Creative Industries Final

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  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final



  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    According to UNESCOs Culture, Trade and Globalization Questions and Answers

    cultural industries are tose tat co!bine te creation, "roduction and co!!ercialisation o#

    contents tat are intangible and cultural in nature$ tese contents are t%"icall% "rotected b%

    co"%rigt and te% can ta&e te #or! o# goods and ser'ices( )UNESCO, *+++( Te Caribbean

    region as a ric and di'erse cultural eritage wic !a&es it ideal #or nurturing creati'e or

    cultural industries( According to social scientist, -r( .eit Nurse )*++/, cultural industries

    sould be 'iewed as a critical strategic resource in te !o'e towards creating sustainable

    de'elo"!ent o"tions in S!all 0sland -e'elo"ing States )S0-S( Nurse asserts tat culture

    sould be te #unda!ental "illar o# sustainable de'elo"!ent #or te Caribbean region as it not

    onl% ad'ances identit% #or!ation and nation building, but also generates new #or!s o#

    e!"lo%!ent and e1"orts, tus di'ersi#%ing econo!ies and #acilitating co!"etiti'eness(

    Tis "a"er see&s to e1a!ine 'arious sub2sectors o# te creati'e industries wic "ossess

    growt and e1"ort "otential #or te Caribbean region( Te sub2sectors include3 4usic, te

    Audio'isual sector, 0nno'ation and 0ndustrial -esign #or Cultural 0te!s, Art and 5iterature,

    6asion and Caribbean Cuisine( -es"ite te !an% &nown ad'antages and bene#its o# creati'e

    industries to te Caribbean region, not enoug as been done to ca"italize on tese industries(

    Troug a care#ul anal%sis o# eac o# te sub2sectors, so!e o# te antici"ated callenges as well

    as #ir!2s"eci#ic strategies will be outlined( Tis will be done witin te conte1t o# e1isting trade

    agree!ents, legislati'e and "olic% en'iron!ents wic !a% eiter "ro!ote or inder te

    de'elo"!ent o# creati'e industries witin te Caribbean region(


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final



    The Possibilities for Growth and Export of Msi!

    4usic as a sub2sector o# te creati'e industries in te Caribbean region as te "otential to

    sti!ulate econo!ic growt, "ro'ide e!"lo%!ent, #oster u!an de'elo"!ent and !ar&et te

    region as a tourist destination( Te region as success#ull% introduced reggae and steel "an to te

    global !usic industr% and tere are great "ossibilities #or growt and e1"ort o# te do!estic

    industr%( Ad'ances in tecnolog% and digitisation o# te global !usic industr% a'e #ostered te

    accessibilit% o# !usic and #acilitated te artists "enetration o# international !ar&ets(

    6urter!ore, suc si#ts in te "roduction and consu!"tion a'e resulted in increases in global

    !usic re'enue #ro! te digital trade$ increasing b% 78 #ro! *+9+ to *+99 and re"resenting :(*8

    billion US; re'enues$

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Te Euota #ree access )Nurse, *++?(

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    abroad on a #ull2ti!e basis a'e increased and te% enBo% te bene#its o# greater co"%rigt

    "rotection, owe'er local econo!ies seldo! bene#itted #ro! suc successes(

    #ir$%Spe!ifi! Strate"ies to Ta&e 'd(anta"e of Existin" Trade '"ree$ents

    ile go'ern!ent as a &e% role to "la% in te de'elo"!ent o# te creati'e sectors as a

    !eans #or increased growt, in'est!ents b% #ir!s are essential in order to ta&e Caribbean !usic

    to te international le'el( 6ir!s !a% ser'e as su""orti'e cultural institutions wic o##er not

    onl% #inancial and tecnological su""ort but also training o# !usicians in reading and writing

    !usic, "ublising and !ar&eting te Caribbean brand to te global !ar&et( Suc strategies !a%

    wor& to sti!ulate inno'ation wic is necessar% to i!"ro'e co!"etiti'eness )Nurse, *++9( 0n

    addition to tis, #ir! in'est!ent as te "otential to i!"ro'e te >ualit% and standard o# te

