Ct 2015 winter spring

Handmade Greeting Cards Word CardsFor years I’ve sent out a monthly e.newsletter which features a Word of the Month (If you don’t get my e.newlsetter and want to – you can register on my website.). For as long as I’ve been doing this, people have been asking me to create cards with each word. So I’ve selected 18 of the words that seem most universal. These A2 sized cards are printed on 89% recycled sand colored card stock with matching 24lb envelopes. And the best news of all is they wholesale for only ONE DOLLAR EACH! Heal ctw01;Honor cw02; Normal ctw03; Mend ctw04;Risk ctw05;Transform ctw06; Balance ctw07; Stop ctw08; Choose ctw09; Treasure ctw10; Know ctw11; Shed ctw12; Teach ctw13; Listen ctw14; Graduate ctw15; Linger ctw16; Notice ctw17; Refuse ctw18 Wisdom CardsSo many of you have requested a simple and modern line of cards that encourage, remind, nudge or just help someone laugh. Each of these A2-sized Wisdom Cards are printed on 100% recycled white cardstock and come with matching envelopes Wisdom Cards wholesale for only ONE DOLLAR EACH! CTWiz 01 In a gentle way you can change the world. CTWiz 02 Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places. CTWiz 03 There will come a time when you believe that everything is finished. That is the beginning. CTWiz 04 Normal is just a setting on the dryer. CTWiz 05 I’m a recovering people pleaser. Is that OK? CTWiz 06 Things seem to go best when I taste my words before I spit them out. CTWiz 07 In three words I can sum up everything I have ever learned about life – It Goes On. CTWiz 08 Don’t try to fix the haters. You are not the Jerk Whisperer. CTWiz 09 You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. CTWiz 10 Putting away my phone and paying attention to the person in front of me – there’s a app for that. It’s called respect. CTWiz 11 What screws me up most in life is the picture in my head of how it’s supposed to be. CTWiz 12 You can’t start the next chapter of your life until you stop re-reading the last one. Handmade Paper Posters Each of these 8 ½ x 11 posters are created on handmade paper in my home studio. Yep, they’re wonderfully suitable for framing. You can choose among the 66 hand painted posters (like the one above) and ten NEW Word Posters (like the one to the right) And they’re ALL still only $8 each! Word Posters Balance CTWP1, Graduate CTWP2, Know CTWP3, Linger CTWP4, Listen CTWP5, Normal CTWP6, Notice CTWP7, Shed CTWP8, Stop CTWP9, TeachCTWP10 Hand Painted Poster Messages CTP1 When nothing is certain, anything is possible. CTP2 Dogs aren’t our whole life, but they make our lives whole. CTP3 There are two remedies for the miseries of life – music and cats. CTP4 Fear less, love more; eat led, taste more, shout less, listen more; regret less, hope more; do less, be more. CTP5 Not all those who wander are lost. CTP6 Never settle for someone else’s definition of who you can be. CTP7 If the horse is dead – get off it. CTP8 If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. CTP9 Art is not a thing. It’s a way. CTP10 Be gentle with the Earth. CTP11 Don’t make your lving at the explense of your life. CTP12 The best way to forget all of your troubles is to wear tight shoes. CTP13 Chocolate and duct tape – what more could you need? CTP14 What others think of me is none of my business. CTP15 Don’t worry about avoiding temptation. As you age, temptation starts avoiding you. CTP16 I’m not sure about the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone. CTP17 The real world can be tough, but they sure have some great coffee there. CTP18 Pain is inevitable. Giving up is optional. CTP19 Life is too short to drink cheap wine. CTP20 What good is a disease, if you can’t use it? CTP21 Happiness is having what you want. It’s wanting what you have. CTP22 Getting older doesn’t have anything to do with getting old. CTP23 Serenity isn’t freedom from the storm. It’s peace amid the storm. CTP24 Organized people are just too last to lookf for things. CTP25 If it doesn’t involve laughter, I know it’s not the religion for me. CTP26 Life’s better when you add water.



Transcript of Ct 2015 winter spring

Page 1: Ct 2015 winter spring

Handmade Greeting Cards

Word Cards™

For years I’ve sent out a monthly e.newsletter which features a Word of the Month (If you don’t get my e.newlsetter and want to – you can register on my website.). For as long as I’ve been doing this, people have been asking

me to create cards with each word. So I’ve selected 18 of the words that seem most universal. These A2 sized cards are printed on 89% recycled sand colored card stock with matching 24lb envelopes.

And the best news of all is they wholesale for only ONE DOLLAR EACH!

Heal ctw01;Honor cw02; Normal ctw03;

Mend ctw04;Risk ctw05;Transform ctw06;

Balance ctw07; Stop ctw08; Choose ctw09;

Treasure ctw10; Know ctw11; Shed ctw12;

Teach ctw13; Listen ctw14; Graduate ctw15;

Linger ctw16; Notice ctw17; Refuse ctw18

Wisdom Cards™

So many of you have requested a simple and modern line of cards that encourage, remind, nudge or just help someone laugh. Each of these A2-sized Wisdom Cards are printed on 100% recycled white cardstock and come with matching envelopes

Wisdom Cards wholesale for only ONE DOLLAR EACH!

CTWiz 01 In a gentle way you can change the world. CTWiz 02 Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places. CTWiz 03 There will come a time when you believe that everything is finished. That is the beginning. CTWiz 04 Normal is just a setting on the dryer. CTWiz 05 I’m a recovering people pleaser. Is that OK? CTWiz 06 Things seem to go best when I taste my words before I spit them out. CTWiz 07 In three words I can sum up everything I have ever learned about life – It Goes On. CTWiz 08 Don’t try to fix the haters. You are not the Jerk Whisperer. CTWiz 09 You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. CTWiz 10 Putting away my phone and paying attention to the person in front of me – there’s a app for that. It’s called respect. CTWiz 11 What screws me up most in life is the picture in my head of how it’s supposed to be. CTWiz 12 You can’t start the next chapter of your life until you stop re-reading the last one.

