
C’thun Eye of C’thun Elite 48-HD Outsider Gargantuan Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) HD: 48d8+672 x4 (3744 hp) Initiative: +23 Speed: 0 ft, Fly 120 ft (Perfect) Armor Class: 60 (10-3 Size+19 Agility+34 Natural), 41 Flat-Footed, 26 Touch Base Attack: 48 Grapple: 64 Ranged Attack: Green Eye Beam +65 Ranged Touch, Increment 250 Feet (6d8, 19-20 x3, See Text) Full Attack: Green Eye Beams +65/60/55/50 Ranged Touch, Increment 150 feet (6d8, 19-20 x3, See Text) or 63/63/58/53/48 Space/Reach: 20 ft/0 ft. Special Attacks: Dark Glare, Summon Eye Tentacle, Summon Claw Tentacle Special Qualities: Spell Resistance 48, Damage Reduction 35/Epic, All-Around Vision 250 feet, Bound, Blind Sense 250 feet, Divine Rank 0, Freedom of Movement, Energy Resistance 30 Saves: Fort: +43, Ref: +49, Will: +37 Abilities: Strength: 42 (+16) Agility: 48 (+19), Stamina: 36 (+13), Int: 32 (+11), Spt: 24 (+7), Charisma: 50 (+20) Skills: As C’thun Feats:Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor x7, Ability Focus [Dark Glare], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Summon Eye Tentacle], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Summon Claw Tentacle], Weapon Focus [Eye Beam], Improved Toughness, Improved Critical [Green Eye Beam], Augmented Critical [Green Eye Beam], Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Natural Attack [Green Eye Beam], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Dark Glare], Villain Points: 8 Alignment: Chaotic Evil Possessions: None Green Eye Beams (su): C’thun has a single natural attack which he can fire at will as a standard attack, he may fire more in multiple beams. This beam deals purely acid damage and standard resistance applies to it. Those who suffer damage from it however, endanger their party members. If somebody is hit by an eye beam, anyone within 30 feet of the beam is automatically hit by an


C'thun stats for WoW RPG d20 System

Transcript of C'thun


CthunEye of Cthun Elite 48-HD Outsider Gargantuan Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) HD: 48d8+672 x4 (3744 hp) Initiative: +23 Speed: 0 ft, Fly 120 ft (Perfect) Armor Class: 60 (10-3 Size+19 Agility+34 Natural), 41 Flat-Footed, 26 Touch Base Attack: 48 Grapple: 64 Ranged Attack: Green Eye Beam +65 Ranged Touch, Increment 250 Feet (6d8, 19-20 x3, See Text) Full Attack: Green Eye Beams +65/60/55/50 Ranged Touch, Increment 150 feet (6d8, 19-20 x3, See Text) or 63/63/58/53/48 Space/Reach: 20 ft/0 ft. Special Attacks: Dark Glare, Summon Eye Tentacle, Summon Claw Tentacle Special Qualities: Spell Resistance 48, Damage Reduction 35/Epic, All-Around Vision 250 feet, Bound, Blind Sense 250 feet, Divine Rank 0, Freedom of Movement, Energy Resistance 30 Saves: Fort: +43, Ref: +49, Will: +37 Abilities: Strength: 42 (+16) Agility: 48 (+19), Stamina: 36 (+13), Int: 32 (+11), Spt: 24 (+7), Charisma: 50 (+20) Skills: As Cthun Feats:Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor x7, Ability Focus [Dark Glare], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Summon Eye Tentacle], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Summon Claw Tentacle], Weapon Focus [Eye Beam], Improved Toughness, Improved Critical [Green Eye Beam], Augmented Critical [Green Eye Beam], Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Natural Attack [Green Eye Beam], Quicken Spell-Like Ability [Dark Glare], Villain Points: 8 Alignment: Chaotic Evil Possessions: None

Green Eye Beams (su): Cthun has a single natural attack which he can fire at will as a standard attack, he may fire more in multiple beams. This beam deals purely acid damage and standard resistance applies to it. Those who suffer damage from it however, endanger their party members. If somebody is hit by an eye beam, anyone within 30 feet of the beam is automatically hit by an additional eye beam, the threat range is doubled. It continues jumping until there is no new target within range, the beam then subsides.

Dark Glade (su): Cthun may, once every 5 rounds, spend a full-round action to fire a huge, flaming ray of energy at everyone within the area at the beginning of his next turn. During the next 3 turns, Cthun begins spinning 120 degrees every round, until making a full 360 degree rotation. Anyone caught in the beam during those rounds is forced to make a reflex save (DC 57) or instantly be disintegrated for 96d6 damage.

Summon Eye Tentacle (su): Cthun may, as a standard action, summon 1d8 eye tentacles in areas adjacent to him. These eyes, if surviving until their next round cast Mind Flay as a 20th level caster. During the round when summoned, these eye tentacles simply writhe about in their square. Their armor class is 20 and it must be dealt 45 damage to be eliminated. The tentacles persist for 5 rounds or until killed. Cthun may use this ability once every minute.