    Caribbean !usic industr%, increasing 'alue added and tereb% granting !usicians a co!"etiti'e

    ad'antage( Co!!ercialisation o# te regional industr% will ser'e to i!"ro'e de!and conditions

    tereb% allowing local artists to "enetrate wider !ar&ets(

    )e"islati(e and Poli!* En(iron$ents Ne!essar* for Msi! as a Sb%Se!tor to Thri(e

    0!"ro'e!ents in te i!"le!entation and en#orce!ent o# co"%rigt laws and regulations(

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Te need #or di'ersi#ication is witout a doubt one o# te !ain concerns #or all

    CA=0CO4 countries as !an% inge teir de'elo"!ent to one econo!ic dri'er( One o# te

    sectors wic a'e sown growt and "otential witin te creati'e industries is te audio'isual

    industr%( Te audio'isual industr% co!"rises #il!s, 'ideos, tele'ision "roductions, ani!ation,

    docu!entaries, co!!ercials, and #asion soots( ile tere is little data on te size or ca"acit%

    o# te audio'isual industr% in te Caribbean, it is witout doubt tat it as beco!e a new

    "lat#or! to e1"ose Caribbean culture and to create !ore o""ortunities and inco!e #or Caribbean

    inabitants( @ot #il! and te ani!ation sub2sectors a'e sown great "otential in recent ti!es(

    Toda%, audio'isual "roduction is one o# te !ost "ower#ul !eans #or te trans!ission

    and sa"ing o# 'alues and attitudes in societ% and one o# te #astest growing industries in te

    world( Te econo!ic and "olitical sta&es are tere#ore enor!ous and Caribbean go'ern!ents

    sould "a% s"ecial attention to te cultural i!"lications(


    Under te CA=0CO4 Co!!on E1ternal Tari## 4e!ber states !a% e1e!"t goods #or te

    cultural sector #ro! dut%( Te tree !ain categories o# goods include goods #or educational and

    cultural "ur"oses, goods #or te !o'e!ent o# "ersons )including tools o# trade and goods #or

    oter a""ro'ed "ur"oses )including ad'ertising !aterials and tools to carr% out contractual

    wor&( Te list o# Conditional -ut% E1e!"tions )C-E owe'er as se'eral li!itations to be o#

    #ull bene#it to te cultural sector in te region( 6or e1a!"le, tere is no region2wide guarantee

    under te 5ist o# C-Es tat a "articular 4e!ber State will a""l% te e1e!"tion at an% gi'en

    ti!e or to an% gi'en sector( Also, te e1e!"tions a""l% onl% to te CET rate )i(e( i!"ort dut%,

    not to oter duties and carges at te border, nor to internal ta1es( )Sil'a, *++7


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    CA=0CO4 Single 4ar&et Econo!% )CS4E as also !ade se'eral "ro'isions #or te

    #ree !o'e!ent o# s&ills wic include !edia wor&ers, ca!era o"erators and gra"ic artistes wo

    are all 'ital to te audio'isual industr% witin te creati'e sector( Se'eral CA=0CO4 4e!ber

    states a'e also allowed #or te #ree !o'e!ent o# e>ui"!ent( owe'er, tere is still di##icult%

    due to non2i!"le!entation o# co!!it!ents b% so!e CA=0CO4 states(

    The C'RI#+RUM%EU E!ono$i! Partnership '"ree$ent .EP'/

    Tis is te #irst trade agree!ent #ro! te EU tat #ull% liberalises trade in creati'e goods

    and ser'ices to a signi#icant e1tent( Se'eral >uestions regarding te o##er to CA=06O=U4

    countries in entertain!ent ser'ices re!ain( 6or e1a!"le, according to te Trade in Ser'ices

    as"ects o# te negotiations, te EU negotiators a'e "ressed #or a !eans o# certi#ication #or

    entertainers and oter cultural wor&ers wo do not "ossess a Uni'ersit% degree( Te >uestion as

    to weter !ost cultural wor&ers would be able to !eet tis re>uire!ent is one tat needs to be

    addressed( )Te Caribbean Cultural 0ndustries Networ&, *++D(


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Challen"es for the Re"ional 'dio(isal Se!tor

