CSU DenTiSTry - Serving OUr COmmUniTy

Page Dentistry and Oral Health Therapy at CSU CSU DENTISTRY - SERVING OUR COMMUNITY

Transcript of CSU DenTiSTry - Serving OUr COmmUniTy

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Dentistry and Oral Health Therapy at CSU

CSU DenTiSTry - Serving OUr COmmUniTy

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“CSU’s Dentistry and Oral Health Therapy program has undergone thorough and extensive consultation and planning, setting a new benchmark for course development at the University.

“I am confident the program will be a national leader and make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the University and the communities in which we operate.”

Professor ian goulter CSU vice-Chancellor and President

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facilitiesthe school of Dentistry and Health sciences will boast brand new state-of-the-art pre-clinical and clinical facilities at Orange (dentistry) and Wagga Wagga (oral health therapy) campuses and Dental education clinics at albury-Wodonga, Bathurst and Dubbo campuses.

Orange Campusthe new dentistry facilities on Orange campus will comprise three blocks adjacent to the new clinical science experiential learning centre. located close to the main campus entrance, the facilities will include a private practice on the ground floor along with support accommodation and a 60-place simulation laboratory with phantom heads for pre-clinical teaching.

General and specialist teaching accommodation will be situated on the first floor and will include a dental technology laboratory, specialist science teaching laboratory, it lecture theatres, and seminar and scenario rooms. Also on the first floor will be the Head of School and administrative suite; staff and postgraduate offices; research facilities for staff and postgraduate students; common room and meeting room. On the second floor will be the anatomy teaching facilities including a Pc� teaching laboratory and a dry (computer) laboratory.

in addition to the new building for the school of Dentistry and Health sciences, further developments are planned for Orange campus including:

an extension to the library to create a learning commons: a vibrant new learning space to encourage collaboration and support new methods of teaching and learning

a new lecture theatre to enable large cross-disciplinary groups to receive lectures togethergeneral upgrading of roads and infrastructure to improve the safety of the campus and make it more accessible.

Wagga Wagga Campusthe new dentistry facilities on Wagga Wagga campus will comprise two blocks. a two-storey block will include a �4-chair clinic with both open and enclosed settings located on the ground floor, along with support accommodation. the ‘front of house’ will include a patient waiting room, reception and patient counselling / liaison room, while the ‘back of house’ will comprise the clinic manager’s office, sterilisation rooms, staff, student and technical support areas, and storage rooms.

Staff accommodation will be located on the first floor and will include the School reception, offices and meeting rooms. also on this level will be research facilities for staff and postgraduate student use, and a �0-place simulation laboratory with phantom heads for teaching pre-clinical skills.

the second block will include teaching accommodation with a specialist science teaching laboratory, it lecture theatres, and seminar and scenario rooms.

Both buildings will be fully wireless and have student interaction zones throughout for quiet study and group work between classes.

charles sturt University (csU) is a national university providing excellence in education for the professions, strategic and applied research and flexible delivery of learning and teaching.

csU delivers quality, relevant education to students across australia and around the world with a focus on providing graduates for professions in the arts, Business, education and sciences.

Dedicated academic professionals supported by well researched curriculum and hands-on teaching methods ensure our graduates are industry ready. a recent survey conducted by the Graduate careers council of australia found that 83% of csU graduates were in full-time employment at the end of their studies.

Ranked in the top �0 universities in australia for learning and teaching in Health sciences by the australian Government in �007, csU offers courses in allied Health and the Medical sciences that equip graduates to work across a broad spectrum of careers in national and international settings.

the science faculty’s new $65.� million school of Dentistry and Health sciences will play a major role in helping improve the oral and systemic health of people in regional NsW, across the nation and the world through progressive education, research, patient care and community service.

csU Dentistry and Oral Health therapy graduates will contribute to combating the chronic shortage of dental and oral health workers Australia-wide, while also significantly impacting the health of our local communities.


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DeNtistRy cOURsescsU’s Bachelor of Dental science and Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) were developed in close cooperation with the australian Dental association (aDa), local dentists, oral health practitioners and senior consultants. Graduates from the two courses are expected to provide a much needed injection of dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists into the region to enhance access to this under-resourced area of healthcare.

Bachelor of Dental ScienceCSU’s Bachelor of Dental Science is a five-year degree that prepares graduates for a career as a dental practitioner.

During years one and two there will be a strong focus on core biomedical and dental sciences. foundation theoretical materials will be presented in lecture style but small group seminars and case based interactions will feature throughout the curriculum.

