

Transcript of Cr.p.c

cognisable offence means a police officer has the authority to make an arrest without a warrant and to start an investigation with or without the permission of a court.

Sentences which Magistrates may pass

Any criminal case should be informed to police/magistrate


Homicidal attack


Other criminal cases

Seen by doctor Inform to Police

Examination of accused when he/she is brought by policeon request of Police

Police brings accussed

Police asks doctor for examination of accused

Examination of accused on request of accused

Police brings accussed

Accused asks doctor for his/her examination

Attending Police station on notice by Police

If female is to be examined, female doctor or female attendant is must

Conduct money is money paid in some legal systems to a person under the compulsion of a summons to witness (subpoena) to pay for their expensesto attend in court.

Conduct money given in Criminal Cases to Expert Witness only

Rape Trials in court are Camera Trials

If Pregnant lady commits murder and if death sentence is postponed orconverted to Life long imprisonment