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Special Rules (p. 3)

Unit Changes (p. 5)

Forbidden Armory (p. 7)

: Warlords Undivided (p. 11)

Warlords of Khorne (p. 12) Warlords of Slaanesh (p. 13)

Warlords of Tzeentch (p. 14) Warlords of Nurgle (p. 15)

Relics of the Long War(p. 17)

Relics of Khorne (p. 18)

Relics of Slaanesh (p. 19)

Relics of Tzeentch (p. 20)

Relics of Nurgle (p.21)

Black Legion (p. 23)

Word Bearers (p. 24)

Alpha Legion (p. 25)

Iron Warriors (p. 26)

Night Lords (p. 27)

World Eaters (p. 28)

Emperors Children (p. 29)

Thousand Sons (p. 30)

Death Guard (p. 31)

Red Corsairs (p. 32)

The Purge (p. 33)

The Cleaved (p. 34)

Flawless Host (p. 35)

Company of Misery (p. 36)

The Scourged (p. 37)

Serpent Lords (p. 38)

Chaos Legionaries (p. 40)

Dark Councilor (p. 41) Iron Warriors Warsmith

(p. 42) Iron Warriors Siege Battery

(p.43) Night Lords Night Raptors

(p. 44)

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Chaos Legions: Any army using either Black Legion, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion,

Iron Warriors, Night Lords, World Eaters, Emperors Children, Thousand Sons, or Death Guard Tactics is considered to be Chaos Legions (or affiliated warbands). Chaos Legions gain the following army-wide benefits:

All eligible models are upgraded to have Veterans of the Long War special rule for free.

Chaos Legionaries may be taken as Troops choices.

All non-Cultist units gain the Stubborn special rule.

Chaos Renegades: Any army using either Red Corsairs, The Purge, The Cleaved,

Flawless Host, Company of Misery, The Scourged, or Serpent Lords Tactics is considered to be Chaos Renegades (or affiliated warbands). Chaos Renegades gain the following army-wide benefits:

All non-Cultist units receive the Hatred (Space Marines) special rule for free.

1-3 units of Chaos Legionaries may be taken as a single Elites choice. These units are purchased as a single choice, but are deployed individually and count as separate units.

All Chaos Renegades count all Allied Detachments drawn from the Armies of the Imperium (see the Allies Matrix in The Rules) as being Allies of Convenience, and vice-versa.

Veterans of Chaos: Independent Characters, Chaos Terminators, and Chaos Chosen

in a Chaos Space Marine army gain the following bonuses dependent upon their Mark of Chaos (or lack thereof):

Undivided/No Mark: +1 Ballistic Skill

Khorne: +1 To Hit in Close Combat (Max of 2+).

Slaanesh: Fleet special rule.

Nurgle: Shrouded Special Rule. May also take Blight Grenades for 5pts/model.

Tzeentch: Re-roll all failed To Hit rolls of 1. May also purchase Inferno Bolts for 5pts/model.

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Dark Relics: Whenever a Character is transformed into a Daemon Prince due to a roll

of Dark Apotheosis on the Chaos Boons table, the new Daemon Prince retains any Chaos Relics (from Codex: Chaos Space Marines or from this supplement) that he had while a regular Character. Furthermore, if the Character in question had a Jump Pack, the new Daemon Prince is automatically upgraded to have Wings. [Note: The relics “The Icon of Rapture” and “Grave Plate” detailed in this supplement are the only exceptions to this rule – they are not kept upon turning into a Daemon Prince, due to the nature of the relics themselves].

Scions of Chaos: All Cult Troops (Khornate Berserkers, Noise Marines, Thousand

Sons (the unit), and Plague Marines) in any Chaos Space Marine army may take a Chaos Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.

Power of the Daemon: Any non-Helbrute vehicle that has the Daemonic Possession

special rule (but does not have the Daemonforge special rule) gains the Power of the Daemon special rule as well. Power of the Daemon – After resolving all its Shooting attacks, a vehicle with this special rule may choose to fire one of its weapons twice in the same shooting phase. This second Shooting attack may be at a different target than the vehicle had previously shot at that turn. However, once this shooting attack has been resolved, roll a D6 – on a roll of 1, the Vehicle immediately suffers a Glancing Hit, with no saves of any kind allowed. If this Glancing Hit would result in the vehicle becoming Wrecked, it instead Explodes! In addition, vehicles with the Power of the Daemon special rule ignore the effects of Ordinance when determining what weapons may be fired that turn, as long as they have not moved in the previous Movement phase (i.e. a Defiler that has not moved that turn may fire all of its weapons, including its Battle Cannon, at its full Ballistic Skill – it may even fire its Battle Cannon twice if using the Power of the Daemon ability!).

Ectoplasma Weapons: All Characters, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Terminators, and Chaos

Legionaries may choose to take replace their Plasma Weapon (Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, or Combi-Plasma) with its Ectoplasma equivalent (Ectoplasma Pistol, Ectoplasma Gun, or Combi-Ectoplasma) for free.

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The following changes apply to the following units in any Chaos Space Marine army.

Possessed: All models in a unit of Possessed gain +1 Toughness and an additional Wound (becoming T5 and W2). Chaos Chosen: All Chaos Chosen gain the Fearless special rule. Chosen Champions gain an additional Wound (becoming W2). Furthermore, all Chosen models in the unit eligible to take a Plasma Pistol may choose to take a Warp-Serpenta in its place for 5pts/model. Chaos Terminators: All Chaos Terminators gain the Fearless special rule. Terminator Champions gain an additional Wound (becoming W2). Any Chaos Terminators eligible to take a Heavy Flamer or Reaper Autocannon may instead choose to take a carapace-mounted Havoc Launcher for 12pts/model (This does not replace the Combi-Bolter), or instead replace their Combi-Bolter with either an Ectoplasma Blaster for 15pts/model or Warp-Charger for 10pts/model. Helbrutes: Helbrutes gain +2 base Attacks (becoming A4). They may also be given Dirge Casters, Smoke Launchers, Warpflame Gargoyles, and Daemonic Possession, for the appropriate point costs. In addition, they may replace their Multi-Melta with a Warp-Culverin for 5pts, and may take an Ectoplasma Cannon in place of a Plasma Cannon for 10pts. Chaos Havocs: Any unit eligible to take a Heavy Bolter in a unit of Havocs may choose to instead take an Ectoplasma Cannon for 35pts/model. Forgefiends and Maulerfiends: Units of Forgefiends and Maulerfiends may take up to an additional two Forgefiends or Maulerfiends as a single unit (at cost), forming a Vehicle Squadron. If the squadron numbers three or more models, the entire unit gains the Warp-Armored special rule.

Warp-Armored: As long as all models in this squadron are not Wrecked, the entire unit may use the Daemonforge ability once per turn instead of once per game, and add +1 to their Daemonic Invulnerable Save (to a max. of 3+).

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Chaos Predators and Chaos Vindicators: Units of Chaos Predators and Chaos Vindicators may take up to an additional two Predators or Vindicators as a single unit (at cost), forming a Vehicle Squadron. If the squadron numbers three models, the entire unit gains the Black Fist special rule.

Black Fist: As long as all models in this squadron are not Wrecked, the entire unit gains the Move through Cover special rule, and adds +1 to their Invulnerable Save (to a max. of 3+). Models without an Invulnerable save gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save.

Obliterators: When using their Obliterator Weapons, Obliterators may choose to fire Warp-Culverins, Ectoplasma Cannons, Twin-Linked Ectoplasma Guns, and Twin-Linked Warp-Chargers, alongside their other possible weapon choices. However, they may not select Plasma Cannons or Twin-Linked Plasma Guns when using their Obliterator Weapons. Mutilators: Mutilators exchange their Slow and Purposeful special rule with the Relentless special rule. Furthermore, they may choose to use the same weapon profile when using their Mutilator Weapons for multiple consecutive turns, instead of having to change each turn. Dark Apostles: Dark Apostles may take Chaos Jump Packs, Chaos Bikes, and Daemonic Steeds.

Wargear List Additions:

The following weapons are added to the Ranged Weapons list: o Sonic Blaster (3pts – Mark of Slaanesh only) o Warp-Serpenta (5pts) o Warp-Charger (15pts) o Ectoplasma Blaster (20pts)

The following weapons are added to the Melee Weapons list: o Daemon Weapon (25pts)

The following weapons are added to the Terminator Weapons list: o Sonic Blaster (free) o Warp-Charger (10pts) o Ectoplasma Blaster (15pts) o Daemon Weapon (25pts)

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Ectoplasma Weaponry: While many Forge Worlds of the Imperium have spent

millennia refining the process of producing Plasma weaponry, their counterparts in the Dark Mechanicus have experimented down their own twisted path. Their creations are far more potent than their Imperial counterparts, and some of them bear a striking resemblance to outdated and long-forgotten patterns of weapons not used since the Horus Heresy, but even the best-made wards will eventually fail to keep the daemonic essence of these weapons properly contained…

Daemon Weapons: Blessed with unholy powers and energies, bound within these

weapons are the essences of raw Warp entities, and with it their incredible power to be wielded on the battlefield…as long as the bearer remains in control, at least. A Daemon Weapon is a Power Weapon (of the players choice) that also has the Daemon Weapon special rule (A Daemon Axe is a Power Axe with the Daemon Weapon special rule, etc.). Daemon Weapons may only be taken by models with the Independent Character special rule, unless otherwise noted (such as Word Bearers tactics). If a unit has multiple Daemon Weapons, the number of bonus Attacks are rolled for once as an entire unit. [Note: If a model has more than one Daemon Weapon, you still only roll a single D6 for bonus attacks, as you can only hit with one Weapon Profile at a time!]