    5i&e !ost de'elo"ing countr% regions, te Caribbean is #aced wit #ierce co!"etition

    #ro! leading industries in te US, 0ndia, U. etc( A &e% callenge as "re'iousl% !entioned, is

    te wide range o# tari##s, duties and carges #or te i!"ortation o# e>ui"!ent and su""lies( Onl%

    recentl%, te Go'ern!ent o# Trinidad and Tobago declared in its *+9F @udget tat digital 'ideo

    recording e>ui"!ent will be e1e!"t #ro! custo!s duties and AT( Also, 9:+(+ 8 ta1 deduction

    u" to a !a1i!u! o# ;F !illion as been granted #or te cor"orate s"onsorsi" o# audio 'isual or

    'ideo "roductions #or te "ur"ose o# local education or local entertain!ent( )Trinidad E1"ress,

    *+9*( On a regional le'el, !ore as to be done regarding te reduction o# tari##s on cultural

    goods and ser'ices as well as te !o'e!ent o# labour and ser'ices(

    Te lac& o# data and in#or!ation regarding te current state o# te audio'isual industr% in

    te Caribbean !a&es it di##icult #or an% strateg% to be "ut in "lace on a regional le'el( A

    toroug assess!ent on a countr% le'el can allow regional "olic% !a&ers to get an o'erall 'iew

    o# wat can be done to bring te necessar% growt #or tis sector(

    ile te onus lies on CA=0CO4 go'ern!ents to create te en'iron!ent necessar% #or

    te A industr% to tri'e, tere is a need #or a regional a""roac troug te ar!onisation o#

    "olicies and institutions( Tis will ensure tat te Caribbean region can get te best deal #ro!

    e1isting trade agree!ents as well as allow te region a better cance #or global co!"etition(


    Te conce"t o# 0nno'ation and 0ndustrial design as been a critical tool in te arnessing

    and e1"ansion o# so"isticated and globall% co!"etiti'e cultural "roducts o# an estee!ed artistic

    !erit witin te Caribbeans s"ere o# Creati'e 0ndustries )C0s( Te essential "ers"ecti'e o#


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    inno'ation and industrial design as a dri'er o# co!"etiti'eness in te de'elo"!ent o# C0s calls

    on te urgent need to identi#% new co!"etiti'e strategies tat would di##erentiate Caribbean

    "roducts, bot goods and ser'ices, in wa%s tat would !a&e consu!er coices less sensiti'e to

    "rice di##erences )S"ence, *+9*( Subse>uentl%, !anu#acturers are encouraged witin C0s to

    !o'e #ro! under te eroding u!brella o# "re#erential !ar&et conditions and into an attitudinal

    !indset o# strategic, state2o#2te2art entre"reneursi"( At tis Buncture, Caribbean "roduct

    engineers and designers along wit business su""ort organisations and go'ern!ent "olic%2

    !a&ers a'e ado"ted se'eral structural Hbest "ractices o# inno'ation in an atte!"t to sti!ulate a

    co!"etiti'e ad'antage #or Caribbean cultural "roducts wile ca"italizing on well2di##erentiated

    designs tat autenticall% brand te regions HCaribbean2ness and est 0ndian roots(

    0nno'ation and industrial design as i!"ro'ed Caribbean creati'e out"ut 'is2I2'is te

    establis!ent o# new tecnological "lat#or!s tat act as catal%sts #or conte!"orar% and

    co!"etiti'e sce!es o# "roduction, deli'er% and !ar&eting( Te "rocess troug wic te

