CRICOS No. 00213J a university for the world real R .

CRICOS No. 00213J a university for the world real R Session-I

Transcript of CRICOS No. 00213J a university for the world real R .

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Research Training

A Workshop presented by

Dr Tony Sahama

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Brisbane, Australia

[email protected]

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Why do we research?Because….., it is a open-ended intellectual ambition it is a tantalising question it is the pursuit of knowledge, and Universities are

natural home in this endeavour it is a long journey of learning and enquiring

about.., Why? What? How? When? Where?

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Engage Ambitiously Research is linked to problem solving Does it solving others problems? More people keen to get involved Economically & socially there are cost involved Universities face with respect to research Fundamentally, positioning research is a good idea Does this approach certain on return? The risk is aiming to answer above questions independently

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HDR Challenges

• Providing Quality Supervision in Areas of Research Strength.

• Supervision Guidelines.• Supervisor Accreditation.• Collaborative Cohort Model of Supervision.• Two key supervision behaviours to ensure

student satisfaction.

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Providing Quality Supervision

• Quality HDR supervision takes place in areas of research strength where a critical mass of active, passionate researchers support and nurture research students.

• Research at QUT has received world-standard ranking in the 2012 Federal Government's Excellence in Research for Australia ERA assessment.

• QUT achieved a ranking of world standard or above in more than 85 per cent of its research assessed under the ERA research quality assessment framework.

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QUT’s Areas of Research Strength

• Science and Engineering Faculty• Applied Math, Computation and Statistics• Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (Robotics)• Clean Technologies• Environmental Monitoring• Environmental Genomics and Systematics• Groundwater and Sedimentary Systems• Information Systems and Information Security• Infrastructure Engineering and Planning• Medical Physics and Medical Engineering• Physical Chemistry• Plant Sciences and Plant Biosecurity

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QUT’s Areas of Research Strength

• Health and Institute for Health and Biomedical Innovation• Cancer: Prostate• Chronic Disease, Ageing and Palliative Care• Environmental Health• Exercise, Nutrition and Metabolism• Health Services• Infectious Disease• Injury Prevention• Mental Health and Wellbeing• Musculoskeletal Disease• Vision Improvement• Wound and Tissue Restoration

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QUT’s Areas of Research Strength

• Creative Industries• Digital Media, Communication and Culture• Innovation in the Performing and Digital Arts• Sustainability and Innovation in Design

• Education• Curriculum and Pedagogy• Early Childhood• Inclusive and Global Education• Tertiary, Vocational and Work-based Education

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QUT’s Areas of Research Strength

• Business• Economics• Entrepreneurship and Innovation• Governance, Accountability and Regulation• Nonprofit and Social Enterprise• Organisations and Work

• Law• Health Law• Crime and Justice• Intellectual Property: Knowledge Culture and the Environment• Property, Environment and Commercial Law

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QUT’s Supervision Guidelines

• QUT has a responsibility to ensure that ALL Higher Degree Research students are provided with a quality experience during their candidature AND high quality supervisors who can provide exceptional guidance and support for their research experience.

• To ensure that QUT utilises quality supervisors, the following guidelines have been established:

• 1. All Principal and Associate supervisors are normally QUT academic staff or approved adjuncts;

• 2. All supervisors, as far as practicable, will be appointed for the duration of candidature;

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QUT’s Supervision Guidelines

• 3. All QUT supervisors undertake regular Performance Review with their line supervisor including discussion of their supervisory practices and training;

• 4. The Head of School is aware of staff performance and manages HDR workload effectively;

• 5. All supervisors continue to attend professional development courses and training as appropriate;

• 6. Supervisors new to research supervision are afforded guidance through mentoring;

• 7. HDR candidates have a minimum of two supervisors (one Principal and one Associate who can undertake Principal duties if required).

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QUT’s Supervisor Accreditation

• Performance Supervisors should ensure: • a) That HDR Supervisors meet the University’s Research Active

Criteria in the previous year to commencement of supervision or that non-compliance with the Research Active definition is not impacting on the quality of supervision provided by the staff member, and

• b) That all HDR Supervisors are continuing to access appropriate ongoing supervisor training/development and this is included in the PPR documentation and discussed with the PPR Supervisor.

• Supervisors who meet the two criteria above and who are providing ongoing high quality supervision will be considered to be of good standing.

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QUT’s Supervisor Accreditation

• Level 1 HDR Supervisor: An academic or researcher (without a HDR Completion) is able to be a Principal HDR Supervisor where a Mentoring HDR supervisor is appointed as an Associate Supervisor OR an Associate Supervisor in his or her own right.

• Level 2 HDR Supervisor: Academics and researchers are fully accredited when they have one or more HDR Completions as a Principal or Associate Supervisor and they maintain good standing as a supervisor as assessed by the PPR Supervisor in consultation with the HDR Coordinator and/or Assistant Dean (Research).