Name Range S AP Rules

Ectoplasma Pistol 12” 8 2 Pistol, Gets Hot!, Ectoplasma

Ectoplasma Gun* 24” 8 2 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot! Ectoplasma

Ectoplasma Blaster 18” 8 2 Assault 2, Gets Hot!, Ectoplasma

Ectoplasma Cannon** 24” 8 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot!, Ectoplasma

Ectoplasma: Whenever Shooting or firing Overwatch, a model firing a weapon with this Special Rule

may choose to make an additional shot with the weapon (i.e. an Ectoplasma Gun may fire 3 shots at 12”

or 2 shots at 24”). However, if this is done, the model may not take any Armor Saves against Wounds or

Glancing Hits due to failed Gets Hot! rolls during that Shooting attack.

Ectoplasma Cannons do not make an additional shot, but instead change from being Blast to Large Blast

when firing in this manner. This may be done in conjunction with Daemonforge, but they suffer a

Glancing Hit on a 1 or a 2 instead of just a 1.

*This profile may also be taken as part of a Combi-Weapon, and if taken in such a manner gains the One Use Only

special rule.

**This replaces the profile for Ectoplasma Cannons listed in Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

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Warp-Charge Weaponry: Cruel parodies of long-lost technology, these weapons

unleash raw Warp energy upon the battlefield, their dark energies tearing through the very souls of entire squads in a single salvo. Their presence in the arsenals of Chaos Marines is a as much a testament of the Dark Mechanicus as it is the favor of the Dark Gods themselves.

Chaos Ammunition: Some Chaos Marines don’t just make use of powerful and long-

lost technology, but also augment the “humble” Chaos Bolter and Auto-weapons to fire specially tooled ammunition, from blight-touched Toxin Rounds to soul-shredding Daemon Rounds. The following Chaos Ammunition may be taken by relevant units from Codex: Chaos Space Marines. At the start of the turn, a unit must decide which Chaos Ammunition, if any, it will be using that turn, and it must use that ammunition for all Shooting attacks until the beginning of their next turn. Toxin Rounds: Toxin Rounds affect Boltguns and Combi-Bolters. Toxin Rounds become Heavy 1, are S1 AP5, and have the Poisoned (3+), and Blast special rules. Mark of Nurgle only. May be taken by Independent Characters, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Terminators, and Plague Marines for 8pts/model. Daemon Rounds: Daemon Rounds affect Bolt Pistols, Boltguns, Combi-Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, and Reaper Autocannons. Daemon Rounds cause all Armor and Invulnerable Saves taken against them to have a -1 penalty when rolling saves against Wounds caused by the weapon. [Note: This does not increase their AP value – a Space Marine still may take an Armor Save against a Heavy Bolter with Daemon Rounds. That Armor Save is only successful, however, on a 4+, as opposed to the normal 3+] Daemon Rounds may be taken by Independent Characters, Chaos Chosen, and Chaos Terminators for 5pts/model. Chaos Vehicles may take them for 20pts/model.

Name Range S AP Rules

Warp-Serpenta 12” 4 5 Pistol, Warp-Charge

Warp-Charger 18” 4 5 Assault 2, Warp-Charge

Warp-Culverin 48” 5 5 Heavy 5, Warp-Charge

Warp-Charge: For each unsaved Wound caused by a weapon made with this special rule, immediately

resolve a number of additional hits against that unit equal to the number of unsaved wounds. These hits

may themselves cause more hits in the same manner!

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Malefic Ammunition: Malefic Ammunition affects Bolt Pistols, Boltguns, Combi-Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, and Reaper Autocannons. Malefic Ammunition grants the weapon the Rending special rule. Malefic Ammunition may be taken by Independent Characters, Chaos Chosen, and Chaos Terminators for 5pts/model. Chaos Vehicles may take Malefic Ammunition for 20pts/model [Note: If the model is taken from “Imperial Armour Volume 13: War Machines of the Lost and the Damned,” it instead uses the points cost listed in its unit entry].

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Warlord of Chaos Undivided are a fickle and diverse lot, and as likely to be devoted and willing servants of the Chaos Gods as they are those who scorn Chaos in all but the most necessary of circumstances. Some, such as the Dark Apostles of the Word Bearers, actively champion the pantheon of Chaos and commit blasphemous deeds in the name of each of the four Chaos Gods. Others, like the Black Legion, Iron Warriors, and Red Corsairs, use Chaos as a tool to accomplish their goals, while some such as the Night Lords actively spurn using Chaos except in the most necessary of circumstances. Regardless of their motives and their reasoning, the Dark Gods still bless these followers and servants with their favor, and can spurn them on to ever-increasing acts of destruction and depravity, be it for their Legion, their Warmaster, or their own personal gain. In order to roll on the Warlords Undivided Warlord Trait Table, the Warlord must not be equipped with any Mark of Chaos (save for the Mark of Chaos Undivided if

the Warlord is the leader of a Word Bearers Army).

Corsair Prince: Nominate D3 units in your army. They now gain the Scout, Outflank, and Acute Senses special rules.

Scion of the Dark Gods: The Warlord and his unit gain the Crusader and Stubborn special rules, and may re-roll all failed Leadership tests.

Daemonic Scourge: The Warlord gains the Daemon and Move Through Cover special rules.

For the Dark Gods!: The Warlord and his unit gain the Zealot special rule, and count as scoring an additional Wound for the purposes of determining Assault victory.

Scourge of the Halo: The Warlord and his unit gain +1 WS, BS, and I.

Blessed of the Dark Gods: The Warlord gains a free Gift of Mutation, in addition to any other he may have already purchased, and may re-roll all Chaos Boons rolls, selecting the desired results.

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Warlords of Khorne are the most bloodthirsty and terrifying of all servants of Chaos that scour the galaxy. They can be from all walks of life – Khorne cares not from where the blood flows nor who it is that draws blood – but the most truly terrifying and awesome are Chaos Space Marines who have devoted their lives and their very souls to undivided service to the

Blood God. They stride the battlefield as blood-soaked demi-gods of war, chainaxes chewing their foes to gory paste, rage-fueled weapons howling and mangling the foe as they charge headfirst into glorious battle. While many of the most fearsome Warlords are little more

than exceptionally powerful soldiers, whose leadership comes from being the greatest fighter of their warband, many more still retain the intellect and cunning that was bestowed

upon them when they became Space Marines, though even the most intelligent servant of Khorne cannot resist the siren song of bloody combat for long before throwing themselves

into savage ferocity.

In order to roll on the Warlords of Khorne Warlord Trait Table, the Warlord must be equipped with the Mark of Khorne or be a Daemon of Khorne.

1 Rage-Fueled Tyrant: The Warlord and his unit gain the Furious Charge and Zealot special rules.

2 Collar of Khorne: The Warlord and his unit pass all Deny the Witch tests on a 2+.

3 Hate-Fueled Monstrosity: The Warlord permanently gains an additional +D3 S and A, but loses –D3 Leadership (All traits are rolled for once, with Ld being reduced by an amount equal to the bonus S and A), and his leadership may never be modified above the new total.

4 Unfettered Fury: The Warlord and his unit roll 3D6 when Charging and determining Sweeping Advances, and select the two highest results. He also counts as scoring an additional D3 Wounds when determining the outcome of an Assault.

5 Wrath Incarnate: The Warlord and his unit gain the Hammer of Wrath special rule, or add +1 Strength to their already existing Hammer of Wrath attacks.

6 Blessed of Khorne: The Warlord gains a free Gift of Mutation, in addition to any other he may have already purchased, and may re-roll all failed Chaos Boons rolls, selecting the desired results.

Warlords of Khorne

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The servants of the Prince of Pleasures are as varied as they are depraved, but Warlords of Slaanesh are so obscenely corrupt as to be a category of their own. They are the maestros of malignancy, the harbingers of heated passions and secret desire, temptation made manifest

and obscenity given life. While indulgence in all forms of excess are rampant across the galaxy, few, if any, represent the moral and military threat than Astartes in service to

Slaanesh. They dance around the battlefield in a whirlwind of sensation and destruction, their actions faster than the eye can follow, and decadently paint the canvas of worship with the brush of battle and excess, and are as likely to lead a host of warriors in a full-on assault

as they are to insidiously corrupt the nobility of an Imperial World into rebellion, orchestrating their downfall through the formation of pleasure-cults and indulging their

every dark desire. Whether they follow the path of the Noise Marine or other, more esoteric arts, Warlords of Slaanesh are the insidious cancer that plagues the Imperium from within

and without.

In order to roll on the Warlords of Slaanesh Warlord Traits Table, the Warlord must be equipped with the Mark of Slaanesh or be a Daemon of Slaanesh.

