Crime Files Docu

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    ABILE TECHNOLOGIES a subsidiary firm of ABILE WEB which was

    established in the year 2009, in Coimbatore, ABILE WEB has become a major force

    in providing innovative web solutions to its clients in diverse market.

    ABILE TECH is an initiative taken by ABILE WEB to address the demand

    in the field of software development and training. In Abile technologies we are

    committed to deliver quality based software solutions to our customers with our

    expertise team.


    At Abile Tech, we provide comprehensive services and integrated technical

    solutionsacross a wide variety of industries.

    Our unique end-to-end integrated approach gives us the freedom to work

    smarter and faster to identify and produce the best technology solution for our clients.

    We take pride in our comprehensive approach to application development and

    maintenance, research and development services, and infrastructure and software


    We are focused on understanding our clients business requirements,

    providing disciplined project management, and ultimately delivering effective

    solutions that simply work.

    Putting the service back in service level agreement

    Our proactive management policies incorporate specific quality guidelines,

    delivery milestones, and scheduled check-in points as part of our Service Level

    Agreement. We measure, monitor, and share our performance against defined project

    metrics and keep the communication open, clear, and focused.

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    Highest standards, in all the right places

    Our quality-assurance process is stringent and we keep our clients entire

    intellectual property safe by maintaining the highest security standards. iSoftStone

    solutions and methodologies are built upon a solid foundation of business partnerships

    and technical certifications including some of the worlds most rigorous approval


    Software training

    Looking at the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the market. With

    everyday new technology arising and challenges adding up to individuals career we

    are here to help and shape the career and make the young IT aspirants market ready.

    At Abile we welcome all IT aspirants to join our young dynamic team to learn and

    explore new technologies in an innovative way.


    Abile Technologies has a vision to become demanding Software Company in

    the country to provide high end innovative technical solutions before 2013 and to

    transform into CMM Level 5 Company within next five years.

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    System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing

    problems and the information to recommend improvements on the system. It is a

    problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system

    users and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any

    system development process. The system analyst plays the role of the interrogator and

    dwells deep into the working of the present system. The system is viewed as a whole

    and the input to the system are identified. The outputs from the organizations are

    traced to the various processes. System analysis is concerned with becoming aware of

    the problem, identifying the relevant and decisional variables, analyzing and

    synthesizing the various factors and determining an optimal or at least a satisfactory

    solution or program of action.

    A detailed study of the process must be made by various techniques like

    interviews, questionnaires etc. The data collected by these sources must be scrutinizedto arrive to a conclusion. The conclusion is an understanding of how the system

    functions. This system is called the existing system. Now the existing system is

    subjected to close study and problem areas are identified. The designer now functions

    as a problem solver and tries to sort out the difficulties that the enterprise faces. The

    solutions are given as proposals. The proposal is then weighed with the existing

    system analytically and the best one is selected. The proposal is presented to the user

    for an endorsement by the user. The proposal is reviewed on user request and suitable

    changes are made. This is loop that ends as soon as the user is satisfied with proposal.


    In the existing system only we can see the details of particular information

    aboutthe police stations in our state, the existing system has more workload for

    the authorizedperson, but in the case of Proposed System, the user can registered in

    our site and send thecrime report and complaint about a particular city or person.

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    2.1.1 Drawbacks of Existing System

    More man power. Time consuming. Consumes large volume of pare work. Needs manual calculations. No direct role for the higher officials. Damage of machines due to lack of attention.

    To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs

    to be computerized.


    The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The

    proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system

    provides proper security and reduces the manual work. The existing system has

    several disadvantages and many more difficulties to work well. The proposed system

    tries to eliminate or reduce these difficulties up to some extent. The proposed system

    will help the user to reduce the workload and mental conflict. The proposed system

    helps the user to work user friendly and he can easily do his jobs without time


    2.2.1 Expected Advantages of Proposed System

    The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires

    very low system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations. It

    has got following features

    Ensure data accuracys. Proper control of the higher officials. Reduce the damages of the machines. Minimize manual data entry. Minimum time needed for the various processing. Greater efficiency. Better service & Minimum time required User friendliness and interactive.

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    Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the

    purpose of the organization for the amount of work, effort and the time that spend on

    it. Feasibility study lets the developer foresee the future of the project and the

    usefulness. A feasibility study of a system proposal is according to its workability,

    which is the impact on the organization, ability to meet their user needs and effective

    use of resources. Thus when a new application is proposed it normally goes through a

    feasibility study before it is approved for development.

    The document provide the feasibility of the project that is being

    designed and lists various areas that were considered very carefully during the

    feasibility study of this project such as Technical, Economic and Operational


    2.3.1 Economic Feasibility

    The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit. Criteria to

    ensure that effort is concentrated on project, which will give best, return at the

    earliest. One of the factors, which affect the development of a new system, is the cost

    it would require.

    The following are some of the important financial questions asked during

    preliminary investigation:

    The costs conduct a full system investigation. The cost of the hardware and software. The benefits in the form of reduced costs or fewer costly errors.Since the system is developed as part of project work, there is no manual cost

    to spend for the proposed system. Also all the resources are already available, it give

    an indication of the system is economically possible for development.

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    2.3.2 Operational / Behavioral Feasibility

    This includes the following questions:

    Is there sufficient support for the users?

    Will the proposed system cause harm?The project would be beneficial because it satisfies the objectives when

    developed and installed. All behavioral aspects are considered carefully and conclude

    that the project is behaviorally feasible.

    2.3.3 Technical Feasibility

    The system must be evaluated from the technical point of view first. The

    assessment of this feasibility must be based on an outline design of the system

    requirement in the terms of input, output, programs and procedures.

    Having identified an outline system, the investigation must go on to suggest

    the type of equipment, required method developing the system, of running the system

    once it has been designed.

    Technical issues raised during the investigation are:

    Does the existing technology sufficient for the suggested one? Can the system expand if developed?The project should be developed such that the necessary functions and

    performance are achieved within the constraints. The project is developed within

    latest technology. Through the technology may become obsolete after some period of

    time, due to the fact that never version of same software supports older versions, the

    system may still be used. So there are minimal constraints involved with this project.

    The system has been developed using ASP.NET the project is technically feasible for


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    A main purpose of software requirement specification is the clear definition

    and specification of functionality and of the software product. It allows the developer

    to be carried out, performance level to be obtained and corresponding interface to be

    established. This section list out the requirement for developing a software project

    monitoring system


    Processor : Intel Pentium III and Upwards

    RAM : 256 MB

    Hard-disk Drive : 40 GB

    Monitor : 14 Mercury color

    Keyboard : 108 Keys

    Mouse : Logitech


    Platform : WINDOWS XP

    Front-End Tool : ASP.NET

    Back-End Tool : Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    Code Behind : C#

    Browser : Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox

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    In the project Software project monitoring system .NET Framework is used as

    front-end tool. .NET is one of the most beautiful and recently more popular front-end

    tools. C#.NET and ASP.NET are used in this project.

