Crosswinds High School · 2012-12-11 · Expenditures and Services: The 2011-2012 schoolyear...

Crosswinds High School Principal Craig Spears Campus Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Mission Statement Campus Overview Crosswinds High School is located at 1100 N. Carrier Parkway in the far northern section of Grand Prairie Independent School District between Jefferson Blvd. and Interstate 30 west of Beltline Road North. Crosswinds offers an alternative high school setting and is not eligible for a Texas Education Agency rating. We will ensure student success through engaging learning experiences, collaborative leadership and a focus on maximizing student achievement.

Transcript of Crosswinds High School · 2012-12-11 · Expenditures and Services: The 2011-2012 schoolyear...

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Crosswinds High School Principal Craig Spears

Campus Improvement Plan


Mission Statement

Campus Overview

Crosswinds High School is located at 1100 N. Carrier Parkway in the far northern section of Grand Prairie Independent

School District between Jefferson Blvd. and Interstate 30 west of Beltline Road North. Crosswinds offers an alternative high

school setting and is not eligible for a Texas Education Agency rating.

We will ensure student success through engaging learning experiences,

collaborative leadership and a focus on maximizing student achievement.

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Grand Prairie Independent School District Improvement Plan Executive Summary 2

Campus Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)

CNA Data Documentation 4

Crosswinds School Profile 4-6

Campus Improvement Plan Goal/Performance Objective/Strategy Charts 7-21

State Compensatory Education Program Overview 22

Campus Improvement Committee Roster 23

Formative Evaluation Process and Documentation 24


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Grand Prairie Independent School District Improvement Plan Executive Summary

DIP Goal 1: Parents and community members will be full partners with educators in the education of GPISD students. [TEC

§4.001(b)(1)] (T1,A SW #6) (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship Capacity, Intentional Leadership) (SIP Requirement: 8)

Performance Objective 1.1: GPISD will develop and maintain a standardized documentation process for campus and district parent

and community involvement and volunteer efforts to record the type of activity, attendance patterns and customer feedback to

establish longitudinal data on the effectiveness of the programs.

Performance Objective 1.2: GPISD will plan and encourage parent involvement efforts that support identified student and family

needs such as health education, home learning, adult language development, college and career readiness, and parental

participation in instructional improvements such as Programs and Schools of Choice.

DIP Goal 2: Students will demonstrate exemplary performance in comparison to national and international standards in the areas

of reading and writing of the English language and in the understanding of mathematics, science and social studies. [TEC

§4.001(b)(7)] (T1,A SW #1, #2, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model) (SIP Requirements: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) Performance Objective 2.1: GPISD will increase instructional time by raising student attendance to the exemplary level of 98%.

Performance Objective 2.2: GPISD will review and revise the process for providing Response to Intervention/Student Success Team

services for all students to provide longitudinal student data and more effectively focus instruction, interventions and related


Performance Objective 2.3: GPISD will standardize the process for developing prescriptive academic services for identified at risk

students, Gifted and Talented, Special Education and Migrant students.

Performance Objective 2.4: GPISD will implement prescriptive academic services to address the particular needs of Limited

English Proficiency (LEP) students, the highest category of at risk students for the district.

Performance Objective 2.5: GPISD will implement School Improvement Program requirements to meet Adequate Yearly Progress.

Performance Objective 2.6: GPISD will improve student performance by expanding and maintaining Programs and Schools

DIP Goal 3: Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational potential, with a well-balanced and

appropriate curriculum provided to all students. [TEC §4.001(b)(2)(4)] (T1, A SW #1, #2, #7, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays:

Vertically and Horizontally Aligned Curriculum) (SIP Requirements: 1, 2, 5)

Performance Objective 3.1: GPISD will implement a standardized documentation process to monitor the utilization of the CSCOPE

online curriculum to measure core content curriculum implementation.

Performance Objective 3.2: GPISD will coordinate efforts between the departments of Teaching and Learning, Staff Development

and Instructional Technology to improve instructional delivery, student progress assessments and differentiated instruction,

particularly to address the needs of at risk students and student groups not meeting AYP.

