Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe

Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.] cucumber mango salsa MARCH 27, 2014 BY KIERSTEN FRASE 51 COMMENTS I really don’t want to be one of those people who loves food a little too much, but when I was grocery shopping the other day and found a display of champagne mangoes, I gasped and ran over to them, all dramatic-like. So I guess I have totally become one of those people. I’m sure everyone else in the produce section that day thought I was a little bit touched in the head, especially since I’m pigeon-toed and I flail my arms around when I run, so I was basically a mess of uncoordinated limbs and mango- fueled exuberance. (Seriously, I’m doing the Couch to 5K and I had to Google “what to do with your hands when you’re about blog contact e-cookbook vegetarian vegan tips & hints meal plans recipe index videos



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Page 1: Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe

Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

cucumber mango salsaMARCH 27, 2014 BY KIERSTEN FRASE — 51 COMMENTS

I really don’t want to be one of those people who loves food a little too much, but when I was grocery

shopping the other day and found a display of champagne mangoes, I gasped and ran over to them, all

dramatic-like. So I guess I have totally become one of those people. I’m sure everyone else in the

produce section that day thought I was a little bit touched in the head, especially since I’m pigeon-toed

and I flail my arms around when I run, so I was basically a mess of uncoordinated limbs and mango-

fueled exuberance.

(Seriously, I’m doing the Couch to 5K and I had to Google “what to do with your hands when you’re

a b o u t b l o g c o n t a c t e - c o o k b o o k

v e g e t a r i a n v e g a n t i p s & h i n t s m e a l p l a n s r e c i p e i n d e x v i d e o s

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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

running.” Because making fists seems so angry and it makes my fingers hurt! But running while flailing

your arms around is abnormal! It’s a good thing I’m running on a treadmill while watching My Fair

Brady on Hulu instead of outside where people can judge me.)

But really, champagne mangoes are worth getting excited about. I’ve written about them here before–

you may remember them from my Sweet & Spicy Mango Fajitas and Coconut Mango Overnight Oatmeal.

They’re sweet and perfect and they never have that weird stringiness you sometimes get with regular

mangoes. Champagne mangoes are my jam. And now they’re my salsa too.

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Page 3: Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe

Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Yield: About 2 1/2 cups of salsa

Oh yes, salsa! I am a raw tomato hater, so usually when I eat salsa, I use my chips to soak up the tomato

juice and leave the tomatoes in the bowl. Mango salsa is the best salsa because a) it’s made with

mangoes, and b) there are no tomatoes to dodge. I added cucumbers too and a jalapeño pepper for a

little bit of heat. If I had to describe this salsa in one word, it would be refreshing. Even with the

jalapeño, it’s the kind of salsa that’s good with spicy food because the mango and cucumber help

balance the heat. You can even eat it with a spoon like a salad!

cucumber mango salsa

A sweet, refreshing salsa made with mangoes and cucumber. If you can find champagne mangoes, use those--they are delicious!

Page 4: Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe

Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

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1 ripe mango, diced (about 1 cup)1/2 small English cucumber, diced (about 1 cup)1/3 cup diced red onions1/4 cup chopped cilantro1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and dicedJuice from 1 limeFreshly ground black pepper


1. Stir together all of the ingredients in a medium bowl. Serve with tortilla chips, tacos or burritos, or as a mix-in for cooked quinoa or millet.

about kierstenKiersten is the founder and editor of Oh My Veggies. She lives outside of Chicago

with her husband, daughter and 4 (yes 4!) cats. Read more from Kiersten →

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Kris says

March 27, 2014 at 8:57 am

It’s nice to find another person who eats tomato salsa like I do! Tomato chunks are

gross. My husband just stares at me while I poke the chip around and around, fishing

for cilantro or hot pepper chunks, but no dreaded tomatoes!

Vegan Aussie Bites Coconut Mango Overnight Oatmeal

Recipe | Spicy Cantaloupe Cucumber


How to Make Mango Fruit Leather (Without

a Dehydrator!)

Page 5: Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe

Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:11 pm

High five! My husband likes that I don’t eat chunks of raw tomatoes because he

loves them, so when I’m done eating, he gets my leftovers.