    An interface for users is build-using ASP.NET. SQL Server 2005 is

    used as the back-end tool. Additional technologies used are Internet Information

    Services (IIS) and ADO.NET. Then it comes the turn of the Operating System. Any

    .NET framework compatible software platform can be used.

    4.1 FRONT END


    Microsoft .NET is a software that connects information, people,

    systems and devices. It spans clients, servers and developers tools and consists of the

    .NET framework used for building and running all kinds of software including Web

    based application and smart client applications.

    Developers tools like Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008 provide an

    integrated development environment (IDE) for maximizing developer productivity

    with the .NET framework. C# programs run on the .NET Framework, an integral

    component of Windows that includes a virtual execution system called the commonlanguage runtime (CLR) and a unified set of class libraries. The CLR is Microsofts

    commercial implementation of the common language infrastructure (CLI), an

    international standard that is the basis for creating execution and the development

    environment in which languages and libraries work together seamlessly.

    Source code written in C# is compiled into an intermediate language

    (IL) that conforms to the CLI specification. The IL code, along with resources such as

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    bitmaps and strings, is stored on disk in an executable file called an assembly,

    typically with an extension of .exe or .dll.

    When the C# program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the

    CLR, which might take various actions based on the information in the manifest.

    Then, if the security requirements are met, the CLR performs just in time (JIT)

    compilation to convert the IL code into native machine instructions. The CLR also

    provides other services related to automatic garbage collection, exception handling,

    and resource management .Code that is executed by the CLR is sometimes referred to

    as managed code,in contrast to unmanaged code which is compiled into native

    machine language that targets a specific system. The following diagram illustrate the

    compile-time and run time relationships of C# source code files, the base class

    libraries, assemblies and the CLR.

    ABOUT C#.NET is a major component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET suite. The

    .NET version of C# is a new improved version with more features and additions.

    Microsoft .NET is a programming and operating framework introduced by Microsoft.

    All .NET supported languages access common .NET library to develop applications

    and share common tools to execute applications. Programming with C# using .NET is

    called C#.NET.C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables

    developers to build a wide range of secure and robust applications that run on the

    .NET Framework. We can use C# to create traditional Windows client applications,

    XML Web services, distributed components, client-server applications, database

    applications and much more.

    Attributes, which provide declarative metadata about types at run time.

    Name Spaces

    As you have seen earlier, most of the .NET types are defined in

    namespaces. A namespace is a scope in which managed types are defined. If you see

    .NET Framework Class Library, you will see hundreds of namespaces. For example,

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    System namespaces contains types such as Console, Object and so on. If you want to

    access Console class, you need to import System namespaces in your application.

    A Namespace in Microsoft .Net is like containers of objects. They may

    contain unions, classes, structures, interfaces, enumerators and delegates. Main goal

    of using namespace in .Net is for creating a hierarchical organization of program. In

    this case a developer does not need to worry about the naming conflicts of classes,

    functions, variables etc., inside a project.


    ASP.NET is more than the next version of active server pages (ASP); it is

    a unified Web development platform that provides the services necessary for

    developers to build enterprises-class Web applications. While ASP.NET is largely

    syntax compatible with ASP, it provides a new programming model and infrastructure

    for more secure, scalable, and stable applications. You can feel free augmented your

    existing ASP applications by incrementally adding ASP.NET functionally to

    them.ASP.NET is a compiled, .NET based environment; you can author applications

    in any .NET compatible language, including Visual Basic .NET, C# and JScirpt.NET.

    Additionally, the entire .NET Framework is available to any ASP.NET

    applications. Developers can easily access to benefits of these technologies, which

    include the managed common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance

    and so on.

    ASP.NET has been designed to work seamlessly with WYSIWYG (What

    You See is What You Get) HTML editors and other programming tools, including

    Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Not only does this make a Web development easier,

    but it also provide all the benefits that these tools have to offer, including a GUI that

    developers can use to drop server controls on to a Web page and fully integrated

    debugging support.

    Internet Information Services (IIS)

    ASP.NET and IIS work together to create a server program that forrequest and creates the required objects. IIS is the software that allows your computer

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    become web server and remote clients to download HTML pages (or run ASP.NET

    pages). IIS is included with Microsoft windows 2000, XP and Windows .NET server.


    ADO.NET is a part of the .NET Framework and it is used to handle data

    access. With ADO.NET you can work with databases.ADO.NET is a disconnected

    database access model which means, when an application interacts with the database,

    the connection is opened to serve the request of the application and is closed as soon

    as the request is completed. Likewise, if a database is updated, the connection is

    opened long enough to complete the Update operation and is closed. By keeping

    connections open for only a minimum period of time, ADO .NET conserves system

    resources and provides maximum security for databases and also has less impact on

    system performance. Also, ADO .NET when interacting with the database uses

    XML and converts all the data into XML format for database related operations

    making them more efficient. ADO.NET consists of a set of classes used to handle data

    access. ADO.NET has, unlike ADO no record set object. Its primary benefits are:

    Ease of use. High speed. Low memory overhead. Small disk footprint.

    ADO.NET consists of two primary parts:

    i. Data providerii. Datasets

    Data provider: These classes provide access to a data source, such as a Microsoft

    SQL Server or Oracle database. Each data source has its own set of provider objects,

    but they each have a common set of utility classes:

    Datasets: Datasets objects, a group of classes describing a simple in-memory

    relational database, were the star of the show in the initial release (1.0) of the

    Microsoft .NET Framework.

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    4.2 BACK END

    SQL Server 2005

    A database is a collection of information thats related to a particular

    subject or purpose, such as tracking client orders or maintaining a list of project

    details. If the database isnt stored on a computer, or only part of it are one may be

    tracking information from a variety of sources that one is having to co-ordinate and

    organize himself using Microsoft SQL Server, one can manage all information from a

    single database file.

    Within the file, data is divided into separate storage containers calledtables; view, add and update data by using online forms; find and retrieve just the data

    wanted for reports. SQL Server allows the user to view, update or analyze the

    database from the Internet of an intranet by creating data access pages.

    SQL Server as a relational database stores data in many related tables.

    A table is a collection of data about a specific topic such as projects or clients. Using a

    separate table for each topic means that, store that data only once. This makes the

    database more efficient and reduces data-entry errors.

    Tables organize data into columns (called fields) and rows (called

    records). A common field relates two tables so that Microsoft SQL Server can bring

    together the data from the two tables for viewing, editing, or printing. In table Design

    view one can create an entire table from scratch or add, delete or customize the fields

    in an existing table. The user can also display records from tables that are related to

    the current table by displaying sub datasheets within the main datasheet.

    In SQL Server a database is the overall container of data and

    associated with in a single SQL Server database. To fling and retrieve just the data

    that meets conditions specified, including data form multiple tables, create a query.

    It is easy to use. It scales from a mobile laptop to systematic multiprocessor system. It provides data warehousing features.