Performance Objective 3.3: GPISD will document state required curriculum regarding citizenship for a free enterprise society, a

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coordinated school health program, anti-bullying and the prevention of domestic and dating violence.

DIP Goal 4: Through enhanced dropout prevention efforts, all students will remain in school until they obtain a high school

diploma. [TEC §4.001(b)(3)] (T1, A SW #2, #6, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship Capacity, Data Driven Management) (SIP

Requirements: 1, 2, 5) Performance Objective 4.1: GPISD will support process improvements for at risk student identification and reporting to support

improved instruction.

Performance Objective 4.2: GPISD will reduce dropout rates and increase graduation rates for all students to the exemplary rate

set by the Texas Education Agency by addressing at risk designations at the appropriate grade level(s) and implementing School

Improvement Program requirements.

DIP Goal 5: Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed and retained, with educators keeping abreast of

the development of creative and innovative techniques in instruction and administration, using those techniques as appropriate to

improve student learning. [TEC §4.001(b)(6)(9)] (T1,A SW #3, #4, #5) (GPISD 5 Plays: Intentional Leadership, Data Driven

Management, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model) (SIP Requirements: 3, 7) Performance Objective 5.1: GPISD will annually document the Highly Qualified (HQ) Continuous Improvement Plan equity

analysis for 100% compliance with proper certifications and equitable assignments for experienced teachers.

Performance Objective 5.2: GPISD will document a staff development plan that addresses compliance with certifications, advanced

degrees, individualized and differentiated instruction, instructional technology applications and the relationship capacity necessary

for effective teaching and learning as noted in School Improvement Program requirements.

Performance Objective 5.3: GPISD will inform principals and monitor usage of the Eduphoria reports showing progress toward

completion rates at each campus to ensure compliance with School Improvement Program requirements.

DIP Goal 6: Technology will be implemented and used to increase the effectiveness of student learning, instructional management,

staff development and administration. [TEC §4.001(b)(10)] (T1,A SW #2, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Engaged Instruction via the 5E

Model, Instructional Leadership, Data Driven Management) (SIP Requirements: 2, 3)

Performance Objective 6.1: GPISD will increase STaR Chart ratings in all areas to the Advanced or Target levels.

Performance Objective: 6.2: GPISD will offer leadership, support, training and collaboration to expand and improve use of

technologies and other media as measured by resource management, inventory and usage data, campus evidence of judicious use for

teaching and learning, session records and evaluations, work order data, and feedback from staff and students.

DIP Goal 7: GPISD will continue to develop and maintain a safe and disciplined environment conducive to teaching and learning,

promoting physical and mental health in all students, their families and employees. [TEC §4.001(b)(8)] [TEC §11.252 (3)(B)(E) and

11.253 (8)] [HB 1041 (reducing sexual abuse of children] [TEC §11.253 Coordinated health services] (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship

Capacity, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model, Intentional Leadership) (SIP Requirements: 2, 6)

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Performance Objective 7.1: GPISD will review and revise as necessary to maintain the effective process for campus discipline

referrals and for removal of students to a disciplinary alternative education setting to improve student interventions.

Performance Objective 7.2: GPISD will implement curriculum and student activities to address behavioral issues through

curriculum regarding citizenship for a free enterprise society, a coordinated school health program, anti-bullying and the prevention

of domestic and dating violence. (See Performance Objective 3.3)

Campus CNA Data Documentation

Campus Academic Excellence Indicator System AEIS Report TAKS Return

Public Education Information Management System Reports Demographic Data

Attendance Data At-Risk Data

Eduphoria Training Records STaR Chart Data

CSCOPE and RTI Data Staff Development Evaluations

Staff Annual Evaluation Data Parent Involvement Records

Crosswinds High School Profile, 2012

Principal: Craig Spears

Crosswinds High School is rated as an Academically Acceptable campus by the Texas Education Agency. We are committed to improved

student achievement to increase our level of performance. This School Profile is the written summation of our Comprehensive Needs

Assessment and will serve as the basis for our development of improvements to the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for the 2012-2013


The Campus Improvement Committee (CIC) is responsible for reviewing and analyzing campus data, evaluating current strategies and

updating the CIP as necessary. Any parent may participate in this process, or provide feedback to the CIC, by contacting Principal Spears at

any time during the year.

