CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web...

CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project

Transcript of CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web...

Page 1: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

CSE3310: Web training

A JumpStart for Project

Page 2: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.


Introduction to Website


Web Development


How to build simple Pages

in PHP

Introduction to Adobe


How to build simple Pages

in ASP.net

Page 3: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

Introduction to Website development

• Web pages that are only updated based on changes in the source code. (Static)

• The contents can change due to change in databases or other components even due to user interaction. (Dynamic)

Static Vs Dynamic

• The type of page can also narrow down the languages that can be used for development.

Choosing a development Language

Page 4: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

Commonly used languages / frameworks

Html (static)


Java / JSP




Ruby on Rails



Page 5: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.


Mostly used for Static Pages.

Directly Interpreted by HTML browsers.

Simple but less powerful in terms of creating dynamic and complex pages.

The Sample Code contains two different styles of text with an image.


<p> <font size="10" face="Times" color="Blue"> This is in Times-10 , with blue font color. </font> </p> <p> <font size="5" face="Arial" color="pink"> This paragraph is in Arail-5 with pink font color. </font> </p> <img src="Koala.jpg" alt="Koala"/ width="700" height="500"> </body> </html>

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HyperText Preprocessor


Need a Special Preprocessor to convert the php code to html.

Can be directly embedded into HTML text.

Provides good flexibility to connect with different databases.

Open Source and free to use.

Sample:<html>< body>

< ?phpecho "Hello World";?>

< /body>< /html>

Page 7: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

Development in PHP

Tools required:• PHP pre-processor• SQL server

We can use • XAMPP [4]• Notepad++ - Open Source [5]• Adobe’s Dreamweaver [2]

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Our System


Page 9: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

Some SQL Queries*SELECT SELECT column_name(s)

FROM table_nameSELECT * SELECT *


CREATE DATABASE database_name

CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE table_name(column_name1 data_type,column_name2 data_type,column_name2 data_type,...)

GROUP BY SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)FROM table_nameWHERE column_name operator valueGROUP BY column_name

BETWEEN SELECT column_name(s)FROM table_nameWHERE column_nameBETWEEN value1 AND value2

ORDER BY SELECT column_name(s)FROM table_nameORDER BY column_name [ASC|DESC]

DELETE DELETE FROM table_nameWHERE some_column=some_value


DELETE FROM table_name (Note: Deletes the entire table!!)

DELETE * FROM table_name (Note: Deletes the entire table!!)


DROP DATABASE database_name


DROP TABLE table_name


INSERT INTO table_nameVALUES (value1, value2, value3,....)orINSERT INTO table_name(column1, column2, column3,...)VALUES (value1, value2, value3,....)

* Source : http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_quickref.asp

Page 10: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.

Some Basics in PHP*

<html> <body>

<?php //This is a comment /* This is a comment block */ echo "Hello World <br>"; ?>

<img src="images/Koala.jpg“ alt="Koala"/ width="700" height="500">

</body> </html>

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<html> <body> <?php //This is a single line comment /* Multiple comments lines */ $temp="Welcome to CSE<br/>"; echo "Hello World<br>"; echo $temp; if(Date("D")=="Mon") echo "<br>Lets get going!!!<br>"; else echo "Have a good day! <br>"; ?> <img src="Dock.jpg" alt="Dock"/ width="700" height="500"> <a href="http://www.google.com"> Wanna Search Google?</a> </body> </html>

Page 12: CSE3310: Web training A JumpStart for Project. Outline Introduction to Website development Web Development Languages How to build simple Pages in PHP.


<html> <body> <?php $temp="Welcome to CSE<br/>"; echo "Hello World<br>"; echo $temp; $tmp=Date("D"); if(Date("D")=="Mon") { echo "<br><p>Lets get going!!!</p><br>"; } else{ echo "<p>Have a good day</p>"; } ?> <form action="RegisterUser.php" method=post"> Name: <input type="text" name="cname"/> Weight: <input type="text" name="cweight" /> Age: <input type="text" name="cage" /> <input type="submit" value=”Submit Data”/> </form> <img src="images\Dock.jpg" alt="Dock"/ width="700" height="500"> </body> </html>

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<html> <body> <h1> Hello </h1> <?php $trycon=mysql_connect("","root",'xampp'); if(!$trycon) { die('Unable to Connect to Specified SQL server'.mysql_error()); } else echo "Connected to the MYSQL server<br>"; echo "Please find the Regirstration Details below:<br>"; echo "Name: ".$_REQUEST["cname"]."<br>"; echo "Age: ".$_REQUEST["cage"]."<br>"; echo "Weight:".$_REQUEST["cweight"]."<br>"; ?> </body> </html>

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<html> <body> <?php $trycon=mysql_connect("","root",'xampp'); if(!$trycon) { die('Unable to Connect to Specified SQL server'.mysql_error()); } else echo "Connected to the MYSQL server<br>"; mysql_select_db("test", $trycon); $insert_query="INSERT INTO temptest VALUES('$_REQUEST[cname]','$_REQUEST[cage]','$_REQUEST[cweight]')"; mysql_query($insert_query); $result=mysql_query("select * from temptest"); echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th>Name of client</th> <th>Age</th> <th>Weight</th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Age'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Weight'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> </body> </html>

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The Formatting and Creativity

Apply Cascade Style Sheets (CSS).

Style for each HTML element can be defined.

External, Internal or In-line CSS can be created and used for any HTML file.

However, name of different properties should known along with corresponding possible values.

Dreamweaver can simplify the overall process, once learned.

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Development in ASP .net

Tools required:• ASP .Net Development Server• MySQL server• Debugger

We can use • MySQL • Microsoft Visual Studio / Microsoft Web


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[1]. http://www.w3schools.com/php/[2].http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver.html[3]. http://www.w3schools.com/css/ [4]. http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/[5]. http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

* Note: Some of the examples from [1] were modified to serve as Samples for this presentation for CSE3310 students.