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    4.2.1 Features of C#.NET

    i. Inheritance: Inheritance is one of the most used techniques in an object orientedlanguage. Inheritance provides ability to use an existing classs functionality

    via its derived (inherited) class. Inheritance refers to the properties of a class

    being available to many other classes. The properties and methods of the base

    class are inherited and extracted by the derived classes. By default all the

    classes created with C#.NET are inheritable. The users can use inheritance to

    define new forms designed by users are really classes.

    ii. Exception Handling: Exception handling is an in build mechanism in .NET

    framework to detect and run time errors. The .NET Framework contains lots of

    standard exceptions. The exceptions re anomalies that occur during the

    exception of program. They can be because of, logic or system errors. If a user

    (programmer) does not provide a mechanism to handle these anomalies, the

    .NET run time environment provides a default mechanism, which terminates

    the program execution. C#.NET provides three keywords try, catch and finally

    to do exception handling. Try encloses the statements that might throw anexception whereas catch handles an exception if one exist and finally can be

    used for doing any clean up process.

    iii. Overloading: C#.NET supports methods overloading using the overloadingKeyword. Using this keyword, you can declare same method names with

    different arguments.

    iv. Overriding: Overriding is the creation of a method in the subclass that the

    same signature, i.e. name, number and type of arguments, as method in the

    super class. This new method hides the method of super class. Derived classes

    inherit the methods defined in their base class. All methods are not overridable

    by default but if a method in the base class is marked with overridable keyword

    the Overrides keyword can be used in derived class to define new

    implementation of the inherited method.

    v. Constructors and Destructors: The procedures that control initialization of

    new instances of a class are known as constructors. Conversely, destructors are

    methods that are used to free system resources when a class leaves scope or is

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    set to nothing.C#.NET supports constructors and destructors using the Sub

    New and Sub Dispose procedures. Sub New method will only run once when a

    class is created. In addition to these basic object-oriented principles, C#

    facilities the development of software components through several innovative

    language constructs, including:

    Encapsulated method signatures called delegates, which enablestype safe event notifications.

    Properties, which serves as assessors for private membervariables.

    4.2.2 Features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    Analysis Services

    Fixes have been included that improve the performance and stability ofqueries.

    HTTP connectivity will now support HTTP compression. Optimized queries to perspectives are now as fast as queries to the

    perspectives base cube.

    Data programmability

    Client connection time has been significantly improved if failover occurs whilethe server is using Database Mirroring and the clients are using TCP/IP.

    SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS)

    Usability of the Import/Export Wizard has been improved in multiple-tablescenarios.

    The IDtsPipelineEnvironmentService service lets custom data flowcomponents have programmatic access to the parent Data Flow task.

    Interoperability with Analysis Services has been improved. The DataReadersource in SSIS supports the System.Object data type by converting columns

    that have this data type to the DT_NTEXT ssISnoversion data type.

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    To change the data type to a type that is more appropriate for your data, youcan add a Data Conversion transformation.

    Performance has been improved for many transformations, such as the Sorttransformation.

    The Expression Builder dialog box now has a public and documented API.This increased access to expression-related objects will benefit task developers

    because expressions are important to the way that tasks are interrelated.

    In the Advanced Editor dialog box, the Flat File source has the new propertyUseBinaryFormat. This property supports loading packed decimal data into

    the pipeline for processing by a script or by a custom transformation.

    In the Advanced Editor dialog box, the DataReader source has the newproperty CommandTimeout. You can use this property to modify the time-

    out period to allow for long-running operations.

    To create or to modify the property expressions of variables, you can nowopen the Expression Builder dialog box from the Properties window.

    You can now add annotations to precedence constraints.


    Profiler and Replay

    Previously, Profiling Analysis Services showed the time in CoordinatedUniversal Time (UTC). The time now appears in the user's local time.

    Previously, events that successfully replayed were not being counted correctly.Therefore, incorrect replay statistics were reported to the user. This problem

    has been fixed.

    Previously, Replay ignored the network packet size that you set when youconnected to the network. Instead, Replay always created a connection that

    had a packet size of 32 kilobytes (KB). Sometimes, large playbacks would

    cause the server to run out of memory. This problem has been fixed.

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    Problems with conventional system

    1. Lack of immediate retrievals: -The information is very difficult to retrieve

    and to find particular information like- E.g. - To find out about the Criminals history,

    the user has to go through various registers

    2. Lack of immediate information storage: - The information generated by

    various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at right place.3. Lack of prompt updating: - Various changes to information like Criminal

    details or immunization details of child are difficult to make as paper work is


    4. Preparation of accurate and prompt reports: - This becomes a difficult

    task as information is difficult to collect from various registers.

    These Problems gets rectified through this efficient crime file management



    The project titled as Online Crime file Management System is a web based

    application. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints,

    missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as chatting. Any

    Number of clients can connect to the server. Each user first makes their login to sever

    to show their availability. The server can be any Web Server. An SMTP Server mustbe maintained for temporary storage of emails and chat jar files for enable the chatting


    5.3 MODULES

    The main modules in this project,


    Registered Users Administrator

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    5.3.1 Module Description

    The visitor module include,

    View Hot news: This module help the visitor to see the latest hot newswhich can updated by the admin.

    Post Complaints: This module help the visitor to post their complaintswhich can view by the admin to give status about their complaints.

    The registered user module includes,

    Add Complaint: This module help the user to report online complaints. Add Missing person: This module help the user to report online missing

    persons details also we have to add photos of missing person using

    heterogeneous database.

    View Missing persons: This module help the user to view all the missingperson details.

    View Most wanted persons: This module help the user to view all mostwanted persons which can be given by the administrator.

    Edit Account: This module help the user to update his or her profile. View complaint status: This module allows us to view the status of all

    complaint that you have posted earlier.

    View crime status: This module allows us to view the status of the allcrimes that you have posted earlier.

    Add and View feedback: This module helps the user to add and viewfeedbacks

    Chat: This module help the user to chat with the administrator or withother registered users

    Mail: This module helps the user to send mail to the administrator.The administrator module includes,

    View and reply user complaint: This module helps the admin to viewand reply users complaint details

    View and reply user crimes: This module helps the admin to view and

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    reply users crimes details

    New admin: This module used for add new admin Add and delete latest hot news: This module helps the admin to add and

    delete latest hot news. View and delete users feedback: This module helps the admin to add

    and delete users feedback

    Add, delete and view most wanted persons: This module helps theadmin to add, delete and view most wanted person details

    Add, delete and view missing persons: This module helps the admin toadd, delete and view missing person details

    Add and view Criminal registration: This module helps the admin toadd and view criminal registrations

    Add and view FIR: This module helps the admin to add and view Firreports

    Add and view history sheet: This module helps the admin to add andview history reports

    View and delete all complaint reply: This module helps the admin toview and delete complaint reply.

    Add and view prisoner report: This module helps the admin to add andprisoner reports

    Change password: This module helps the admin to update his or herpassword

    Chat: This module help the admin to chat with the administrator or withother registered users

    Mail: This module helps the user to send mail to the user.


    Data flow oriented techniques advocate that the major data items handled by a

    system must be first identified and then the processing required on these data items to

    produce the desired outputs should be determined. The DFD (also called as bubble

    chart) is a simple graphical formalism that can be used to represent a system in terms

    of input data to the system, various processing carried out on these data, and the

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    output generated by the system. It was introduced by De Macro (1978), Gane and

    Sarson (1979).

