain accurate historic landscape character mapping and descriptionsEnhance visual effectsRecreate lost elementsFollow DMRB proceduresCareful and sympathetic design and materials

6 Industrial remains

As per feature class 1,2,3 and 5Consult relevant 3rd party databasesContact specialists to advise on significance and mitigation

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CHAMP MAC Area 7 4: Management Action Plans

1. Route Management Action Plans

2. Three year Management Action Plan

3. Risk assessment of MAC programme of works

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Next steps: CHAMP bids and delivery

• Plan ahead, be prepared to link CHAMP into upcoming budget and works programme

• Use qualified and experienced heritage teams with good field assessment skills, familiar with HA guidance, following best practice and adhering closely to H & S requirements

• Ensure heritage expert understands MAC internal systems and route programming, interaction with other disciplines and EnvIS/HAGIS protocols

• Encourage close collaboration between heritage consultant and MAC, including MAC environmental and IT specialists

• Systematically integrate CHAMP Management Actions into works programmes

• Monitor implementation, undertake reviews according to recommended time-scales, and feed information back to HA EnvIS

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• Compliance and environmental stewardship

• Best practice and good route design, operation and maintenance

• Robust, rational and practical information on heritage assets and required actions

• Thoughtful forward planning and informed decisions on network management

• Improve the quality of cultural heritage asset management