CS426Fall 2010/Lecture 351 Computer Security CS 426 Lecture 35 Commitment & Zero Knowledge Proofs.

CS426 Fall 2010/Lecture 35 1 Computer Security CS 426 Lecture 35 Commitment & Zero Knowledge Proofs

Transcript of CS426Fall 2010/Lecture 351 Computer Security CS 426 Lecture 35 Commitment & Zero Knowledge Proofs.

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Computer Security CS 426Lecture 35

Commitment & Zero Knowledge Proofs

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Readings for This Lecture

• Optional:– Haveli and Micali: “

Practical and Privably-Secure Commitment Schemes from Collision-Free Hashing”

• Jean-Jacques et al.: How to explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children

• This lecture’s topics won’t be in the final exam


Commitment schemes

• An electronic way to temporarily hide a value that cannot be changed– Stage 1 (Commit)

• Sender locks a message in a box and sends the locked box to another party called the Receiver

– State 2 (Reveal)• the Sender proves to the Receiver that the message in the

box is a certain message

• Usage scenarios: flipping fair coins, bidding for a contract

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Types of commitment

• Bit commitment• Integer commitment• String commitment

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Security properties of commitment schemes

• Hiding– at the end of Stage 1, no adversarial receiver learns

any information about the committed value

• Binding– at the end of Stage 1, no adversarial sender can

successfully reveal two different values in Stage 2

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A broken commitment scheme

• Using encryption– Stage 1 (Commit)

• the Sender generates a key k and sends Ek[M] to the Receiver

– State 2 (Reveal)• the Sender sends k to the Receiver, the Receiver can

decrypt the message

• What is wrong using the above as a commitment scheme? Is it hiding? Is this binding?

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Formalizing Security Properties of Commitment schemes

• Two kinds of adversaries– those with infinite computation power and those with

limited computation power

• Unconditional hiding– the commitment phase does not leak any information

about the committed message, in the information theoretical sense (similar to perfect secrecy)

• Computational hiding– an adversary with limited computation power cannot

learn anything about the committed message (similar to semantic security)

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Formalizing Security Properties of Commitment schemes

• Unconditional binding– after the commitment phase, an infinite powerful

adversary sender cannot reveal two different values

• Computational binding– after the commitment phase, an adversary with limited

computation power cannot reveal two different values

• No commitment scheme can be both unconditional hiding and unconditional binding

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Another (also broken) commitment scheme

• Using a one-way function H– Stage 1 (Commit)

• the Sender sends c=H(M) to the Receiver

– State 2 (Reveal)• the Sender sends M to the Receiver, the Receiver

verifies that c=H(M)

• What is wrong using this as a commitment scheme? Is it binding? Is it hiding?

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Commitment Schemes Using Cryptographic Hash Functions• A scheme likely secure enough in practice, but

difficult to prove security (assuming only H is one-way and strongly collision-resistant)– To commit to message M, choose random, fixed-

length r, send H(r || M) – To open commitment, send r, M– Receiver cannot fully recover M.

• Is this computational or information theoretic hiding?

– Sender cannot find another M’ to open.• Is this computational or information theoretic binding?

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Commitment must be randomized.

For Provably Secure Commitment Scheme based on Cryptogrpahic Hash

• See Haveli and Micali: – “Practical and Privably-Secure Commitment Schemes

from Collision-Free Hashing”

– Uses Universal Hashing ( a family of hash functions with some properties)

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The Pederson Commitment Scheme

• Public parameters: (p,g,h)– p: large prime (1024 bit)– g: a number in [2, p-1]– h: another element such that loggh is unknown

• Protocol– To commit to x, committer chooses random r and

sends (gxhr mod p) to the receiver.– To open, the committer sends x and r to the receiver

• Benefits:– One can prove many things about the committed

value without opening it


Pedersen Commitment Scheme (cont.)

• Unconditionally hiding– Given a commitment c, every value x is equally likely to

be the value committed in c. – For example, given x,r, and any x’, there exists r’ such

that gxhr = gx’hr’, in fact r = (x-x’)a-1 + r mod q.

• Computationally binding– Suppose the sender open another value x’ ≠ x. That is,

the sender find x’ and r’ such that c = gx’hr’ mod p. Now the sender knows x,r,x’, and r’ s.t., gxhr = gx’hr’ (mod p), the sender can compute logg(h) = (x’-x)·(r-r’)-1. Assume DL is hard, the sender cannot open the commitment with another value.

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Properties of Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs

• Zero-knowledge Proof of Knowledge– Proving knowing a secret, without revealing any

information about the secret.

• Completeness– Given honest prover and honest verifier, the protocol

succeeds with overwhelming probability

• Soundness– No one who doesn’t know the secret can convince the

verifier with nonnegligible probability

• Zero knowledge– The proof does not leak any additional information

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Intuitive Explanation of ZK

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• See the paper “How to explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children”– http://sparrow.ece.cmu.edu/group/630-f08/readings/



Schnorr Protocol (ZK Proof of Knowing Discrete Log)

• System parameter: p, q, g– We have gq = 1 mod p

• Public identity: c = ga mod p• Private authenticator: a• Protocol

1. P: picks random r in [1..q], sends d = gr mod p,

2. V: sends random challenge e in [1..2t]

3. P: sends y=r- ea (mod q)

4. V: accepts if d = gy ce mod p

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Security of Schnorr Protocol - Soundness

• Probability of forge: 1/2t – The prover who does not know a can cheat by guess e– Set d= ce gy at the first step

• We build a knowledge extractor as follows. Suppose the prover is challenged twice with on same c, first with e1, second with e2.– Send e1, receive y1 such that gy1ce1 = d– Send e2, receive y2 such that gy2ce2 = d

– gy1-y2=ce2-e1, output logg(c) = (y1-y2)·(e2-e1)-1

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Pedersen Commitment – ZK Prove know how to open

• Public commitment c = gxhr (mod p)• Private knowledge x,r• Protocol:

1. P: picks random y, s in [1..q], sends d = gyhs mod p2. V: sends random challenge e in [1..q]3. P: sends u=y+ex, v=s+er (mod q)4. V: accepts if guhv = dce (mod p)

• Security property – similar to Schnorr protocol

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Other Things One Can Prove in ZK fashion with Pederson Commitments

• The committed value is a bit.• The committed value is in a range.• Two committed values equal• Two committed values satisfy some linear

relations• And many more

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Coming Attractions …

• Network Security Defenses