CS01.104 Syllabus Fall 2012A

COURSE NUMBER: CS 01.104 COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Scientific Programming SEMESTER: 2012 Fall (9/5/12 – 12/19/12) TIME: W 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm, Robinson Hall, 3 rd Floor, Rm 312 INSTRUCTOR: Jerry Seltzer Phone: 856.435.0877 Email: [email protected] COURSE OBJECTIVES & OVERVIEW Introduction to Scientific Programming is designed to acquaint students with the logical structure of a computer, the algorithmic formulation of problems, and a modern high-level programming language. Extensive programming experience is included in the course. Proficiency equivalent to Intermediate Algebra (high school Algebra) and familiarity with Windows operating system is expected . The text asks important questions about technology and leads the student to answers. Lectures and class discussions highlight and explain important concepts. The lab text and exercises review basic document creation and handling skills and introduce many features of Windows 7 and Visual Basic 2010. Classes and labs are structured for students with diverse and varied prior computer experience to build from each student’s current skill level. Individual and group learning activities will be employed. Students will utilize an E-mail account and Visual Basic programs for the course. Each student will be required to use these tools on a regular basis. Upon completion of the course, students should have a working knowledge of scientific programming and greater self confidence in addressing their own computer technology problems. Students will demonstrate basic competencies that utilize Visual Basic programming. This course may lead to further study in the area of computer and information sciences. Page 1


rowan syllabus

Transcript of CS01.104 Syllabus Fall 2012A

Page 1: CS01.104 Syllabus Fall 2012A


COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Scientific Programming

SEMESTER: 2012 Fall (9/5/12 – 12/19/12)

TIME: W 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm, Robinson Hall, 3rd Floor, Rm 312

INSTRUCTOR: Jerry Seltzer

Phone: 856.435.0877 Email: [email protected]

COURSE OBJECTIVES & OVERVIEWIntroduction to Scientific Programming is designed to acquaint students with the logicalstructure of a computer, the algorithmic formulation of problems, and a modern high-level programming language. Extensive programming experience is included in thecourse. Proficiency equivalent to Intermediate Algebra (high school Algebra) and familiarity with Windows operating system is expected.

The text asks important questions about technology and leads the student to answers. Lectures and class discussions highlight and explain important concepts. The lab text and exercises review basic document creation and handling skills and introduce many features of Windows 7 and Visual Basic 2010. Classes and labs are structured for students with diverse and varied prior computer experience to build from each student’s current skill level. Individual and group learning activities will be employed. Students will utilize an E-mail account and Visual Basic programs for the course. Each student will be required to use these tools on a regular basis.

Upon completion of the course, students should have a working knowledge of scientific programming and greater self confidence in addressing their own computer technology problems. Students will demonstrate basic competencies that utilize Visual Basic programming. This course may lead to further study in the area of computer and information sciences.

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An Introduction to Programming Using VISUAL Basic 2010, 8th edition, by David I. Schneider (Prentice-Hall)

USB flash drive – 4 gigabytes is best

“You are responsible for reading each chapter before it is covered in class so you are prepared to discuss it and to participate in class activities.”

GRADING: A student’s final grade in the course will be determined using the following percentage:

4 Exams = 60%Programming Projects = 20%Homework/Lab Assignments = 10%Quizzes = 5%Class Participation = 5%Total = 100%

Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes. Coming to class late and/or leaving class early without prior permission from the instructor will be

counted as an absence. An attendance sheet will be passed around at the start of each class. If you enter late, you must sign

the sheet before leaving, or you will be marked as absent. Students with special needs documentation must provide this to the instructor at the start of the semester.

All materials will be collaborated as in class exercises and discussions. Attending all classes is the key to success in this class, since all exams will be based on those materials that are covered in the class.

Exams There will be 4 exams. If you are unable to attend class on the day of a scheduled test due to an excusable absence, you must

contact your instructor in advance to schedule a make-up exam. A makeup exam is only allowed in extreme condition, an illness with a valid doctor form ...etc. “I have a

problem with my car”, is not an acceptable excuse;it must be taken within one week of the date originally scheduled for the exam.

Students must take the exam in their own section unless there is an agreement from the instructor in advance.

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Computer Usages Students are not allowed to use computers for any other purposes except for lecture notes during

lectures. Student will be asked to leave the room if he or she persists to use a computer. Printing is not permitted during lectures. Note: If you intend to use a computer at home or at work to complete your assignments, you must

have Windows 7 or XP and Visual Basic 2010 installed on that computer for some of the features introduced to work properly. Without Visual Basic 2010 some of the exercises cannot be completed accurately.

Student Expectations This is an introductory course in computer. However, students are expected to spend between 3 to 6

hours per week beside classroom to read lessons and do homework. Students are encouraged to seek help early on either with the instructor. Do it now before it’s too late. All lab projects should be done in class. Any unfinished projects must be done and handed in at the

beginning of the next meeting class. Late homework (including programs) will be penalized by a 20% deduction in total points. No homework

or program will be accepted after it has become more than 1 week late or the solutions have been given out in the class.No lab project will be accepted after two weeks late.

Cell phones must be kept on silent. No calls or text messages are to be sent or received during class. In particular, it is very distracting to me, as an instructor,as well as, to your classmates. Please try and be courteous.

Students who wish to use the restrooms may do so by quietly leaving and re-entering the room. Try to keep your time away from the classroom brief.