Enchanting Visage: Any enemy non-Vehicle unit attempting to Shoot at the Warlord or his unit must immediately pass a Leadership test (with all relevant modifiers) or they may only make Snap Shots until the start of their next Shooting Phase (If the unit would make Snap Shots anyway, such as when firing Overwatch, they instead may not shoot at the Warlord at all should they fail!) Hyper-Stimmed: The Warlord and his unit may both Run and Charge in the same turn, and the Warlord gains +1 Attack and Initiative on a turn he has successfully declared a Charge.

None Grander: Successfully completing Slay the Warlord objectives grant D3 Victory points instead of just 1. If the Warlord slays the enemy Warlord in a Challenge, you gain 2D3 Victory Points instead of just 1. Enemy Warlords cannot refuse a Challenge issued by your Warlord.

Indulgence Made Manifest: The Warlord and his unit have the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule, or add +1 to their Feel No Pain (Player Choice, max. of 3+)

This Quiet Offends!: The Warlord gains the Relentless and Zealot special rules, and all models in his unit equipped with Sonic Weapons gain the Relentless Special Rule.

Blessed of Slaanesh: The Warlord gains a free Gift of Mutation, in addition to any other he may have already purchased, and may re-roll all failed Chaos Boons rolls, selecting the desired results.

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Those who serve the Changer of Ways are as rare as they are powerful, for the fickle streams of fate and fancy are ever-changing, and only the most devious, cunning, far-sighted, and ruthless of Tzeentch’s servants are capable of achieving the level of favor and skill necessary to lead his unknowable hosts into battle. While lesser Champions of the God of Change may be contented with searching out forbidden lore or dabbling in the arcane, Warlords of Tzeentch are not content with such near-sighted goals, instead striding through the Empyrean to conquer entire systems in the name of Tzeentch. Space Marines who have submitted themselves to the Changer of Ways and have risen in his favor to lead Warhosts in his name are ambition given form, striving to conquer, subjugate, pillage, and plunder worlds for their own dark and obscure purposes. Their crystalline or avian forms flicker with sorcerous flames and coruscating energy, and their sorcerous power is only rivaled by their enigmatic plots and intrigues across the galaxy. In order to roll on the Warlords of Tzeentch Warlord Traits Table, the Warlord must be equipped with the Mark of Tzeentch or be a Daemon of Tzeentch.

Flames of the Changelord: The Ranged Weapons of the Warlord and his unit gain +1 Strength. This is cumulative with other modifiers such as Inferno Bolts.

Changer of Ways: If the Warlord is slain, roll a D6 at the end of each subsequent Game Turn. On a roll of 6, the Warlord is returned to the table with 1 Wound, and immediately joins his unit (if it still exists), Piling In to combat as necessary (he otherwise enters play via Reserves as he is normally able to). He may move, shoot, and assault normally. A Warlord who returns to the table does not count as being slain for the purposes of determining Slay the Warlord. A Warlord may not return to the table in this same manner more than once per game. Fate-Maker: The Warlord has his Invulnerable Save increased by +1 (Max. 3+)

Lord of Sorcery: The Warlord gains an additional Psychic Mastery Level (to a maximum of 4). If he is not already a Psyker, he becomes a Psyker (Mastery Level 1), and generates his powers from the Discipline of Tzeentch.

Master of Manipulation: The Warlord may add +1 or -1 to all Reserve Rolls made by any player.

Blessed of Tzeentch: The Warlord gains a free Gift of Mutation, in addition to any other he may have already purchased, and may re-roll all failed Chaos Boons rolls, selecting the desired results.

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Warlords of Nurgle are the heralds of rot and ruin, masters of decay whose corpulent forms tower over rotting warhosts as they lurch between the stars, bringing death and destruction to all who stand before them. Strongest and most destructive of them all are Plague Marines and their Lords, whose superhuman forms are blessed with the touch of their doting patron to be roiling masses of oozing corruption. They are implacable, unfeeling warlords who stalk the galaxy at the head of hordes of Plague Zombies, Plague Marines, and Daemons, and whose names are spoken in the most hushed of whispers (if even spoken at all). Warlords of Nurgle are no strangers to Warpcraft as well – they make plentiful use of Daemonic plagues and psychic corruption to spread their contagion across entire worlds before an invasion, softening the target so that they can stride forth nearly unopposed. Whether they are leaders of the Death Guard Traitor Legion, Nurgle Lords in service to the Warmaster Abaddon, or corrupted renegades who have long forsaken the Corpse Emperor for the embrace of Grandfather Nurgle, their plagues and schemes leave insidious marks across the Imperium for long after they have emerged victorious. In order to roll on the Warlords of Nurgle Warlord Traits Table, the Warlord must be equipped with the Mark of Nurgle or be a Daemon of Nurgle.

Scions of the Plague God: The Warlord and his unit gain the Fear and Zealot special rule. If a unit fails a Fear test, they must immediately take another Leadership test or Fall Back to their deployment zone, with a penalty equal to the amount they failed the Fear test by.

Caustic Strikes: The Warlords Melee weapons gain the Poisoned (2+) special rule, and re-roll all failed Armor Penetration rolls.

Corpulent Lord: The Warlord gains +1 Wound and Feel no Pain (5+).

Doom Made Manifest: The Warlord gains the It Will Not Die special rule.

Touched by the Plague: All enemy models that are in base contact with the Warlord at the beginning of their turn automatically suffer a S2 AP3 hit with the Poisoned (4+) special rule.

Blessed of Nurlge: The Warlord gains a free Gift of Mutation, in addition to any other he may have already purchased, and may re-roll all Chaos Boons, selecting the desired results.

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Any Chaos Space Marine Character eligible to take items from the Chaos Artefacts list

may take one of the following Relics (Relics marked with a * indicate that the Relic replaces one of their weapons).

The Blighted Bolter* – 20pts

The Blighted Bolter is an ancient and venerable relic weapon that has been seen in the hands of Chaos Lords of all creeds since the fall of Horus. Appearing as a worn-down Phobos-pattern Boltgun with black metal casing, the shells fired by this weapon howl with daemonic glee rip through targets with contemptuous ease. The Blighted Bolter is a Bolter with the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: 24” 4 5 Assault 3,

Shred, Rending

Armor of the Foresworn – 45pts

The Armor of the Foresworn is a daemonically-infused suit of Power Armor last seen being worn by the Foresworn Reavers of the Ghoul Stars. It grants its users incredible powers. Though its strengths and abilities make the wearer incredibly powerful on the battlefield, it has a true mind of its own, and constantly attacks the wearers mental wards and very soul in a constant contest of wills. Eventually, followers of the Lord who bears it begin to wonder whether the armor or the Lord is in control, and the bearer has a mysterious habit of disappearing into the Warp without a trace…at least, until some other unlucky soul comes across the Armor of the Foresworn. The Armor of the Foresworn is a suit of Power Armor that grants Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die, and the Daemon special rule.

Maul of the Halo Scourge* - 30pts.

The Halo Scourge was a Lord of Chaos who plagued the Halo Stars for over 500 years before finally being felled by Chapter Master Orrin Thar of the Golden Swords Space Marine chapter. Claiming his signature Power Maul as a spoil of war, Thar kept it in his quarters as a trophy. Over time, however, he began to hear voices speak directly into his mind, and at the Siege of Cendar III he took the Maul into battle for the first time. After Cendar III, Orrin rechristened himself the Halo Scourge, and led his Chapter into the black void where he continues to plague Imperial forces and Rogue Traders to this day. The Maul of the Halo Scourge is a Power Maul with the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: - +2 3 Melee,

Concussive, Rending

Warp-Shell – 40pts

Warp-Shells are Bolter shells that are bound with the pure essence of a Greater Daemon of Chaos. The tumultuous energies contained within their shell detonate upon contact with apocalyptic proportions, rending the fabric of reality. However, they are exceptionally difficult to create, and must be hand-loaded into a Bolt weapon to be fired, and are therefore only wielded in small numbers by the most powerful of Chaos Lords. Warp-Shells are a single-use Chaos Ammunition for Bolters, Combi-Bolters, and Bolt Pistols, and are made with the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: 36” D 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Vortex,

Soul Blaze, One Use Only

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Any Chaos Space Marine Character with the Mark of Khorne or Daemon of Khorne eligible to take items from the Chaos Artefacts list in C:CSM may take one of the following

Relics (Relics marked with a * indicate that the Relic replaces one of their weapons).

The Bloodletters Blade is a rare occurrence of a Warp weapon remaining present in the Material universe. While most weapons and technology from the Warp disappears rapidly upon the receding of the Warp, this blade has stayed in the hands of Champions of Khorne as they plunder the galaxy and spread blood and battle in their patrons’ glorious name.

The Bloodletters Blade is a Power Sword with the following profile: Range S AP Rules:

- User 3 Melee, Shred, Daemon Weapon

The Kothmar Artifact is an ancient and inscrutable device often seen in the hands of Chaos Warlords in thrall to the Blood God. Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors claim it is an artifact of the Forge of Souls, while Ordo Xenos savants claim it is more likely a Yu’Vath artifact captured by Chaos Warlords. Whatever its origin, this tall, brass icon depicts insane acts of rage and slaughter upon its face, forcing all who look upon it to fall into furious rage and attack all near them. At the beginning of each of your Assault Phase, a model with The Kothmar Artifact may nominate one non-Vehicle enemy unit within 12”. That unit must immediately take a Leadership test. If it passes, nothing happens. If the test is failed, the unit immediately suffers a number of Hits equal to the number of models in the unit, resolved using the profile of the units Melee weapons (if the unit has more than one Melee weapon, the bearer chooses which weapon profile is used). These hits are Randomly Allocated.