Amanda says

March 28, 2014 at 8:25 pm

This is how my hubby and I eat salsa too! So funny. I can’t wait to try this – I

might actually be able to finish a bowl of salsa by myself!


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:02 pm

I’m really glad to know that I’m not the only tomato hater out there!

People act like I’m crazy. It’s not crazy! Tomatoes are gross!


Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says

March 27, 2014 at 9:18 am

Ooh, how pretty! I haven’t tried the champagne mangoes yet but I want to rectify that

this year. I hear nothing but good things about them.

Since I don’t like cucumbers (I know, scandalous), would I be able to sub zucchini? I

know it won’t be quite as flavorful but I don’t like raw tomatoes either so anything to

keep those slimy suckers outta my salsa is a plus!


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:09 pm


will change your life. You will never think about mangoes the same way again.

They kind of ruined regular mangoes for me though.

You could either double the mango in the recipe or yeah, I think zucchini would

work too. I actually have a salad recipe that uses zucchini and mango:


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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

janae @ bring joy says

March 27, 2014 at 10:15 am

“I am a raw tomato hater,”

Oh boy. Sacrilege! A few of my kids are also raw tomato haters. Is it the texture for


My husband says I “run like a girl.” I think it’s because, I too, don’t quite know what to

do with my arms. Good luck on the 5K!


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:07 pm

Okay, well, now you’re going to think I’m really crazy, but I’ve never tried a raw

tomato. I just know I don’t like them. They are so slimy inside! Ewww.

I’m glad to know there are other awkward runners out there!


Julia Mueller says

March 27, 2014 at 10:43 am

I did the SAME thing when I spotted a 5 for $5 display of champagne mangoes at the

store last week!! I LITRALLY gasped out loud and was all “ooooooooooooooh!” The

produce people already think I’m a nut job, so I may as well fuel their fire some more.

Mango salsa is my faaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite!! AND I’ve never done cucumber mango. I

could squeeze you for this! I want these in my tacos like nooooboddysbusiness! And

your photo of the mango?? HOLY CRAP! How did you do it?!

P.S. Your fists v. arms-flailing debate reminded me of this time I was in Germany and

was walking along a river and this girl was running with her arms t-rexed at her chest,

but her hands were flailing. Can you picture it? Can you picture it? Next time I’m in

NC, I’ll scamper over to you (arms flailing) so that I can show you exactly how she was

running. But I don’t make fun of people, no. I’m more mature than that.


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:06 pm

HA! Okay, well, that’s good that I’m not the only one. I love this time of year

when they’re a dollar and I just want to buy them allllll. I had to stop at the

grocery store for mushrooms today and I was tempted to buy more champagne

mangoes even though I haven’t finished the bag I bought over the weekend. I am

so greedy. Oh, and here’s how I did the mango:

mango-black-bean-salad-how-to-cut-a-mango/ (Excuse my horrible knife skills.)

I’ve read that German runner description three times now and it makes me

chortle every time. HA! I kind of run with limp-wristed jazz hands.


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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

EA-The Spicy RD says

March 27, 2014 at 11:22 am

Mangos in salsa {or chutney} are the best! Although I really dig raw tomatoes too

We’ve been inhaling {the larger} mangos in our house the past couple of weeks. My

son brought home a friend from school so I made them grilled cheese sandwiches

served with fresh mango on the side-they both loved it, and the friend was SO

excited-“Mango is my most favorite fruit ever!!!”


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:01 pm

Mango is my most favorite fruit ever too. Now I kind of want a grilled cheese

with mango on the side for dinner…


Maria says

March 27, 2014 at 12:12 pm

I did the same thing today! I live in a really small town, where I am excited to find

organic spinach in my produce section. When we drove 30 minutes out of town to visit

Publix on the way to the orthopedic, I was in food heaven! I squealed with joy when I

saw organic pink lady apples, nutritional yeast (something I had never tried), raw

cashews (on sale!), Justin’s Maple Almond Butter (so good!) and Cocoa Hazelnut

Butter. I’m glad that we went early in the morning, otherwise the other people in the

store might have called the mental hospital.


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 4:59 pm

Ha! I know the feeling. Our local grocery store is pretty good, but when we drive

to the city to go to Whole Foods, I feel a little bit giddy. My big dream is that one

day, I’ll live 5 minutes away from a Whole Foods. Enjoy your raw cashews and

nutritional yeast!


