CS 110 Computer Architecture Lecture 3: Introduction to C ... · C Syntax: main •When C program...

CS 110 Computer Architecture Lecture 3: Introduction to C, Part II Instructor: Sören Schwertfeger http://shtech.org/courses/ca/ School of Information Science and Technology SIST ShanghaiTech University 1 Slides based on UC Berkley's CS61C

Transcript of CS 110 Computer Architecture Lecture 3: Introduction to C ... · C Syntax: main •When C program...

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School of Information Science and Technology SIST

ShanghaiTech University

1Slides based on UC Berkley's CS61C

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• CSyntax• Pointers• CMemoryManagement


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AFirstCProgram:HelloWorldOriginal C:

main(){printf("\nHello World\n");


ANSI Standard C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){printf("\nHello World\n");return 0;



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• WhenCprogramstarts– Cexecutablea.out isloadedintomemorybyoperatingsystem(OS)

– OSsetsupstack,thencallsintoCruntimelibrary,– Runtime1st initializesmemoryandotherlibraries,– thencallsyourprocedurenamedmain()

• We’llseehowtoretrievecommand-lineargumentsinmain()later…


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#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>

int main(void){

int angle_degree;double angle_radian, pi, value;/* Print a header */printf("\nCompute a table of the sine function\n\n");

/* obtain pi once for all *//* or just use pi = M_PI, where *//* M_PI is defined in math.h */pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);printf("Value of PI = %f \n\n", pi);

printf("angle Sine \n");

angle_degree = 0;/* initial angle value *//* scan over angle */while (angle_degree <= 360)/* loop until angle_degree > 360 */

{angle_radian = pi*angle_degree/180.0;value = sin(angle_radian);printf (" %3d %f \n ",

angle_degree, value);angle_degree = angle_degree + 10; /* increment the loop index */

}return 0;}


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Compute a table of the sine function

Value of PI = 3.141593

angle Sine 0 0.000000

10 0.173648 20 0.342020 30 0.500000 40 0.642788 50 0.766044 60 0.866025 70 0.939693 80 0.984808 90 1.000000

100 0.984808 110 0.939693 120 0.866025 130 0.766044 140 0.642788 150 0.500000 160 0.342020 170 0.173648 180 0.000000

190 -0.173648 200 -0.342020 210 -0.500000 220 -0.642788 230 -0.766044 240 -0.866025 250 -0.939693 260 -0.984808 270 -1.000000 280 -0.984808 290 -0.939693 300 -0.866025 310 -0.766044 320 -0.642788 330 -0.500000 340 -0.342020 350 -0.173648 360 -0.000000


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• Allvariabledeclarationsmustappearbeforetheyareused(e.g.,atthebeginningoftheblock)

• Avariablemaybeinitializedinitsdeclaration;ifnot,itholdsgarbage!

• Examplesofdeclarations:– Correct: {

int a = 0, b = 10;...

−Incorrect: for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)}


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CSyntax:ControlFlow(1/2)• Withinafunction,remarkablyclosetoJavaconstructsintermsofcontrolflow– if-else

• if (expression) statement• if (expression) statement1else statement2

– while• while (expression)

statement• do

statementwhile (expression);


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– for• for (initialize; check; update) statement

– switch• switch (expression){

case const1: statementscase const2: statementsdefault: statements

}• break


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• WhatevaluatestoFALSEinC?– 0(integer)– NULL(aspecialkindofpointer:moreonthislater)– NoexplicitBooleantype

• WhatevaluatestoTRUEinC?– Anythingthatisn’tfalseistrue– SameideaasinPython:only0soremptysequencesarefalse,anythingelseistrue!


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• arithmetic:+,-,*,/,%• assignment:=• augmentedassignment:+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,&=,|=,^=,<<=,>>=

• bitwiselogic:~,&,|,^• bitwiseshifts:<<,>>• boolean logic:!,&&,||• equalitytesting:==,!=

• subexpressiongrouping:()

• orderrelations:<,<=,>,>=

• incrementanddecrement:++and--

• memberselection:.,->• conditionalevaluation:?:


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Addressvs.Value• Considermemorytobeasinglehugearray– Eachcellofthearrayhasanaddressassociatedwithit

– Eachcellalsostoressomevalue– Foraddressesdoweusesignedorunsignednumbers?Negativeaddress?!

• Don’tconfusetheaddressreferringtoamemorylocationwiththevaluestoredthere


23 42 ...... 101 102103104105...