The Helm of Stogron is a brass and bone helmet carved from the skull of a Bloodletter, adorned with brass icons of devotion and of the teeth and horns of fallen champions. Formerly claimed after a duel with a Daemon Prince of Khorne by Lord Stogron of the World Eaters, this helm invigorates the wearer with energy and vitality the more violent and bloodthirsty their actions. For each unsaved Wound caused by a model with the Helm of Stogron in Close Combat, roll a D6. For each roll of 6, the model with the Helm of Stogron gains a single Wound, up to a maximum of 10 Wounds (this may take the model above its starting number of wounds). If a Wound is regained in this manner, the model gains +1 Strength and +1 Initiative until the end of the next Assault Phase. Wounds regained in this manner are regained at the bearers Initiative Step – if he is slain before he strikes, he does not gain any wounds!

Kill-Ripper is a somewhat unconventional weapon torn from the fields of Vraks by servants of the Alpha Legion. Seemingly a simple Ogryn Ripper Gun, its Daemonic and blessed nature becomes apparent when wielded in battle, its shells screaming praise to the Blood God as it shatters the foe and rips them apart. Its affixed Chainblade rends apart the enemy in close combat as easily as a Chainaxe, making it a highly effective, if seemingly simple, weapon. Kill-Ripper is a Ripper Gun with an in-built Chainaxe with the following profile: Range S AP Rules: 18” 5 5 Assault 3,

Shred, Carnage Carnage: A unit that suffers at least one wound by Kill-Ripper loses the benefit of Defensive Grenades until the start of the next turn, and may not Counter-Attack.

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Any Chaos Space Marine Character with the Mark of Slaanesh or Daemon of Slaanesh eligible to take items from the Chaos Artefacts list in C:CSM may take one of the following

Relics (Relics marked with a * indicate that the Relic replaces one of their weapons).

The Crown of Thorns is borne into battle by the most truly sadistic and cruel of Slaaneshi Lords. A golden halo of spikes that is directly implanted into the brain of the Warlord, the Crown of Thorns hyper-stimulates the pleasure and pain receptors of the Lord, driving him to ever-increasing heights of depravity in the name of glorious sensation. The Crown of Thorns grants the bearer the Feel no Pain (5+), or add +1 to their Feel no Pain (Player choice). In addition, whenever a model with the Crown of Thorns causes or suffers an unsaved Wound in Close Combat, roll a D6. For each roll of 5+, all enemy models in base contact with the bearer suffer a single Attack from the bearer at the current Initiative step (if this occurs after the bearer suffers its last Wound, these attacks occur before removing it from play). These attacks may not themselves generate more attacks in the same manner.

The Skintaker is a Slaaneshi Lord infamous for his works of flesh-sculpting and incredible works of devotion to his patron. In the name of Slaanesh, he created great wonders that glorify the Prince of Pleasure across dozens of worlds, from the flesh-halls of Tygron Prime to the Uplifted Men of Charon’s Fall. This blade is one of the many he has used over the centuries, carving his name in horrific worship to the Dark Prince on the canvas of the Imperium of Man. The Skintakers Blade is a Close Combat Weapon with the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: - User 3 Melee, Shred, Skintaker Skintaker: For each To Hit roll of a 6, this weapon counts as having the Fleshbane and Instant Death special rules, and becomes AP1.

Maestro is an experimental Sonic weapon that is found among Slaaneshi Lords of the Calixis Sector and the Koronus Expanse region. Essentially a small, more compact form of Sonic Blaster, Maestro is no less deadly for its smaller size, and its intonations are saturated with the shrieks of the dead and hidden whispers of blackest desire, caressing the soul and crushing the bodies of all who are struck by it Maestro is a Sonic Weapon with the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: 12” 5 4 Pistol, Blast,

Pinning, Ignores Cover, Soundwave

Soundwave: This weapon may be fired as a Snap Shot and fire Overwatch, exchanging the Blast effect for D3 non-template shots in order to do so.

The Icon of Rapture is carried by the most power and the most devoted of all of Slaanesh’s mortal servants. This is an entirely necessary requirement, for the power contained within is enough to drive most warriors insane with hedonism and debauchery. Few can wrestle with the truth and glory spread upon touching this icon and remain even somewhat sane, but those who do are able to harness its potent energies to glorious and terrible effect, becoming literal avatars of the Prince of Pleasure. The Icon of Rapture is an Icon of Excess and conveys the Zealot special rule. In addition, whenever the bearer is destroyed, roll a D6 – on a 6, place a single Keeper of Secrets in the location the bearer last occupied, Piling In as necessary. This Keeper has no upgrades, but is otherwise under your control. Rolls of Ascension on the Chaos Boons table may transform the bearer into a Keeper of Secrets instead of a Daemon Prince if the player chooses.

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Any Chaos Space Marine Character with the Mark of Tzeentch or Daemon of Tzeentch eligible to take items from the Chaos Artefacts list in C:CSM may take one of the following

Relics (Relics marked with a * indicate that the Relic replaces one of their weapons).

Carried by lords of the Thousand Sons and their affiliated warbands, Doomflame is a fire-wreathed staff of ancient and terrible geometry. Its fractal edges and ornament are able to cleave straight through armor and shatter flesh and bone as if it isn’t even there, and its sorcerous fire is capable of searing the very soul of those who would stand before its wielder. Doomflame is a Force Staff with a Melee and Ranged profile: Range S AP Rules: (Melee) - +2 3 Melee, Force,

Soul Blaze, Two-Handed

(Ranged) Template 4 3 Assault 1, Soul Blaze

The Rubricae’s Heart is a small, black, shimmering stone that has seen adorned on a select few Lords of Tzeentch who make use of Rubric Marines. Said to contain the distilled essence of the very soul of a Rubric Marine, each Heart greatly facilitates the effectiveness of any and all Rubric Marines nearby the wielder, making them stronger and faster than they ever were in life, above and beyond the abilities of an unequipped Sorcerer. Psyker-only. The Rubricae’s Heart grants the bearer, his unit, and friendly units with the Mark of Tzeentch within 12” the Relentless special rule. They also count as having a Close Combat Weapon and Assault Grenades, if they do not already have them. All units lose these benefits if they move further than 12” away from the bearer for any reason, including the bearers death.

Hjoldafyr is a stolen relic Frost Axe of the hated and reviled Space Wolves, which has since been warped and blasphemed by sorcerers of the Thousand Sons into a weapon of the Changelord. Where once Fenrisian runes were etched on this axe now writhes Prosperine script that barely contains the hated power beneath, the sigils of Chaos channeling the power of the Warlord into a soul-shredding edge. Hjoldafyr is a Force Axe with the following profile: Range S AP Rules: - +1 2 Melee, Force, Unwieldy,

Specialist Weapon, Changeblade

Changeblade: All successful Invulnerable saves against this weapon must be re-rolled.

The Warp-Labyrinth is a potent artifact of Tzeentch that enables the wielder to travel and traverse the warp as if it were a stroll through a hallway. Small and composed of black metal etched in unknown writing, the Warp-Labyrinth is a useful and terrifying tool in the hands of any lord of Tzeentch. At the beginning of the bearers Movement Phase, the Warp-Labyrinth allows the bearer and his unit to make Warp-Move instead of normal movement. The bearer and his unit are removed from the table, and are placed in unit coherency anywhere on the table within 12” that is not within 1” of enemy models. They may be placed in Difficult and Dangerous Terrain, but take all tests as normal. They count as having moved for the purpose of Shooting and Assault.

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Any Chaos Space Marine Character with the Mark of Nurgle or Daemon of Nurgle eligible to take items from the Chaos Artefacts list in C:CSM may take one of the following Relics (Relics marked with a * indicate that the Relic replaces one of their weapons).

Rusted and covered in the filth of centuries, Blighthammer is a malefic relic of the Death Guard. Carried into battle for thousands of years from the Horus Heresy to the present, and its caustic and corrosive touch are as equally capable of shattering vehicles as they are demolishing the foes of the Plague God. Blighthammer is a Thunder Hammer with the following profile: Range S AP Rules:

x2 1 Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Caustic Blight

Caustic Blight: Attacks with this special rule add +D3 to their Armor Penetration rolls, and gain the Poisoned (2+) special rule.

Crusted with pox-boils and filth, this corpulent and fly-swarmed armor is believed to be an original suit of Grave Warden Terminator Armor that has long since been touched with the Plague Gods blessings. Grave Plate is a suit of Terminator Armor that grants the It Will Not Die special rule. In addition, all attacks made against the wearer in Close Combat suffer a -1 penalty To Hit, to a maximum of 6+. May not be taken by Daemon Princes.

