Creative Writing Fairytale

The Princess and the Shepherd Once upon a time, there lived a princess. She was kind, noble, and beautiful, and so had many suitors. Most of these suitors were princes from neighboring kingdoms – rich, handsome, and haughty. One day, a poor shepherd came to the castle door and requested an audience with the king. “Your Majesty,” the man said, “I love your daughter, the Princess Marina. She is lovely, and is always so kind to the poorest of the villagers. I ask your permission to court her, though I am but a lowly shepherd.” “You!” the king scoffed. “You dare come before me with such a request? You undeserving filth! Marina may have her choice of any prince in all the land. Why would she choose you? Out of my presence at once!” Marina, who was also in love with the shepherd, overheard this and was furious. She begged her father to change his mind, but to no avail. Finally, she devised a plan. “Father,” she said one day, “let us proclaim a contest for all my suitors, including Joseph the shepherd. There is a dragon ravaging the village of Rhodesworth, destroying dozens of farms as it goes. It will most likely come here next. Shall we see which man is


Fairy tale

Transcript of Creative Writing Fairytale

The Princess and the ShepherdOnce upon a time, there lived a princess. She was kind, noble, and beautiful, and so had many suitors. Most of these suitors were princes from neighboring kingdoms rich, handsome, and haughty. One day, a poor shepherd came to the castle door and requested an audience with the king.Your Majesty, the man said, I love your daughter, the Princess Marina. She is lovely, and is always so kind to the poorest of the villagers. I ask your permission to court her, though I am but a lowly shepherd.You! the king scoffed. You dare come before me with such a request? You undeserving filth! Marina may have her choice of any prince in all the land. Why would she choose you? Out of my presence at once!Marina, who was also in love with the shepherd, overheard this and was furious. She begged her father to change his mind, but to no avail. Finally, she devised a plan.Father, she said one day, let us proclaim a contest for all my suitors, including Joseph the shepherd. There is a dragon ravaging the village of Rhodesworth, destroying dozens of farms as it goes. It will most likely come here next. Shall we see which man is noble enough to slay the dragon? Whoever can do such a deed, I will marry.The king was fairly sick of all the suitor business, and could see nothing wrong with his daughter's plan. He decided she was very clever, and agreed to it.Of course, Marina darling. Whatever you say.Three days later, the king gathered all the suitors together and explained the contest.Princess Marina has agreed to marry whoever can slay the dragon of Rhodesworth.One of the princes, whose name was Alex, had really only wanted Marina's money.I shall do no such thing! The hideous thing may singe my lovely hair! he exclaimed, luxuriously stroking the aforementioned strands.The other princes made similar objections.My handsome face may be scorched by the monster's horrible breath!My expensive clothes may be destroyed!Joseph the shepherd stepped forward.I will go, he said. I do not care if it costs me my looks or my clothes, for they do not matter to me. All that matters is Marina and her safety. I also would not want any more deaths in Rhodesworth.The king did not particularly want Marina marrying such a poor man, but an agreement is an agreement. The shepherd probably would not last the fight anyway, he reasoned.Very well, Joseph. Go slay the dragon.Joseph was gone for three whole days, to the point where Marina started to worry.What has become of him? she thought, staring out her window. Will he ever return?Suddenly, she heard a knock on the front door and rushed down the stairs. It was Joseph. His clothes were in rags; his arms were covered in cuts and burns, but he was safe.Marina! was all he said. Oh, Marina!Joseph! The princess was overjoyed. Father! Come quickly!The king came out of his library, obviously irritated.Marina, what Joseph????Yes, Father! Marina was still in ecstasies. And we'll be married at once, of course.The king said nothing. What could he say? He had agreed to this, and his daughter was clearly so happy. He couldn't break her heart.Yes, darling. Why not tonight?It happens that sometimes a noble character is contained by rags, and rich exteriors do not always contain kind spirits. Of course, they all lived happily ever after.