Crash (or) Hang dump analysis using WinDbg in Windows platform by K.S.Shanmugasundaram

Crash Dump Analysis using WinDbg By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram


This training comprises of 2 sessions Session -1 (Theory) 1. Understanding Dump File 2. Varieties of Dump File 3. Creation of Dump File 4. Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 5. Introduction to WinDbg Session -2 ( Lab) 1. Postmortem Debugger Settings 2. WinDbg Setup 3. Dump File creation using Tools 4. Dump File creation using Win32 API 5. Dump File Analyzing case study For Download, drop mail to [email protected]

Transcript of Crash (or) Hang dump analysis using WinDbg in Windows platform by K.S.Shanmugasundaram

Page 1: Crash (or) Hang dump analysis using WinDbg in Windows platform by K.S.Shanmugasundaram

Crash Dump Analysis using WinDbg

By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Page 2: Crash (or) Hang dump analysis using WinDbg in Windows platform by K.S.Shanmugasundaram

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

About Training


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Session - 1

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Varieties of Bugs





Resource Multi


Perform -ance

User Interface

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Impact of Bug on Application

Application may Malfunction

Application may Crash

Application may Hang

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Application crash

Arises due to unhandled exception

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Application Hang

May arise due to Deadlock. May arise due to High CPU usage.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

How to Fix Crash / Hang Issue?

1. Store Application state i.e.

Process(s) Info, Thread(s) Info, Loaded Module Info, Register Info, Memory Info, Handle Info, Callstack Info, Etc.,

2. Start Analyze to find the root cause of the issue.

Process Dump


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

What is Dump File?

Definition:- Static snap shot of an application at any given time.

Fact sheet

File Format Binary File Format

File Extension

.DMP - Stands for Dump

Contents Process, Thread, Stack,Callstack, Handles, Modules, etc.,

Usage (i) Debugging Crashing application. (ii) Debugging Hanging application.

Other terms

Crash dump, Core Dump, Hang Dump, Heap Dump, Memory Dump, Process dump or just dump.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Physical Memory Layout

User Space

Kernel Space

Kernel Process

User Process

Kernel Process

Kernel Process

User Process

User Process

Access Restricted

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Physical Memory Layout – 32 bit

User Space

Kernel Space

4 GB

2 GB


2 32

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Physical Memory Layout – 32 bit

User Space

Kernel Space

4 GB

3 GB


with /3GB switch in boot.ini file

2 32

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Types of Dump File

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File creation

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File creation using Win32 API

BOOL MiniDumpWriteDump (

HANDLE hProcess,

DWORD ProcessId,







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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File creation using Win32 API

API Name MiniDumpWriteDump

DLL Dbghelp.dll

Header file Dbghelp.h


HANDLE hProcess Target process handle.

DWORD ProcessId Target process ID.

HANDLE hFile Dump file handle.

MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType Type of information to be written dump file


Pointer to Exception info like ThreadID, Exception pointers.


Pointer to user defined information. [Optional]


Callback to receive extended dump information. [Optional].

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File creation using Win32 API

Argument MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType


Enumerator constants. It can have any one of the values


















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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Kernel Dump creation using System settings

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram


Global variables Local variables Function names and the addresses of their entry points Frame pointer omission (FPO) records Source File name and line number for each Instruction

Functions (except for functions declared static) Global variables specified as extern (and any other global variables visible across multiple object files)

Also called as Full Symbol

Also called as Stripped Symbol

Stores Debugging information about a program

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Symbols in detail

Name of the item Address of the item in virtual memory Frame pointer omission (FPO) records for each function Data type of each variable, structure, and function Types and names of the parameters for each function Scope of each local variable Symbols associated with each line in each source file

The name of the item. The address of the item in the virtual memory space of its module. For a function, this is the address of its entry point. Frame pointer omission (FPO) records for each function.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Symbols Relation

Public symbol data can be thought of as a subset of the private symbol .

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Symbol File Format

PDB stands for “Program Database”

Fact sheet

Microsoft proprietary file format (.pdb)

Extracted from Source files ( .cpp,.c, ,cs, etc.,).