Plague-Thrower is an ancient Flamer that has long since been converted to fire chemical and toxic sludge instead of conventional promethium. As the centuries have passed, it has become more and more potent, feeding off the decay and the destruction that its master has created, growing to eventually develop a malignant mind of its own. Plague-Thrower is a Bile-Spewer with the follow profile: Range S AP Rules: Template 3 5 Assault 1, Torrent,

Plague Plague: This weapon has the Poisoned (2+) special rule, and all successful Armor Saves against wounds caused by it must be re-rolled.

Blightwing is a massive, horribly corrupted Jump Pack made form the fused and meshed parts of a bound Blight Drone. Stripping down their massive engines and scaling them down through warpcraft and blasphemous technological practices, Blightwing enables the wearer to bring the Plague Gods gifts to the enemy where they least expect, though often at the cost of the wearers sanity and immortal soul – few, if any, can wrestle with the Daemonic intelligence bound within its shell and remain in control. Blightwing is a Jump Pack (Or Wings if taken by a Daemon Prince) that grants the bearer +1 Toughness and Eternal Warrior special rule. In addition, the bearer may re-roll the Scatter Dice when arriving via Deep Strike, and he and his unit may Assault out of Deep Strike if they do not Scatter.

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Chosen of the Warmaster: Chosen may be taken as Troops choices in a Black

Legion army, and have +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Ballistic Skill.

Furthermore, any Chaos Chosen in the unit eligible to take a Plasma Gun may

replace their Bolter with either an Ectoplasma Blaster for 20pts/model or a Warp-

Charger for 10pts/model.

Vanguard of the Warmaster: Chaos Terminators in a Black Legion army gain +1

Weapon Skill and +1 Ballistic Skill, and may take one additional Heavy Flamer,

Reaper Autocannon, or Havoc Launcher in the unit (i.e. 3 models in the unit = 1

Heavy Weapon, 5 models = 2 HWs, 10 models = 3 HW’s).

Furthermore, all Chaos Terminators in the unit may exchange their Combi-Bolter

for either an Ectoplasma Blaster for 15pts/model or a Warp-Charger for


[Note: A model with a Havoc Launcher may still choose to replace their Combi-

Bolter for an Ectoplasma Blaster/Warp-Charger in this case!]

Black Crusaders: As long as the Warlord is alive, all Chaos Chosen, Chaos Space

Marines, Chaos Legionaries, Chaos Bikers, Chaos Terminators, Chaos Raptors,

and Chaos Havocs have the Crusader special rule, and may re-roll failed Morale


Armory of the Long War: All units eligible to take a Plasma weapon in a Black

Legion army may take its Ectoplasma equivalent for free, and all units eligible to

take a Meltagun may instead take a Warp-Charger for 10pts/model.

For the Warmaster!: If a Black Legion army contains Abaddon the Despoiler, as

long as Abaddon the Despoiler is alive and on the tabletop, all units in a Black

Legion army have the Preferred Enemy and Zealot special rules.

Only the Best: Chaos Cultists may not be taken as compulsory Troops choices in a

Black Legion army.

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The Mark of Chaos Undivided: Any unit that is eligible to take a Mark of Chaos may

choose to instead take a Mark of Chaos Undivided for 3pts/model, and any Independent

Character eligible to take a Mark of Chaos may take a Mark of Chaos Undivided for


Mark of Chaos Undivided: A model with the Mark of Chaos Undivided gains

the Zealot special rule.

Independent Characters with the Mark of Chaos Undivided may join units with other

Marks of Chaos, and count as also having the same mark as the unit they’ve joined as

long as they are a part of the unit (i.e. a Dark Apostle that joins a unit of Noise Marines

counts as also having a Mark of Slaanesh as long as they are a part of that unit).

Dark Councilor: One Dark Apostle in a Word Bearers army may be upgraded to a Dark

Councilor for 65pts. If upgraded to be one, the Dark Councilor must always be the armies


Blessed Sons: All squads of Chaos Chosen in a Word Bearers army may be upgraded to

Blessed Sons for 10pts/model. Blessed Sons gain the Daemon special rule and gain +1S

and +1T, but always count as Destroyed for the purposes of determining Victory Points.

Furthermore, all models with a Mark of Chaos (excluding Undivided) and the Daemon

special rule also become Daemons of the same god (i.e. a unit of Possessed with the Mark

of Nurgle also gains the Daemon of Nurgle special rule).

Daemon Artifacts: All Chaos Terminators may replace their Power Weapon with a

Daemon Weapon for 10pts/model, and all Chaos Chosen (including Blessed Sons)

eligible to take a Power Weapon may take a Daemon Weapon for 25pts/model.

Furthermore, any Character in the army may take a Daemon Weapon, instead of just

Independent Characters.

The Eightfold Path: A Word Bearers army must take either a Dark Apostle or a Dark

Councilor as their Warlord.

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Assault from the Shadows: An Alpha Legion army may Seize the Initiative on a

4+ instead of a 6+.

Covert Operatives: Before deployment, nominate D3 friendly units. These units

gain the Infiltrate special rule (If your Warlord has the Master of Deception

Warlord Trait or any other Warlord Trait that grants Infiltrate, you may instead roll

two D3’s, and select the highest result).

Turncoat Operatives: An Alpha Legion army counts an Astra Militarum,

Militarum Tempestus, Imperial Knights, or Inquisition Allied Detachment as being

Battle-Brothers, and vice-versa.

Sabotage! Nominate D3 pieces of terrain on the tabletop. These pieces of terrain

have their Cover Saves reduced by -1 (This is cumulative with effects like Shatter

Defences). Furthermore, an Alpha Legion player may either add or subtract 1 to

any players roll to determine the effects of Mysterious Objective on the table.

Jaws of the Hydra: All units that arrive via Deep Strike do not Scatter if they

arrive within 6” of a unit with a Chaos Icon. Furthermore, units of Chaos

Terminators that arrive via Deep Strike may assault on the turn they arrive if they

do not Scatter.

I Am Alpharius: An Alpha Legion army may never include a Character with the

Unique unit type (unless the Character is explicitly stated to be an Alpha Legion

Character). Furthermore, if your Warlord is slain during the course of the game,

roll a D6 at the conclusion of the last game turn – on a roll of 5+, your opponent

does not gain the Slay the Warlord objective, having slain a stand-in or body

double instead of the actual Warlord!

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Iron Havocs: An Iron Warriors army may take Chaos Havocs as non-compulsory

Troops choices.

Furthermore, any Havoc eligible to take a Heavy Bolter may instead take a Warp-

Charger for 10pts/model or a Warp-Culverin for 25pts/model.

Masters of the Siege: An Iron Warriors army may take a single Iron Warriors

Siege Battery as a Heavy Support Choice. They may also take an additional

Fortification, and are Stubborn and immune to the effects of Fear when they are in

Ruins, Fortifications, Buildings, Trench Networks, or other rubble-based terrain.

The Obliterator Cult: Units of Obliterators in an Iron Warriors army may take up

to 2 additional Obliterators in the unit (for a maximum total of 5 Obliterators in a

single unit) at cost. They may also purchase Malefic Ammunition and Daemon

Rounds at cost.

Warsmith: One Warpsmith in an Iron Warriors army may be upgraded to a

Warsmith for 65pts. If taken, a Warsmith must be your armies Warlord.

[Note: A Warsmith fulfills any requirements that require a Warpsmith, such as the

Infernal Relic special rule]

The Dark Mechanicus: An Iron Warriors army are Battle Brothers with the

Adeptus Mechanicus and the Skitarii Cult, and vice versa.

Scorn of the Faithful: An Iron Warriors army treats Chaos Daemons as Allies of

Convenience instead of Battle Brothers, and doubles the cost of taking Marks of

Chaos and Mark-dependent Chaos Icons. Furthermore, Cult Troops (Noise

Marines, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines, and Khornate Berserkers) may never be

taken as Troops choices in an Iron Warriors army, even if the Warlord has the

corresponding Mark of Chaos. No Character may take a Daemonic Steed.

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Fear Incarnate: All units in a Night Lords army have the Fear special rule, and

are themselves immune to Fear.

Furthermore, as long as a model from a Night Lords army is in base contact with

an enemy model, that enemy model takes all Leadership tests at a -1 Penalty.

On Dark Wings: Chaos Raptors may be taken as Troops choices. Friendly units

with Jump Packs arriving via Deep Strike may re-roll the Scatter dice, and those

that do not Scatter may Assault on the turn that they arrive from Reserve.

In Midnight Clad: A Night Lords army may choose to begin the game with the

Night Fighting special rule in place, and all units have the Night Vision special


Legacy of Nostramo: Any Night Lords Character may exchange their Close

Combat Weapon with a Chainglaive for 15pts/model, and all Chaos Chosen may

choose to exchange their Close Combat Weapons for Chainglaives for


Terror and Woe: A Night Lords army may take Night Raptors as Elites choices.

Scorn of the Faithful: A Night Lords army treats Chaos Daemons as Allies of

Convenience instead of Battle Brothers, and doubles the cost of taking Marks of

Chaos and Mark-dependent Chaos Icons. Furthermore, Cult Troops may never be

taken as Troops choices in a Night Lords army, even if the Warlord has the

corresponding Mark of Chaos. No Character may take a Daemonic Steed.

No Room for Weakness: Chaos Cultists and units of Possessed may not be taken

in a Night Lords army.