    The primitive symbols used for constructing DFDs are:

    Symbols used in DFD

    - A circle represents a process.

    - A rectangle represents external entity

    - A square defines a source or -destinationof the system data.

    - An arrow identifies dataflow.- Double line with one end closed

    indicates data store

    Fig 5.4 a Symbols Used in DFD

    Context flow diagram

    Fig 5.4 b Context Diagram

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    Level 1 DFD - Administrator

    This denotes Data Flow Diagram of Administrator login for maintaining various

    records like, FIR, Complaints., etc. And User view the feedback.

    Fig 5.4 c Admin Flow Process

    This shows how the system could be maintained in the efficient manner. The Reports

    maintained here is confidential to the admin.

    Add FIR Reports

    View ComplaintsView user details

    View Feedback

    User name, PasswordOnline

    Crime File




    Registration details




    Add Solutions


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    Level 2 DF - Administrator

    This denotes Data Flow Diagram of Administrator for maintaining various

    records like,


    Complaints, etc

    Fig 5.4 d Admin Flow Process





    FIR No:

    DetailsFIR Details













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    Level 1 DFD- User

    This DFD shows the login format of the user and also the registration made to

    post the complaints. Fig 5.4 e

    Level 2 DFD- User Fig 5.4 f


    Complaint DetailsComplaint Status

    Complaint ID

    User name Password


    User CollectingFeedback







    Complaint Status










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    5.5 ER - DIAGRAM

    ER Diagrams provides a global quick reference to an organizations datastructures.

    It can be used individually to design an Information Systems (IS) datastructure

    Entity an aggregation of a number of data elements each data element is an attribute of the entity Any entity can be classified in one of the following categories:

    Regular : any physical object, event, or abstract concept that

    we can record facts about.

    Weak : any entity that depends on another entity for its


    Relationship an association between two or more entities that is of particular


    Relationship Symbols:

    Fig 5.5 a Symbols used in relationship

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    ER Diagram Components:

    Every entity diagram consists of the following components:

    Fig 5.5 b ER Diagram components

    Entity Set

    Weak Entity






    for Weak


    Primary Key





    Role Indicator




    Multi Valued


    Derived Attribute

    Total Participation

    of Attribute in



    Attribute of

    Weak Entit

    M 1





    Specialization or




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    ER Diagram for VISITORS:

    Fig 5.5 c ER Diagram for visitors

    User Login

    PasswordUser ID



    NameUser ID




    Email Id Mobile No



    NoUser ID

    Date of


    Date of


    Details of

    Suspects Descri tion

    Login Check




    No Status


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    ER Diagram for ADMIN and AUTHORITY:

    Fig 5.5 d ER Diagram for Admin and Authority


    PasswordUser ID


    PasswordUser ID

    Criminal Registration

    Complaint Registration

    Missing Person

    Prisoner Entry

    Feed Back


    History Sheet

    Most Wanted

    Crime Status








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    A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of storing

    information through which a user can retrieve stored information in an effective and

    efficient manner. The data is the purpose of any database and must be protected.

    The database design is a two level process. In the first step, user requirements

    are gathered together and a database is designed which will meet these requirements

    as clearly as possible. This step is called Information Level Design and it is taken

    independent of any individual DBMS.

    In the second step, this Information level design is transferred into a design for

    the specific DBMS that will be used to implement the system in question. This step is

    called Physical Level Design, concerned with the characteristics of the specific

    DBMS that will be used. A database design runs parallel with the system design. The

    organization of the data in the database is aimed to achieve the following two major


    Data Integrity Data independence

    Normalization is the process of decomposing the attributes in an application,

    which results in a set of tables with very simple structure. The purpose of

    normalization is to make tables as simple as possible. Normalization is carried out in

    this system for the following reasons.

    To structure the data so that there is no repetition of data, this helps insaving.

    To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report request. To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions,


    To reduce the need to restructure or reorganize data which newapplication requirements arise?

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    Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):

    A relational model represents the database as a collection of relations.

    Each relation resembles a table of values or file of records. In formal relational model

    terminology, a row is called a tuple, a column header is called an attribute and the

    table is called a relation. A relational database consists of a collection of tables, each

    of which is assigned a unique name. A row in a tale represents a set of related values.

    Relations, Domains & Attributes:

    A table is a relation. The rows in a table are called tuples. A tuple is an ordered

    set of n elements. Columns are referred to as attributes. Relationships have been set

    between every table in the database. This ensures both Referential and Entity

    Relationship Integrity. A domain D is a set of atomic values. A common method of

    specifying a domain is to specify a data type from which the data values forming the

    domain are drawn. It is also useful to specify a name for the domain to help in

    interpreting its values. Every value in a relation is atomic, that is not decomposable.


    Table relationships are established using Key. The two main keys of primeimportance are Primary Key & Foreign Key. Entity Integrity and

    Referential Integrity Relationships can be established with these keys.

    Entity Integrity enforces that no Primary Key can have null values. Referential Integrity enforces that no Primary Key can have null values. Referential Integrity for each distinct Foreign Key value, there must exist a

    matching Primary Key value in the same domain. Other key are Super Key

    and Candidate Keys.

    Relationships have been set between every table in the database. Thisensures both Referential and Entity Relationship Integrity.


    As the name implies, it denoted putting things in the normal form. The

    application developer via normalization tries to achieve a sensible organization of

    data into proper tables and columns and where names can be easily correlated to the

    data by the user.

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    Normalization eliminates repeating groups at data and thereby avoids data

    redundancy which proves to be a great burden on the computer resources. This


    Normalize the data. Choose proper names for the tables and columns. Choose the proper name for the data.

    First Normal Form:

    The First Normal Form states that the domain of an attribute must include only

    atomic values and that the value of any attribute in a tuple must be a single value from

    the domain of that attribute. In other words 1NF disallows relations within relations

    or relations as attribute values within tuples. The only attribute values permitted by

    1NF are single atomic or indivisible values.

    The first step is to put the data into First Normal Form. This can be donor by

    moving data into separate tables where the data is of similar type in each table. Each

    table is given a Primary Key or Foreign Key as per requirement of the project. In this

    we form new relations for each monatomic attribute or nested relation. Thiseliminated repeating groups of data.

    A relation is said to be in first normal form if only if it satisfies the constraints that

    contain the primary key only.

    Second Normal Form:

    According to Second Normal Form, for relations where primary key contains

    multiple attributes, no non key attribute should be functionally dependent on a part of

    the primary key.

    In this we decompose and setup a new relation for each partial key with its

    dependent attributes. Make sure to keep a relation with the original primary key and

    any attributes that are fully functionally dependent on it. This step helps in taking out

    data that is only dependant on apart of the key.

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    A relation is said to be in second normal form if and only if it satisfies all the first

    normal form conditions for the primary key and every non-primary key attributes of

    the relation is fully dependent on its primary key alone.

