CSNSG 2010

Introduction Presentation of CEO Antonio Ademir Gomes da Silva CSNSG (History, Mission, Values and Programs) Article by an adolescent PETROBRAS Article by a co-worker Last Bazaar Helping from Norway Gratitude FIRST EDITION CSNSG, December 2010


In this magazine you can see the main purpose, last events and social interest with social organizations about the brazilian NGO from the Manaus city, Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças. Thanks,

Transcript of CSNSG 2010


Presentation of CEO Antonio Ademir Gomes da Silva

CSNSG (History, Mission, Values and Programs)

Article by an adolescent


Article by a co-worker

Last Bazaar

Helping from Norway



Why do we decide to make a magazine about our NGO Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças?

How we can see our organization needs to expand strategically. This magazine help

us to develop an efficient layout to our

social investors, social researchers and to the natural

individuals. For getting: The growth

The development The stability

required R E A S O N S to choose it

• An Innovative and current way to sponsor our Organization.

• Communicate our thoughts in a free manner.

• Be attractive and dynamic to our social

investors. • Become us more competitive in our social


Why do we select

The December month

to publish our magazine?

• December has an important celebration to Christian countries like Brazil, this is the Christmas.

• The Society cell, The Family tried to be more united with its members.

• At the final of the year we have a lot information, work

and event to show.

What about our interests


This magazine?

We explained the reasons to make this magazine are related to our strategic social expansion and growth in a national and international field. Therefore is necessary this media to link up Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças with our social investors in the national country Brazil and also the international organizations focused in social interest that can help us to work in our programs, projects and social mission successfully. On the other hand is an appropriate tool to promote this social institution very dynamically.

Antonio Ademir Gomes da Silva

I’m the CEO of the CSNSG the experience working wit h my own NGO have been interesting. Now it’s exciting to exp ress my

feelings, thoughts and objective social through thi s magazine for you

Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças , is an organization of civil society that provides service s on

behalf of poor children and adolescents from the Manaus city.

This needs individuals and organizations

To accomplish

Its mission .

Therefore help us for helping these kids!!

Centro Social Nossa Senhora Das Graças (CSNSG) is a n organization belongs to the civil society, non-profit that carri ed out the demands of the public in the field of minorities, with special att ention to children and adolescents at risk and personal in the city of Man aus. Opened work on behalf of beneficiaries in 1970 in the old neighborhood “Meco do Macedo” today is Nossa Senhora das Graças founded by the priest Césare De Florio La Rocca, from Italian nat ionality. Until 1977 CSNSG was linked to the charitable work from the pa rish church “Nossa Senhora de Nazaré” of Catholic Church, when she beg an having legal personality. This study emerged from the necessity to offer chil dren - who made the street their place of work, with all the risks invo lved (continue) - an opportunity for a better and more productive world. Concerned about the inconvenience, the community joined the effort of t he parish priest for looking some solution. Hence CSNSG emerged. Initially, a small carpenter’s workshop which served to 45 male adolescents. Over the years the e xpansion was needed, in the physical appearance, the goal and the gender (serving only for boys in the early 80's that also serve female adolescent s) and mainly, the quality of services.

CSNSG institutional mission is "to develop social a ctivities for the benefit of humans, so its participation in a cr eative and productive review, culminating in its integral deve lopment to build a better world." The values that form the bac kbone of the organization are: ethics, work, dynamism, honesty, humility, relationships, seriousness, community involvement, transparency, solidarity, optimism and enthusiasm.

Who is the Social Center Our Lady of Grace? It is a philanthropic organization with religious overtones, which develops over 33 years of work on behalf of children and adolescents from poor families.

SYSTEMS’ TYPES OF ARRANGEMENT Social Support Program and Family: What is : The development of actions to support families to care for their children. Support Program for socio-educational support: What is: For children and adolescents, despite possess their families need support for don’t be under the authority of the explorers, "galera", the gangs , they need support, educational activities, and preparation and insertion labor market. Housing Program: What is : Shelter adolescents, who need their civil leaders replaced due to neglect and abuse.

