CRD IV - what the capital requirements directive means for UK investment firms.

CRD IV What it means for investment firms Ben Blackett-Ord Richard Cross Jackie Domanska November 2013


Slides used for November 2013 client briefing by Bovill - UK financial services regulatory consultants. For more info visit: CRD IV is the EU Capital Requirements Directive which implements Basel III. It is designed to strengthen capital requirements for financial institutions, covering both the amount, and quality, of capital held. CRD IV is driven by the European Bank (EBA) and will harmonise reporting across Europe. Establishing who is affected by CRD IV Whereas Basel III applies specifically to banks, CRD IV extends to certain types of investment firm. Whether or not you are covered, and become an "IFPRU" firm, depends on the activities you are authorised to carry out under MiFID. Working out whether your business activities mean you are performing one of these functions is not straightforward. Your permissions may need to be reduced to ensure you are not in scope for CRD IV unnecessarily. Becoming an IFPRU firm under CRD IV IFPRU firms – those in scope for CRD IV – will be subject to new capital buffers that increase the amount and quality of capital they have to hold. All IFPRU firms must also comply with COREP (common reporting) from 31 March 2014. Twenty-five new templates to report "own funds", "credit risk", "operational risk", "market risk" and "large exposures" replace FCA forms and significantly more data is needed at a more granular level. Reports need to be submitted in XBRL (standardised reporting language) which will require an investment in software. Mapping data into the new templates is a time consuming and complicated piece of work. Preparing for CRD IV You need to decide now if you are in scope for CRD IV. And if you are you need to start preparing for the new reporting regime. Bovill can help you understand CRD IV and how it will affect your organisation. We can also review and prepare your data, convert your templates to XBRL, and submit returns on your behalf. For more information contact us via

Transcript of CRD IV - what the capital requirements directive means for UK investment firms.

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CRD IV What it means for investment firms

Ben Blackett-OrdRichard CrossJackie Domanska

November 2013

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• CRD IV will be implemented on 1 January 2014 – many firms will be affected

• Even unaffected firms need to ensure they’re not inadvertently caught

• Some firms will be subject to significantly different capital requirements

• All impacted firms will be subject to new and complex reporting requirements

Make sure you understand what CRD IV means for you ASAP

Summary – CRD IV cannot be ignored

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Evolving prudential categories









EU Directives

2010s UPRU


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• The Banking Consolidation Directive and the Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) are collectively known as the Capital Requirements Directives (CRD)

• Investment firms subject to MiFID are subject to the prudential requirements of the CAD

• The CRD has been amended on a number of occasions, we are currently at CRD III

• CRD IV takes effect from 1st January 2014

The path to CRD IV

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• Strengthens capital requirements

• Introduces a capital buffer regime for significant firms

• Introduces an EU wide supervisory reporting framework for Financial Reporting (FINREP) and Common Reporting (COREP)

CRD IV: strengthening capital across the EU

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• The Capital Requirements Regulation- Directly applicable- Very little scope for consultation/amendment- Focuses on capital requirements, risk, liquidity and


• The Directive- Member states to transpose into national law- Main focus of consultation- Focus is in supervision- Capital buffers, corporate governance and remuneration

CRD IV: structuring the new requirements

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• The Regulation – where most of the rules willnow be located

• Technical standards and guidance issued by theEuropean Banking Authority (EBA)

• FCA Handbook Rules and Guidance – IFPRU(with some changes to SYSC)

Finding the rules and guidance

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Establishing how you’re affected


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Whether firms are in scope depends on MiFID permissions

In scope:• Anyone dealing on own account• Underwriting/placing financial instruments on firm commitment

basis• Placing without firm commitment basis• Operating MTF• Safekeeping, custodian, cash/collateral management (MiFID

ancillary service permission 1)• Anyone holding client money

All BIPRU 730k and 125k firms are in scope • Can catch some BIPRU 50k firms depending on permissions and

exempt CAD firms specifically if they have MiFID ancillary permission 1

It’s not easy to determine who is in scope

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FCA numbers reveal scale of regulation

Firm primary category Full scope

Limited activity



Discretionary Inv. Manager 20 5 1440 1465Adviser and Arranger 21 3 229 253Stockbroker 62 11 85 158Corp Finance Firm 14 1 118 133Financial adviser 3 102 105Other 81 23 218 322Total 201 43 2192 2436

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• Existing BIPRU 50k firms that are only categorised as such because they have permission to :

- provide investment advice- receive and transmit orders- execute orders on behalf of clients (MiFID activity 2); or- undertake portfolio management (MiFID activity 4)

AND- do not hold client money and assets

… will fall outside CRD IV, remain subject to CRD III and will be known as BIPRU Firms.

Some existing BIPRU 50k firms escape

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• However, existing BIPRU 50k firms that do:

- place securities without a firm commitment basis (MiFIDactivity 7).

…will be caught by CRD IV and the associated reporting requirements.

If you are not placing you must return a VoP to FCA by 20th Novor you may be subject to CRD IV requirements.

If appropriate you should have been contacted by the FCA regarding this.