    Third Normal Form:

    According to Third Normal Form, Relation should not have a non key

    attribute functionally determined by another non key attribute or by a set of non key

    attributes. That is, there should be no transitive dependency on the primary key.

    In this we decompose and set up relation that includes the non key attributes that

    functionally determines other non key attributes. This step is taken to get rid of

    anything that does not depend entirely on the Primary Key.

    A relation is said to be in third normal form if only if it is in second normal form

    and more over the non key attributes of the relation should not be depend on other non

    key attribute.

    5.6.1 Table Description

    Table Name: Login

    Primary Key: UserId

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to login into the website for complaint register

    and crime record management

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    UserId Varchar (20) Id of the User

    Password Varchar (25) Password of the User

    Table 5.6.1 a

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    Table Name: User Registration

    Primary Key: Uid

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to register the details of the user

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Uid Varchar (20) Id of the User

    Fname Varchar (20) First name of the User

    Lname Varchar (20) Last Name of the User

    Uname Varchar (25) User Name of the User

    Password Varchar (25) Password of the User

    Cpassword Varchar (25) Confirm Password of the User

    Gender Varchar (6) Gender of the User

    Dob Datetime Date of Birth of the User

    Address Varchar (50) Address of the User

    Village Varchar (25) Village of the User

    Taluk Varchar (20) Taluk of the User

    District Varchar (25) District of the User

    Pcode Varchar (30) Pincode of the User

    State Varchar (25) State of the User

    Country Varchar (30) Country of the User

    Phone Int Phone Number of the User

    Mobile Int Mobile Number of the User

    Email Varchar (50) Email Id of the User

    Altemail Varchar (50) Alternate Email Id of the User

    Table 5.6.1 b

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    Table Name: Authority Registration

    Primary Key: Uname

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to register the details of the Authority.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Uname Varchar (20) User Name of the Authority

    Password Varchar (15) Password of the Authority

    Cpassword Varchar (20) Confirmation Password of the Authority

    Authorityname varchar(30) Name of the Authority

    Designation Varchar (25) Designation of the Authority

    Gender Varchar (6) Gender of the Authority

    Dob Datetime Date of Birth of the Authority

    Oaddress Varchar (50) Official Address of the Authority

    Phone Int Official Phone no of the Authority

    Raddress Varchar (50) Residential Address of the Authority

    Pcode Int Pincode of the Authority

    Taluk Varchar (20) Taluk of the Authority

    District Varchar (20) District of the Authority

    State Varchar (25) State of the Authority

    Country Varchar (30) Country of the Authority

    Rphone Int Residential Phone no of the Authority

    Mobile Int Mobile Number of the Authority

    Email Varchar (50) Email Id of the Authority

    Altemail Varchar (50) Altenate Email Id of the Authority

    Table 5.6.1 c

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    Table Name: Complaint registration

    Primary Key: ComplaintNo

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to post the complaints of the user.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Compalaintno Int Complaint Number of the User

    Userid Varchar (20) Id of the User

    Docrime Datetime Date of Crime

    Docomplaint Datetime Date of Complaint

    Descabtcomplaint Varchar (75) Description about the Crime

    Detofsuspects Varchar (30) Details About the Suspects

    Table 5.6.1 d

    Table Name: Criminal Register

    Primary Key: Crimeid

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to register the details of the criminal.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Crimeid Varchar (20) Id of the Crime

    Criminalname varchar(30) Name of the Criminal

    Age Int Age of the Criminal

    Gender Varchar (6) Gender of the Criminal

    Occupation Varchar (20) Occupation of the Criminal

    Typeofcrime Varchar (30) Type of Crime

    Address Varchar (40) Address of the Criminal

    Idmark Varchar (40) Identification Mark of the Criminal

    Mostwanted Varchar (3) Most wanted or not

    ImageUrl Varchar (MAX) Image of the Most WantedTable 5.6.1 e

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    Table Name: Prisoners Register

    Primary Key: PrionerId

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used register prisoner Details .

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    PrisonerID Varchar (MAX) Id of the Prisoner

    PrisonerName Varchar (MAX) Name of the Prisoner

    ChargeNo Varchar (MAX) Charge Sheet Number

    Criminalname Varchar (MAX) Name of the Criminal

    CID Varchar (MAX) Criminal Id

    TypeCrime Varchar (MAX) Type of Crime

    OccurDate Datetime Occurrence Date

    OccurPlace Varchar (MAX) Occurrence Place

    Description Varchar (MAX) Description About the Crime

    PhyIdn Varchar (MAX) Physical Identification of the Criminal

    Height Varchar (MAX) Height of the Criminal

    Weight Varchar (MAX) Weight of the Criminal

    Color Varchar (MAX) Skin Color of the Criminal

    ImageUrl1 Varchar (MAX) Image of the Prisoner

    ImageUrl2 Varchar (MAX) Image of the Criminal

    Table 5.6.1 f

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    Table Name:History sheet

    Primary Key: ChargeNo

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to enter history sheet details.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    ChargeNo Varchar (MAX) Charge Sheet Number

    Criminalname Varchar (MAX) Name of the Criminal

    CID Varchar (MAX) Crime Id

    TypeCrime Varchar (MAX) Type of Crime

    OccurDate Datetime Occurrence Date

    OccurPlace Varchar (MAX) Occurrence Place

    Description Varchar (MAX) Description About Crime

    PhyIdentity Varchar (MAX) Physical Identification of Criminal

    Height Varchar (MAX) Height of the Criminal

    Weight Varchar (MAX) Weight of the CriminalColor Varchar (MAX) Skin Color of the Criminal

    ImageUrl Varchar (MAX) Image of the Criminal

    Table 5.6.1 g

    Table Name:Feedback

    Primary Key: Nil

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to give feedbacks of the Authority.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Name Varchar (25) Name of the User

    Emailed Varchar (50) Email Id of the User

    Message Varchar (75) Message Given by the user

    Table 5.6.1 h

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    Table Name: FIR

    Primary Key: FIRno

    Foreign Key: Nil

    Table Description: This table used to enter FIR Details.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    District Varchar (25) District where the complaint given

    PSname Varchar (35) Police Station Name

    Cyear Int Complaint Year

    FIRno Int FIR Number

    Date Datetime Date of Complaint

    Act Varchar (15) Act NumberSection Varchar (20) Section Number

    Oday Varchar (10) Occurrence Day

    Odatefrom Datetime Occurrence Date From

    Odateto Datetime Occurrence Date To

    Otimefrom Datetime Occurrence Time From

    Otimeto Datetime Occurrence Time To

    Rtime Datetime Registered Time

    rDate Datetime Registered Date

    Entryno Int Entry Number

    Dirdis Varchar (50) Direction & Distance from the Station

    Address Varchar (40) Address of Station

    nearPSname Varchar (30) Nearer Police Station

    nearPSdistrict Varchar (30) Nearer Police Station District

    Casedesc Varchar (75) Case Description

    InformantnameVarchar (20) Informent Name

    Fhname Varchar (25) Informants Father Name

    Dob Datetime Informants Date of Birth

    Nationality Varchar (20) Informants Nationality

    Doi Datetime Date of Informantion

    Poi Varchar (20) Place of Information

    Occupation Varchar (30) Informants Occupation

    Informantaddress Varchar (30) Informants Address

    Table 5.6.1 i

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    Table Name: Crime status

