Creative Writing Assignment 24.12.15


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Transcript of Creative Writing Assignment 24.12.15

Page 1: Creative Writing Assignment 24.12.15

Creative Writing Assignment

Step 1:

“I remember…”Start a paragraph with, “I remember…” and let your memories dictate what you write. (Write a minimum of 200 words)

Step 2: Write a mini-story in first person based on the memory you have written in step one. Put the same memory in a fictitious situation involving you and create a story out of it. The memory is a fact; now convert the fact into fiction.

Step 3:

Take on the persona of someone with a different gender, different nationality, and different age and re-tell the story you’ve told in step 2 from the new person’s point of view.

Page 2: Creative Writing Assignment 24.12.15

I remember going to malineni college for off-campus drive. All of our friends went to that college from nagarajuna university .After reaching the college, we met faculty there and went to orientation. It went for around 45 minutes after the orientation. We waited for first round to start, we waited for around 1.30 hour after they call us for first computer based round, and it lasted for another 1 hour after the completions of it. I am quite confident that I will pass that round, so as three of my friends. We waited for around 1.00 hour for the result. As expected all of our friends are selected, except one as he is not good in aptitude round. And the next round is technical round I did round very well. I explained each question in precise manner straight to the point . three of us selected along with me .And finally round is group discussion I selected in they conducted jam instead of gd and asked me to say about my favourite movie for 1 minute. After that we waited for 30 minutes they announced that I am selected for the company

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