Name Range S AP Rules

Chainglaive Melee +1 3 Melee, Rending, Two-Handed

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Scions of the Blood God: All units in a World Eaters army must be equipped with

the Mark of Khorne or Daemon of Khorne whenever possible. Units in a World

Eaters army treat all allied units with either other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or

who are Daemons not aligned to Khorne as being Allies of Convenience instead of

Battle Brothers.

The Butchers Nails: All units with the Mark of Khorne gain the Hatred special

rule, and all Characters in a World Eaters army gain the Rampage special rule.

Angrons Legacy: Khornate Berserkers may be taken as Troops choices in a World

Eaters army, and benefit from the Veterans of Chaos special rule. All non-

Character units with a Close Combat Weapon may replace it with a Chainaxe for

+3pts/model (Characters have the cost of taking a Chainaxe reduced to +5pts).

Blind Fury: All units with the Mark of Khorne in a World Eaters army may both

Run and Charge in the same turn. However, they may never Go to Ground or

otherwise voluntarily fail a Leadership test.

Hatred of the Psyker: All units locked in combat with a unit containing at least

one model with the Psyker special rule gain the Preferred Enemy special rule.

Blood Overfloweth: All units that have the Mark of Khorne and the Daemon

special rule also gain the Daemon of Khorne special rule.

Only the Best: Chaos Cultists may not be taken as compulsory Troops choices in a

World Eaters army.

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Favored of the Dark Prince: All units in an Emperors Children army must have the

Mark of Slaanesh or Daemon of Slaanesh whenever possible. Units in an Emperors

Children army treat allied units equipped with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or

Daemons aligned with other Chaos Gods are treated as Allies of Convenience.

The Kakophani: Noise Marines may be taken as Troops choices in an Emperors

Children army, and benefit from the Veterans of Chaos special rule. Furthermore, any

model that can take a Combi-Bolter may instead take a Sonic Blaster for 3pts/model, and

any model that can take an Autocannon or Reaper Autocannon may instead take a

Blastmaster for 30pts/model.

Furthermore, for every five models in a unit of Noise Marines, one model may replace

their Boltgun with a Blastmaster for 30pts/model.

[Note: This replaces the option for purchasing Blastmasters listed in their unit entry in

the Codex – a unit of 20 Noise Marines can have a max of 4 Blastmasters].

Vessels of Excess: The effects of Dirge casters are extended to 12”.

Any Vehicle in an Emperors Children detachment may choose any of the following in

any combination (sponson weapons must both be the same, however):

Replace a Heavy Bolter with a Twin-Linked Sonic Blaster for +5pts each

Replace a Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter for a Twin-Linked Sonic Blaster for free

Replace an Autocannon for a Blastmaster for +30pts each

Replace a Reaper Autocannon/Twin-Linked Autocannon for a Blastmaster for

15pts each

Replace a Twin-Linked Lascannon for a Twin-Linked Blastmaster for +20pts each

(Land Raider only).

The Symphony of Pain: Chaos Lords, Chaos Sorcerers, and Dark Apostles may take a

Doom Siren for 30pts (May not be taken by models with a Chaos Bike or Steed of


Daemons of Excess: All units with the Mark of Slaanesh and the Daemon special rule in

an Emperors Children army gain the Daemon of Slaanesh special rule.

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Oracles of the Deceiver: All units in a Thousand Sons army must be equipped with a

Mark of Tzeentch or Daemon of Tzeentch whenever possible. Units in a Thousand Sons

army treat allied units with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or are Daemons of

another Chaos God as being Allies of Convenience.

Rubricae: Thousand Sons (the unit) are available as Troops choices in a Thousand Sons

army, and benefit from the Veterans of Chaos special rule. They also gain +1 to their

Invulnerable Save and are Relentless as long as their Aspiring Sorcerer is alive.

Lords of Sorcery: Any non-Cultist Champion in the army may be upgraded to be an

Aspiring Sorcerer for +50pts, gaining an Aura of Dark Glory and replacing their Close

Combat Weapon with a Force Weapon. These Aspiring Sorcerers otherwise count as

being identical to the Champion that they replace, and may take all relevant options and

upgrades at cost in their unit entry.

Furthermore, any Psyker in the army may take an additional Psychic Mastery Level for

+25pts, and may generate their powers from the Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy,

Divination, Discipline of Tzeentch, and either disciplines of Daemonology. In addition,

they may also take an additional Psychic Focus in one other Discipline that they have

generated a Power from (for a total of two Psychic Focuses).

Inferno Bolts: The effects of Inferno Bolts are expanded to include Autocannons, Reaper

Autocannons, Heavy Bolters and Combi-Bolters (including the Bolter part of a Combi-

Weapon). Chaos Havocs and Obliterators may take Inferno Bolts for 5pts/model, and all

Chaos Vehicles may take Inferno Bolts for 20pts/model.

Veterans of Prospero: All units have the Preferred Enemy (Space Wolves) special rule.

The Sons of Magnus: A Thousand Sons army may not include Possessed and may not

take Chaos Cultists as compulsory Troops choices. Units may not purchase a Gift of

Mutation (though may receive one from Warlord Traits and other sources).

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Harbingers of Nurgle: All units in a Death Guard army must be equipped with a Mark

of Nurgle or Daemon of Nurgle whenever possible. Units in a Death Guard army treat

allied units with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or are Daemons of another Chaos

God as being Allies of Convenience.

Hand of Mortarion: Plague Marines may be taken as Troops choices in a Death Guard

army, and gain the Slow and Purposeful special rule. They also benefit from the Veterans

of Chaos special rule.

Furthermore, Chosen units may replace their Close Combat Weapons with Plague Knives

for free. All Chaos Chosen, Chaos Space Marines, and Chaos Havocs have the Slow and

Purposeful special rule, and Chaos Havocs and Chaos Space Marines may take Toxin

Rounds for 8pts/model.

Grave Wardens: Any unit of Chaos Terminators in a Death Guard army may be

upgraded to Grave Wardens for 10pts/model. Grave Wardens gain an additional Wound

and gain the Feel no Pain (5+) special rule.

The Plague Gods Blessings: All units in a Death Guard Army gain the Feel No Pain

(6+) special rule.

Daemons of Despair: All models with the Mark of Nurgle and the Daemon special rule

also gain the Daemon of Nurgle special rule.

Bile-Spewers: Any unit in a Death Guard army eligible to take a Flamer may instead

take a Bile-Spewer for the same cost:

Range S AP Rules Bile-Spewer Template 2 - Assault 1, Poisoned (3+)

Any unit or Character eligible to take a Combi-Flamer may instead take a Combi-Spewer

(a Combi-Bolter with a one-use Bile-Spewer) for the same cost.

Plague Zombies: A Death Guard may take Plague Zombies as non-compulsory Troops

Choices, even if it is not led by Typhus, Herald of Nurgle.

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Badab Veterans: All units in a Red Corsairs army gain the Preferred Enemy

(Space Marines) special rule.

Pirates Without Peer: All Chaos Bikers and Chaos Raptors gain the Hit and Run

special rule. Chaos Bikers may also be taken as Troops choices.

Corsair Tactics: When a unit has successfully rolled to enter play from Reserves,

roll a D6. On a 4+, the unit gains the Outflank special rule, and is deployed

according to the rules for Outflank. Units that have not arrived via Deep Strike

may also Assault when arriving from Reserve.

Boarding Specialists: In addition to their normal upgrades, units of Chaos Chosen

in a Red Corsairs army may replace their Close Combat Weapon with a Chaos

Boarding Shield for 5pts/model. A Chaos Boarding Shield grants the model a 6+

Invulnerable Save, and, when in base contact with another friendly model with a

Chaos Boarding Shield, increases their Invulnerable Save to 5+ and allows the

model to re-roll failed Invulnerable saves.

Chaos Terminators may replace their Power Weapon or Combi-Bolter with a

Chaos Boarding Shield for free.

Ambitious Upstarts: Units in a Red Corsairs army may re-roll all failed Morale


Hail to the Tyrant: If Huron Blackheart is taken in a Red Corsairs army, he must

be the Warlord. As long as Huron Blackheart is alive and on the tabletop, all Red

Corsairs units gain +1 Leadership and the Stubborn special rule. If Huron

Blackheart is slain, however, all units must immediately pass a Leadership test

with a -1 penalty or Fall Back to their Deployment Zone.

Corsair Renegades: A Red Corsairs army may not take any model with the

Unique unit type, with the notable exception of Huron Blackheart himself.

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The Purge

Harbingers of Nurgle: All units in an army of The Purge must be equipped with a

Mark of Nurgle or Daemon of Nurgle whenever possible. Units in an army of The

Purge treat allied units with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or are Daemons of

another Chaos God as being Allies of Convenience.

Hatred of all Life: All units in an army of The Purge gain the Hatred special rule.

Furthermore, all models in an army of The Purge may choose to target enemy units

that are currently Locked In Combat with friendly or other allied units. Unless

firing a Blast or other Template weapon, all failed To Hit rolls of 1 by Shooting

attacks count as automatically striking a friendly model locked into that combat,

and are resolved appropriately. These hits are Randomly Allocated.

Chemical Weapons: All units that can take either a Flamer or a Missile Launcher

may take Chemical Munitions for free. Chemical Munitions grant Flamers and

Frag Missiles the Shred and Gets Hot! Special rules.

