Create an iMovie Project - How to

8/14/2019 Create an iMovie Project - How to 1/17 iMovie HD – J.H. Bruns Create an iMovie Project Before we do anything in iMovie, we must create and title a new default folder as well as title and save our new project. Step 1: Click on the iMovie icon in the dock and wait, while it bounces, for the application to open. Select "Create Project." Step 2:In the "Save as:" field, enter your movie name for the name of the movie. Step 3:We want to save to the default "Movies" folder. This will be deleted once you are done with the movie. ***Make sure you are using the same computer for your editing** Step 4:Now click "Create" and you should see the empty iMovie interface with "iMovie: your movie name" at the top. 1

Transcript of Create an iMovie Project - How to

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Create an iMovie Project

Before we do anything in iMovie, we must create and title anew default folder as well as title and save our new project.

Step 1:Click on the iMovie icon in the dock and wait, while it bounces, for theapplication to open. Select "Create Project."

Step 2:In the "Save as:" field, enter your movie name for the name of the movie.

Step 3:We want to save to the default "Movies" folder. This will bedeleted once you are done with the movie.

***Make sure you are using the same computer for yourediting**

Step 4:Now click "Create" and you should see the empty iMovieinterface with "iMovie: your movie name" at the top.


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Step 2:

When your viewer says "Camera Connected," click the "Import" button.iMovie will play and import your digital video. When you wish to stopimporting, click the "Import" button once more.

Step 3:Drag your imported clip(s) from the clips pane to the editabletimeline along the bottom of the iMovie interface.

Remember!iMovie treats deleted files differently that most other


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programs. If you delete a clip you CANNOT get it back.

Split and Crop Video Clips

If you want to cut a clip into two pieces, use "Split Clip atPlayhead." If you want to redefine the endpoint(s) of a clip,use "Crop." Remember that the material cropped off cannot besaved, while split clips can be.

Step 1:Drag a clip or clips from the viewing pane to the editing region belowand select a clip by clicking on it, making it blue.

Step 2:To Split a Clip: Place the cursor beneath the viewing window atthe place in the movie where you want to split the clip into two. Go upto the "Edit" menu at the top, and select "Split Video Clip at Playhead."

( T)


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Step 3:To Crop a Clip: Drag the little triangles beneath the viewingwindow timeline to the desired in and out points. Go to the "Edit" menu

at the top and select "Crop." ( K)

Step 4:Save your project.

Save Your Movie

Save your movie early and often. Although iMovie provides theaverage user with unprecedented functionality, it has beenknown to shut down unexpectedly...a lot. Since there is noautomatic save feature, you stand to lose much, if not all of 


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your project. SAVE!

Step 1:

From the main menu, go to File > Save Project ( S)

Quic TIFF (Uare ne

Insert TitlesiMovie titles can be used to introduce yourproject and sections within it. There areseveral options for customization within theTitles section. Play with this function to seewhich works for your movie.

Step 1:Click in the timeline as to where you want theinsertion to happen. (ie. In between clips, or at thebeginning or the end of the movie) Also see step 5:

Step 2:Click on the “Editing” tab, then on "Title" tab.

Step 3:Choose a title from the scrolling window. Theeditable options will change depending on whichtitle you choose.

Step 4:Customize your title. Here are some questions tohelp you formulate what you would like your titleto look like:

- How long would you like it to appear?- Would you like it to be presented on a black screen or overyour movie?- Do you want to change the font and size of the text?- Would you like to change the text that is being presented in yourtitle?

Step 5:After making all of your customization selections, click "ADD" at thebottom of the "Title" panel. If you are happy with your title, click on the

"T" icon,ar

, next to your selected title and drag it to the clip timelinealong the bottom of the iMovie interface.

Step 6:A red bar will appear beneath your title in the clip timeline. Thisindicates that the clip is still rendering. For best results, wait till the red


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bar disappears, or until the title has finished rendering, before workingany further with your movie.

Quic TIFF (Uare ne

Adding Video FX to Your Movie

Let's add an effect to our clip.

Step 1:Select "Video FX" from the menu in the EDITING


Select a clip from the editing region to add aneffect to it.

Step 2:Select an effect. Adjust the parameters of theeffect beneath the preview window.

Step 3: The effect should automatically preview in the

preview window

Step 4:Click "Apply," and wait for the effect to render. Youcan monitor the effect rendering by the redprogress bar that occurs within the clip the effectis being added to in the editing region.

Step 5:

Save your work. ( S)


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Inserting Transitions

Transitions are functions that allow the user to smooth thebreak between clips. They may help you achieve a professionalresult.

Step 1:Click on the "Transitions" tab.

Step 2:Select a transition from the window.

Step 3:Adjust the length or duration of the transition.

Step 4:

Drag the icon - Q TIar - next to the transition you chose to its intendedplace in your project on the clip timeline at the bottom of the iMovieinterface.Notes:

- The Speed ranges from 10 frames (30 frames are in a second) to 4seconds.


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- Because transitions are linking two clips, they actually need timefrom both clips. For example, let's say you have a movie clip that is 3seconds long and you would like to place a transition before it. Youchoose to "fade in" for 2 seconds. When you drag that transition tothe clip timeline and it finishes rendering, you will have a 2 secondtransition and a 1 second clip. Plan accordingly when you are editing

your film and images.