Handmade Paper Posters

Each of these 8 ½ x 11 posters are created on handmade paper in my home studio. Yep, they’re wonderfully suitable for framing.

You can choose among the 66 hand painted posters (like the one above) and ten NEW Word Posters (like the one to the right)

And they’re ALL still only $8 each!

Word Posters

Balance CTWP1, Graduate CTWP2, Know CTWP3, Linger CTWP4, Listen CTWP5, Normal CTWP6, Notice CTWP7, Shed CTWP8, Stop CTWP9, TeachCTWP10

Hand Painted Poster Messages

CTP1 When nothing is certain, anything is possible.

CTP2 Dogs aren’t our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

CTP3 There are two remedies for the miseries of life – music and cats.

CTP4 Fear less, love more; eat led, taste more, shout less, listen more; regret less, hope more; do less, be more.

CTP5 Not all those who wander are lost.

CTP6 Never settle for someone else’s definition of who you can be.

CTP7 If the horse is dead – get off it.

CTP8 If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

CTP9 Art is not a thing. It’s a way.

CTP10 Be gentle with the Earth.

CTP11 Don’t make your lving at the explense of your life.

CTP12 The best way to forget all of your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

CTP13 Chocolate and duct tape – what more could you need?

CTP14 What others think of me is none of my business.

CTP15 Don’t worry about avoiding temptation. As you age, temptation starts avoiding you.

CTP16 I’m not sure about the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.

CTP17 The real world can be tough, but they sure have some great coffee there.

CTP18 Pain is inevitable. Giving up is optional.

CTP19 Life is too short to drink cheap wine.

CTP20 What good is a disease, if you can’t use it?

CTP21 Happiness is having what you want. It’s wanting what you have.

CTP22 Getting older doesn’t have anything to do with getting old.

CTP23 Serenity isn’t freedom from the storm. It’s peace amid the storm.

CTP24 Organized people are just too last to lookf for things.

CTP25 If it doesn’t involve laughter, I know it’s not the religion for me.

CTP26 Life’s better when you add water.

Page 2: Ct 2015 winter spring

CTP27 Blessed are the cracked. They let in the light.

CTP28 Parenting – where’s the maual?!

CTP29 Leap! And the net will appear.

CTP30 Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughta be.

CTP31 There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore, looking like an idiot.

CTP32 Any time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

CTP33 There are two kinds of people. Those who finish what they start and…

CTP34 By the time I was 80, I’d learned everything. I just can’t remember it.

CTP35 How can I manage my life when I can’t manage my hair?

CTP36 This box holds the answers to all of life’s questions. (Some assembly required. Batteries not included.)

CTP37 It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you. It’s what you know that’s just not so.

CTP38 Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

CTP39 Sometimes, when you’re looking for what you want – you find what you need.

CTP40 Cancel my subscription! I can’t take any more of your issues.

CTP41 It’s not that I’m smart. I’m merely inquisitive.

CTP42 It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

CTP43 The more truly artistic thing in the world is to love people.

CTP44 Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.

CTP45 To play is safe is not to play.

CTP46 Laughter is carbonated holiness.

CTP47 Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience – this is the ideal life.

CTP48 Reality is the leading cause of stress for those in tough with it.

CTP49 If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

CTP50 Let go or be dragged

CTP51 If money can fix it, it’s not a problem. CTP52 Life’s not a buffet. You have to take what you’re served.

CTP52 Life’s not a buffet. You have to take what you’re served.

CTP53 You’ve always had the power. You’ve had it all along.

CTP54 I can’t change my past, but I can choose the rest of the story.

CTP55 There are three things you can’t change: the past; the truth; and other people.

CTP56 Imperfectoin encouraged here.

CTP57 Everything will be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end.

CTP58 You can’t start the next chapter of your life until you stop re-reading the last chapter.

CTP59 Forget about the landing. It’s all about the falling.

CTP60 Look at things differently.

CTP61 I’m a recovering people pleaser. S that OK?

CTP62 I love you with all of my butt. I would say ‘my heart’, but my butt is bigger.

CTP63 If the only prayer you ever offer in your entire life is ‘than you’, it will be enough.

CTP64 The next time you’re tempted to fight fire with fire – remember the professionals usually use water.

CTP65 Our anxiety doesn’t come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.

CTP66 My therapist set a half a glass of water in front of me and asked if I was a pessismist or an optimist. I drank the water and told her I was a problem solver.

Handmade Books

Handmade Journals are available

in three sizes: 5x7; 6x9, and 9x12. They’re

filled with handmade paper. All are

covered with handmade paper and bound

with a beaded stick.. Let me know if you

have a special request for covers, but don't

worry, I'll help you choose.

5x7 $7.00 (SJ) 6x9 $9.00(MJ)

9x12 12.00(LJ)

I know that

neither parents

nor artists are

supposed to have

favorites when it

comes to their creations, but I admit it, I do and this

is it. ABCs for Life offers

a word, quote and several

questions for you to ponder (or

ignore until you're ready to

ponder...) for each letter of the

alphabet (This book is 9x12 and

can be covered with just about

any kind of cover paper you’d

like. $15.00 (ABC)

Here’s a handmade Wedding Guest book

that provides enough

space for guests to

leave a personal

message for the couple.

It’s 9x12. Cover papers

are wedding

appropriate and YES, special requests are

welcome! $15.00 (WM or WG)