Creating a climate for teaching, learning, and working



Here’s a self-explanatory slide show from Bruce Flye illustrating his facilitation of a group exploring how to create a climate conducive to teaching, learning, and working. Notice the “visual + verbal” collaging of the images with their emergent meanings. (Use the full screen mode to get the best view of the slides.)

Transcript of Creating a climate for teaching, learning, and working

  • 1.

2. Inquire, Imagine & Innovate
3. Many were interviewed, and the stories and quotes were shared
4. Root causes of success were teased out of the stories
5. and three major themes emerged.
6. A future was imagined in which those themes had life everywhere, always.
7. and it was imagined by an ensemble.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. In what ways might we enact this imagined future?
15. 16. 17. Now there are six design elements with which to build an Office of Diversity