Angie (@angiesrecipess) says

March 27, 2014 at 12:39 pm

I made mango salsa last how easy and refreshing it is!


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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

Disha Kapadia says

March 27, 2014 at 3:21 pm

I am not a squealer but I do often sigh silently when I find produce that I love at

markets and bazaars. The cucumber and mango salsa sounds so perfect for the hot

Indian summers we are already experiencing here in Mumbai! It will make for novel

and interesting party food!


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 4:53 pm

It’s definitely perfect for a hot summer day! We’ve got a little while to go before it

starts getting that hot here.


Lindsey @ American Heritage Cooking says

March 27, 2014 at 4:54 pm

lol! Can one ever love food too much? No, my love. No they cannot.

This salsa looks like it was sent straight from mango heaven! Yummmmm


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:33 pm

I just don’t want to be one of those people who gets teary-eyed over a good apple

or writes poems about turnips. Please don’t let me become that.


Lindsey @ American Heritage Cooking says

March 27, 2014 at 10:03 pm

I might have to draw the line at poems about turnips….just sayin’


Cara's Healthy Cravings says

March 27, 2014 at 5:19 pm

Ha! You made me laugh out loud as you described your mango shopping adventure

It’s extra funny because I could totally picture myself doing the same thing!

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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]


Kiersten Frase says

March 27, 2014 at 5:32 pm

It’s hard not to get excited about mangoes, right?


JulieD says

March 27, 2014 at 7:51 pm

LOL about running! I’m definitely one of those who’s way too obsessed with food too!

This salsa looks awesome…love that you added cucumber…because then the crunch

comes from more than just the onions.


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:16 pm

I need to use cucumbers more often! I don’t know why I always overlook them.


istuke says

March 27, 2014 at 11:33 pm

Ahh, champagne mangos… I have you to thank/blame for my love of these edible

gems. Just last week, I looked back at your back posts to remember when they

appeared in stores last year.

Time for a trip to Costco to buy a BOX! Thanks for the heads-up, and another great



Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:13 pm

Ha! I did the same thing! I was thinking to myself, “Hmm, champagne mangoes

should be in season soon. When did I write about them last year?” And then I

found my last post about them to look at the date. Perhaps I should buy a big box

of them from Costco too!


Meg van der Kruik says

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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

March 28, 2014 at 12:08 am

Oh dear Kiersten…there is a reason that I don’t run in public and it is much like yours.

I am so tall and lanky it just looks weird and I get all tangled up in myself and fall.

Yep, that’s right…I fall, every time I hit a good pace. I think its because I am more

focused on NOT looking stupid when I run than I actually am on running. LAME!

The guys at my local grocery store think I am a nut job! I am always lurking in the

produce aisle, feeling and sniffing things. It’s just weird! I have jumped up and down

and yelled out loud over delicata squash before so I can feel you with your love of

those beautiful mangoes.

Is it blasphemy to say that I have actually NEVER had a champagne mango? I have got

to get my hands on some of those so I can make this salsa.


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:11 pm

I am totally uncoordinated like that too. But my problem is the opposite–I have

really short legs!

So now that I know you bought champagne mangoes after writing this, I need to

know: are they the best fruit ever? Huh? Are they? THEY ARE! Right???


Joanne says

March 28, 2014 at 6:26 am

I squeal for mangoes also!!! They are just worth the public humiliation.

I see my weekend involving this salsa and a spoon. No chips necessary.


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:07 pm

Luckily I have no pride, so I’m cool with public humiliation. You should have

seen me when I was at Target this weekend and discovered that they were

carrying a new line of vegetarian burritos…


Allison @ Clean Wellness says

March 28, 2014 at 7:34 am

I want to make this and then put it on everything! This looks so perfect for the warmer

weather. Yum!


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Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:06 pm

And it goes well on just about everything too!


Katie @ Produce on Parade says

March 28, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Oh my goodness, I could really use this fresh salsa right now! So refreshing and

spring-like I’ve never even heard of Champagne mangoes. Oh Alaska. Poo.

Haha, I imagined you running through the produce aisle in excitement as I also do

that. Often. In fact just yesterday I did the same thing for strawberries. Hey, they were

on sale!

