Crucial Conversations Review Schedule

© 2014 VitalSmarts. All Rights Reserved. Review Schedule and Activities Use this schedule to help you turn the skills into habit in your personal and professional life. Use ideas from the additional review activities on the next page at the personal, team, and organizational levels to help you create significant and sustainable progress with Crucial Conversations.* Toolkit Book Audio Companion Cue Cards 1 Review Get Unstuck Chapter 1&2 Get Unstuck 2 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 1: What Dialogue Is and Why It’s Important 3 Review Start with Heart Chapter 3 Start with Heart 4 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 1: How to Stay Focused on What You Really Want 5 Review Master My Stories Chapter 6 Master My Stories 6 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 4: How to Stay in Dialogue When You’re Angry, Scared, or Hurt 7 Review STATE My Path Chapter 7 STATE My Path 8 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 5: How to Speak Persuasively, Not Abrasively 9 Review Learn to Look Chapter 4 Learn to Look 10 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 2: How to Notice When Safety Is at Risk 11 Review Make It Safe Chapter 5 Make It Safe 12 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 3: How to Make It Safe to Talk about Almost Anything 13 Review Explore Others’ Paths Chapter 8 Explore Others’ Paths 14 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 5: How to Listen When Others Blow Up or Clam Up 15 Review Move to Action Chapter 9 Move to Action 16 Chapters 10, 11, Afterword Disc 6: How to Turn Crucial Conversations Into Actions and Results *Note for Crucial Conversations 1-day graduates, you will need to reference your Crucial Accountability materials to complete some of the review items.


Crucial Conversations

Transcript of Crucial Conversations Review Schedule

  • 2014 VitalSmarts. All Rights Reserved.

    Review Schedule and Activities Use this schedule to help you turn the skills into habit in your personal and professional life. Use ideas from the additional review activities on the next page at the personal, team, and organizational levels to help you create significant and sustainable progress with Crucial Conversations.*

    Toolkit Book Audio Companion Cue Cards

    1 Review Get Unstuck Chapter 1&2 Get Unstuck

    2 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 1: What Dialogue Is and

    Why Its Important

    3 Review Start with Heart Chapter 3 Start with Heart

    4 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 1: How to Stay Focused on

    What You Really Want

    5 Review Master My Stories Chapter 6 Master My Stories

    6 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 4: How to Stay in Dialogue When

    Youre Angry, Scared, or Hurt

    7 Review STATE My Path Chapter 7 STATE My Path

    8 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 5: How to Speak Persuasively,

    Not Abrasively

    9 Review Learn to Look Chapter 4 Learn to Look

    10 Do the exercises with a partner Disc 2: How to Notice When Safety Is at Risk

    11 Review Make It Safe Chapter 5 Make It Safe

    12 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 3: How to Make It Safe to Talk

    about Almost Anything

    13 Review Explore Others Paths Chapter 8 Explore Others Paths

    14 Do the exercises with a partnerDisc 5: How to Listen When Others

    Blow Up or Clam Up

    15 Review Move to Action Chapter 9 Move to Action

    16 Chapters 10, 11, AfterwordDisc 6: How to Turn Crucial Conversations Into

    Actions and Results

    *Note for Crucial Conversations 1-day graduates, you will need to reference your Crucial Accountability materials to complete some of the review items.

  • 2014 VitalSmarts. All Rights Reserved.

    Review Activities Ideas:

    On Your Own: Go to and sign up for the weekly Crucial Skills

    newsletter to have insights and stories delivered directly to your

    e-mail inbox.

    Use the corresponding contract cards (small, square cards) to focus

    on one principle at a time and practice that specific principle. The

    reverse side of each cue card contains a quote from one of the

    authors around that specific principle and/or skill. Place the card in a

    prominent location as a reminder.

    Teach a friend or a family member one of the skills or principles

    you have learned in Crucial Conversations. Dont underestimate the

    importance of teaching to improve your own use of the skills.

    Review the model card (large card) found in the back pocket of

    the Participant Toolkit to prepare for crucial conversations. The

    Principles and Skills column listed on the reverse side, along with the

    corresponding Situation column, are helpful in preparing important

    communications from coaching sessions to team meetings. Not

    all conversations are crucial; however, many of the skills facilitate

    effective communication in general and can be practiced daily.

    With a Partner: Continue to meet with a learning partner to prepare for your crucial

    conversation. Check in with each other on a weekly basis if possible.

    Choose a new lesson each week to work on with your learning

    partner. Use your contract cards and focus on how the current lesson

    is being applied to your conversations. What are your frustrations and

    concerns? What experiences have you had recently with using those

    particular skills? The key is to Make It Safe to talk about issues and

    hold each other accountable for practicing the skills.

    Meet with a small group in a book club environment once a week

    for about an hour. Assign a specific chapter or principle to discuss

    and then share your experiences. Ask participants to bring real-time

    situations that they can receive help and coaching on. These can

    be related to work, inter- or intra-team relationships, or personal

    relationships. Visit the After Training website at www.vitalsmarts.

    com/aftertraining and access the VitalSmarts Video Vault. Together

    you can watch more examples of crucial conversations in action and

    see case studies of others using the skills.

    In Your Organization: Make using the skills a frequent topic of general conversation at all

    levels. Simple, supportive questions such as Howre you coming

    on your crucial conversation? can keep the practice of the Crucial

    Conversations skills conscious and pervasive. Remind people to use

    the skills by referencing any principle or vocabulary, such as calling

    the company mission statement a Mutual Purpose or asking during

    a meeting, Are we framing this as a Fools Choice here?

    Set aside a few minutes during staff meetings where you can review

    concepts or chapters and specifically focus on Crucial Conversations.

    You could simply have employees share personal experiences with

    applying the skills or you could assign a different principle to someone

    to discuss each meeting. Leaders in the company can show they take

    the skills seriously by checking in on progress in meetings.

    If possible, have your company give out tokens at the beginning

    of the month to each employee. Anytime someone holds a crucial

    conversation they are given another token. Suggest an incentive for

    the person who has the most tokens at the end of each month such

    as a gift certificate.

    Share successes. This can be done by posting stories on a real

    electronic bulletin board or by asking for successes at staff meetings.

    If your group is quiet, you may want to have everyone share in a small

    group and ask the group to select the best example to share with

    the whole team. When people see that others are having success, it

    motivates them to hold their own crucial conversation.

    *Participant Toolkit Restrictions

    The recommendations and activities outlined in this document are

    intended solely for individuals who have attended Crucial Conversations

    Training and possess an original purchased copy of the Crucial

    Conversations Participant Toolkit. These materials are protected by

    federal copyright law, and may not be re-used. VitalSmarts expressly

    prohibits groups or individuals from integrating the concepts presented

    in the Participant Toolkit into any third-party presentations, consultations,

    products, or services.