    Primary Key: Nil

    Foreign Key: Crimeno

    Table Description: This table used check the status of the crime

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Crimeno Varchar (10) CrimeId

    Viewstatus Varchar (20) Status of Crime

    Table 5.6.1 j

    Table Name: Most wanted

    Primary Key: Nil

    Foreign Key: Crimeid

    Table Description: This table used to enter Most Wanted Details.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Crimeid Varchar (MAX) Crime Id Number

    Criminalname Varchar (30) Name of the Criminal

    Age Int Age of the Criminal

    Typeofcrime Varchar (20) Type of Crime

    Gender Varchar (6) Gender of the Criminal

    Skincolor Varchar (15) Skin tone of Criminal

    Height Int Height of Criminal

    Weight Int Weight of Criminal

    Idmark Varchar (50) Identification Mark of the Criminal

    Casedesc Varchar (50) Case Description

    ImageUrl Varchar (MAX) Image of the Criminal

    Table 5.6.1 k

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    Table Name: Complaint status

    Primary Key: Nil

    Foreign Key: Compalintno

    Table Description: This table used to check the status of the complaint.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Complaintno Varchar (10) Complaint Number

    Viewstatus Varchar (20) Status of Complaint

    Table 5.6.1 l

    Table Name: Missing person

    Primary Key: Nil

    Foreign Key: firno

    Table Description: This table used to enter the missing persons details.

    Fieldname Data Type (Size) Description

    Firno Varchar (MAX) FIR Number

    District Varchar (30) District of Missing Person

    Psname Varchar (30) Police Station Name

    Mpname Varchar (30) Name of Missing Person

    Dom Datetime Date of Missing

    Dor Datetime Date of Case Registered

    Age Int Age of Missing Person

    Gender Varchar (6) Gender of Missing Person

    Skincolor Varchar (15) Skin color of Missing Person

    Height Int Height of Missing Person

    Weight Int Weight of Missing Person

    Idmark Varchar (50) Identification Mark of Missing Person

    Address Varchar (50) Address of Missing Person

    Casedesc Varchar (70) Case Description

    ImageUrl Varchar (MAX) Image of Missing Person

    Table 5.6.1 m

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    The input design is the link between the information system and the user.

    It comprises the developing specification and procedures for data preparation and

    those steps are necessary to put transaction data in to a usable form for processing can

    be achieved by inspecting the computer to read data from a written or printed

    document or it can occur by having people keying the data directly into the system.

    The design of input focuses on controlling the amount of input required, controlling

    the errors, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the process simple. The

    input is designed in such a way so that it provides security and ease of use with

    retaining the privacy. Input Design considered the following things:

    What data should be given as input? How the data should be arranged or coded? The dialog to guide the operating personnel in providing input. Methods for preparing input validations and steps to follow when error



    Input Design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of

    the input into a computer-based system. This design is important to avoid errors in the

    data input process and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct

    information from the computerized system.

    It is achieved by creating user-friendly screens for the data entry to

    handle large volume of data. The goal of designing input is to make data entry easier

    and to be free from errors. The data entry screen is designed in such a way that all the

    data manipulates can be performed. It also provides record viewing facilities.

    When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be entered

    with the help of screens. Appropriate messages are provided as when needed so that

    the user will not be in maize of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create

    an input layout that is easy to follow.

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    A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user

    and presents the information clearly. In any system results of processing are

    communicated to the users and to other system through outputs. In output design it is

    determined how the information is to be displaced for immediate need and also the

    hard copy output. It is the most important and direct source information to the user.

    Efficient and intelligent output design improves the systems relationship to help user


    Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thoughtout manner; the right output must be developed while ensuring that each

    output element is designed so that people will find the system can use

    easily and effectively. When analysis design computer output, they should

    Identify the specific output that is needed to meet the requirements.

    Select methods for presenting information. Create document, report, or other formats that contain information

    produced by the system.

    The output form of an information system should accomplish one or more of the

    following objectives.

    Convey information about past activities, current status or projections ofthe Future.

    Signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings. Trigger an action. Confirm an action.

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    Software Testing is the process of executing software in a controlled manner,

    in order to answer the question Does the software behave as specified?. Software

    testing is often used in association with the terms verification and validation.

    Validation is the checking or testing of items, includes software, for conformance and

    consistency with an associated specification. Software testing is just one kind of

    verification, which also uses techniques such as reviews, analysis, inspections, and

    walkthroughs. Validation is the process of checking that what has been specified is

    what the user actually wanted.

    Validation : Are we doing the right job?

    Verification : Are we doing the job right?

    Software testing should not be confused with debugging. Debugging is the

    process of analyzing and localizing bugs when software does not behave as expected.

    Although the identification of some bugs will be obvious from playing with the

    software, a methodical approach to software testing is a much more thorough means

    for identifying bugs. Debugging is therefore an activity which supports testing, but

    cannot replace testing.

    Other activities which are often associated with software testing are static

    analysis and dynamic analysis. Static analysis investigates the source code of

    software, looking for problems and gathering metrics without actually executing the

    code. Dynamic analysis looks at the behavior of software while it is executing, to

    provide information such as execution traces, timing profiles, and test coverage


    Testing is a set of activity that can be planned in advanced and conducted

    systematically. Testing begins at the module level and work towards the integration of

    entire computers based system. Nothing is complete without testing, as it vital success

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    of the system testing objectives, there are several rules that can serve as testing


    They are

    Testing is a process of executing a program with the intend of finding anerror.

    A good test case is one that has high possibility of finding an undiscoverederror.

    A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error.If a testing is conducted successfully according to the objectives as stated above, it

    would uncovered errors in the software also testing demonstrate that the softwarefunction appear to be working according to the specification, that performance

    requirement appear to have been met.

    There are three ways to test program.

    For correctness For implementation efficiency

    For computational complexityTest for correctness are supposed to verify that a program does exactly what it was

    designed to do. This is much more difficult than it may at first appear, especially for

    large programs.

    6.1 TEST PLANS

    A test plan implies a series of desired course of action to be followed in

    accomplishing various testing methods. The Test Plan acts as a blue print for theaction that is to be followed. The software engineers create a computer program, its

    documentation and related data structures. The software developers is always

    responsible for testing the individual units of the programs, ensuring that each

    performs the function for which it was designed. There is an independent test group

    (ITG) which is to remove the inherent problems associated with letting the builder to

    test the thing that has been built. The specific objectives of testing should be stated in

    measurable terms. So that the mean time to failure, the cost to find and fix the defects,

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    remaining defect density or frequency of occurrence and test work-hours per

    regression test all should be stated within the test plan.