Summary of Information Reviewed

TEA Accountability Rating is Academically Acceptable.

Gold Performance Acknowledgements include Texas Success Initiative for Mathematics.

TAKS ELA scores for 10th

grade dropped from 99% to 71%.

TAKS Math scores for 10th

grade dropped from 40% to 9%.

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TAKS for 11th

grade rose to 99% in all subject areas: ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies.

TAKS participation rate is 85.2%, below State and District averages.

Ethnic distribution is 66.4% Hispanic, 16% African American, 15.4% White, .6% American Indian and .8% Asian and .8% reporting

two or more races.

At-risk data shows 142 Instrument Test (TAKS) failure designations.

At-risk data shows 126 students previously retained, 21 homeless, 40 previously referred to Alternative Education programs and 38

pregnant or parenting.

Analysis and Action Statements

Analysis of the current goal statements in the CIP showed no need for revision of these statements for formative review. No new legislation

at the state or federal level has been issued requiring adjustments. Data analysis supports necessary updates to the CIP within the current

goal statement structure. CIP goal categories will remain for parent involvement, student achievement, curriculum implementation, dropout

prevention, teacher preparation, technology utilization and safe and disciplined schools.

Parent Involvement

Current parent involvement efforts were reviewed. Improvement efforts will focus on increased parent participation. Documentation of

attendance and quality must be improved to allow for better evaluation of effort.

Student Achievement

Tutoring and related accelerated instruction will continue to address the at-risk data. Expansion of accelerated learning programs for

students will focus on the grade levels and subjects noted in the data reviewed section.

Curriculum Implementation

Crosswinds will continue a second year of focused adherence to CSCOPE for a more meaningful analysis of data. The CIC will review

current and potential supplemental materials for quality and usage.

Dropout Prevention

Crosswinds is committed to supporting the district focus for improved coordination of programs and services for students at-risk of dropping

out of school. Crosswinds receives State Compensatory Education (SCE) funds.

The CIP formative review process is being done in conjunction with preliminary budget planning for the 2012-2013 school year.

Improvements have been made in the correlation of all campus funds to the goals and objectives of the CIP, including documentation of

purchase orders. Improvements are targeted to correlate and maximize special revenue funds to expected CIP goals. Improved processes

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and documentation for State Compensatory Education (SCE) funds are noted in the DIP formative review. Campuses will include

improvements in this area of comprehensive planning. Improvements will include:

Program planning and budgeting for services to at-risk students

Documented connections of expenditures to planned services

Planning and Budgeting: Budgeting processes for Title I and SCE are similar and are being conducted in tandem. The budgeting process

for 2012-2013 will include process documentation for description, structure and intent of fund utilization for both Title I and SCE funds.

Expenditures and Services: The 2011-2012 schoolyear included an improvement strategy in the DIP requiring all purchase orders,

regardless of funding, reference a particular strategy or strategies from the CIP. This requirement will be noted in revised documents and in

the 2012-2013 DIP and CIPs.

Teacher Preparation

Current training records show full attendance and positive feedback from participants at both district training sessions and campus based

sessions. Course offerings have addressed all sections of the DIP and CIP. Sessions include:

Professional Learning Communities

Performance Based Learning

English as a Second Language

The CIC must review, plan and document a formal vote of approval for the campus training plan.

Technology Utilization

Current campus efforts are documented as successful and in compliance with the GPISD Technology Plan. Efforts will continue as

currently designed.

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Goal 1: Parents and community members will be full partners with educators in the education of GPISD students.

[TEC §4.001(b)(1)] (T1,A SW #6) (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship Capacity, Intentional Leadership)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): process documentation

Funding Information: 199, Title I A

Performance Objective 1.1: Implement a standardized documentation process for campus and district parent and community involvement

and volunteer efforts to record the type of activity, attendance patterns and customer feedback to establish longitudinal data on the

effectiveness of the programs.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

1.1.1: Review and improve the current

documentation system for parent and

community involvement and volunteer

efforts to include type of activity,

attendance and participant feedback.

