Create mobile content using a mobile-friendly knowledge management system: The Athabasca University...

Create mobile content using a mobile- friendly knowledge management system: The Athabasca University (AU) experience
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Transcript of Create mobile content using a mobile-friendly knowledge management system: The Athabasca University...

Create mobile content using a mobile-friendly knowledge

management system:

The Athabasca University (AU) experience


• Introduction• Mobile-friendly Knowledge Management System (MKMS)•Mobile Device Automatic Detector• Conclusion and Future work

A Mobile-friendly Knowledge Management System

Hongxing Geng


• Introduction• Related work• Mobile-friendly Knowledge Management System (MKMS)• Conclusion and Future work


• What is a KMS?• What is a MKMS?• Why do we need a MKMS?

Existing KMSs have disadvantages Knowledge sharing Knowledge accessible anytime anywhere

Related work

• Moodle (• Sakai (• MOMO (

MKMS Design

• Design principles Web-based application Simple Multiple languages support Extensible Maintainable

MKMS System Architecture

• Architecture

• Knowledge Node Organization

MKMS Implementation

• Prototype• PHP and Zend Framework• MySQL database• Multiple Language support (*.ini)

MKMS Features

• Accessible through mobile devices• Two views: admin view and learners view• Management: create, delete, organize, and publish/unpublish, etc• Using metadata to describe knowledge entries

Conclusion and Future work

• Conclusion Manage and view content through mobile devices Facilitate knowledge sharing Describe entries using metadata

• Future work Authentication and Authorization Quiz (multi-choice questions) Searching capacity OAI-compatible

Mobile Device Automatic Detector

A component in Personalized and Adaptive M-learning Framework and Mobile Knowledge

Management System

Guangbing Yang

Problem statement

- Capabilities of a mobile device decide what kind of the content it can display correctly and what context it can process properly- MKMS or other Mobile based LMS, like Personalized Adaptive m-learning System needs to know device capabilities before preparing and transporting the suitable learning contents to mobile clients

Our approachOur approach

- design and develop a software API to detect the device information in details. Such information includes the device type, device type name (e.g. HTC, Samsung, iPhone, etc.), device OS, screen resolution, image type supported, etc.- establish a device profile repository to store mobile device specifications- generate device profile ontology and output RDFS or OWL- provide mobile profile retrieving services that can be consumed easily by other applications

System architectureSystem architecture

- Service Oriented Architecture- XML format data exchanging between server and mobile client- XSL selection dependent on mobile device profile- Multi-language support- Multi-platform support

architectureSystem architecture


Experiment4 Devices IPHONE


ExperimentHTC Smartphone profile (sample)

<rdf:RDF><rdf:Description rdf:ID="Profile"><prf:component><rdf:Description rdf:ID="HardwarePlatform"><rdf:type rdf:resource=""/><prf:Model>Polaris</prf:Model><prf:Vendor>High Tech Computer Corporation</prf:Vendor><prf:BitsPerPixel>16</prf:BitsPerPixel><prf:ColorCapable>Yes</prf:ColorCapable><prf:ScreenSize>240x320</prf:ScreenSize><prf:ImageCapable>Yes</prf:ImageCapable><prf:PixelAspectRatio>1x1</prf:PixelAspectRatio><prf:ScreenSizeChar>16x36</prf:ScreenSizeChar><prf:StandardFontProportional>Yes</prf:StandardFontProportional><prf:SoundOutputCapable>Yes</prf:SoundOutputCapable><prf:TextInputCapable>Yes</prf:TextInputCapable><prf:VoiceInputCapable>Yes</prf:VoiceInputCapable><prf:InputCharSet><rdf:Bag><rdf:li>US-ASCII</rdf:li><rdf:li>UTF-8</rdf:li><rdf:li>UTF-16</rdf:li><rdf:li>ISO-10646-UCS-2</rdf:li></rdf:Bag></prf:InputCharSet>

Conclusion and further workConclusion and further work

•Described an approach of design and implementation of a mobile device detection adapter to lookup and generate the device profile

•Based on the detailed information in the device profile, personalized adaptive m-Learning system or mobile knowledge management system can deliver or transport adaptive context and content to learners.

•In next step, a service oriented architecture approach will be implemented into this adapter to provide more efficient and accurate device profile searching and retrieving services.