    >ualit%, 'alue, a""earance and #unctionalit% o# cultural ite!s is being de'elo"ed is now

    considerabl% being dictated b% digitisation and ad'anced in#or!ation tecnologies( Te

    digitisation o# creati'e content as o##ered "roducers trougout Caribbean C0s an o""ortunit% to

    ade>uatel% res"ond to te e'er2canging tastes and "re#erences o# consu!ers and clients in

    globall% co!"etiti'e !ar&ets( Te i!"le!entation o# digitisation and tus, co!!ercialisation

    as tere#ore not onl% led to !odern H#ace2li#ts o# traditional "roducts uni>ue to Caribbean

    culture but also increased engage!ent between "roducers and clientsJconsu!ers( Tis !eans

    tat inno'ation as in itsel# assu!ed a co2"roducti'e nature tat strategicall% res"onds to te

    co!"etiti'e de!ands o# bot traditional and e!erging !ar&ets o# cultural ite!s( 6urter!ore,

    industrial design o# cultural ite!s is being trans#or!ed b% Caribbean !anu#acturers in'ested


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    interest in a tecni>ue o# Hidden inno'ation re#erred to as =esearc and -e'elo"!ent )=K-(

    =K- aids in #acilitating Creati'e 0ndustries wit te &nowledge2based !aterial needed to

    enance te a""eal o# "roducts wile "ro"osing e'en !ore well2organised entre"reneurial

    !odels( E1isting content and its "roduct design is re!odelled according to te assess!ents,

    !easure!ents and indicators !ade troug con'entional !ar&et =K-(

    0n Trinidad and Tobago, tere are two "ri!e cases tat igligt te "riorit% "laced on

    inno'ation and industrial design as a &e% #actor in te success o# Creati'e 0ndustries( 6irstl%,

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    As"re% o# 5ondon, te Beweller to te

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    #ew( Suc talented indi'iduals a'e e1"osed te rest o# te world to te uni>ue Caribbean

    e1"erience and b% so doing a'e set tis region a"art #ro! an% oter(

    Un#ortunatel%, #or !an% %ears, Caribbean artists and autors a'e struggled to !a&e a

    li'ing #ro! teir wor& and !an% a'e !igrated to oter "arts o# te world( As te de!and #or

    Caribbean culture b% #oreign !ar&ets continue to grow, so too !ust te su""ort #or tese sub2

    sectors b% go'ern!ents, business "eo"le and local consu!ers( A serious co!!it!ent to te

    5iterature and Arts sectors can "ro'e bene#icial to te region in creating re'enue, Bobs and oter

    lin&age industries(

    The Challen"es

    Nurse and Nicols )*+99 ac&nowledged tat Caribbean "ublisers tend to be under2

    de'elo"ed as te% rel% ea'il% on te ard co"% #or!at o# "ublised !aterials( Altoug,

    tere are #airl% new "ublisers wo utilize tecnolog% in "roducing e2boo&s, te Caribbean

    region as been relati'el% slower in catcing u" wit te latest tecnolog% #or te sale and

    distribution o# boo&s( Te callenge o# si#ting to new tecnologies suc as e2boo&s re!ains as

    tere is a lac& o# tecnical s&ills, a'ailable tecnologies and necessar% #unding(

    Nurse )*++/ as noted tat te art and "ublising industries a'e ad a "oor trade

    "er#or!ance due to te lac& o# in'est!ent in tese sectors( Te lac& o# "ro#essional artists and

    writers as resulted in an inade>uate "roduction o# cultural "roducts #or e1"ort to regions outside

    o# CA=0CO4( Artists and autors so!eti!es lac& te &nowledge o# trade agree!ents and ow

    to #ind new !ar&ets #or teir wor&( Tere is need #or te necessar% trans#er o# &nowledge and

    tecnolog% to artists and autors in order to allow te! to success#ull% !ar&et teir art wor& to

    e1ternal !ar&ets(


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Te arts and "ublising sectors also su##er #ro! te sortage o# national art galleries and

    "ublising ouses witin te CA=0CO4 states and were tese e1ist, tere is o#tenti!es a lac&

    o# su##icient econo!ic and in#rastructural su""ort #or tese agencies )Nurse, *++/( Te


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    >ualit% o# goods te% "roduce in order to target !ar&ets #ro! te to" i!"orters( CA=0CO4 can

    also see& to establis better trade agree!ents wit oter "otential cultural i!"orters(

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    as allowed #or growt in te industr%, and as suc, #asion is no longer centred on Nort