Vehicles may take Chemical Munitions for Heavy Flamers and Havoc Launchers

as well.

Veterans of Vraks: All units in an army of The Purge may re-roll failed

Dangerous and Difficult Terrain tests. Furthermore, all units gain +1 to their Cover

Save in Ruins, Fortifications, Buildings, and Trench Networks.

In addition, all Vehicles in an army of The Purge gain the Move Through Cover

special rule.

Unleash the Blight: An army of The Purge may take a unit of Blight Drones or

Plague Drones as a single Fast-Attack choice at cost (see Codex: Chaos Daemons).

Sacrificial Hordes: At the start of their turn, for each unit of Chaos Cultists or

allied Renegades and Heretics infantry unit that has been destroyed, roll a D6. On a

result of 5+, an identical unit of Cultists or Renegades is placed on the tabletop via

Reserves. These units have identical wargear and special rules as the unit they

replaced, and are otherwise considered normal units for scoring and Victory Points.

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Harbingers of Nurgle: All units in an army of The Cleaved must be equipped

with a Mark of Nurgle or Daemon of Nurgle whenever possible. Units in an army

of The Cleaved treat allied units with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or are

Daemons of another Chaos God as being Allies of Convenience.

From Beyond: All Infantry units, Helbrutes, and models with the Daemon special

rule in an army of The Cleaved have the Deep Strike and Fear special rule, and are

themselves immune to Fear.

Warp-Spawned Horrors: All Infantry units may re-roll all failed Leadership


Furthermore, all units with the Mark of Nurgle and the Daemon special rule gain

the Daemon of Nurgle special rule.

Icons of Summoning: Any friendly unit arriving via Deep Strike that arrives

within 6” of a unit with an Icon of Despair does not Scatter. This includes allied

Daemons of Nurgle.

Scouring Ruin: Plague Marines in an army of The Cleaved gain the Slow and

Purposeful special rule, and may commit Sweeping Advances despite being Slow

and Purposeful.

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Favored of the Dark Prince: All units in Flawless Host army must have the Mark

of Slaanesh or Daemon of Slaanesh whenever possible. Units in a Flawless Host

army treat allied units equipped with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or

Daemons aligned with other Chaos Gods are treated as Allies of Convenience.

Glorious and Pure: All Characters with the Champion of Chaos special rule in a

Flawless Host army receive a free Gift of Mutation. Each unit of Chaos Chosen,

Possessed, and Chaos Terminators in a Flawless Host army may take a unit-wide

Gift of Mutation (rolling once for the entire unit) for 5pts/model. The effects of this

Gift of Mutation apply to all models in the unit.

[Note: While the cost of the Characters Gift of Mutation is free, it is still rolled for

with the entire unit, and he does not gain more than one free Gift in this manner].

Monstrous Arrogance: All units in a Flawless Host army are Fearless. However,

they may never voluntarily Go to Ground or otherwise voluntarily fail a

Leadership test. A Character can never undertake a Glorious Intervention in a

Flawless Host army.

Your Honor Compels You! Whenever a Character of the Flawless Host issues a

Challenge, the recipient of the Challenge must take a Leadership test with

appropriate modifiers. If failed, the recipient is unable to refuse the Challenge. If

the Warlord of a Flawless Host army issues a challenge to another Warlord, the

enemy Warlord does not take the test – he may not refuse the challenge, no matter


Duelists Without Peer: Whenever a Character of a Flawless Host army is in a

Challenge, he doubles his Attacks characteristic.

Furthermore, all Independent Characters in a Flawless Host army may upgrade any

of their melee weapons to be Dueling Weapon for +5pts/weapon. A Dueling

Weapon gains the Master-Crafted and Rending special rules

[Note: This does not include Pistols.]

Insurmountable Disdain: A Flawless Host army treats all Allied Detachments as

Desperate Allies (unless they would otherwise be Come the Apocalypse).

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Of Ruin and Woe: All units in a Company of Misery army gain the Fear special

rule, and are themselves immune to Fear.

Nothing Left to Lose: Units in a Company of Misery army gain the Stubborn

special rule, and may not take units with the Unique unit type (save for characters

that are explicitly stated to be Company of Misery Characters).

Summon the Witching Moon: A Company of Misery army may attempt to

Summon the Witching Moon at the beginning of any of their Movement phases.

The player rolls a D6 – on a 4+, the Witching Moon has been summoned, and

hangs ominously over the battlefield for D6 turns. While it may be attempted

multiple times, the Witching Moon may only be summoned once per game.

While the Witching Moon is active, the following occur:

The Night Fighting rules are in effect

All Daemonic Invulnerable Saves are increased by +1 (Maximum of 3+)

All units in a Company of Misery army gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save, or

increase an already existing Invulnerable Save by +1 (Max. of 3+).

All Warp Charges are harnessed on a 3+ instead of a 4+.

All Psykers suffer a Perils of the Warp on any doubles when rolling to cast

Psychic Powers.

All units with the Daemon rule attempting to arrive via Deep Strike scatter

only D6” instead of 2D6”, and may re-roll the Scatter Dice. Daemons that do

not Scatter may Assault when they arrive via Deep Strike.

If the game ends while the Witching Moon is still in play, a Company of

Misery army gains an additional Victory Point.

When the Witching Moon recedes, the following rules are in effect for the rest of

the game:

Night Fighting rules are automatically lifted, even if they would otherwise

be present.

All Warp Charges are harnessed on a 5+ instead of a 4+.

All units with the Daemon rule attempting to arrive from Deep Strike suffer

a -1 penalty to their Reserve rolls, and Scatter an additional D3”.

All Daemonic Invulnerable Saves are decreased by -1 (to a minimum of 6+).

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Oracles of the Deceiver: All units in an army of The Scourged must be equipped

with a Mark of Tzeentch or Daemon of Tzeentch whenever possible. Units in an

army of The Scourged treat allied units with other Marks or Covenants of Chaos or

are Daemons of another Chaos God as being Allies of Convenience.

The Lies, The Lies, The Lies…: Infantry units in an army of The Scourged add

+1 to their Invulnerable save, in addition to the Invulnerable Save provided by the

Mark of Tzeentch (Max. 4+).

[Note: While this bonus may only boost a models Invulnerable Save to a 4+, other

sources may still boost it to 3+ if taken independently (such as a Sigil of

Corruption with a Mark of Tzeentch)]

Lackeys of the Inquisition: Sorcerers in an army of The Scourged harness a Warp

Charges on a 3+ when using either the Daemonology or Telepathy Psychic

Disciplines. In addition, all units in an army of The Scourged have +1 Leadership

and the Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Inquisition) special rule (This includes

Sisters of Battle, Deathwatch, Inquisition, and Grey Knights).

The Changelords Blessing: An army of The Scourged generates an additional

Warp Charge for every enemy unit with the Psyker and/or Brotherhood of Psykers

special rules (counting Independent Characters attached to units separately).

Disciples of Change: All units with the Mark of Tzeentch that also have the

Daemon special rule also gain the Daemon of Tzeentch special rule.

Reclusive Brotherhood: An army of The Scourged cannot take Chaos Cultists.

No units in the army may take the Veterans of the Long War upgrade. Any Allied

Detachment besides a Chaos Daemons detachment composed entirely of Daemons

of Tzeentch are treated as Desperate Allies, unless they would otherwise be Come

the Apocalypse.

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Sons of Prophecy: A Serpent Lords army may re-roll the dice to Sieze the

Initiative and when determining the additional number of Game Turns, selecting

the desired results (up to turn 7).

Obsidian Blades: All units eligible may replace their Close Combat Weapon with

an Obsidian Blade for 3pts/model, and all units eligible to take a Close Combat

Weapon may instead take an Obsidian Blade for 5pts/model. An Obsidian Blade is

a Close Combat Weapon with the Shred special rule.

Omen-Readers: All Psykers in a Serpent Lords army have access to the

Divination Psychic Discipline.

From The Reeds: All units in a Serpent Lords army have the Shrouded and

Stealth special rule on the first Game Turn.

Sacrifice!: If an enemy model is slain in a Challenge, the Serpent Lords Character

that slew him may choose to Sacrifice his opponent before rolling for Boons. A

Character who enacts a For each Character Sacrificed in this manner, roll a D6 –

on a roll of 3+, the offering was found worthy, and the Serpent Lords gain an

additional Victory Point and makes an additional roll on the Chaos Boons table,

and may re-roll the results of both Chaos Boons, choosing the desired results.

A unit containing a Serpent Lords Character that makes a Sacrifice may not

commit Sweeping Advances or otherwise voluntarily move until the beginning of

their next Player Turn (though they still Consolidate as normal). They also do not

benefit from having Defensive Grenades (if they have them) for the same duration.

Snakescale Armor: All Independent Characters, Chaos Terminators, and Chaos

Chosen may choose to upgrade their armor to be Snakescale Armor for

10pts/model. Snakescale Armor allows its wearer to re-roll all failed Armor Saves.

