Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis Religious incitement has reached its peaks. Even book fairs are telling same story. Author`s visit to Karachi International Book Fair witnessed, what his instincts were warning him. Being book lover, he was stunned by religiosity of event. Shouting one`s ideology over microphone is least a person can expect in book fair. Audience was consisted of urban middle class, women in abayaas and long bearded men. Regarded to be the easy target, this class was targeted by religious publishers as well. 70 percent of stalls were offering religious material, excluding those distributing pamphlets. With each sect preaching its thoughts, advertisement reached its heights. It was surely `Islam by Stalls`. Even Turkish publisher, being book fair held in Pakistan, was selling books by Turkish religious scholar. What else one could expect. Event seemed to be hijacked by religious publishers. Bit quieter, but other halls were telling the same story. Material with true essence of Islam, as they thought, was available for everyone. There were only three stalls with no or less religious material. 1st stall by politics but most of literature was in English. Mutahida Qoumi Movement, a political party, selling books on Altaf Hussain. Second stall by a Sindhi publishing house with impressive material on Sindhi culture and third stall by ABC publishers and Random House with books on politics, music, history was there and worked as fresh air. It is alarming situation in the country. We are facing religious sectarianism and do not afford such brain washing. Unfortunately, we are not a book loving society. We got limited options, either to start reading books from today or to live in darkness as book


Critical Analysis English Report Writing

Transcript of Critical Analysis

Page 1: Critical Analysis

Critical AnalysisReligious incitement has reached its peaks. Even book fairs are telling same story. Author`s visit to Karachi International Book Fair witnessed, what his instincts were warning him. Being book lover, he was stunned by religiosity of event. Shouting one`s ideology over microphone is least a person can expect in book fair.

Audience was consisted of urban middle class, women in abayaas and long bearded men. Regarded to be the easy target, this class was targeted by religious publishers as well.

70 percent of stalls were offering religious material, excluding those distributing pamphlets. With each sect preaching its thoughts, advertisement reached its heights. It was surely `Islam by Stalls`. Even Turkish publisher, being book fair held in Pakistan, was selling books by Turkish religious scholar. What else one could expect.

Event seemed to be hijacked by religious publishers. Bit quieter, but other halls were telling the same story. Material with true essence of Islam, as they thought, was available for everyone. There were only three stalls with no or less religious material. 1st stall by politics but most of literature was in English. Mutahida Qoumi Movement, a political party, selling books on Altaf Hussain. Second stall by a Sindhi publishing house with impressive material on Sindhi culture and third stall by ABC publishers and Random House with books on politics, music, history was there and worked as fresh air.

It is alarming situation in the country. We are facing religious sectarianism and do not afford such brain washing. Unfortunately, we are not a book loving society. We got limited options, either to start reading books from today or to live in darkness as book is the only way to differentiate between literature and illiterate.

In Pakistan, we have little space to express our thoughts but neutral space is also vanishing. Author rightly said about subliminal messaging. It effects our thoughts and actions as he also ended up purchasing book on Islam in South East Asia.

Lexical density of paragraph 4

Lexical Density ______ Number of lexical words / total number of total girls.

Lexical Density ______ 67/99*100

Lexical Density ______ 67.67%