CS 148, Summer 2012 Introduction to Computer Graphics and...

CS 148, Summer 2012 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging Justin Solomon http://www.futuretech.blinkenlights.nl/misc/scene_1024x768.jpg

Transcript of CS 148, Summer 2012 Introduction to Computer Graphics and...

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TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAA

CS 148, Summer 2012 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging

Justin Solomon


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http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?picture=female-photographer&image=4360&large=1 http://bloodredpencil.blogspot.com/2010/09/need-help-get-help.html

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http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?picture=female-photographer&image=4360&large=1 http://bloodredpencil.blogspot.com/2010/09/need-help-get-help.html

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Light source


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Light interacts with objects in scene


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Image plane


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Most light doesn’t reach the camera http://software.intel.com/file/37491


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Most light doesn’t reach the camera http://software.intel.com/file/37491


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Many lighting effects are reversible

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Trace rays from light to camera

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Trace rays from light to camera

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Draw viewing ray through each pixel

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Intersect with geometry

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Compute light ray

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Evaluate shading


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Take closest one

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Redirect ray



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Redirect ray



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Rasterization for (each object in scene)


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Ray Tracing

for (each object in scene)


for (each pixel in image)


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Ray Tracing

for (each object in scene)


for (each pixel in image)


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for each pixel do

compute viewing ray

if (ray hits an object with t>0) then

Compute normal

Evaluate shading model


Set pixel color to background color

Textbook page 85

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~o = origin

~d = direction

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~o = origin

~d = directionDoes not have to be unit length!

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Point on Ray

~o+ t~dt 2 (0;1)

t ¸ 1

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Point on Ray

~o+ t~d

t < 0

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Point on Ray

~o+ t~d

t < 0

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Generating rays

No perspective transformation





~p = ~p0 + u~i+ v~ju 2 [0;w]; v 2 [0; h]

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Ray-object intersection

~o+ t~d

k~x¡~ck2 = R2

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Ray-object intersection

~o+ t~d k~x¡~ck2 = R2

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Ray-object intersection

~o+ t~d k~x¡~ck2 = R2

k~o+ t~d¡~ck2 = R2

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Ray-object intersection

~o+ t~d k~x¡~ck2 = R2

k~o+ t~d¡~ck2 = R2

(~o+ t~d¡~c) ¢ (~o+ t~d¡~c) = R2

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Ray-object intersection

~o+ t~d k~x¡~ck2 = R2

k~o+ t~d¡~ck2 = R2

(~o+ t~d¡~c) ¢ (~o+ t~d¡~c) = R2

k~dk2t2 +2((~o¡~c) ¢ ~d)t+ k~o¡~ck2 =R2

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Ray-object intersection CS 148, fall 2011

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~x~c~N =


k ¢ k

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Normals http://designjk.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/teapot-decorated.png




~v2 ¡~v1

~v3 ¡~v1

~N =(~v2 ¡ ~v1)£ (~v3 ¡ ~v1)

k(~v2 ¡ ~v1)£ (~v3 ¡ ~v1)k

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Light rays


~l1 ¡ ~x~l2 ¡ ~x

¢ ¢ ¢

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Intersect light ray with scene

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abstract class surface

virtual hit-record hit(ray, t0, t1)

virtual box bounding-box()

struct hit-record

vector3d position, normal

surface hit-surface

abstract class material

color evaluate(in-ray, normal, pos)

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color ray-trace(ray r)

hit-record record = intersect(r);

if (record.hit-surface.is-reflective)

ray reflected-ray =


color reflected-color =




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Lots of bounces Fewer bounces

CS 148, fall 2011

Save time; avoid infinite recursion

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http://www.deepakantony.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ambientocclusion_instancing.png http://members.optusnet.com.au/pennywyatt/Images/People.png

Deal with repeated objects

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Deal with repeated objects


Store object once, use often

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Deal with repeated objects

Each instance stores a

transformation matrix M

(can stretch, rotate, etc!)

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Deal with repeated objects

Object coordinates World coordinates

M 2 R3£3

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Deal with repeated objects

M 2 R3£3

~o+ t~d

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Deal with repeated objects

M 2 R3£3

~o+ t~dM¡1~o+ tM¡1~d

Do intersection here!

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Deal with repeated objects

M 2 R3£3

~o+ t~dM¡1~o+ tM¡1~dSame t!

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Deal with repeated objects

M 2 R3£3

~N ~M ~N

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Binary operations for shape http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Csg_tree.png

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Binary operations for shape http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_solid_geometry



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Binary operations for shape http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_solid_geometry



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Store “inside intervals”

in(A) = [1; 3]

in(B) = [2; 6]

in(A \B) = [2; 3]

in(A [B) = [1; 6]

in(A¡B) = [1; 2)


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Store “inside intervals”

in(A) = [1; 3]

in(B) = [2; 6]

in(A \B) = [2; 3]

in(A [B) = [1; 6]

in(A¡B) = [1; 2)


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Store “inside intervals”

in(A) = [1; 3]

in(B) = [2; 6]

in(A \B) = [2; 3]

in(A [B) = [1; 6]

in(A¡B) = [1; 2)


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Store “inside intervals”

in(A) = [1; 3]

in(B) = [2; 6]

in(A \B) = [2; 3]

in(A [B) = [1; 6]

in(A¡B) = [1; 2)


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Scatter rays to make ray tracing less crisp.

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Multiple rays per pixel

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Multiple rays per pixel

Moiré pattern


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Remove Moiré patterns http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Moire_pattern_of_bricks.jpg

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Hard shadows Soft shadows

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Lights aren’t all point sources

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Randomly sample light rays

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Shadow computed per ray

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Shadow computed per ray

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Shadow computed per ray

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Randomly sample eye positions

Square lens “Focus plane”

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https://graphics.stanford.edu/wikis/cs148-11-fall/RaytracingResults http://www.baylee-online.net/Projects/Raytracing/Algorithms/Glossy-Reflection-Transmission

Randomly sample reflected rays

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Randomly sample positions

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Brightness depends on nearby geometry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_occlusion

Diffuse Ambient

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Account for indirect lighting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_illumination

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Account for indirect lighting

Diffuse inter-reflection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_illumination

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Account for indirect lighting

Caustics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_illumination

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Ray tracing:


Accelerated ray tracing:

O(p log b)

Value Variable

p Pixels on screen

b Objects in scene

m Average pixels/object

CS 148, fall 2011

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Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH)

http://sopra.le-gousteau.de/images/2/2e/Bv_bvh_bspheres.jpg http://graphics.ucsd.edu/courses/rendering/2004/ssaha/index_files/finalbvh.jfif

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Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) trees http://algorithmicarts.com/images/2008/bsptree-cutaway1269x684.png

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Uniform subdivision grid http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/CS184/IMGS/spatialSubdiv.gif

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“Embarrassingly parallel,” but not SIMD? [NVIDIA, SIGGRAPH 2008]

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TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAA

CS 148, Summer 2012 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging

Justin Solomon
