Creating Single Page Applications with Oracle Apex

Single Page Applications with Apex Dealing with the limitations

Transcript of Creating Single Page Applications with Oracle Apex

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Single Page Applications with Apex

Dealing with the limitations

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- Introduction

- What is SPA and why do we want it?

- Creating a SPA using Apex

- Some other aspects of mobile

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A presentation by


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Dick Dral• Oracle since 1988 (Oracle 5)• Started as classic developer

(Forms & Designer), now Apex• Special interest in UI,

customizing with CSS and JavaScript

• Speaker Dutch Apex conference 2013 (files from Apex) & Apex World 2015 (Smartphone applications with Apex)


Who am I?

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Smartphone applications with Apex


- Always enthousiastic about handheld Devices

- iWebkit, ‘app’ withCSS and a bit of JavaScript

- Apex HTML structures notcompatible => JS restructuring

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Smartphone applications with Apex


- Dealing with limitations: screen, keyboard and network speed

- Smartphone applications can be realy slow on a slow network

- First action: Design application to prevent page refreshes

- Second action: Single Page Application

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What and why


- SPA is an application on one web page

- Why? Performance- Page refreshes take a lot of time,

certainly through thin lines

- Money- When you are abroad with costly


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Apex and web pages


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- All regions on one page

- All links replaced by JavaScript

- All processing replaced by JavaScript

- Handle messages with JavaScript

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Replace links

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Apex Button:Action: Redirect to URLURL: javascript:emp_form_show();

Navigation 1 JavaScript Function (page definition):

function emp_form_show(){ show_region('emp_form'); setPageTitle('Employee Form'); clear_items('#emp_form');}

function show_region(regionId){ $('.t-Region').hide(); $('#'+regionId).show();}

function setPageTitle (text){ $('.t-Header-logo span').html(text); $('head title').html(text); }

function clear_items(selector){ $(selector).find('input,select,textarea').val('');}

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Named Column Report Template:#LIST_ELEMENT#

Report Query:select spa_pck.emp_list_element( empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) as list_elementfrom emp

Resulting column:<li data-empno="7369” onclick="emp_form_show(7369);"> <div class="main_subject”>7369 – Smith</div> <div class="additional”>Clerk (Research) $ 812 /month</div> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></li>


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Named Column Report Template:#LIST_ELEMENT#

Report Query:select spa_pck.emp_list_element( empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) as list_elementfrom emp

Resulting column:<li data-empno="7369” onclick="emp_form_show(7369);"> <div class="main_subject”>7369 – Smith</div> <div class="additional”>Clerk (Research) $ 812 /month</div> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></li>

Navigation JavaScript Function (page definition):

function show_emp_form(empno){ show_region('emp_form'); setPageTitle('Employee Form'); emp_form_clear_items(); $('#P1_EMPNO').focus(); if ( empno ) {apex.item('P1_EMPNO').setValue(empno); apex.event.trigger('#P1_EMPNO','change'); }}

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Named Column Report Template:#LIST_ELEMENT#

Report Query:select spa_pck.emp_list_element( empno, ename, job, sal, deptno) as list_elementfrom emp

Resulting column:<li data-empno="7369” onclick="emp_form_show(7369);"> <div class="main_subject”>7369 – Smith</div> <div class="additional”>Clerk (Research) $ 812 /month</div> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></li>

Navigation JavaScript Function (page definition):

function show_emp_form(empno){ show_region('emp_form'); setPageTitle('Employee Form'); emp_form_clear_items(); $('#P1_EMPNO').focus(); if ( empno ) {apex.item('P1_EMPNO').setValue(empno); apex.event.trigger('#P1_EMPNO','change'); }}

Dynamic Action On Change on P1_EMPNO:begin select ename , job , mgr , hiredate , sal , comm , deptno into :P1_ENAME , :P1_JOB , :P1_MGR , :P1_HIREDATE , :P1_SAL , :P1_COMM , :P1_DEPTNO from emp where empno = :P1_EMPNO ;End;

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Message in generated DIV:<div class="message error” onclick="hide_message();">Commission may not exceed 25% of salary</div>



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JavaScript functions:function process_message(){ var text = $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(); var type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val() .toLowerCase() || 'info' ; show_message(text,type); $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(''); $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(''); }

function show_message(text,type){ $('body').append('<div class="message '+type+'" onclick="hide_message();">'+text+'</div>');}function hide_message(){ $('.message').remove();}function is_info_message (){ var msg_type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(); return ( msg_type == 'INFO' || ! msg_type );}