    The levels of testing include:

    Unit testing Integration Testing Data validation Testing Output Testing

    6.1.1 UNIT TESTING

    Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software

    design the software component or module. Using the component level design

    description as a guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the

    boundary of the module. The relative complexity of tests and uncovered scope

    established for unit testing. The unit testing is white-box oriented, and step can be

    conducted in parallel for multiple components. The modular interface is tested toensure that information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test.

    Tests of data flow across a module interface are required before any other test

    is initiated. If data do not enter and exit properly, all other tests are moot. Selective

    testing of execution paths is an essential task during the unit test. Good design dictates

    that error conditions be anticipated and error handling paths set up to reroute or

    cleanly terminate processing when an error does occur. Boundary testing is the last

    task of unit testing step. Software often fails at its boundaries.

    Unit testing was done in Sell-Soft System by treating each module as separate

    entity and testing each one of them with a wide spectrum of test inputs. Some flaws in

    the internal logic of the modules were found and were rectified.


    Integration testing is systematic technique for constructing the program

    structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with

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    interfacing. The objective is to take unit tested components and build a program

    structure that has been dictated by design. The entire program is tested as whole.

    Correction is difficult because isolation of causes is complicated by vast expanse of

    entire program. Once these errors are corrected, new ones appear and the process

    continues in a seemingly endless loop.

    After unit testing in Sell-Soft System all the modules were integrated to test

    for any inconsistencies in the interfaces. Moreover differences in program structures

    were removed and a unique program structure was evolved.


    This is the final step in testing. In this the entire system was tested as a whole

    with all forms, code, modules and class modules. This form of testing is popularly

    known as Black Box testing or System tests.

    Black Box testing method focuses on the functional requirements of the

    software. That is, Black Box testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of

    input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.

    Black Box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories; incorrector missing functions, interface errors, errors in data structures or external data access,

    performance errors and initialization errors and termination errors.


    The system considered is tested for user acceptance; here it should satisfy the

    firms need. The software should keep in touch with perspective system; user at the

    time of developing and making changes whenever required. This done with respect tothe following points

    Input Screen Designs, Output Screen Designs, Online message to guide the user and the like.

    The above testing is done taking various kinds of test data. Preparation of test data

    plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data, the system under

    study is tested using that test data. While testing the system by which test data errors

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    are again uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps and corrections are

    also noted for future use.

    Validation Checking:

    At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as

    a package; interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected, and a final series of

    software test-validation checks may begin. Validation can be defined in many ways,

    but a simple definition (Albeit Harsh) is that validation succeeds when software

    functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by a customer. Software

    validation is achieved through a series of black-box tests to be conducted and a test

    procedure defines specific test cases that will be used in attempt to uncover errors inconformity with requirements. Both the plan and procedure are designed to ensure

    that all functional requirements are satisfied; all performance requirements are

    achieved; documentation is correct and human Engineered and other requirements

    are met. Once the application was made free of all logical and interface errors ,

    inputting dummy data to ensure that the software developed satisfied all the

    requirements of the user did validation checks .However , the data are created with the

    intent of determining whether the system will process them correctly .

    In the proposed system, if the clients click the send button after selecting a file

    from his file list, then the system will show the confirmation message for sending

    files. Similarly if a client makes an attempt to download a file from the server file list,

    then also the system will show the confirmation message for downloading. This is

    how the data validations were made in the proposed system.

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    Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is

    turned into a working system. It can be considered to be the most crucial stage in

    achieving a successful new system gaining the users confidence that the new system

    will work and will be effective and accurate. It is primarily concerned with user

    training and documentation. Conversion usually takes place about the same time the

    user is being trained or later. Implementation simply means convening a new system

    design into operation, which is the process of converting a new revised system design

    into an operational one.

    Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is tuned

    into a working system. At this stage the main work load, the greatest upheaval and

    the major impact on the existing system shifts to the user department. If the

    implementation is not carefully planned and controlled it can create chaos and


    Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the

    existing system to the new system. The new system may be a totally new, replacing

    an existing manual or automated system or it may be a modification to an existing

    system. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet

    organization requirements. The process of putting the developed system in actual use

    is called system implementation. This includes all those activities that take place to

    convert from the old system to the new system. The system can be implemented only

    after through testing is done and if it is found to be working according to the

    specifications. The system personnel check the feasibility of the system.

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    The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved will be

    the system analysis and design effort required to implement the three main aspects:

    education and training, system testing and changeover. The implementation state

    involves the following tasks:

    Careful planning. Investigation of system and constraints. Design of methods to achieve the changeover. Training of the staff in the changeover phase.


    Implementation of software refers to the final installation of the package in its

    real environment, to the satisfaction of the intended uses and the operation of the

    system. In many organizations someone who will not be operating it, will commission

    the software development project. In the initial stage people doubt about the software

    but we have to ensure that the resistance does not build up, as one has to make sure


    The active user must be aware of the benefits of using the new system. Their confidence in the software is built up. Proper guidance is imparted to the user so that he is comfortable in

    using the application.

    Before going ahead and viewing the system, the user must know that for

    viewing the result, the server program should be running in the server. If the server

    object is not up running on the server, the actual process wont take place.

    7.1.1 User Training

    User training is designed to prepare the user for testing and converting the

    system. To achieve the objective and benefits expected from computer based system,

    it is essential for the people who will be involved to be confident of their role in the

    new system. As system becomes more complex, the need for training is more


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    7.1.2 Training on the Application Software

    After providing the necessary basic training on computer awareness the user

    will have to be trained on the new application software. This will give the underlying

    philosophy of the use of the new system such as the screen flow, screen design type of

    help on the screen, type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding validation

    check at each entry and the ways to correct the date entered. It should then cover

    information needed by the specific user/ group to use the system or part of the system

    while imparting the training of the program on the application. This training may be

    different across different user groups and across different levels of hierarchy.

    7.1.3 Operational Document

    Once the implementation plan is decided, it is essential that the user of the

    system is made familiar and comfortable with the environment. Education involves

    right atmosphere and motivating the user. A documentation providing the whole

    operations of the system is being developed in such a way that the user can work with

    it in well consistent way. The system is developed user friendly so that the user can

    work the system from the tips given in the application itself. Useful tip and guidance

    is given inside the application itself to help the user.

    7.1.4 System Maintenance

    Maintenance is the enigma of system development. The maintenance phase of

    the software cycle is the time in which a software product performs useful work.

    After a system is successfully implemented, it should be maintained in a proper


    System maintenance is an important aspect in the software development life

    cycle. The need for system maintenance is for it to make adaptable to the changes in

    the system environment.

    Software maintenance is of course, far more than Finding Mistakes.

    Maintenance may be defined by describing four activities that are undertaken after a

    program is released for use.

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    The project titled as Online Crime file Management System is a web

    based application. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes,

    complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as

    chatting. This software is developed with scalability in mind. Additional modules can

    be easily added when necessary. The software is developed with modular approach.

    All modules in the system have been tested with valid data and invalid data and

    everything work successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled all the objectives

    identified and is able to replace the existing system.

    The project has been completed successfully with the maximum satisfaction

    of the organization. The constraints are met and overcome successfully. The system is

    designed as like it was decided in the design phase. The project gives good idea on

    developing a full-fledged application satisfying the user requirements.

