Create your own solar system -...

Earth Systems SOLAR SYSTEM Create your own Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Galaxy Part 3 Star Part 4 Planets Part 5 Biology YOU HAVE THE CREATIVE FREEDOM TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN SOLAR SYSTEM The catch is that is must be accurate. Objectives: 1. To understand how a solar system forms by creating a hypothetical system. 2. Describe the star around which your planet(s) orbit (mass, color, temperature, etc). 3. Calculate orbital velocities of the planet(s). 4. Measure gravity on each planet. 5. Determine life zones 6. Create life forms on at least one planet that is consistent with the planet’s environment. Grading : You will be graded on the completeness and accuracy of the Specifications page (show all work on a separate “Calculations Page”), sketches and diagrams of your solar system, and description of a life form. You may use all resources necessary. Share calculations and resources with fellow students. Compile a list of Internet resources. You will most likely have to modify your initial calculations several times in order to create a planet with proper size, mass, and orbital velocity with respect to your star. Keep in mind the drake equation as you contemplate the life forms and distances of your hypothetical solar system

Transcript of Create your own solar system -...

E a r t h S y s t e m s

SOLAR SYSTEMC r e a t e y o u r o w n

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5



The catch is that is must be accurate.Objectives:

1. To understand how a solar system forms by creating a hypothetical system.2. Describe the star around which your planet(s) orbit (mass, color, temperature, etc).3. Calculate orbital velocities of the planet(s).4. Measure gravity on each planet.5. Determine life zones6. Create life forms on at least one planet that is consistent with the planet’s


Grading: You will be graded on the completeness and accuracy of the Specifications page (show all work on a separate “Calculations Page”), sketches and diagrams of your solar system, and description of a life form.

You may use all resources necessary. Share calculations and resources with fellow students. Compile a list of Internet resources.

You will most likely have to modify your initial calculations several times in order to create a planet with proper size, mass, and

orbital velocity with respect to your star. Keep in mind the drake equation as you contemplate the life

forms and distances of your hypothetical solar system

E a r t h S y s t e m s



Part 1 - Introduction

Describe the formation of your imaginary solar system. Are the physics and chemistry the same? Is this galaxy even in our universe? How far is it from the Milky Way?

Part 2 - Your GalaxyInclude a diagram of your galaxy with an arrow pointing to the location of your star. Text should include: Galaxy name, type,

dimensions (x and y), mass, number of stars , etc. What is the orbital velocity and period of your star?

Part 3 - Your Star Describe the genesis of your star (and solar system). Could it be in a binary system? Describe the solar mass, spectral class, luminosity,

composition, current age, and lifespan. Show its position on the H-R diagram. Where is the goldilocks zone in your solar system? Name your star. Discuss how your star will die. (Remember, your star must be around long enough for a life form to evolve)

Part 4 - Planets You must have at least one planet. Will you need an additional large planet in addition in order to protect your habitable planet? Include

information such as; size, composition, density, rotational period, orbital period, orbital velocity, gravity, atmosphere. You must calculate

Will your planet have a moon? What is its origin?

Part 5 - Life You must have a life form on your planet. What are the atmospheric requirements? Describe your life form(s) in terms of composition

and size. Keep gravity, sunlight, and atmosphere in mind. Where is the habitable zone in your solar system? Is there water? How is the life form adapted for survival? Is it photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, or heterotrophic? What will the organisms look like with respect to gravity, atmosphere, and sunlight? How will the circulatory/vascular system work on the planet you have created? Consider bone structure, light sensitivity (peak λ in nm), etc.

E a r t h S y s t e m s





Formation / Description

Type / # of Stars




Age / Life Expectancy



Surface Temp

Spectral Class


Number of planets

Diagram / Habitable zone


Orbital periods



Average distance from star

Orbital / Rotational period (length of day)

Gravity / Mass / Density

Atmosphere / Surface Temp

Moons? Effects? Origin?




Photo / Chemo / Heterotrphic?


E a r t h S y s t e m s


CALCULATIONSBe very careful of units. Some equations use km, while others use meters. Many equations can be found in Physics, by Giancolli. Here are some equations the might prove helpful:

Circular velocity: Vc = G M rorbit (in meters)

To find gravity on your planet: g = G (mp / r2p)

Newton’s Law of universal gravitation: F = G (m1 m2 / r2)

Gravitational constant (G) = 6.667 x 10-11 N m2/kg2

Period & distance relationship: p2 years = d3 au

Masses of binary objects (Seeds p. 141): MA + MB = a3 / P2

Luminosity (Seeds p. 136) L/LSun = (R/RSun)2 (T/TSun)4

Mass-Luminosity Relation: L = M3.5 (approximation) (Seeds p. 149)

Apparent Luminosity: l = L/4Пd2

Volume of a sphere: V = 4/3Пr3

Density = Mass/Volume

Drake Equation N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L(Probability that life could happen elsewhere in our galaxy)

N = The number of civilizations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

R* =The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.