Crossroads Social Network Survival Guide


Transcript of Crossroads Social Network Survival Guide


June 4, 2011

Benefits of Technology

While one might think of the typical information technology (IT) worker as employed by a major software company or systems developer, the reality is that nine out of ten IT workers are found in banks, insurance companies, manufacturing plants or other non-IT businesses.


The first step in networking is making connections. So, get out there and meet people!

Happening ($1.99) allows you to find nearby events and RSVP from the comfort of your iPhone. You can also browse your friends' events and view your own upcoming events. The app relies on Yahoo! Upcoming, a social events calendar system, to supply nearby event data.

Facebook was originally developed for college students

to connect, so it has a more informal, social air than you find on LinkedIn. Now open to anyone, you will still find that Facebook is the preferred network for Millenials who see the encroachment of Boomers and, to a lesser extent, Gen X into the network as cause for some alarm. Facebook combines the personal and the professional. Members can play games, join groups, share photos, and send each other virtual “gifts.” This is the network where you’re most likely to see both pictures of someone’s weekend activities, as well as a link to their online portfolio or professional website. Many companies are using Facebook as a recruitment tool for Gen Y, while college and university professors are exploring it’s use for their classes.

#2 Linked In

The free iPhone app gives you the power to connect with over 60 million professionals worldwide. My favorite feature is the ability to connect instantly with nearby users by enabling Bluetooth within the “In Person” feature. You can also set your status, invite contacts, accept invitations, read and respond to messages and keep up with your contacts' updates.

#5 Contacts Journal

interactions with individuals. Over time, the details of a relationship can start to fade. Contacts Journal allows you to keep detailed notes on all of your interactions (meetings, phone calls, emails, etc.) with each contact and to plan for the future by using the to-do list to add upcoming events to each contact's log. You can even call, email or SMS from within the app.

BrandingThere are 2 major

ways: Blogging-share your personal views on a

certain topic with a blog. Where others will come see what you have to say.

Video Marketing- Youtube is the most effective way to video market. You can create your own channel and talk about whatever you want. Think outside the box and you will be handsomely rewarded.

Brand Yourself Through Social Media Social Networks-there are obvious

benefits of Facebook and Twitter such as connecting with others but you can also use these tools to enhance a business.

Professional Networking-use LinkedIn to connect with others and increase your credibility by creating a professional profile. There are many groups that could share a common interest as your business that you can join in on discussion with.

Your JOB

In 2011 28% of employers are using social networking sites as part of the evaluation of a potential candidate. 9% intend to do so soon and by the end of

2011 an expected 45% of employers will be using this way of evaluation.

The major networks these employees are checking are Facebook and LinkedIn. Employers want to understand the

candidates more and look beyond the resume.

Social Networking Etiquette

-Remember that once you post information online, you can’t take it back. Even if you delete the information from a site, older versions exist on other people’s computers. Post only information that you are comfortable with others seeing — and knowing — about you.

-Many people can see your page, including your parents, your teachers, the police, the college you might want to apply to in the next two years

Be Smart!

On an online service like Facebook or Twitter consider not posting too many photos of yourself. Photos are easily altered and can be broadcasted in a way that you may not be happy about. Ask yourself if the picture you post would fit

well in your mother’s living room.

Be Smart!

Be wary if a new facebook friend wants to meet you in person. Before you decide to meet someone, do your research: Ask whether any of your friends know the person, and see what background you can dig up through online search engines. If you decide to meet them, be smart about it: Meet in a public place, during the day, with friends you trust. Tell an adult or a responsible sibling where you’re going, and when you expect to be back. Flirting with strangers online could have serious consequences. Because some people lie

about who they really are, you never really know who you’re dealing with.

Trust your gut if you have suspicions. If you feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something online, tell an adult you trust and report it to the police and the social networking site. You could end up preventing someone else from becoming a victim.