I have a tip in case you didn’t get one for what to do with your hands when running. I

run a lot. Run with all your fingers lightly pinched together. Like if you were to take a

bite of a small cookie or something. Or, my favorite because I am a weirdo, I fold my

thumb into my palm and fold my fingers over. My headphone strings don’t catch on

my fingers that way when I run on the treadmill. Hey, Dr. Who isn’t going to watch



Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Well, champagne mangoes are everywhere right now (well, at least here they

are!), so this is definitely the perfect time to buy some. So go buy some! And

thanks for the running tips–I need them.


Kira - HealthAble Old Soul says

March 28, 2014 at 2:27 pm

What nice refresher!!! I always love to incorporate many colors of fruits and vegetables

– so a well done job!


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:03 pm

Thank you! I love photographing colorful recipes like this.


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Laura (Tutti Dolci) says

March 28, 2014 at 10:51 pm

I think all food bloggers are “those” people. Love this salsa, I’d eat my weight in it all

summer long!


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 3:01 pm

Yeah, I think we are.


rika@vm says

March 30, 2014 at 4:39 pm

What a refreshing salad, cucumber and mango work together very well! I’m having

Mexican tonight, I bet the salsa pairs well with our homemade cilantro corn tortillas!


Kiersten Frase says

March 31, 2014 at 2:57 pm

Oh, those tortillas sound amazing! I’ve been wanting to try to make my own for a

while now, but still haven’t gotten around to it.


Tina Muir says

April 1, 2014 at 7:15 am

Beautiful summer side there! Cant wait to give it a try!

I am definitely one of “those” people! Everyone laughs at me when I say I LOVE food

shopping. I get so excited for walking around for precisely the reason you described,

seeing all the new items, or getting inspiration from what they have to offer. It is one

of my highlights of the week! I LOVE it! Thanks for making me feel like I am not the

only one


Kiersten Frase says

April 1, 2014 at 10:00 pm

I love shopping for food too. I spend waaaay too much on groceries. You are

definitely not alone!

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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]


Jennie @themessybakerblog says

April 1, 2014 at 7:44 pm

I usually get funky looks from fellow shoppers for hogging the produce displays. I have

to pick out the perfect produce for photos. They just don’t understand. This salsa

reminds me of summer. Oh how I miss warm weather. Pinning!


Kiersten Frase says

April 1, 2014 at 9:53 pm

Oh yes, I do the same thing! Thanks for the pin!


Katie (The Muffin Myth) says

April 4, 2014 at 2:35 am

This salsa looks amazing! I have’t seen champagne mangoes in these parts so I may

need to sub in one of their cousins, but I’m sure it would still be delish. It looks like

such a great and refreshing side, and seriously, I could just eat that entire bowl with a



Kiersten Frase says

April 7, 2014 at 7:23 pm

It does work as a salad too. Or maybe I just really wanted to eat it with a spoon

because I did.


Ginny says

May 26, 2014 at 12:47 pm

This looks scrumptious. However, cilantro tastes soapy to me so I think I’ll substitute

spearmint from my herb garden.


Kiersten Frase says

May 27, 2014 at 7:15 pm

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Cucumber Mango Salsa Recipe[03-09-2015 09:42:49 a.m.]

That would work! I think basil might be nice too.


Diane says

August 8, 2014 at 11:50 pm

Oh, how I love mangoes! And the champagne must be the “blonde” ones I find so

infrequently, but are the bomb! Thanks for naming them. If you don’t care for

tomatoes, try using tomatillas in your salsa. They are the Mexican green tomato and in

the same family as tomatoes. Nice and firm when green. I find them to be really good

in salsa and maybe a good substitute. Now on to finish my mango salsa. Just wish now

I had a cuke to add!


Kiersten Frase says

August 12, 2014 at 3:00 pm

Those are the BEST mangoes, but you can usually only find them at certain times

of the year – not like the red/green mangoes, which are easy to find year-round.

And yes, I love tomatillo salsa!


Kathryn Grace says

April 8, 2015 at 1:43 pm

I made this last night, and it was a big hit. My main squeeze cannot eat cilantro, alas,

and I added an avocado to the mix, but still mighty tasty. Thank you!


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