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Pointers• Anaddressreferstoaparticularmemorylocation;e.g.,itpointstoamemorylocation

• Pointer:Avariablethatcontainstheaddressofavariable


23 42 ...... 101102103104105...

x y




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• int *x;– Tellscompilerthatvariablex isaddressofanint

• x = &y;– Tellscompilertoassignaddressofy tox– & calledthe“addressoperator”inthiscontext

• z = *x;– Tellscompilertoassignvalueataddressinx toz– * calledthe“dereferenceoperator”inthiscontext


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• Howtocreateapointer:& operator:getaddressofavariableint *p, x;

p ? x ?

x = 3; p ? x 3

p = &x; p x 3

•Howgetavaluepointedto?“*” (dereferenceoperator):get thevaluethatthepointerpointsto

printf(“p points to value %d\n”,*p);

Notethe“*”getsused2differentwaysinthisexample.Inthedeclarationtoindicatethatp isgoingtobeapointer,andintheprintf togetthevaluepointedtobyp.

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• Howtochangeavariablepointedto?– Usethedereferenceoperator* onleftofassignmentoperator=


p x 5*p = 5;

p x 3

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PointersandParameterPassing• Cpassesparameters“byvalue”– Procedure/function/methodgetsacopyoftheparameter,sochangingthecopycannotchangetheoriginal

void add_one (int x) {x = x + 1;

}int y = 3;add_one(y);

y remainsequalto3


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PointersandParameterPassing• Howcanwegetafunctiontochangethevalueheldinavariable?

void add_one (int *p) {*p = *p + 1;}

int y = 3;


y isnowequalto4



Callbyreference:voidadd_one (int &p){p=p+1;//orp+=1;


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• Pointersareusedtopointtoanykindofdata(int,char,astruct,etc.)

• Normallyapointeronlypointstoonetype(int,char,astruct,etc.).– void * isatypethatcanpointtoanything(genericpointer)

– Usevoid * sparinglytohelpavoidprogrambugs,andsecurityissues,andotherbadthings!


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MoreCPointerDangers• Declaringapointerjustallocatesspacetoholdthepointer– itdoesnotallocatethethingbeingpointedto!

• LocalvariablesinCarenotinitialized,theymaycontainanything(aka“garbage”)

• Whatdoesthefollowingcodedo?


void f(){

int *ptr;*ptr = 5;


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PointersandStructurestypedef struct {

int x;int y;

} Point;

Point p1;Point p2;Point *paddr;

/* dot notation */int h = p1.x;p2.y = p1.y;

/* arrow notation */int h = paddr->x;int h = (*paddr).x;

/* This works too */p1 = p2;



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PointersinC• Whyusepointers?– Ifwewanttopassalargestruct orarray,it’seasier/faster/etc.topassapointerthanthewholething

– Ingeneral,pointersallowcleaner,morecompactcode

• Sowhatarethedrawbacks?– PointersareprobablythesinglelargestsourceofbugsinC,sobecarefulanytimeyoudealwiththem• Mostproblematicwithdynamicmemorymanagement—comingupnextweek

• Danglingreferencesandmemoryleaks


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WhyPointersinC?• AttimeCwasinvented(early1970s),compilersoftendidn’tproduceefficientcode– Computers25,000timesfastertoday,compilersbetter

• Cdesignedtoletprogrammersaywhattheywantcodetodowithoutcompilergettinginway– Evengivecompilershintswhichregisterstouse!

• Today’scompilersproducemuchbettercode,somaynotneedtousepointersinapplicationcode

• Low-levelsystemcodestillneedslow-levelaccessviapointers


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Quiz:Pointersvoid foo(int *x, int *y){ int t;

if ( *x > *y ) { t = *y; *y = *x; *x = t; }}int a=3, b=2, c=1;foo(&a, &b);foo(&b, &c);foo(&a, &b);printf("a=%d b=%d c=%d\n", a, b, c);


A:a=3 b=2 c=1B:a=1 b=2 c=3C:a=1 b=3 c=2D:a=3 b=3 c=3E:a=1 b=1 c=1


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Administrivia• OHstarted– usewhenyouneedhelp!• QuestionsregardingHW1?


