CSE788 Mathemacal$and$Algorithmic$ Foundaons$for...

CSE 788 Mathema-cal and Algorithmic Founda-ons for Data Visualiza-on Winter 2011 HanWei Shen

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CSE  788  Mathema-cal  and  Algorithmic  

Founda-ons  for  Data  Visualiza-on    Winter  2011  Han-­‐Wei  Shen    

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Class  Objec-ves  

•  Give  you  an  overview  of  data  visualiza-on  research  – Focus  more  on  scien-fic  data  

•  Overview  the  basic  mathema-cs  and  algorithms    

•  Introduce  you  the  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  research  in  visualiza-on    

•  Provide  you  possible  future  research  direc-ons  

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Reference  Books  

•  There  is  no  required  textbook    •  Reference  books:    –  The  visualiza-on  handbook  by  Charles  D.  Hansen  and  Christopher  R.  Johnson  (Elsevier)  

– Mathema-cal  methods  in  the  physical  sciences  by  Mary  L.  Boas  (Wiley)  

–  Research  papers  published  in  various  top  visualiza-on  conferences  and  journals  (IEEE  Vis,  IEEE  Transac-ons  on  Visualiza-on  and  Computer  Graphics,  EuroVis,  Pacific  Vis,  etc)      

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Reference  Books  

•  Principles  of  mathema-cal  analysis,  by  Walter  Rudin  

•  Free  PDF:  Introduc-on  to  real  analysis  by  William  Trench  

•  Elementary  differen-al  geometry  by  Bare]  O’neill  

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•  Homeworks  and  paper  summaries:    25%    •  Presenta-on:  15  %    •  Labs:  20%    •  Final  project:  40%    

All  done  individually    

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Another  Class  

•  CSE  888,  Wednesday  11:30  am.  to  12:30  pm.    •  Extension  of  this  class  •  We  will  read  addi-onal  papers  related  to  the  topics  discussed  in  this  class      

•  Student  presenta-ons    

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What  is  Visualiza-on?  

•  A  branch  of  computer  graphics  research  •  A  process  of  conver-ng  numerical  data  into  visual  images  

•  Focused  more  on  data  analysis  than  pre]y  pictures  

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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Data  Acquisi-on  and  Genera-on  

•  Spa-al  Data  – Medical  imaging:  CT,  MRI,  DT  imagery  

– Numerical  simula-ons:  PDEs  – Other  devices:  Radar,  LiDAR,  etc    

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Examples  of  PDEs  

•  PDE:  Par-al  Differen-al  Equa-ons    •  General  forms:  solve  the  func-on  

       in  the  form  of:    

•  Result:  Mul-variate  scalar  and  vector  func-ons  

u(x1, x2, ..., xn)

F (x1, ...xn, u,∂

∂x1u, ...



∂x1∂x2u, ...) = 0

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Examples  of  PDEs  •  Heat  equa-on:  

•  Wave  equa-on:      

•  Laplace  equa-on:    


∂t= α




∂t2= c2 ∂2U





∂y2= 0

Scien-fic  Compu-ng  and  Numerical  Methods  

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Data  Acquisi-on  and  Genera-on  

•  Non-­‐spa-al  Data  – Network  Data  (Graphs  and  trees)  – Text  Data  (documents)  – Matrix  data  (spread  sheets)    

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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Data  Prepara-on  

•  Reconstruc-on  •  Smoothing/De-­‐noising  •  Re-­‐sampling  •  Transforma-on  (cosine,  wavelet,  Fourier  transform)  •  Projec-on  to  lower  dimensions    •  Compression/down-­‐sampling  •  Par--oning/Bricking/Distribu-on  •  Mul--­‐resolu-on  hierarchy    •  Data  layout  and  stripping    •  Histogram/entropy  calcula-on    •  ...  and  more    

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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Feature  Extrac-on  •  Generic  features:  isosurfaces,  streamlines,  pathlines,  cri-cal  points  (local  extreme  points)  

•  Specific  features:  vortex  cores,  material  boundary,  flow  separa-on  lines  

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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Visual  Mapping  and  Rendering  •  The  process  of  conver-ng  data  to  visual  forms  

•  Volume  rendering    – Op-cal  models  –  Transfer  func-ons  

•  Polygon  rendering    (e.g.  for  isosurfaces)  –  Ray  tracing    –  Raster  graphics  using  GPUs  

•  Advanced  illumina-on  and  stylized  rendering      

f(s,∇s) = (r, g, b, α)

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Illumina-on  and  NPR  

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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•  The  recent  focus  in  visualiza-on  research  •  The  purpose  of  visualiza0on  is  insight,  not  pre5y  pictures  (paraphrased  from  Richard  Hamming’s  “the  purpose  of  compu0ng  is  insight,  not  numbers”  

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•  Topological  –  Surface  topology:  Reeb  graph,  contour  trees  –  Vector  field  topology:  loca-ons  and  types  of  cri-cal  points  (sink,  source,  saddles)  

•  Geometrical    –  Space  curves:  curvature,  torsion  –  Surface:  first  and  second  fundamental  forms,  various  types  of  curvatures  

•  Sta-s-cal  – Histogram,  various  types  of  distribu-on  models    –  Informa-on  theory:  entropy  measures  

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Visual  Analysis  Pipeline  

Data  acquisi-on/genera-on      

Data  prepara-on      

Feature  extrac-on  and  visual  mapping      

Rendering       Analysis  

Images  and  Anima-ons      

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Images  and  Anima-ons  

•  The  output  of  the  visual  data  analysis  pipeline  •  Analysis  of  image  and  anima-on  output  can  be  used  to  adjust  the  visualiza-on  parameters  

•  Many  metrics  available  to  evaluate  the  quality  of  visualiza-on      

•  Visual  computa-on  can  be  accelerated  by  considering  the  final  image  proper-es  (visibility,  projec-on,  etc)  –  image  space  method  

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Image  Based  Visualiza-on  Algorithm  

•  Example:  image  based  streamline  seeding  

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Topics  this  quarter  

•  Differen-al  calculus  basics  (par-al  differen-al)  –  Real  func-on  of  one  or  mul-ple  variables  

•  Level  sets  (isosurfaces)  of  scalar  func-ons  •  Topological  analysis  of  level  sets  •  Differen-al  geometry  basics    –  Curves  and  surfaces  

•  Direct  volume  rendering    – Op-cal  model,  basic  ray  tracing  algorithms,  transfer  func-ons      

•  Quick  overview  of  level  set  and  PDEs    

Scalar  data  visualiza-on  and  analysis  

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Topics  this  quarter  (cont’d)  

•  Vector  calculus  basics  •  Par-cle  tracing  and  numerical  ODE  (ordinary  differen-al  equa-on)    

•  Vector  field  topology:  cri-cal  point  classifica-on  

•  Flow  visualiza-on  techniques  •  Quick  overview  of  tensor  data  visualiza-on  

Vector  data  visualiza-on  and  analysis  

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Topics  this  quarter  (cont’d)  

•  Random  variables  and  distribu-ons  •  Mul-variate  distribu-ons  

•  Es-ma-on  

•  Informa-on  theory  and  entropy  measures  

•  Applica-ons  in  visualiza-on  

Sta-s-cs  based  data  visualiza-on  and  analysis