    A!erican and Euro"ean "owerouses(

    ile territories suc as Cina, 0ndia, Singa"ore and La"an a'e beco!e H#asion

    conscious and ta""ed into te bene#its o# tis lucrati'e industr%, #asion as also ad signi#icant

    strides witin te Caribbean region( Te article entitled, 4a""ing te Trade in te Creati'e

    0ndustries, stated tat wile te global arena as recognised te i!"ortance o# te creati'e

    industr%, it as ad a signi#icant role in te econo!ies o# te Caribbean( Te #asion industr% in

    "articular as been a re'enue earner #or se'eral nations witin te Caribbean region(

    )-elou!eau1, *+9*(

    As suc, Caribbean countries a'e recognised its signi#icance as a tool #or econo!ic

    de'elo"!ent, and a'e cannelled teir resources and e!"lo%ed #asion witin &e% "olic%

    geared towards de'elo"ing Creati'e 0ndustries( 0n er stud%, -aneia As"ole, E1ecuti'e

    Assistant to te 4inistr% o# National Securit% o# La!aica, illustrated te i!"ortance o# te

    #asion industr% to te Caribbean( 0ts growt #ro! US;?++ billion in *++7 to o'er US;9+++

    billion in *+9* de"icts e1e!"lar% a"titude to sur'i'e te worldwide e##ects o# te econo!ic

    downturn, and ulti!atel% be a new source o# inco!e #or a##ected nations )As"ole *+9*(

    Altoug te creati'e industr% can be identi#ied as being in its e!br%onic stage, witin

    te Caribbean, te strengt o# #asion as resonated #or !ore tan #our ) decades( it teir

    wor& reacing te corners o# te world, #asion icon suc as Oscar de 5a =enta o# te

    -o!inican =e"ublic, designers eater Lones o# Trinidad and Tobago and La!aican 4a1 @rown

    a'e certainl% !ade teir !ar& in te #asion arena( 4oreo'er, e1a!ination o# te Caribbean

    #asion industr% illustrates tat tis sector as de'elo"ed be%ond te creation o# a""arel to !eet


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    consu!ers de!and( Since its ince"tion, Caribbean 6asion ee& )C6 as been described as

    te !ain catal%st #or te e'olution o# te industr% witin te region( Te %ear *++9 !ar&ed te

    co!!ence!ent o# tis 'enture, wic as "ositi'el% i!"acted te ost countr% La!aica, as well

    as oter designers and !odels witin te region( Toug it as been on a s!aller scale in

    co!"arison to its global counter"arts, te acie'e!ent o# C6 and Caribbean #asion as a

    wole was igligted in *++:, wit @ritis ogue identi#%ing te e'ent as, one o# te latest

    trends on te international #asion scene( )=esearc Grou" #or Caribbean =egional Negotiating

    4aciner% *++/(

    ile te e'idence sows tat tis boo!ing industr% as i!"acted te region, te #act

    re!ains tat e1tensi'e wor& still needs to be done in order #or te sector to acie'e its #ull

    "otential as a 'iable industr%( Closer e1a!ination o# te industr% re'eals tat it #aces se'eral

    callenges at te "olitical, econo!ic and tecnological le'els wic continue to "lague te


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Toug it as been said tat constant researc and de'elo"!ent "a'es te wa% #or te

    co!"etiti'eness o# an industr%, #urter in'estigation de!onstrates tat inno'ation in tecnolog%

    "la%s a signi#icant role in te !aintenance o# te co!"etiti'e edge o# a countr%( Tis li!itation

    in tecnological ad'ance!ent and de'elo"!ent witin te conte1t o# low le'els o# intellectual

    "ro"ert% "rotection as continuousl% andica""ed te regional #asion industr%(


    As te Caribbean see&s to !o'e #ro! co!"eting on te basis o# H"re#erential trade and

    aid to a new era based on Tecnolog%, inno'ation and &nowledge tere is need to arness te

    #ull "otential o# Caribbean cuisine( Te Caribbean region as a ric culture wic is in#luenced

    b% Euro"e, A#rica, 0ndia, Cina and te 4iddle East( Caribbean cuisine co!bines tese ric

    in#luences wit indigenous ingredients and traditional coo&ing !etods to create a uni>ue