Petrobras Apprentice , Bianca Garrido Actually it's even difficult to conceptualize the PPJA because it is an indispensable opportunity, where millions of young people would like to be in our place, a place very lucky because it come from to God, each one of us are living in PPJA posses intense moments. A unique opportunity we have to make for growing grandiosely, this growth with helping of a high level (and CSNSG SENAI), which recognize us with our leader (Caroline Brighenti) both tell us "we are suffering and coals polishing process to become diamonds in the future, "we must not only be the “best” but make the “Difference” because that is what the job market, our lives and the future needs of young people who make the difference, and this one is an amazing and necessary work. At the beginning we were shy and excited young people. You may be wondering "fear", more than that ", I explain,

perhaps afraid of everything, afraid of making mistakes in public speaking, to do wrong and to speak at the wrong time, when fear does not have many common experiences; when you are young, but Petrobras Youth Apprentice Program taught us to bet on ourselves, to speak in public and perhaps "wrong", stop, breathe and move forward with determination, as well as life works. One day I heard a poet say "do not do a sketch of his life, May not give you time to wash away." And PPJA taught us and continues to teach exactly that, faced with a problem that stop, think, bet and resolve as best as possible the well-being and physical, moral and social development of every. We have a big challenge ahead, we are going to practice for 2011 and we, every have the butterflies in our stomachs, and increases when you hear the name "company," but with the help of teachers, coordinators and willpower of all, we will do very well and to finish the two years, leaving our mark, not a mark, but will be A MARK . The PPJA changed my life, as you do not have to be addressed with such a wonderful and still complain about life, you have no time, your time is very busy with jobs PPJA the school to which we must not leave and new friendships which we had fun. One can only thank you for God and dedicate ourselves to PPJA, standing out and giving the best.

Learning Program with Education for The work PAET i n Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças

The Learning Program in Education for The work is the result of joint among government with the business class and labor class, which caused the creation of an educational system, directed to workforce allowing the children of the labor class could have access to technical industrial training; be able to meet the market needs. Furthermore, the Government also seeks to reverse the fact that Brazil still faces today with the juvenile illiteracy and child labor, of course, with social development which we live today, these cases are so much smaller. But actually is still there. In front of these innovative learning institutions and NGOs working with the training courses had to adjust to the demands of new market while respecting the user's right as guaranteed by law: ECA, CLT, BDL and the Law of Learning.

Therefore, the Learning Program developed by the Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças is guided by the Apprenticeship Law 10.097/2000 Law of 19 December 2000, which enables rights advocated by the ECA Act 8069/90 of 13 June 1990. On this base the CSNGS seeks to serve families of different social aspects, offering professional training program for adolescents in PAET And one of the requirements of the Learning Program with Education for the Work (PAET) developed by the Centro Social Nossa Senhora das Graças (CSNSG) is the young person has regular attendance to the classroom of public schools to ensure him or her for remaining in the program, that tries to approach the civic education of the young people and professionals, based on the assumption that the future professional needs to have a solid educational background. They have the ability to communicate, organize, act, take part in any problems, and have experience with computers. As for the family, is required the participation and contribution in shaping the young program's user. Attracted by the illusion of "independence" presented on stage in the job market and driven mostly by the family's financial situation, so the teenager completes the minimum age (14 years) seeks learning programs that can insert it on the market working as an apprentice. The program has no restrictions of any kind: gender, religion, political and social condition. However, professional education gives benefits to young learners in spaces for the development of their skills, also personal and professional potential. In the current work, the labor market needs proactive professionals with diverse experience. However the young individual feels threatened since having qualification does not mean whole job security.

CSNSG decide to make a Bazaar in the date of Christmas due to receive a lot people of the c ity for getting resources at the same time for giving the b est organization to the family had a good time in our N GO.

The different activities made were divided in: food sales, objects sales, different raffle, entertainme nt

attraction, dances, arrival of Santa Claus and simi lar events during this bazaar.

In the day the workers and assistants of CSNSG organized the bazaar getting the children could sho w this skills dancing to the public, also for giving the best to the children feeling these ones happy with Santa Claus. On the other hand the Bingo and Raffles make the audience was focused in the activities programm ed watching to them acting with happiness, courage and emotion .

Is very important to show and recognize the helping from others parts in this case from the European country, Norway . Through Elisa Fageras and the organization “ANETTE’S FOUNDATION”, which she work. We receive resources from this organization through the social role accomplished successfully by Elisa in a way kind, responsible, encourage and positive; therefore CSNSG is grateful for the proactive performance developed in our NGO. On the other hand through Peter Svenning and his teachings about “Leadership by heart” our coworkers can be individuals well-balanced in being and doing, for getting an excellent performance avoiding negatives thinking and wrong situations.

• Bigger Acknowledgement around worldwide.

• Get lasting relations with our Social


• Be more competitive in physic structure,

activities and staff.

Our founder Pedro Gabriel de Oliveira Neto trust in us (his great team)