• Level 3 (Mentoring) HDR Supervisor: Academics and researchers are accredited if they have 3 or more HDR completions as a Principal or Associate Supervisor and they maintain good standing as a supervisor as assessed by the PPR Supervisor in consultation with the HDR Coordinator/Director and/or Assistant Dean (Research). To be a Level 3 Mentoring HDR Supervisor academics and researchers must be a member of the College of Mentoring HDR Supervisors.

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QUT’s Supervisor Workload Allocation

• Research Degrees Committee has established a supervisor algorithm intended to accommodate variations in student workload which involves the following:

• Each staff member who is allocated a % supervision is given this % as a base from which the following variations are applied as appropriate:

• 1. Where the student is part time the % is multiplied by .5 • 2. Where the student is international the % is multiplied by 1.2 • 3. Where the supervisor is a mentoring supervisor the % is multiplied

by 2. • Example: A 60% Principal Supervisor for an international student = 0.72

while and 40% Associate Supervisor for a domestic student = 0.4.• 1.0 equates to 2-3 hours per week workload allocation.

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QUT’s Supervisor Workload Allocation

• Where a supervisor’s load (based on the algorithm) exceeds the threshold of 6 (12-18 hrs per week workload), the school or faculty PPR manager will need to be convinced that the supervisor can demonstrate their capacity to manage this load, while meeting all of the requirements of QUT’s Code of Good Practice for Higher Degree Research Studies and Supervision, and the QUT Research Training Quality Assurance System (RTQAS).

• QUT has just developed a 5 week on-line moderated module for developing supervision skills.

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Collaborative Cohort Model of Supervision

• Alternative to Apprentice-Master Model • Case Study: Burnett (1999) reported on a collaborative learning

group of 7 doctoral research students.• Role of Students: Attend cohort meetings; discuss all aspects of

their research (methods and data analysis), and read and provide verbal and written feedback on draft chapters and articles. Support a Buddy.

• Role of Supervisor/Cohort Coordinator: Organise and structure meetings, distribute agenda, facilitate meetings, produce cohort newsletters, provide training on editing and providing constructive feedback on academic documents.

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Collaborative Cohort Model of Supervision

• Advantages • Less Isolating: Forum to discuss issues and concerns• More likely to complete: Encouraging structure.• Greater breadth of content knowledge. • Greater understanding and knowledge of research

design and methods.• Acquired writing, editing and critiquing skills.• Decreased workload for supervisors. • Quality of thesis and journal articles enhanced.

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Two Key Supervision Behaviours

•Meet frequently with your students.

•Always give a date for the return of material.

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Questions and Discussion

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Admission & Candidature

A Workshop presented by

Dr Tony Sahama

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Brisbane, Australia

[email protected]

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Admission to QUT

• QUT’s PhD • Admission • English Requirements • Milestones• QUT’s Joint PhD • Features of a Joint PhD

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• QUT has a 3 year PhD from Admission to Submission but some students take up to 3.6 yrs.

• Examination process takes 3-6 months. • THUS the QUT PhD is 3-4 years. • QUT’s dominant pathway for Admission to the

PhD is Honours 1 or 2A OR Equivalent.• Two key components of the case: Research

skills development and Quality output/s.

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HDR Admission at QUT

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Honours OR Equivalent: The Initial steps to a PhD.

• Admission Assessment is first Step Only.• Second Step: • Can appropriate Supervision be provided?• Third Step:• Is the required infrastructure and support


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English Language Requirements

• IELTS 6.5 overall with no subtest score less than 6.

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QUT’s Milestone - Project Management Approach

Admission and Enrolment

Stage 2

Annual Progress Report




Annual Progress Report

Final Seminar

Journey’s End


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QUT’s Joint PhD

• Two Universities AND a 1+1+1+ model. • Student is enrolled in both Universities from the

start.• YEAR 1: Sri Lankan University (Stage1)• YEAR 2: QUT (Confirmation 12 mths). Living

allowance = AUS $25,000 • YEAR 3/4: Sri Lankan University (Final Seminar) • QUT offers a tuition fee sponsorship for 3+ yrs.

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Joint PhD Features

• Supervision: TWO QUT Supervisors (Principal and Associate) Plus ONE or TWO Sri Lankan Supervisors who are accredited as EXTERNAL supervisors.

• Student is examined using both Universities’ processes.

• Student receives two certificates with one (min) or both (preferable) noting the Joint program.

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QUT and Sri Lanka’s UGC

• QUT would like to admit a cohort of 10-15 Sri Lankan academics each year for the next three years. Total=30-45 supported by UGC.

• Connected Cohort Model. Different disciplines. Cohort Co-ordinator. The Cohort would meet 8-10 times in the year they are at QUT.

• These academics would undertake a Joint PhD between QUT and University of Colombo and University of Peradeniya and spend the middle year of enrolment at QUT.

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The Processes

• Parent University (e.g., QUT)• Host University (e.g., UoC or UoP)• UGC• Collaborative Cohort model (flyer)• The process (handout)

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Questions and Discussion

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Panel Discussion

• Summary of the sessions I and II• List of Questions• Discussion

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Questions and Discussion