In years three to five, the focus is on understanding the medical, dental, social and community context of dental clinical practice.

the process of gaining australian Dental council accreditation has commenced. Graduates will be eligible for licensure as a dentist in any australian state or territory. there are no additional exams or requirements, although some states have continuing professional development requirements.

for more information about the Bachelor of Dental science visit: www.csu.edu.au/courses/undergraduate/ dental_science

Bachelor of Oral Health (Therapy/Hygiene)csU’s Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) is a three-year degree that prepares graduates for a career as a dental therapist or dental hygienist.

there will be a strong focus on core biomedical and oral sciences in the first two years of the course. Foundation theoretical materials will be presented in lecture style but small group seminars and case based interactions will feature throughout the curriculum.

in years two and three, the focus is on understanding the medical, dental, social and community context of dental hygiene or dental therapy clinical practice.

for more information about the Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) visit: www.csu.edu.au/courses/undergraduate/oral_health

Clinical experiencein year one of both courses, students will commence their clinical experience and hand skills development using state-of-the art simulation equipment in brand new, purpose-built facilities. clinical experience of increasing complexity is combined with further development of hand skills through years one and two and provides a strong foundation for extended clinical practice in year three and the remaining two years of the Bachelor of Dental science.

students will undertake intense clinical practice sessions in generalist and all specialist disciplines.

there will be the opportunity to engage in clinical practice at a variety of sites (University and community, rural and metropolitan) to gain optimal professional experience.

“Our new Dentistry and Oral Health Therapy program is the latest addition to a suite of specialist health science courses offered by the Faculty of Science. Over the past two decades CSU has produced what are now recognised internationally as some of the most exciting and innovative health programs available at any university.”

Professor nicholas Klomp, Dean, Faculty of Science

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caReeRs iN DeNtistRy aND ORal HealtH tHeRaPyDentistry and oral health therapy provide rewarding and diverse career paths and are health professions concerned with caring for people of all ages.

Government analysts predict that dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists will be in high demand in australia. Once you become registered, your job prospects are excellent. Most dentistry, dental hygiene and dental therapy students will know if they have a graduate position by December of their final year.

Graduates could work in any of the following:

general dentistry practice specialty dentistry practice public sector dental health australian defence forces (army, Navy or air force) hospital dental clinics international healthcare education research industry

after registration, you may specialise within a particular area of dentistry that interests you. for example, after achieving your Bachelor of Dental science, you may study further to become qualified in a specialist area of dentistry, such as orthodontics, paediatric dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, implantology or prosthodontics programs at Master level, or biomedical or dental science research at Doctoral level.

testiMONial“i play a vital role as a dental practitioner in Wagga Wagga, as the demand for dental treatment in the region far outweighs the supply of practitioners. i learnt early in my career that the skill set needed as a general practitioner in a regional and rural community is wide and varied.

“Regional cities like Wagga Wagga and Orange provide an ideal learning platform for dentistry students. By combining teaching and learning with clinical practise, charles sturt University’s dentistry courses will provide oral health services across the five regional communities in which the University’s campuses are situated, exposing students to a wide range of dental experience and encouraging them to think outside the square.

“there has been a well documented need for greater access to dental services for all members of our community, and i commend csU for developing quality education facilities based in the regions as a way of addressing this issue.

“as an active member of the southern NsW branch of the australian Dental association, i support csU’s new school of Dentistry and Health sciences, and see this new development as an opportunity for both my profession and rural and regional communities to benefit.”

Dr Kathleen matthews Dental Practitioner, Wagga Wagga

“ADA NSW sees the CSU Dentistry development as a significant step forward in enhancing the recruitment and retention of dentists and oral health professionals in NSW. It is also likely that graduates from CSU will be able to address issues of shortages of dentists in country areas and impact positively on dental services in those communities.”

Dr Tony Burges, President of ADA nSW

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ReseaRcHthe school of Dentistry and Health sciences has been created to draw together a number of cognate areas of the health professions that will promote new multidisciplinary approaches to clinical practice, education and health science research. the school of Dentistry and Health sciences’ long established Health science disciplines have already been pursuing significant research agendas, particularly in the fields of diagnostic imaging, radiation physics, inter-professional education and healthcare delivery. the school intends building on this base with a major push in the areas of dentistry and oral health therapy, concentrating on the molecular aspects of oral and systemic disease, clinical aspects of auto-immune diseases, biomaterials science and healthcare access and delivery of services in rural, remote and indigenous communities. the school will also focus on the development of research interests around the combination of disciplines of the school such as dental imaging, links between nutrition and oral and systemic health, and team approaches to disease prevention.

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HeaD Of tHe scHOOl Of DeNtistRy aND HealtH scieNces, PROfessOR WaRD MasseyProfessor Massey brings to CSU a significant international reputation and in-depth understanding of dental clinical education.