    #la'our wic sets te region a"art #ro! an% oter( Toda%, Caribbean gastrono!% is on te


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    radar( )4aco 4agazine, *++/( it te rigt le'el o# su""ort #ro! go'ern!ents and

    businesses, Caribbean cuisine can beco!e a leading creati'e industr% #or te region(

    Al!ost all %ear round tourists #ro! all o'er te world 'isit te Caribbean region #or

    'arious 6ood 6esti'als suc as St( 5ucias 6ood and =u! 6esti'al in Lanuar%, St( Croi1s 6ood

    and ine E1"erience in A"ril, Taste TKT in 4a% and @arbados =u! 6esti'al in October( Te

    Caribbean cuisine as been #eatured on te Tra'el Cannel and !ost recentl% two Trinbagonians

    won te "o"ular 6ood Networ& Tele'ision Co!"etition Series HCu"ca&e ars wit teir uni>ue

    creation o# a #res ginger #i'e2s"ice cu"ca&e wit red2bean #illing, to""ed wit l%cee butter2

    crea! #rosting and a ginger cara!el drizzle( )Teles#ord, *+9*( 4aco 4agazine )*++/ in teir

    online #eatured article gi'es a clear insigt into te great "otential o# Caribbean cuisine3

    6ro! s!all towns in .entuc&% to New Mor& Cit%, #ro! Toronto to 5ondon and bac&, our#ood is being ailed as te new in cuisine wit ce#s screa!ing #or Caribbean ingredients( Notto be le#t out, our ru!s are being i!bibed worldwide b% connoisseurs wit as !uc gusto asgood cognacCreati'e dises suc as Orange2Glazed -uc& Co!#it wit

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Caribbean cuisine needs to be co!!ercialized( 4ost Caribbean #ood restaurants o"erate

    on te basis o# "ro'iding traditional o!e coo&ing in a restaurant setting( ile te restaurant

    owners usuall% a'e great coo&ing s&ills, te% o#tenti!es tend to lac& te necessar% business

    s&ills to grow teir businesses in a "ro#itable !anner( As suc, !ost Caribbean restaurants

    re!ain s!all businesses ser'ing te needs o# te local co!!unities and ardl% e'er reacing

    be%ond tose borders( it go'ern!ent in'est!ent in training local ce#s and restaurant

    owners, Caribbean cuisine can transcend local and regional boundaries( A good e1a!"le would

    be te La!aican "attie wic as "enetrated su"er!ar&ets across te globe(

    Te use o# geogra"ical indicators to in#or! consu!ers o# te geogra"ic origin o# a

    "roduct "ro'ides a uni>ue o""ortunit% #or Caribbean !anu#acturers and "roducers to establis

    and brand teir #ood ite!s( Caribbean cuisine sould be gi'en te necessar% branding so as to

    in#or! bu%ers o# te origin as well as to "rotect tis creati'e industr%(


    Te Caribbean region dis"la%s a co!"arati'e ad'antage in te area o# culture and

    creati'e industries( Creati'e industries "resent a new !odel o# de'elo"!ent wic a##ords te

    region social, econo!ic and cultural bene#its( 0n'est!ent in suc industries would "ro'e

    rewarding as te sector creates indigenous #or!s o# "roduction, e!"lo%!ent, e1"orts, re'enue

    and iger le'els o# social inclusion( 6ro! tis stud% it is clear tat te creati'e industries

    "resent an ideal o""ortunit% to di'ersi#% Caribbean econo!ies( at is also clear is tat te


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    Caribbean region is %et to ta&e #ull ad'antage o# suc industries #or its own growt and


    0n order #or increased growt and de'elo"!ent o# Caribbean Creati'e 0ndustries se'eral

    &e% "olic% inter'entions need to be !ade( ere is a brie# list o# !aBor "olic% reco!!endations

    based on te anal%ses o# te 'arious sub2sectors "resented in tis "a"er(

    9 Establis a =egional Creati'e 0ndustries Council to su""ort te growt and de'elo"!ent

    o# te Creati'e sector witin te Caribbean( Tis Council will ensure te ar!onization

    o# trade "olicies as well as de'elo" a s%ste!atic strateg% to re"osition Caribbean Creati'e