October Documentation forms

Feedback forms

Campus Principal

Parent Liaison

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Performance Objective 1.2: Increase participation in current parent and community involvement efforts by 10% annually, including

previously underrepresented groups.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

1.2.1: Inform parents of GPISD

Special Education PTA monthly

meetings and assign two campus

representatives to attend each meeting.

September Schedule of meeting dates and representative


sheets, handouts

Campus Principal

Representatives as


1.2.2: Support the activities provided

by the Parent Involvement Center (PIC)

through improved communication of

opportunities. (District Health Fair)

Monthly Parent letters


PIC Workshop Activities Schedule

Parent Liaison

PIC Staff

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Goal 2: Students will demonstrate exemplary performance in comparison to national and international standards in the areas of

reading and writing of the English language and in the understanding of mathematics, science and social studies.

[TEC §4.001(b)(7)] (T1,A SW #1, #2, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): program materials and session documentation, RTI folders

Funding Information: 199, 199 SCE

Performance Objective 2.1: Increase instructional time by raising student attendance to the exemplary level of 98%.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

2.1.1: Support and implement the

General Superintendent’s Initiative

Every Child, Every Seat, Every Day

Monthly Program materials

Parent communication

Campus based sessions

Campus Principal

Classroom Teachers

Attendance Clerks

2.1.2: Administration will use

Response to Intervention (RTI)

process to document and address

student attendance issues

Weekly RTI Attendance Folders Campus Principal

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Performance Objective 2.2: Review and revise the process for identifying at risk students to provide longitudinal student data to more

effectively focus instruction, interventions and related services.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

2.2.1: Attend central training and

information sessions on at risk

identification and the PEIMS process.

October Program agenda and sign-in Campus Principal


2.2.2: Provide campus based sessions

on PEIMS process improvements and

at risk designations as well as extended

session on effective interventions for at

risk students



Agenda and sign-in

Campus based training calendar

Campus Principal


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Performance Objective 2.3: Standardize the process for developing prescriptive academic services for LEP, Gifted and Talented and

Special Education students.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

2.3.1: Ensure timely purchases and

implementation of identified

prescriptive academic services for

LEP, Gifted and Talented and Special

Education students (particularly to

ensure immediate response time for

ARD/IEP recommendations for

required purchases of adaptive

equipment and/or materials).

Process review,




as necessary

ARD/IEP records

LEP/GT records

Purchasing documentation


department staff

Campus Principal

ARD Chair

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Performance Objective 2.4: Increase the percentage of students meeting state requirements on state tests to 95% for all student groups in

order to achieve a campus rating of Exemplary.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

2.4.1: Require review of programs and

materials, including instructional

technology applications, for

effectiveness, rigor and teacher

readiness for implementation prior to

purchase. Ensure purchase orders are

noted properly with CIP connections.

Each 9

weeks period

Instructional Technologist review notes

Purchase orders

Campus Principal

Office Manager

2.4.2: Provide both school day and

extended time tutoring to increase

instructional time and to maximize

prescribed interventions. Ensure that

programs and materials for tutoring

meet the requirements in strategy 2.4.1.

Each 9

weeks period

Tutoring schedules

Content Strategists schedules

Benchmark assessments


Classroom Teachers

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Goal 3: Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational potential, with a well-balanced and appropriate

curriculum provided to all students. [TEC §4.001(b)(2)(4)] (T1, A SW #1, #2, #7, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Vertically and

Horizontally Aligned Curriculum)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): CSCOPE monitoring records, lesson plans

Funding Information: 199, 199 SCE

Performance Objective 3.1: Implement a standardized documentation process to monitor the utilization of CSCOPE online curriculum to

establish baseline data to measure core content curriculum implementation.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

3.1.1: Improve CSCOPE core

curriculum adherence and effectiveness

of implementation.