He has gained extensive experience in academia in australia with appointments at the Universities of adelaide, sydney and Western australia, while his clinical experience was grounded in Westmead Hospital clinical school, with the armed forces and as clinical Director at the colgate australian clinical Dental Research centre in adelaide.

Professor Massey received his Bachelor of Dental surgery from the University of adelaide prior to commencing practice at the Broken Hill Mines Dental clinic and subsequently in the south australian Dental Hospital.

Professor Massey’s research interests are focused on the fields of clinical dentistry and oral health. In 1988, he was the recipient of a National Health and Medical Research council of australia (NRMHc) four year postgraduate scholarship.

Moving to the United states in �00� to further his academic career, Professor Massey joined the University of Maryland’s school of Dentistry and subsequently took up an appointment as assistant Professor in Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials at Harvard University school of Dental Medicine.

in November �005 he returned to the University of Maryland as Professor in endodontics, Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry and was associate Dean for academic affairs.

Professor Massey has undertaken clinical research activities in the Gene transfer and therapeutics Branch of the National institute of Dental and craniofacial Research in Bethesda, Maryland, investigating the relationship between the presence of specific micro-organisms, auto-immune disease and dry mouth conditions. He is presently involved in a number of clinical trials, including being a co-investigator in a study sponsored by Johns Hopkins University applied Physics laboratories.

assOciate PROfessOR BaRBaRa aNNe taylOR a periodontist, teacher and clinical scientist, associate Professor taylor was Head of the Department of Periodontics at the Sydney Dental Hospital from 1996 until her departure for csU this year. Based in Wagga Wagga, Dr taylor is charged with the task of developing and coordinating csU’s oral health therapy program.

in her academic career, Dr taylor has been clinical coordinator for specialist training in Periodontics at the University of sydney and an associate Professor at the University of Newcastle.

a recipient of the australian Dental association service Medallion, Dr taylor is a fellow of the Royal australasian college of Dental surgeons and international college of Dentists.

Dr taylor’s research interests are in the association between oral health and general health, particularly in the relationship between inflammation, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular risk. she established and leads a multidisciplinary research group that has conducted two clinical trials to date, one of which was funded by the National Health and Medical Research council of australia, which form the basis for her doctoral studies at the University of Oslo in Norway.

seNiOR lectUReR DR saBRiNa MaNickaM Dr Manickam was the �00� recipient of the University of sydney faculty of Dentistry alumni Jubilee Medal for Outstanding contributions to the Profession and clinical Dentistry.

she has recently held the position of area clinical Director for Oral Health in Greater Western area Health service, with a conjoint appointment as sub-Dean, Rural Dental Programs with the University of sydneyDr Manickam has held significant roles with the NSW aDa Branch and is currently a councillor, active on the executive, Professional indemnity committee, Dental Practice committee and Western Division of the Branch.

Dr Manickam has also been a central figure within dental areas of NsW Health with roles on the state Oral Health executive, state clinical advisory Group, Rural advisory committee and groups engaging with isOH. she was a Ministerial appointment to the Dental care assessment committee of the NsW Dental Board from �003-�007. Her research interests are in the area of oral malignancy.

staff PROfiles Photo: Central Western Daily

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for more information about courses available and how to apply, please contact info.csu:

telephone: +6� � 6338 6077 facsimile: +6� � 6338 600� email: [email protected] Web inquiry: www.csu.edu.au/study/inquiry


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Coursesfive year full-time Bachelor of Dental science (Orange campus)three year full-time Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) (Wagga Wagga campus)

Admission requirementsto enrol in the Bachelor of Dental science or Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene), applicants must:

obtain a competitive Uaihave a current Senior First Aid Certificateundergo a criminal record checkundergo vaccination against infectious diseases prior to placement within the NsW Health system.

Bachelor of Dental science applicants must also:

submit a written application/questionnaire and attend a compulsory face-to-face interviewhave access to a personal laptophave good vision, depth perception, excellent hand-eye coordination and manual (hand) skillsbe highly proficient in the English language.

number of places available each year40 places for the Bachelor of Dental science�0 places for the Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene)

Clinical placementsapproximately 60% of both courses will be spent on clinical placement in regional and metropolitan centres.

Course costsPlaces in both courses will be offered as commonwealth supported Places.

Accreditationthe Bachelor of Dental science and Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) will be accredited by the australian Dental council. the process of accreditation has commenced.

Bachelor of Dental science and Bachelor of Oral Health (therapy/Hygiene) graduates will be able to apply for registration with the relevant state or territory’s licensing authorities.

fast facts