What To Do When iMovie Crashes

iMovie will crash. The question is: How recently did you save,and how hard will it be to reconstruct your work? Here's whatto do if iMovie crashes before you've saved again.

Step 1:Re-open iMovie, and it should tell you that some files may not havebeen saved to the clip pane. Select, "Move files to clip pane."

Step 2:From the clips moved to the clips pane, reconstruct your project bydragging necessary clips to the timeline.


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Quic TIFF (Uare ne

Import Photos

In this section we will discuss importing photos within theiMovie program.

Step 1:Select the "Photos" tab under the “Media” tab above the timeline.

Step 2:Choose a photo to import into your project. You may have to click onthe Library to see your pictures.

Step 3:Select the length you would like your photo to remain on the screen. The image below shows a duration of 8 seconds and 10 frames.


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Step 4: You may choose to use the Ken Burns Effect for your photos. This willadd motion to an otherwise static image. A check will appear in thebox if this function is selected. Use the preview window in the upperright-hand corner of the interface to judge your changes and to adjustthe placement of your photo. The "Start" and "Finish" radio buttons as

well as the Zoom bar are the Ken Burns functions. Meddle with theseand then preview to watch your picture come to life!

Step5:When you are ready to add your photo to your project, click apply. You'll notice the red rendering bar appear again. Wait until the photohas finished rendering before performing another function in iMovie.

Step 6:

Don't forget to save! ( S)

Quic TIFF (Uare ne

Import & Edit Audio

iMovie provides lots of options for importing and editing up tothree layers of audio tracks.

Step 1:Open your iMovie project and click on the “Audio” button below theclips pane.

Step 2:Insert your audio CD into the computer. (The eject button is the uparrow on the top right of the keyboard.)

Step 3: The drop-down menu above the audio pane may default to "iTunesLibrary." Select from this drop-down menu the title of the CD you'veinserted. You should then see the tracks listed in the audio pane belowthe drop-down menu.

Step 4: To the far left of the play button are two box-shaped buttons, one withan icon of a film strip for adding and arranging video clips in the clipviewer, and the other with an icon of a clock for adjusting audio andvideo timing in the timeline viewer. Select the clock for the timelineviewer. Now you can see the three audio tracks, the top being theaudio embedded in the video and the other two for adding audiotracks.


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Step 5: To extract the audio embedded in the imported video (represented onthe top layer of the three audio layers in the timeline), select the clipyou wish to extract from, and select "Extract audio" from the advancedmenu along the top. When it's finished extracting, you should see theextracted audio track below the clip in the second layer of the timeline.

Audio track removed from clip…

Step 6: To adjust the volume of a track, click the "Edit volume" checkbox atthe bottom. You will now see a vertical line drawn through the audioclips on the timeline. This represents the volume level. You can adjustthe entire volume level of a clip by selecting it and sliding the volumefader at the bottom. If you wish to make volume adjustments within aclip, click on the clip at the point you wish to adjust. This will create anin and out point for the volume, each of which you can bring up or


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down by dragging it with the mouse.

Step 7: To import a track from the CD you've inserted, select the track youwish to add from the audio pane. Place the cursor, or playhead, at thespot in the movie where you want to add audio, and click on the "Placeat Playhead" button beneath the audio pane. Wait while the trackimports and is placed beneath the clips in the timeline viewer.

Step 8: To crop the audio clip, adjust the start and end points by dragging thetriangles at the beginning and end of the clip and selecting "Crop" fromthe edit menu, just as you would a video clip.

Quic TIFF (Uare ne

Voice Overs

iMovie makes it easy to include narration in your movie.


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Step 1:Click on the Audio tab below the clip pane. If your microphone isplugged in, you should already see a mic level below the audio pane.

Step 2:Place the cursor where you wish to begin the voiceover, click on thered button beside the audio level, and begin speaking your voiceover

into the mic.

Step 3:Click again on the red record button to stop recording.

Step 4:

Don't forget to save! ( S)


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Adding iDVD Chapters to YourMovie

 You have the option to add chapters to your project in iMovie."Chapters" will appear as menu options on your TV screen.They will also mark your project for the "skip" function on yourDVD player.

Step 1:Select the “CHAPTERS” tab.

Step 2:Select a clip in your timeline that you would like to be a menu optionon your DVD screen. Click the "Add Chapter" button.

Step 3:Enter a Chapter Title.


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Step 4: You may remove chapters by clicking on the "Remove Chapter" button.

Step 5: You may rename Chapter Titles by double-clicking the text.

Export to iDVD

When you are positively sure your project is complete and youhave added your Chapters, you are ready to export to iDVD.One you export, you CANNOT make any changes in iMovie.iDVD immediately begins encoding your project for burningonto a DVD-R. So, although iMovie must remain open while the

iDVD project is encoding, you cannot make any changes to it.

Step 1:Save your iMovie project. ( S)

Step 2:Select the SHARE tab on the top menu.

Step 3:Click the " IDVD" button.

Step 4:Click the Share Button


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Step 5: Choose your theme from the list on the right side.

Step 6: Click the MEDIA button, and add music to your DVD menu if you choose. (Music must be added to your iTunes library first)

Step 7: Click the burn icon, then insert a blank disc into the computer.