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Apple64bitSystemonachip(SoC):quadcore(2highperformance,2lowpower;only2atatime)125 mm2,3.3billiontransistors(includingtheGPUandcaches)2.34GHzARMv8 TSMC16 nm 6-coreGPU4Samsung LPDDR4 RAMchips

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• Declaration:int ar[2];


int ar[] = {795, 635};



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CStrings• StringinCisjustanarrayofcharacters

char string[] = "abc";

• Howdoyoutellhowlongastringis?– Lastcharacterisfollowedbya0byte(aka“nullterminator”)


int strlen(char s[]){

int n = 0;while (s[n] != 0) n++;return n;


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ArrayName/PointerDuality• KeyConcept:Arrayvariableisa“pointer”tothefirst(0th)element

• So,arrayvariablesalmostidenticaltopointers– char *string andchar string[] arenearlyidenticaldeclarations

– Differinsubtleways:incrementing,declarationoffilledarrays

• Consequences:– ar isanarrayvariable,butworkslikeapointer– ar[0] isthesameas*ar– ar[2] isthesameas*(ar+2)– Canusepointerarithmetictoconvenientlyaccessarrays


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• Whatifwantfunctiontochangeapointer?• Whatgetsprinted?

void inc_ptr(int *p){ p = p + 1; }

int A[3] = {50, 60, 70};int *q = A;inc_ptr( q);printf(“*q = %d\n”, *q);

*q = 50

50 60 70

A q

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• Solution!Passapointertoapointer,declaredas**h

• Nowwhatgetsprinted?void inc_ptr(int **h){ *h = *h + 1; }

int A[3] = {50, 60, 70};int *q = A;inc_ptr(&q);printf(“*q = %d\n”, *q);

*q = 60

50 60 70

A q q

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CArraysareVeryPrimitive• AnarrayinCdoesnotknowitsownlength,anditsboundsarenotchecked!– Consequence:Wecanaccidentallyaccessofftheendofanarray

– Consequence:Wemustpassthearrayanditssizetoanyprocedurethatisgoingtomanipulateit

• Segmentationfaultsandbuserrors:– TheseareVERYdifficulttofind;becareful!


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UseDefinedConstants• Arraysizen;wanttoaccessfrom0 ton-1,soyoushoulduse

counterANDutilizeavariablefordeclaration&incrementation– Badpatternint i, ar[10];for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ ... }

– Betterpatternconst int ARRAY_SIZE = 10;int i, a[ARRAY_SIZE];for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){ ... }

• SINGLESOURCEOFTRUTH– You’reutilizingindirectionandavoidingmaintainingtwocopiesofthe

number10– DRY:“Don’tRepeatYourself”


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PointingtoDifferentSizeObjects• Modernmachinesare“byte-addressable”

– Hardware’smemorycomposedof8-bitstoragecells,eachhasauniqueaddress

• ACpointerisjustabstractedmemoryaddress• Typedeclarationtellscompilerhowmanybytestofetchoneachaccessthroughpointer– E.g.,32-bitintegerstoredin4consecutive8-bitbytes



int *x


short *y


char *z



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• sizeof(type)returnsnumberofbytesinobject– Butnumberofbitsinabyteisnotstandardized• Inoldentimes,whendragonsroamedtheearth,bytescouldbe5,6,7,9bitslong

• Bydefinition,sizeof(char)==1• Cantakesizeof(arr),orsizeof(structtype)• We’llseemoreofsizeof whenwelookatdynamicmemorymanagement


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PointerArithmeticpointer +number pointer – numbere.g.,pointer + 1 adds1something toapointer

char *p;char a;char b;

p = &a;p += 1;

int *p;int a;int b;

p = &a;p += 1;

Ineach,p nowpointstob(Assumingcompilerdoesn’treordervariablesinmemory.


Adds1*sizeof(char) tothememoryaddress



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• Array» pointertotheinitial(0th)arrayelement

a[i] º *(a+i)

• Anarrayispassedtoafunctionasapointer– Thearraysizeislost!

• Usuallybadstyletointerchangearraysandpointers– Avoidpointerarithmetic!

Really int *array

intfoo(int array[],

unsigned int size){

… array[size - 1] …}


int a[10], b[5];… foo(a, 10)… foo(b, 5) …


Must explicitlypass the size

Passing arrays:

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ArraysandPointersintfoo(int array[],

unsigned int size){

…printf(“%d\n”, sizeof(array));



int a[10], b[5];… foo(a, 10)… foo(b, 5) …printf(“%d\n”, sizeof(a));






...becausearray isreallyapointer(andapointerisarchitecturedependent,butlikelytobe8onmodernmachines!)