Communication E-mail is the preferred communication method. Use my Rowan Email account found on the first page of

this syllabus and include your Course Number (CS 01.104) and Assignment Date in the subject line.

My home phone number (856) 435-0877 can also be found on the first page of this syllabus. You should receive my response within 48 hours. If you do not receive a reply within that time,

assume the message was never received and please resend it. Tests & lab assignments should also be returned to you promptly (within 2 class periods).

Academic Integrity Student must do his or her own work. Students can assist or receive assistance from each other but not

submit someone else’s work as their own (which is plagiarism – a form or academic dishonesty).

Please read University Academic Integrity Policy: http://www.rowan.edu/provost/policies/documents/academic_integrity_policy_04-12.pdf

GRADING: A student’s final grade in the course will be determined using the following percentage:

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A = 90-100%B+ = 85-89.99%B = 80-84.99%C+ = 75-79.99%C = 70-74.99%D = 60-69.99%F < 60%

This class is web-enhanced. Various resources used in this class as well as submitting papers may require the use of the Blackboard/WebCT course management system. This will allow more time for us to review the material in class, lessens the impact of paper waste on the environment, and helps to prepare you for other courses in which technological skills are needed.  Failure to utilize the online system will almost certainly result in a poor grade for this course. I have found that many students enjoy the flexibility and convenience that the online enhancements have provided, however if you have concerns about the technology involved, please speak to me immediately or consider enrolling in a non-web enhanced section of this course.

Blackboard student login instructions, tutorial videos and technical support information are located on the Rowan Blackboard website at http://bblearn2.rowan.edu/I strongly encourage you to review that information.

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The general reading and assignment guide for the course is listed below but is subject to change.

Week 1 Course Overview - Discussion of Syllabus, expectations

Discussion: An Introduction to Computers and Problem Solving An Introduction to Computers... (Text Chapter 1)

Lab Activities Establish Rowan Email and Blackboard Accounts

Assignment Read Text Chapter 2

Week 2 Discussion: Visual Basic Controls and Events

An Introduction to Visual Basic 2010, Controls & Events (Text Chapter 2)Lab Activities:

Exercises 2.2 (3 thru 23, odd numbers), Page 34 Exercises 2.3 (1 thru 37, odd numbers), Pages 47 - 51

Assignment Homework Exercises 2.2 (# 29 & # 44), Pages 35 & 36 Homework Exercises 2.3 (# 14 & # 40), Pages 49 & 51

Read Text Chapter 3

Week 3Discussion: Variables, Input and Output

Numbers, Strings, Input & Output (Text Chapter 3)Lab Activities:

Exercises 3.1 (1 thru 65, odd numbers), Pages 63 – 67 Exercises 3.2 (1 thru 35, odd numbers), Pages 79 – 82 Exercises 3.3 (1 thru 29, odd numbers), Page 94

Programming Lab Project (1), Page 100Assignment

Homework Exercises 3.1 (# 32 & # 66), Pages 64 & 67Homework Exercises 3.2 (# 40 & # 50), Pages 82 & 83Homework Exercises 3.3 (# 38 & # 60), Pages 95 & 96

Programming Lab Project (4), Page 100

Week 4


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Exam 1 (Chapters 1,2,3)

Assignment Read Text Chapter 4

Week 5Discussion: Decisions

Relational and Logical Operators, If Blocks... (Text Chapter 4)Lab Activities:

Exercises 4.1 (1 thru 57, odd numbers), Pages 109 – 111 Exercises 4.2 (1 thru 35, odd numbers), Pages 122 – 127 Exercises 4.3 (1 thru 29, odd numbers), Pages 136 – 142 Exercises 4.4 (1 thru 25, odd numbers), Pages 151 – 153

Programming Lab Project (1), Page 154Assignment

Homework Exercises 4.1 (# 14 & # 56), Pages 110 & 111Homework Exercises 4.2 (# 10 & # 24), Pages 124 & 126Homework Exercises 4.3 (# 2 & # 24), Pages 137 & 141Homework Exercises 4.4 (# 14 & # 24), Pages 95 & 96

Programming Lab Project (4), Page 155Read Text Chapter 5

Week 6 & Week 7Discussion: General Procedures

Function Procedures, Sub Procedures, Modular Design... (Text Chapter 5)Lab Activities:

Exercises TBD Assignment

Homework Exercises TBD

Week 8

Exam 2 (Chapters 4,5)

AssignmentRead Text Chapter 6

Week 9 Discussion: Repetition


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Do Loops, For--Next Loops, List Boxes... (Text Chapter 6)Lab Activities:

Exercises TBD Assignment

Homework Exercises TBDRead Text Chapter 7

Week 10 & Week 11Discussion: Arrays

Creating and Accessing Arrays, Using LINQ with Arrays... (Text Chapter 7)

Lab Activities: Exercises TBD

AssignmentHomework Exercises TBDRead Chapter 8

Week 12

Exam 3 (Chapters 6,7)

AssignmentRead Text Chapter 8

Week 13 & Week 14Discussion: Text Files

Managing Test Files, StreamReaders, XML... Systems (Text Chapter 8) Lab Activities:

Exercises TBD

AssignmentHomework Exercises TBD

Week 14

Discussion: Course & Final Exam review

Week of December 19

Final Exam (Chapters 8)