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JavaScript functions:function process_message(){ var text = $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(); var type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val() .toLowerCase() || 'info' ; show_message(text,type); $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(''); $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(''); }

function show_message(text,type){ $('body').append('<div class="message '+type+'" onclick="hide_message();">'+text+'</div>');}function hide_message(){ $('.message').remove();}function is_info_message (){ var msg_type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(); return ( msg_type == 'INFO' || ! msg_type );}


Messages Styling of message box (CSS on page):div.message { background-color: #5cb85c; color: white; text-align: center; padding: 5px; min-height: 30px; width: 60%; margin-left: 20%; position: fixed; top: 0; z-index: 1100;}

div.message.warning { background-color: #f0ad4e;}

div.message.error { background-color: #d9534f;}

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JavaScript functions:function process_message(){ var text = $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(); var type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val() .toLowerCase() || 'info' ; show_message(text,type); $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(''); $('#P1_MESSAGE').val(''); }

function show_message(text,type){ $('body').append('<div class="message '+type+'" onclick="hide_message();">'+text+'</div>');}function hide_message(){ $('.message').remove();}function is_info_message (){ var msg_type = $('#P1_MESSAGE_TYPE').val(); return ( msg_type == 'INFO' || ! msg_type );}


Messages Styling of message box (CSS on page):div.message { background-color: #5cb85c; color: white; text-align: center; padding: 5px; min-height: 30px; width: 60%; margin-left: 20%; position: fixed; top: 0; z-index: 1100;}

div.message.warning { background-color: #f0ad4e;}

div.message.error { background-color: #d9534f;}

Fading of INFO message box (CSS on page) { backgroud-color: #5cb85c; animation-name: message-fade; animation-duration: 4s; animation-fill-mode: forwards;}

/* Standard syntax */@keyframes message-fade { 0% {opacity: 1;} 75% {opacity: 1;} 100% {opacity: 0;}}

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Delete Dynamic Action On Click on Delete button:Step 1: PL/SQL Action


delete emp where empno = :P1_EMPNO ;

if sql%rowcount = 1 then spa_pck.set_message('INFO’ ,'Employee record deleted'); else spa_pck.set_message('WARNING’ ,'Employee record NOT deleted'); end if;

exception when others then spa_pck.set_message('ERROR',sqlerrm);end;

Apex Button:Action: Defined by Dynamic Action

Dynamic Action On Click on Delete button:Step 2: JavaScript Action

if ( is_info_message() ) { emp_list_remove($(’#P1_EMPNO’).val()); show_emp_list(); process_message(); }else { /* stay on emp_form page */ process_message(); }

Javascript function definition:function emp_list_remove(empno){ $('#emp_list li[data-empno=’ +empno+']').remove(); }}

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Delete Dynamic Action On Click on Delete button:Step 1: PL/SQL Action


delete emp where empno = :P1_EMPNO ;

if sql%rowcount = 1 then spa_pck.set_message('INFO’ ,'Employee record deleted'); else spa_pck.set_message('WARNING’ ,'Employee record NOT deleted'); end if;

exception when others then spa_pck.set_message('ERROR',sqlerrm);end;

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Insert / Update

Apex Button:Action: Defined by Dynamic Action

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Insert / UpdateDynamic Action On Click on Save button:Step 1: PL/SQL Actiondeclare cursor c is select * from emp where empno = :P1_EMPNO for update of ename ; r c%rowtype;begin open c; fetch c into r; if c%found then update emp set ename = :P1_ENAME , job = :P1_JOB , mgr = :P1_MGR , hiredate = :P1_HIREDATE , sal = :P1_SAL , comm = :P1_COMM , deptno = :P1_DEPTNO where current of c; if sql%rowcount = 1 then spa_pck.set_message('INFO','Employee record updated'); else spa_pck.set_message('WARNING','Employee record NOT updated'); end if;

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Insert / UpdateDynamic Action On Click on Save button:Step 1: PL/SQL Actiondeclare cursor c is select * from emp where empno = :P1_EMPNO for update of ename ; r c%rowtype;begin open c; fetch c into r; if c%found then update emp set ename = :P1_ENAME , job = :P1_JOB , mgr = :P1_MGR , hiredate = :P1_HIREDATE , sal = :P1_SAL , comm = :P1_COMM , deptno = :P1_DEPTNO where current of c; if sql%rowcount = 1 then spa_pck.set_message('INFO','Employee record updated'); else spa_pck.set_message('WARNING','Employee record NOT updated'); end if;