Summon Claw Tentacle (su): Cthun may, as a standard action, cause a massive clawed tentacle to erupt from the ground a jet whoever was under it upward for 10d6 damage, then hitting it with a +25 to hit. Upon a successful hit, a claw tentacle deals 3d6+10 damage. These tentacles have the same statistics as an Eye Tentacle, but they may not cast Mind Flay. These tentacles last for 8 hours or until destroyed, and only one is summoned when activated. Cthun may use this ability at will.

Bound: Cthun is bound to the Temple of AhnQuiraj, it is impossible for him to make movement so long as this curse is upon him. By spending 1d4 months inactive, Cthun may, afterward attain a divine rank of 5 and free himself from his bonds, lashing out at the world around him. The Eye of Cthun is destroyed in such a case, as Cthun reveals his true form.

Body of CthunElite 62-Hit Die Outsider Colossal Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) HD: 62d8+1116 (7192 hp) Initiative: +28 Speed: 120 ft. AC: 86 (10-4 Size+24 Dex+36 Natural+20 Deflection) Base Attack/Grp: 62/83 Attack: Digestive Acid +78 Melee (15d6 Acid+21, 19-20 x3 plus Digestion) Space/Reach: 50 ft/0 ft Special Attacks: Greater Summon Eye Tentacles, Summon Giant Claw Tentacles, Summon Giant Eye Tentacles, Stomach of Cthun Special Qualities: CthunI Shield, Damage Reduction 50/-, Damage Reduction 50/Epic, Spell Resistance 73, Divine Rank 0, Blind Sense 1,050 feet, Tremorsense 1 Mile, Bound, Energy Immunity, Awesome Knowledge Saves: Fort: +40, Ref: +/40, Will +40 Abilities: Str: 52 (19), Dex: 58 (24), Stamina 46 (1 , Int 42 (16) , Spt 34 (+12), Charisma 60 (+25) Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, +2 Fort, Improved Natural Armor x5, Improved Natural Attack [Digestive Acid], Power Attack, Improved Critical, Augmented Critical, Spellbreaker Skills: Spellcraft +81, Diplomacy +90, Bluff +90, Intimidate +90, Knowledge (All) +141 Villain Points: 10 Alignment: Chaotic Evil Possessions: None

Greater Summon Eye Tentacles (su): As per Summon Eye Tentacles, except now this ability can be used once every 5 rounds and as a free action.

Summon Giant Claw Tentacle: (su) As a standard action, once every minute Cthun may call forth a monstrously large clawed tentacle. The thing bursts from the ground, a gargantuan creature. The thing deals 20d6 damage upon rupturing and 2 free attacks at a +30 bonus every round. The damage dealt by the tentacles is 4d8+22 and the tentacle must be dealt 200 damage and has an armor class of 25. These creatures last 8 hours or until destroyed. This ability cannot be used for 5 rounds if Summon Giant Eye Tentacle has been used.

Summon Giant Eye Tentacle: (su) As a standard action, Cthun, once every minute, Cthun may call forth a monstrously large eye tentacle. The thing is huge in size and deals 15d6 damage as it ruptures out of the ground under one target. The creature gets a ranged touch attack every round, which acts exactly as Cthuns Green Eye Beam. These creatures last 8 hours or until destroyed. This ability cannot be used for 5 rounds if Summon Giant Claw Tentacle has been used.

Stomach of Cthun: (su) As a standard action, Cthun may call forth a tentacle that forces one target to initiate a grapple check with Cthun. Upon failure, the target is dragged into Cthuns stomach, a massive fleshy prison that allows Cthun to attack whoever is inside every round. Also, inside the stomach are two flesh tentacles which start combat 15 feet away from the player. They are huge and have +35 to attack and deal 4d6+16 damage +3d6 acid. These creatures have 22 armor class and 300 hp. When inside Cthun, the player may directly harm him through the tentacles. Any damage dealt to the flesh tentacles of Cthun is subtracted from Cthuns health. Also, if both tentacles are reduced to 0 hit points, Cthun expels whoever is in the stomach out, dealing 20d6 fall damage to them and 10d6 acid. Cthun is then stunned for 5 rounds, in which the CthunI Shield is down.

Digestive Acid: (su) Anything in the Stomach of Cthun may be attacked by his digestive acid if he decides to make an attack against them, by causing his digestive fluids to roil about. If the fluids harm the target, they must make a fortitude save (DC 59) or be sickened next round. The save DC is constitution based.

CthunI Shield: (su) Whenever Cthun is capable of acting, his defenses act as listed above, for he is protected by arcane forces conjured by the Old Gods themselves. Whenever Cthun is incapable of acting, his protections are down. His deflection bonus to armor class disappears, he is denied his dexterity bonus to armor class and he suffers a -10 penalty to natural armor. In addition, his damage reduction is entirely gone while the shield is down, and his spell resistance is lowered to 31 and his energy immunity becomes energy resistance 15. Once the shield is back up, Cthun instantly summons a Giant Claw Tentacle as a swift action, and may summon another as though he hadnt used it.

Awesome Knowledge: Cthun knows the secrets of the past, present and future, granting him a +60 unnamed bonus to all knowledge checks.