But some don’t…

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• Investment Firms Prudential Rules

• Categorisation dependent on activities (scope of permission)

• IFPRU Category (ie 50k, 125k and 730k)- This drives base capital requirement

• All have secondary categorisation (limited licence, limited activity or full scope)- This drives variable capital resources requirement

Welcome to IFPRU – new CRD IV categories

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CPMIs under AIFMD are potentially in scope

• Collective portfolio management firm (CPM)A firm that undertakes external collective portfolio management of AIFs, UCITS or both, but does not provide any MiFIDservices.

CPMs are not in scope

• Collective portfolio management investment firm (CPMI) A firm that undertakes external collective portfolio management of AIFs, UCITS or both and provides MiFID services (only managing investments permitted).

CPMIs may be in scope

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The new regime – CRD IV and AIFMs


No AIFM Full Scope AIFM Sub-threshold AIFM

No MiFID Activity IPRU (INV) 3, 5 or 13 IPRU (INV) 11CPM


RTO and Investment Advice

IPRU (INV) 9 IPRU (INV) 11 and 9 IPRU (INV) 5and 9

Portfolio Management (PM)


IPRU (INV) 5and new BIPRU

Execution of Orders New BIPRU X IPRU (INV) 5and new BIPRU

Placing IFPRU 50k X IPRU (INV) 5and IFPRU 50k

Holding money / assets

IFPRU 125k IPRU (INV) 11 and IFPRU 125k / CPMI (if holding in relation to PM)

IPRU (INV) 5 and IFPRU 125k

Dealing on own account

IFPRU 730k X ?

Underwriting IFPRU 730k X ?

Operate an MTF IFPRU 730k X ?

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Wealth manager• Discretionary portfolio management • Does not hold client money or assets

Currently – BIPRU 50k Limited Licence firm

From 1st Jan – BIPRU Firm

Example: Dolphin Securities

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Corporate finance boutique• Gives M&A advice• Places securities in relation to IPOs• Deals as agent• Does not hold client money or assets.

Currently – BIPRU 50k Limited Licence

From 1st Jan – IFPRU 50k Limited Licence

Example: Williams Corporate Finance

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Hedge fund manager (full-scope AIFM)• Discretionary managed accounts (ie MiFID

business)• Holds client money/assets in respect of its

MiFID business. • Currently BIPRU 125k

CPMI = subject to IPRU (INV) Chapter 11 in relation to its AIFM business and IFPRU/CRR in relation to its MiFID investment business.

Example: Gold Star Asset Management

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Preparing for CRD IV• Understanding capital requirement• Getting ready for new reporting



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The are two categories for capital requirements: ‘significant’ firm or SME (small and medium enterprise).

‘Significant’ firms:• meet one or more of certain financial indicators such as:

- Total assets £530mm- Annual fees £120mm- Client money £425mm

• have to to hold various ‘capital buffers’ including:- Conservation capital buffer = 2.5% risk weighted assets. (Firms

have to hold but can use buffer with FCA permission)- Counter cyclical buffer = up to 2.5%- Systemic risk buffer = up to 5%

Significant firms can be asked to hold capital up to 18%

Capital – ‘Significant’ firms

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SMEs (small and medium enterprises) are not subject tocapital buffers

• Tier 3 no longer allowed as part of the calculation

• Simplified credit risk calculation no longer available forIFPRU firms. FCA may publish a help-sheet on this

• No changes to Pillar 2

• No changes to FOR calculation

• EU looking to overhaul prudential regime for all investmentfirms in 2015

Capital – Other firms

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• In scope IFPRU firms have to comply with COREP reporting from 1 Jan 2014 (first quarter affected ends 31 March 2014)

• New reports submitted in XBRL language to EBA via GABRIEL reporting. Can no longer input everything direct to GABRIEL

• Report templates found at EBA website

• 25 templates replace FSA003 to FSA008 (risk reporting) –granularity of detail needed and data input needs to be validated

• If outside of scope, status quo. New BIPRU firm reports under old FCA reports in GABRIEL

• FINREP replaces FSA001 and FSA002 for very limited number of firms from 1July 2014

Reporting – COREP/FINREP

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Reporting: which new templates do I use?

IFPRU 50k firm capital adequacy templates only

IFPRU 125k firmcapital adequacy templates + credit risk part 3.2 + market risk templatesCR+MR > FOR

capital adequacy templates only


IFPRU 730k firm full suite of reports

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Example: Dolphin Securities

‘new’ BIPRU firm

greater of:• base capital• credit risk +market risk • FOR

GABRIEL reporting FSA 003

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Example: Williams Corporate Finance

IFPRU 50k firm

greater of:• base capital• credit risk +market risk • FOR


COREP capital adequacy templates

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Example: Gold Star Asset Management

IFPRU 125k firm greater of:• base capital• credit risk +market risk • FOR


IPRU-INV CH 11greater of• base capital +• 2BP on AUM >250MM

or • FOR

Take the greater of the two calculations

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• Review your underlying data to see if it is sufficientlydetailed and in appropriate format for COREP submission

• Review credit risk calculation as simplified risk calculationno longer available.

• Trial run of new templates

• Ensure you can convert Excel to XBRL

• Consider purchasing XBRL and validation software

Bovill can help

Getting ready for the new reporting regime

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• Review your permissions and work out your new prudential category

• Decide whether you need to apply for a variation

• If so apply ASAP

• Review capital adequacy if you’re a ‘Significant Firm’

• Establish what you need to do to meet new reporting

Before you think about Christmas…

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