Each 9

weeks period

Lesson Plans

Learning Walks


Campus Principal

Grade Level Chairs

3.1.2: Continue training and

implementation of lesson planning

based on data analysis of student


Each 9

weeks period

Kilgo training records

Lesson Plans

Campus Principal

Grade Level Chairs

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Performance Objective 3.2: Document the implementation of state required curriculum regarding citizenship for a free enterprise society,

a coordinated school health program, anti-bullying and the prevention of domestic and dating violence.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

3.2.1: Continue and improve CKH


Monthly Training records

Learning Walks

Campus Principal


Process Champions

3.2.2: Continue and improve Rachel’s

Challenge implementation.

Monthly Training records

Learning Walks

Counselor’s records

Campus Principal


Central Staff

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Goal 4: Through enhanced dropout prevention efforts, all students will remain in school until they obtain a high school diploma.

[TEC §4.001(b)(3)] (T1, A SW #2, #6, #8, #9, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship Capacity, Data Driven Management)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): PEIMS data, process documentation

Funding Information: 199 SCE

Performance Objective 4.1: Provide communication and training based on improved data regarding students at risk of dropping out of

school. (See Performance Objective 2.2.)

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

4.1.1: Attend central training and

information sessions on at risk

identification and the PEIMS process.

October Program agenda and sign-in Campus Principal


4.1.2: Provide campus based sessions

on PEIMS process improvements and

at risk designations as well as extended

session on effective interventions for at

risk students



Agenda and sign-in

Campus based training calendar

Campus Principal


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Performance Objective 4.2:

Implement strategies to address academic and psycho-social needs of at risk students identified by campus data.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

4.2.1: Include effective interventions

for at risk students in campus based

training plan and schedule classroom

time for counselors and social workers

to address student needs.

Each 9

weeks period

Campus based training plan

Counselor’s materials and schedule

Social Worker’s materials and schedule

Campus Principal


Social Worker

4.2.2: Continue and improve

individualized and self-paced

instructional plans for students.

Each 9

weeks period

IEP records

Classroom Teacher’s records.

Classroom Teachers


4.2.3: Continue and improve use of

Blackboard software for coursework

and credit recovery, and the partnership

with district middle schools.

As scheduled Blackboard records

Student credit recovery data

Campus Principal

Classroom Teachers

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Goal 5: Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed and retained, with educators keeping abreast of the

development of creative and innovative techniques in instruction and administration, using those techniques as appropriate to

improve student learning. [TEC §4.001(b)(6)(9)] (T1, A SW #3, #4, #5) (GPISD 5 Plays: Intentional Leadership, Data Driven

Management, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): Eduphoria records

Funding Information: 199, 199 SCE, Title I A, Title III, SPED

Performance Objective 5.1: Document 100% required attendance for all campus staff in District training.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

5.1.1: Ensure 100% required

attendance for all campus staff in

district training.

As scheduled Eduphoria records Campus Principal

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Performance Objective 5.2: Develop, implement and document a campus based staff development plan to address specific needs identified

in the comprehensive needs assessment.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

5.2.1: Collaboratively develop a

campus based training plan based on

PDAS assessments, teacher feedback,

student achievement data and input

from Content Strategists

October Campus based training plan Campus Principal

Classroom Teachers

5.2.2: Ensure system and scheduling

for training support, follow-up and

technical assistance in the classroom.

Each 9

weeks period

Content Strategists records and scheduling Lead Teachers

5.2.3: Ensure campus based training

plan supports the concepts noted in the

CIP and supports any purchases of

programs and materials:

Parent involvement

At risk and SCE

CSCOPE implementation

Rigorous and effective

programs and materials

CKH, Rachel’s Challenge

Effective classroom practices

Student Achievement

Technology Integration

Each 9

weeks period

Camus based training plan

Content Strategists scheduling and records

Agenda and sign-in documentation

Teacher feedback forms

Campus Principal

Lead Teachers

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Goal 6: Technology will be implemented and used to increase the effectiveness of student learning, instructional management,

staff development and administration. [TEC §4.001(b)(10)] (T1, A SW #2, #10) (GPISD 5 Plays: Engaged Instruction via the 5E

Model, Instructional Leadership, Data Driven Management)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): campus inventory, purchasing documentation, campus training records

Funding Information: 199, 199 SCE, Title I A, Title III, SPED

Performance Objective 6.1: Increase or maintain STaR ratings to Advanced Technology for the categories of:

Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support

Educator Preparation and Development

Teaching and Learning

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

6.1.1: Complete a campus inventory of

all current software and review levels

of usage and classroom effectiveness.