Sons of Tezca: A Serpent Lords army may not be led by a Daemon Prince or

models with the Unique special rule (unless they are explicitly Serpent Lords


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Power Armor

Boltgun (Legionary Only)

Bolt Pistol

Close Combat Weapon

Frag and Krak Grenades

Veterans of the Long War

Special Rules:

Champion of Chaos (Champion Only)


Veterans of Chaos

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Legionary 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Infantry Legionary Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Legionaries and 1 Legionary Champion Cost: 90pts

Options: May take an additional ten Legionaries……………..……………17pts/model

The Champion may take items from the Ranged Weapons and Melee Weapons wargear lists.

Two Legionaries (or three, if the unit numbers 10 or more models) may take one of the following options:

Replace their Boltgun with a: o Combi-Bolter……………………………………………………..3pts/model o Flamer………………………………………………………………..5pts/model o Combi-Weapon…………………………………………………10pts/model o Meltagun……………………………………………………………10pts/model o Heavy Bolter………………………………………………………10pts/model o Autocannon……………………………………………………….10pts/model o Warp-Charger……………………………………………………15pts/model o Missile Launcher (Frag and Krak)……………………..15pts/model

Flakk Missiles……………………………………..15pts/model o Plasma Gun……………………………………………………….15pts/model o Ectoplasma Blaster.…………………………………………..20pts/model o Lascannon…………………………………………………………20pts/model

Replace their Bolt Pistol with a: o Warp-Serpenta…………………………………………………..5pts/model o Plasma Pistol……………………………………………………..15pts/model

Replace their Close Combat Weapon with a: o Power Weapon………………………………………………….15pts/model o Lightning Claw………………………………………………….15pts/model o Power Fist…………………………………………………………20pts/model

Or replace their Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, and Close Combat Weapon for a pair of Lightning Claws…………………………………………………..30pts/model

The Champion may take a Gift of Mutation…………………………10pts

The Champion may take Melta-Bombs…………………………………5pts

The Champion may take an Aura of Dark Glory…………………..15pts

The unit may take one of the following Chaos Marks: o Mark of Khorne…………………………………………………2pts/model o Mark of Tzeentch………………………………………………2pts/model o Mark of Nurgle…………………………………………………..3pts/model o Mark of Slaanesh……………………………………………….2pts/model

The unit may take one of the following Chaos Icons: o Icon of Wrath………………………………………………….......20pts o Icon of Flame………………………………………………………...10pts o Icon of Despair………………………………………………………10pts o Icon of Excess………………………………………………………..35pts o Icon of Vengeance…………………………………………………25pts

A unit of Chaos Legionaries numbering 10 models or fewer may take a Chaos Rhino as a dedicated transport, and any unit of Chaos Legionaries may take a Chaos Land Raider as a dedicated transport.

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Power Armor

Bolt Pistol

Black Crozius

Sigil of Corruption

Frag and Krak Grenades

Mark of Chaos Undivided

Special Rules:

Independent Character

Champion of Chaos

Beseech the Dark Gods



Psyker (Mastery Level 2)

Veterans of the Long War

Veteran of Chaos (Included)

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Dark Councilor 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Dark Councilor Cost: 195pts.

Black Crozius: Though all Dark Apostles are armed with an Accursed Crozius as a badge of office, the Black Crozius typically carried by members of the Dark Council are blasphemous relics of bloodshed and depravity, often more ancient and malignant than those who carry them. A Black Crozious is a Power Maul with the Daemon Weapon special rule and AP3. This weapon may never be voluntarily replaced by other wargear.

Glory to the Dark Gods!: While often not as gifted in the ways of the Warp as a true Chaos Sorcerer, Dark Councilors are more than capable of calling upon servants of the Empyrean at their own will – and sometimes even against it. Dark Councilors generate all of their Psychic Powers from the Daemonology (Malefic) Psychic Discipline.

Options: A Dark Councilor may take weapons from the Ranged

Weapons, Chaos Rewards, and Special-Issue Wargear, and/or Chaos Artefacts lists.

A Dark Councilor may exchange all wargear but their Sigil of Corruption and Black Crozius for Terminator Armor and a Combi-Bolter for 20pts, and may then take items from the Terminator Weapons, Chaos Rewards, Special-Issue Wargear, and/or Chaos Artefacts list.

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Power Axe

Bolt Pistol


Frag and Krak Grenades

Sigil of Corruption

Special Rules:

Independent Character

Champion of Chaos

Lord of the Machine

Master of the Siege

Veterans of the Long War

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Warsmith 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 10 2+ Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Warsmith Cost: 170pts.


May take items from the Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards, Special-Issue Wargear, and/or Chaos Artefacts lists.

Alternatively, a Warsmith may exchange all his wargear save his Power Axe, Sigil of Corruption and Mechatendrils for Terminator Armor and a Combi-Bolter for +20pts, and may then take take items from the Terminator Weapons, Chaos Rewards, Special Issue Wargear, and/or Chaos Artefacts lists.

May take one of the following Marks of Chaos: o Mark of Khorne……………………………………....20pts o Mark of Nurgle………………………………………..30pts o Mark of Tzeentch…………………………………….30pts o Mark of Slaanesh……………………………………..30pts

Lord of the Machine: In each of your Shooting Phases, instead of firing his weapons, a Warsmith may choose to either repair a friendly, damaged vehicle or curse a single enemy vehicle. The Warsmith cannot use this ability if he has Gone to Ground or is Falling Back.

To Repair a friendly vehicle, the Warsmith must either be in base contact with the vehicle or embarked upon it. Roll a D6 – On a 4+, you may either restore a lost Hull Point or repair a single Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result suffered earlier in the battle, effective immediately.

To Curse a vehicle, Roll To Hit a single enemy vehicle within 24” that the Warsmith can draw line of sight to using the Warsmiths Ballistic Skill. If a Hit is scored, that vehicle has the Gets Hot! Special rule until the start of its next Shooting Phase. (Weapons that already have the Gets Hot! Special rule Get Hot on a roll of a 2 or lower, instead of just a 1).

Master of the Siege: After deployment, but before Scout redeployment and Infiltrator deployment, nominate D3 pieces of terrain anywhere on the tabletop. This terrains Cover Save is decreased by -1 for the rest of the game (i.e. Ruins would grant a 5+ Cover Save instead of a 4+). Furthermore, roll a D6 for each selected piece of terrain – on a roll of 4+, that terrain now counts as Difficult Terrain (if it did not already), and on a roll of 6 it also counts as Dangerous Terrain.

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Wargear (All):

Heavy Bolter

Smoke Launchers

Searchlight Wargear (Specific):

Iron Warriors Basilisk – Earthshaker Cannon

Iron Warriors Medusa – Medusa Siege Cannon

BS F S R HP Unit Type Iron Warriors Basilisk 4 12 10 10 3 Vehicle, Open-Topped Iron Warriors Medusa 4 12 10 10 3 Vehicle, Open-Topped Unit Composition: 1-3 Iron Warriors Basilisks or Medusas, in any combination Cost: Iron Warriors Basilisk – 140pts each Iron Warriors Medusa – 155pts each


Any model may replace its Heavy Bolter with a Heavy Flamer for free.

Any model may take items from the Chaos Vehicle Equipment list.

Any Medusa may take Breacher Shells for 5pts/model.

Breacher Shells: A Medusa Siege Cannon equipped with Breacher Shells uses the following profile:

Range S AP Rules: Breacher Shells 48” 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Armorbane

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Power Armor

Close Combat Weapon

Bolt Pistol

Jump Pack

Frag and Krak Grenades

Veterans of the Long War Special Rules:

Champion of Chaos (Huntmaster Only)



Options: May take an additional five Night Raptors……………21pts/model

The Huntmaster may take items from the Ranged Weapons and Melee Weapons lists.

Any Night Raptor may replace their Close Combat weapon with one of the following:

o Chainglaive…………………………………………….15pts/model o Power Weapon……………………………………….15pts/model o Single Lightning Claw………….…………………15pts/model o Power Fist………………………………………………25pts/model

Or replace their Bolt Pistol with a: o Warp-Serpenta………………………………………..5pts/model o Plasma Pistol………………………………………….15pts/model

Or may instead replace their Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon for a pair of Lightning Claws………………….30pts/model

Two Night Raptors not upgraded with one of the above options may instead take one of the following:

o Flamer…………………………………………………….5pts/model o Meltagun………………………………………………..10pts/model o Warp-Charger………………………………………..15pts/model o Plasma Gun…………………………………………….15pts/model

The entire unit may be upgraded to take a Mark of Chaos: o Mark of Khorne………………………………………6pts/model o Mark of Nurgle……………………………………….8pts/model o Mark of Tzeentch…………………………………...6pts/model o Mark of Slaanesh…………………………………….6pts/model

One model in the unit may take a single Chaos Icon: o Icon of Wrath………………………………………………30pts o Icon of Flame……………………………………………….20pts o Icon of Despair…………………………………………… o Icon of Excess………………………………………………60pts o Icon of Vengeance……………………………………….25pts

The Huntmaster may take a Gift of Mutation…………….10pts

The Huntmaster may take Meltabombs……………………..5pts

Onslaught: In a turn where a model with this special rule charges into combat, it makes D3 extra attacks rather than the usual +1. If there are multiple models in this unit with this special rule, roll once to determine the number of attacks for the entire unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Night Raptor 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Jump Infantry Huntmaster 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+ Jump Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 4 Night Raptors and 1 Huntmaster Cost: 150pts

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