PDB file information extracted by using the DIA (Debug Interface Access) SDK.

A .NET PDB file only contains only Source Filename, Line number , Local variable names as .NET Metadata already contains rest of the symbols.

Visual studio 5.0 generates .dbg file format.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump file relation



• C • CPP • H • CS


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Application Dependency

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File Dependency


Required Files For

Dump File


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Process & Threads

User Space

Kernel Space

User Process

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread N

1 MB Stack Memory

1 MB Stack Memory

1 MB Stack Memory

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Kernel Space

Stack Memory – Thread 1



Reserved Stack Memory – Thread 2

Stack Memory – Thread 3

Stack Growth

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram


Call Stack

Method2() Frame 2

Method1 Frame 1

Main() Frame 0

Void Method1(int) { Method2(40,50); } Void Method2(int,int) { Do something… } Void main() { Method1(20); }

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

C compiler Name Mangling

Function Name

Function Address

Method1() 0x1234

Method1() 0x3423

Method2() 0x1654

Void Method1(int) { Do something… } Void Method1(char) { Do something… } Void Method2(int,int) { Do something… } Void main() { Method1(20); Method1(‘a’); Method2(40,50); }

Typical Representation




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C++ compiler Name Mangling

Void Method1(int) { Do something… } Void Method1(char) { Do something… } Void Method2(int,int) { Do something… } Void main() { Method1(20); Method1(‘a’); Method2(40,50); }

Typical Representation




Function Name

No of Param

Param Type

Function Address

Method1() 1 Int 0x1234

Method1() 1 Char 0x3423

Method2() 2 Int,Int 0x1654

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Calling convention

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Calling convention comparison

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Exception Dispatching


Frame Handlers

Operation System

Default Post Mortem Debugger

Windows Error Reporting

First Chance


Second Chance


Unhandled exceptions

1 2






5 7


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

C++ Exception Test

void TestMethod { int Temp = 100; Temp = Temp /(Temp-Temp); } void main() { try { TestMethod(); }

catch(…) { printf(“ Exception Caught”); } }

Is Program

will crash?

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

C++ Exception Answer

C/C++ --> Code Generation --> Enable C++ Exceptions

C++ Exceptions

Command line Option


No No Exception handled.

Yes /EHsc Only C++ Exception handled.

With SEH /EHa Both C++ and SEH exception handled. (Destructor will not be called on stack unwinding)

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram


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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session1

Understanding Dump File 1

Varieties of Dump File 2

Creation of Dump File 3

Terminologies for analyzing of Dump File 4

Introduction to WinDbg 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg – A Introduction

Microsoft Windows Debugger

GUI Debugger.

Both user and kernel mode debugger.

Non-Invasive Debugger.


Light weight

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg – Command Types

Command Types Description

Regular Commands Used debug processes

Meta or Dot-Commands usually to control the behavior of the debugger

Extension Commands implemented as exported functions in extension DLLs

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg – Commands

Command Types Examples

Regular Commands K

Meta or Dot-Commands .cls, .reload, .time

Extension Commands !analyze, !locks, !teb, !peb

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg Commands

Command Description

!analyze –v Analyze Exceptions.

!analyze -hang –v Analyze Hanging.

!gle Get Last Error.

.lastevent Get last exception Event.

.ecxr Display Exception context.

!sym noisy While loading symbols displays error information. Be default it is OFF.

K Display Call stack.

ld * Load all Modules.

!for_each_frame Display call stack with Frame number.

.frame N Set “N” Frame as context

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg Commands

Command Description

.reload /f /v /i Load all modules forecefully with verbose

!teb Thread Environment block ( Formatted output)

!peb Process Environment block ( Formatted output)

!runaway Displays information about time consumed by each thread.

dt nt!_TEB Full Thread Environment block

~ Display all threads Info

|| Display process Info

!wow64exts.sw Switches 64bit dump file into 32bit.

dt ModulName!* Display all available data type in a module.

dt ModulName!Type Display declaration for a given data type.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg Commands

Command Description

.symopt Display Current Symbol loading settings

.symopt +0x40 Forcefully try to match PDB with Target Binary. set's flag of "SYMOPT_LOAD_ANYTHING". It mean it will not check for timestamp

!locks Display critical section Info

!handles Display handles Info

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Any Questions?