Schedule support as necessary to

improve usage and effectiveness.

October Campus Inventory

Content Strategists notes of review

Content Strategists support schedule

Campus Principal

Content Strategists

Instructional Strategists

6.1.2: Require all purchases of new

instructional technology to have CIP

strategy connection, documentation of

rigor and effectiveness, and system for

teacher training and support for


Each 9

weeks period

and as


orders are


Purchase order documentation

Content Strategists notes

Instructional Strategists notes

Content Strategists

Instructional Strategist

Campus Principal

Office Manager

6.1.3: Continue classroom support for

teachers implementing technology

applications for instruction.

Each 9


Software documentation

Lesson Plans

Campus Principal

Lead Teachers

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Goal 7: GPISD will continue to develop and maintain a safe and disciplined environment conducive to teaching and learning,

promoting physical and mental health in all students, their families and employees. [TEC §4.001(b)(8)] [TEC §11.252 (3)(B)(E) and

11.253 (8)] [HB 1041 (reducing sexual abuse of children) [TEC §11.253 Coordinated health services] (GPISD 5 Plays: Relationship

Capacity, Engaged Instruction via the 5E Model, Intentional Leadership)

Summative Evaluation Measurement Tool(s): process documentation, forms

Funding Information: 199, 199 SCE

Performance Objective 7.1: Implement a revised process for campus discipline referrals and for removal of students to a disciplinary

alternative education setting to improve student interventions.

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

7.1.1: Provide input to central team

on the revisions of forms and process

for discipline removals to reduce

disruptions in the instructional

process and to improve student

interventions. (Removal to a DAEP

is an automatic PEIMS designation

of at risk of dropping out of school.)



Written input submission Campus Principal


7.1.2: Include at risk interventions in

campus based training plan. See


Each 9

weeks period

Campus based training plan Campus Principal


7.1.3: Use of Response to

Intervention (RTI) process to

document and address student

discipline issues

Each 3


RTI discipline intervention documentation Campus Principal

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Performance Objective 7.2: Implement curriculum and student activities to address behavioral issues through curriculum regarding

citizenship for a free enterprise society, a coordinated school health program, anti-bullying and the prevention of domestic and dating

violence. (See Performance Objective 3.2.)

Strategy and/or Resources Timeline Evidence/Documentation of Implementation Person(s) Responsible

7.2.1: Continue and improve CKH


Monthly Training records

Learning Walks

Counselor’s records

Campus Principal


Process Champions

7.2.2: Continue and improve Rachel’s

Challenge implementation.

Monthly Training records

Learning Walks

Counselor’s records

Campus Principal


Central Staff

Page 23: Crosswinds High School · 2012-12-11 · Expenditures and Services: The 2011-2012 schoolyear included an improvement strategy in the DIP requiring all purchase orders, regardless

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State Compensatory Education Program Overview

009 Crosswinds High School

Positions/Descriptions SCE Allocation

15 Instructional FTE 897,683

Instructional Materials 14,300

General Supplies 2,200

Total* 914,183 * Total does not include benefits, tenure, etc.

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Campus Improvement Committee Roster

Name Position Term

Craig Spears Principal 2012-2013

Kristy Keating Teacher 2012-2013

Jacquelyn Meyer Teacher 2012-2013

Martin Cardenas Community Member 2012-2013

Marsha Phillips Community Member 2012-2013

Thomas Soto Parent 2012-2013

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Formative Evaluation Process

The Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) must be reviewed, at a minimum, twice per school year. The Campus Improvement Committee must

convene utilizing a formal agenda and sign-in for documentation of the formative evaluation process. Minutes of the meeting must be

complied and kept on file as an attachment to the CIP. The agenda must include the following:

Date(s) of the CIC meetings

Review of the current CIP Executive Summary

Review of Evidence and Documentation of Implementation for each CIP Strategy Chart

Review of CNA Worksheet statements

Summary of any changes or updates to the CIP