    The system is very flexible and versatile. This software has a user-friendly

    screen that enables the user to use without any inconvenience. Validation checks

    induced have greatly reduced errors. Provisions have been made to upgrade the

    software. The application has been tested with live data and has provided a successful

    result. Hence the software has proved to work efficiently.


    In future we can use Image recognition instead of using heterogeneous

    database more over High speed, accuracy and non-redundant data are the main

    advantages of the proposed system. In the proposed system the user is provided with a

    choice of data screen, which are similar in formats to the source documents. Data

    entry errors can be minimized through validity checks. After the verification only the

    data are placed the permanent database.

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu






    9.1.1 Code for Login

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Data;using System.Linq;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;

    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Xml.Linq;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    { }

    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    string ConnString =


    SqlConnection connection = null;

    connection = new SqlConnection(ConnString);

    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

    SqlDataReader dr;

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    String qry = "select uid from tblUserRegistration where uname ='" +

    txtUserName.Text + "' and Password='" + txtPassword.Text + "'";

    String qryadmin = "select fname,lname,uname,gender,Dob,address,pcode,

    village,taluk,district,state,country,phone,mobile,email,altemail from tblUserRegistration";

    if (txtUserName.Text == "admin" && txtPassword.Text == "admin")





    cmd = new SqlCommand(qryadmin, connection);

    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    if (dr.Read())






    lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User Name and Password";

    txtUserName.Text = "";

    txtPassword.Text = "";





    catch (Exception e1)

    { }






  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu






    {Session["uname"] = txtUserName.Text;


    cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, connection);

    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    if (dr.Read())






    lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User Name and Password";

    txtUserName.Text = "";

    txtPassword.Text = "";





    catch (Exception e1)

    { }




    } } }

    protected void lbtnNewUser_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)





  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    9.1.2 Code for User Registration

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;

    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Xml.Linq;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    public partial class Registration : System.Web.UI.Page


    string ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Conn"].


    SqlConnection connection = null;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)




    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    connection = new SqlConnection(ConnString);


    SqlCommand cmd = new

    SqlCommand("sp_Insert_UserRegistrationss",connection);cmd.Connection = connection;

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", txtUid.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fname", txtFName.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lname", txtLName.Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uname", txtUName.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", txtPassword.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cpassword", txtCPassword.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@gender", rblGender.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dob", txtDob.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@address", txtAddress.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@village", txtVillage.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@taluk", txtTaluk.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@district", txtDistrict.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pcode", txtPCode.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@state", ddlState.SelectedItem.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@country", ddlCountry.SelectedItem.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phone", txtPNumber.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mobile", txtMobileNumber.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", txtEmail.Text);

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@altemail", txtAEmail.Text);





    private void callUid()


    int Uid = 1001;

    int flag = 0;

    connection = new SqlConnection(ConnString);


    string qry1 = "Select * from tblUserRegistration";

    string qry = "Select Max(uid) from tblUserRegistration";

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qry1, connection);

    SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(qry, connection);

    SqlDataReader dr;

    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();if (dr.HasRows == true)


    flag = 1;




    txtUid.Text = Uid.ToString();



    if (flag == 1)


    int id = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.ExecuteScalar().ToString());

    id = id + 1;

    txtUid.Text = id.ToString();




    9.1.3 Code for Email

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;

    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Xml.Linq;

    using System.Net.Mail;

    public partial class FORMS_Email : System.Web.UI.Page{

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    { }

    protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(txtFrom.Text)

    , new MailAddress(txtTo.Text));

    mailMessage.Subject = txtSubject.Text;

    mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;

    mailMessage.Body = txtMessage.Text;

    System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredentials = new

    System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtFrom.Text,txtPassword.Text );

    SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

    smtpClient.EnableSsl = true;

    smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

    smtpClient.Credentials = networkCredentials;

    smtpClient.Host = "";

    smtpClient.Port = 25;


    Response.Write("Mail Successfully sent");

    } }

    9.1.4 Code for Most Wanted Form

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Data;using System.Linq;

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;

    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Xml.Linq;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    public partial class Forms_MostWanted : System.Web.UI.Page


    SqlConnection con = newSqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Conn"].ConnectionString)


    public String str = "YES";

    public static String ImageUrl = "";

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    if (!IsPostBack)

    { frequent(); } }

    public void frequent()



    if (ddlCriminalID.Items.Count == 0)


    Response.Write("alert('New Most Wanted People is not


    btnSubmit.Enabled = false;




    ddlCriminalID.SelectedIndex = 0;


  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu




    public void display()


    String qry1 = "select crimeid from tblCriminalRegistry where crimeid NOT IN(select DISTINCT crimeid from tblMostWanteds) and

    [mostwanted] ='" + str + "'";


    SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(qry1, con);

    SqlDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();


    while (dr1.Read())







    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



    String qry1 = "insert into tblMostWanteds(crimeid,criminalname,age,

    typeofcrime, gender,skincolor,height,weight,idmark,casedesc, ImageUrl)





    SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(qry1, con);

    int n1 = cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery();


    if (n1 > 0)


    Response.Write("alert('Most Wanted People Profile has been added

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu








    protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




    protected void ddlCriminalID_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


    String qry1 = "select * from tblCriminalRegistry where crimeid='" +

    ddlCriminalID.Text + "'";

    if (ddlCriminalID.Text == "SELECT")







    SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(qry1, con);

    SqlDataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();

    while (dr1.Read())


    txtName.Text = dr1["criminalname"].ToString();

    txtAge.Text = dr1["age"].ToString();

    txtToc.Text = dr1["typeofcrime"].ToString();

    if (dr1["gender"].Equals("Male"))


    rblGender.SelectedValue = "Male";


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    rblGender.SelectedValue = "Female";

    }txtIdMark.Text = dr1["idmark"].ToString();

    Image1.ImageUrl = "~/IMAGES/" + dr1["ImageUrl"].ToString();

    ImageUrl = dr1["ImageUrl"].ToString();






    public void SELECT()


    txtName.Text = "";

    txtAge.Text = "";

    txtToc.Text = "";

    ddlSkinColor.SelectedIndex = 0;

    txtHeight.Text = "";

    txtWeight.Text = "";

    txtIdMark.Text = "";

    txtCaseDesc.Text = "";

    Image1.ImageUrl = "";



    9.1.5 Code for Most Wanted Grid

    using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.Data;

  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    using System.Linq;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Web.Security;

    using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

    using System.Xml.Linq;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    public partial class GRIDS_mostwanted : System.Web.UI.Page


    SqlConnection con = new



    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    if (!IsPostBack)





    protected void gvMostWanted_RowDeleting(object sender,

    GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)


    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

    String UID = (String)gvMostWanted.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value;


    cmd = new SqlCommand("delete tblMostWanteds where crimeid='" + UID + "'

    ", con);




  • 7/31/2019 Crime Files Docu



    protected void BindMostWantedDetails()



    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from tblMostWanteds", con);SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();



    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)


    gvMostWanted.DataSource = ds;