Session - 1

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Session - 2

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Settings 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Setup 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Registry Path

\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT \CurrentVersion \ AeDebug

Registry Values

Value Name Remarks

Debugger Debugger Executable full path


0 - message box will be displayed prior to postmortem debugging. 1 - No message box.

Postmortem Debugger Setup Registry Settings - Windows XP and prior OS.

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Registry Path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps

In case of 64 bit set corrresponding registry locations (wow64).

Registry Path

Value Name Value Data

DumpFolder Dump file complete path

DumpCount Total Dump file count

DumpType 0 - custom, 1 - Mini, 2 – Full


Valid if DumpType=0, Possible hexadecimal values = 0,1,2,4,8,10,20,40,80,100,200,400,800,1000,2000,4000,10000, 20000,40000,80000,100000,1fffff. Refer MSDN for details.

Postmortem Debugger Setup Registry Settings - Windows Server 2008, Vista with SP1 and 7.0.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Postmortem Debugger Setup Default Enabling

Tool Settings

Dr.Watson drwtsn32 –I

WinDbg WinDbg –I

Visual Studio Tools -> options --> Debugging --> Just-In-Time Enable All

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Settings 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

WinDbg Setup Environment Variables






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WinDbg Setup Symbol, Image & Source path Setup

Path Type

File type Files

Symbol path

Program database files (.pdb) Target application, Windows binaries, and all dependents binaries.

Source path

Source files (.cpp & .h, .cs) Target application, CRT libraries, and all dependent binaries.

Image Path

Binary files (.exe, .dll) Target application, Windows dll, and all dependents.

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Settings 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Dump File Creation Using Tools

Tool Remarks

Process Explorer

Right Click Create Dump

ProcDump procdump.exe -ma Target.exe

WinDbg WinDbg -pv -pn Target.exe -c ".dump /ma DumpFileName.dmp;q"

Task Manager

Right Click Create Dump

Dr.Watson Drwatson.exe (Enable Create Dump File)

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Settings 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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Dump File Creation Using Win32 API

Refer Sample MFC_1

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By K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Agenda – Session2

Postmortem Debugger Settings 1

WinDbg Setup 2

Dump File creation using Tools 3

Dump File creation using Win32 API 4

Dump File Analyzing case study 5

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Case Study - 1

Exception type Access violation exception

Sample code 1 – Refer Sample MFC_1

int* i = NULL; *i = 100;

Sample code 2


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Case Study - 2

Exception type Stack Overflow

Sample code 1 – Refer Sample MFC_1

Void TestMethod() { unsigned char Temp[1024*1024*1024]; }

Sample code 2

Void TestMethod() { TestMethod(); }

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Case Study - 3

Exception type Divide by Zero

Sample code 1 - Refer Sample MFC_1

Void TestMethod() { int nTemp = 100; nTemp = nTemp / (nTemp - nTemp ) }

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Case Study - 4

Exception type High CPU usage

Sample code 1 – Refer Sample MFC_2

UINT ThreadProc1(LPVOID pParam_in) { while(1); eturn 1; } UINT ThreadProc2(LPVOID pParam_in) { for(long i=0;i<200000;i++); return 1; } UINT ThreadProc3(LPVOID pParam_in) { for(long i=0;i<900000;i++); return 1; }

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Case Study - 5

Exception type Deadlock

Sample code 1 – Refer Sample MFC_3

UINT ThreadProc1(LPVOID pParam_in) { CommonMethod(); return 1; } UINT ThreadProc2(LPVOID pParam_in) { CommonMethod(); return 1; } void CommonMethod() { EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); //LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); }

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"Microsoft Windows Internals” by Mark

Russinovich and David Solomon 5th Edition

"Advanced Windows Debugging" by Mario Hewardt and Daniel


“Memory Dump Analysis Anthology“ by Dmitry Vostokov

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Any Questions?

Session - 2

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For more details, please contact

[email protected]

K.S.Shanmuga sundaram

Software Architect,

Bangalore, India