    0ndustries witin te global !ar&et econo!%(

    * =e2e1a!ine current regional and international trade agree!ents, international treaties and

    con'entions and de'ise a regional trade "olic% wic will see& to negotiate te best ter!s

    and conditions #or Caribbean Creati'e 0ndustries to grow( 6or e1a!"le, tere is need #or

    a ar!onized ta1 e1e!"tions regi!e #or cultural industries as well as a stronger

    co!!it!ent #or te #ree !o'e!ent o# cultural wor&ers witin te CS4E(

    F Go'ern!ents sould strengten and en#orce 0ntellectual

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    / 0ncreased a'ailabilit% o# bandwidt across te region as well continued liberalization o#

    te teleco!s sector so as to i!"ro'e te digital en'iron!ent( Tere is also need #or

    greater access to new tecnologies as well as increased training #or its usage(

    D 6oster a cluster a""roac to cultural industries to acie'e Hecono!ies o# scale,

    &nowledge saring and greater access to larger, !ore so"isticated global !ar&ets(

    7 Greater ad'ocac% e##orts #or te cultural sector so as to get go'ern!ents, te "ri'ate

    sector and ci'il societ% to see creati'e industries as a 'iable econo!ic sector ca"able o#

    sustaining Caribbean econo!ies(

    ? Encourage !ore "ublic2"ri'ate "artnersi"s to cra#t !ore e##ecti'e "olicies, "roBects and

    s%nergies #or te growt and de'elo"!ent o# creati'e industries(

    9+ 0ncreased e##orts to gain #inancial in'est!ents into te creati'e sector #ro! bot

    go'ern!ental and non2go'ern!ental sources( Greater e##orts sould be !ade to secure

    in'est!ents #ro! industr% associations, trade "ro!otion organizations, #inancial

    institutions, and international donor and de'elo"!ent agencies(

    1+R2S CITED

    As"ole, -aneia( Caribbean 6asion 0ndustr%(Mapping the Creative Industries, CaribbeanCreatives, Lul( 2 Aug( *+9*(tt"3JJcreati'eindustriese1cange(co!Ji!agesJstoriesJcaribbeanPcreati'esPe!agazineJ*+9+JC0Eine8*+#inalcut("d# )accessed Se"te!ber *D, *+9*(

    E'ans, Grae!e( Creati'e Cities, Creati'e S"aces and Urban

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Queensland Uni'ersit% o# Tecnolog%, ellington, Lanuar% *F, *++*(

    6oord, Lo( Strategies #or Creati'e 0ndustries3 An 0nternational =e'iew( Creative IndustriesJournal9 )*++73 ?9299F(

    Gallowa%, Susan, and Stewart -unlo"( A Criti>ue o# -e#initions o# te Cultural and Creati'e0ndustries in

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Nurse, -r( .eit( Te Caribbean 4usic 0ndustr%3 Enancing E1"ort Ca"abilities and 0ndustrial-ee"ening( =e"ort(tt"3JJwww(ac"cultures(euJPu"loadJocrPdocu!entJCE-A2

    NursePCaribbean4usic0ndustr%P*++9("d# )accessed October 7, *+9*(

    Nurse, -r( .eit( Te Cultural 0ndustries in CA=0CO43 Trade and -e'elo"!ent Callenges(=e"ort(tt"3JJwww(slidesare(netJC=N4Jcrn!2cultural2industries2re"ort2te2cultural2industries2in2carico!2trade2and2de'elo"!ent2callenges )accessed Se"te!ber F+, *+9*(

    Nurse, -r( .eit, -r( 4icele =eis, Lac>ueline 4orris, and Canzo Greenidge( TKT R@est @etR0n'est!ent Cases( Te TKT 6oresigt

  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


  • 8/10/2019 Creative Industries Final


    Te Sridat =a!"al Centre #or 0nternational Trade 5aw,