Dynamic Action On Click on Save button:Step 1: PL/SQL Action part 2 else insert into emp ( empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno ) values ( :P1_EMPNO, :P1_ENAME, :P1_JOB, :P1_MGR, :P1_HIREDATE, :P1_SAL, :P1_COMM, :P1_DEPTNO ) ; if sql%rowcount = 1 then spa_pck.set_message('INFO','New employee record saved'); end if; end if; end if; :P1_LIST_ELEMENT := spa_pck.emp_list_element ( p_empno => :P1_EMPNO , p_ename => :P1_ENAME , p_job => :P1_JOB , p_sal => :P1_SAL , p_deptno => :P1_DEPTNO );

exception when others then spa_pck.set_message('ERROR',spa_pck.process_server_error(sqlerrm));end;

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Insert / UpdateDynamic Action On Click on Delete button:Step 2: JavaScript Actionif ( is_info_message() ) { emp_list_show(); process_message(); emp_list_add(); }else { process_message(); }

Javascript function definition:function emp_list_add(){ var html = apex.item('P1_LIST_ELEMENT').getValue(); var empno = apex.item('P1_EMPNO').getValue(); var old_element = $('#emp_list li[data-empno="'+empno+'"]'); if ( old_element ) { new_element = $(html).insertBefore( old_element); $(old_element).remove(); } else { $('#emp_list ul.list').prepend(html); }}

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Security- Login Page = Separate Page

- Apex login implies submit

- After expiration of session good error message in Apex 5:- Your session has expired- ( in Apex 4 it was a cryptic JavaScript error)

- Reloading is logging in again

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- SPA with Apex is possible

- Quit a bit of effort

- Native SPA from Apex ?

- Do it yourself- Download at

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Alternative Data Entry


- Easy data entry- Pre-fill- Autocomplete- Location

- Alternative data entry- Touch - Speech

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Using touch for time entry


- Metaphore of analog clock- Draw the hands on the screen

More information :

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Data entry with speech


- Speech to text native on iOS and Android

- Only iOS investigated- Speech recognition is very good,

but…always check the result before submitting or sending!

- Can be used in all apps using the keyboard so also in exisiting Apex applications

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Numbers in speech recognition


- Numbers up to 9 are written in characters (like ‘eight’ instead of ‘8’).

- For use in Apex these should be converted to real numbers

- Amounts can include currency ( ‘four dollar fifty’ yields ‘$4.50’)

- In Apex the currency sign should be removed

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Date/time in speech recognition


- Time uses a dot as separator and can include AM/PM

- For use in Apex the right separator should be used and AM/PM should be converted and removed

- Dates include month names- Date can be entered more easily by

relative indications ( ‘yesterday’, ‘Monday last week’

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Using speech recognition in Apex 1/3


- In some cases conversions need to be performed ( in on-change DA’s )

- Filling the seperate items using speech recognition is tedious and error prone, because still a lot of keystrokes

- Using one sentence to fill several items in a form is efficient and fast

- Conversion of entered speech can be done before entering in item => less change

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Input: Groceries yesterday at Walmart for $4.45

Identify and replace date:Groceries on 21-6-2015 at Walmart for $4.45

Cleanse number inputGroceries on 21-6-2015 at Walmart for 4.45

Identify item content:Groceries on 21-6-2015 at Walmart for 4.4533

Using speech recognition in Apex 3/4


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Using speech recognition in Apex 2/3


- In the spoken sentences the content of the items will have to be extracted.

- By fixed term: ‘next’ or ‘next item’- 19-6-2015 next $12.62 next

restaurant next pizza and beer- By label of item in form

- Date 19-6-2015 amount $12.62 name restaurant description pizza and beer

- By special separator words- Pizza and beer on friday last week

at restaurant for $12.62 ( description are the first words untill the first separator)

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Using speech recognition in Apex 4/4


- Add a new voice input items to the form

- Conversion can be done in Javascript or in PL/SQL

- PL/SQL easier for Oracle developers

- JavaScript faster for slow connections

- Not all functions can be performed within Javascript ( database lookups for list of values)

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- Speech input can be used to fill Apex forms

- Can be applied to existing forms with minimal effort

- Some datatypes need conversion

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- E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

- Linkedin:

- Twitter : @DickDral

- Website :

- Blog :

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