Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 6


Transcript of Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 6

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Several tfcslkrtgr.v wlto alor/f ?zJ#/z cardboard' l //,c1 'ts g/'l'zw namre ;'s an integralfee t r

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Sew to juggle. Bu iId tothum b a tune. Design tocolor a book of special

m om ents. Solder w ires tosw ivel a sparkly hula hoop.And knit to play w ith a

plushie (or sim ply cuddle).The follow ing pages areaII about am usem ent, butw e don't know w hich ism ore fun - crafting these

projects, or playi ng withthem afterw ard.

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Use household objects to make Create a personallzed coloring book.a muslcal Iamellaphone. By Summ er Bl/ck ilum arEly RP Colller

Sew a set of Japanese juggling toys.Dunphy ttlrns art Into m odern pla!/ By Diane GillelandBy Garth Johnson

W lre up a hoop for a flashy swlvel.Knlt a reverslble plulshle By Brookelynn MorrlsBy Anna li rachovec

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r.''ë) M y anthropom orphic creations alw ays 'e'' :'''t'''' t'.'

Iook Iike post-apocalyptic am igurum i.

It's probably because I Iike to work free- ?.:é / wf

orrn and I'm a Iittle goofy on the inside. *.f#Jk.' Xnu

W hile playing w ith com m ercial felt one ' 7T;,

day, I m anaged to create a hand-sew n '''

special friend'' nam ed Johnson. He had

a com b-over and a total of six f i ngers, :..''''B'-B.''...' -.'''-p'-b-r.'uf u'gnr drIll c fI / illu - . 11 iirlt

and he w as glorious I n the f ive years ''''-''b''''''- -nd-''-'''-'''' u t . . r. ' I s h' ''g 'T I .) r) '. L e ' s f ' L I ' 1:h . .y

, .?a u h u .i t' r ru r I I .1 lo '') ' a orsince then, I ve m ade dozens m ore and '

never the sam e one tw ice. W ith the nifty z ..:,,

m ix-and-m atch tem plates provided here -'

d a deliberate rejection of precision, z-f' 'j a n! ou can create an endless variety of ' ( '9

.'7 I yt special friends for you to Iove.(1j ''

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The 7Os had their fair share of fashion

statem ents, including platform shoes, I

bell-bottom s. and caftans, to nam e a s...L...,etk-.,e....IcI-e.tfew O ne of the m ore creative fashions ' iretu.tetlo, .E.I--. .-'I-t''s '

that becam e popular was the infam ous

w rap skirt. It gave w om en aII the style x .

and com fort of an A-li ne ski rt, w ith the .t$. à?.

added ability to expand and contract to l â -

fit our ever-changing w aistlines. Although I., ,pcr,uIa.,..t..., .,.the general pattern stays the sam e, this '-'e'n'-'' e.. buo,,....,.&,.a...-I

m odern variation is reversi bIe w ith a b.'d''''''-'-' '''-''-''''-'k-'

scoop pocket and bold ribbon waistband.

If you're new to sew ing, this is a '

f t roject. The pattern is sim ple ' t. . 1 .c. .,per ec p . k -- ,. ! y

. .


ttand quick to com plete. There are no I . . . )''

1 fasteners, hem s, or w aistband panels

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$) -. . -. - ..., .. . -,. ,j to worry about. For the pros, there s a ,) fancy advanced version with buttons I ,k, .,- .,p.ts..-, c,u..o..,$ and elastic instead of ribbon ties.


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TW IST O N H O M E LIG HTIN G . , ?'('? . C t:) ,


* Bring the great outdoors in and ''''-''''''''''''''''''-'.'' ) .

ex erience the rom ance of roughing ''''''''''''' '''' '''' '' '''''r) ,,a 'd . . . .,.,1.,. , 'd .... z. ..

it under the stars w ithout the threat

of a kerosene-fueled conflagration! .1 ,1izl-lAlkl-ohvlTh

e juxtaposition of the craggy birch tlkolklt,vb

ranches and banged-up kerosene

Ianterns w orks w ell w ith the self- r. .y 'c7 ovz

consc iously m i n i m a I ha rdw are. '..,'w'

I assed on the ubiquitous sw ag chain '' ''''' '''''''' '''''''r::h ! .r, 1 ct :) :q ., . qrr. 1...(..: (.., ( ). t I .(.

: l .1 rl :1 (' (? r '(' , ') u1 ( '.n ..11 6 ( 1 ( ) r ' c.instead opting for an exposed cord .,., ...,....,,,. I..,.,,.,.Lx.,,,

attached to a f ine cable, w hich reeks .,,,....1'....$1...,. 0.,. u, .,..,,1,.

of sleek contem porary Italian design o'''''r'''''.'''' ''p.''- and w hat better thing to reek of ?

Although the chandelier is designed:1( to hang f rom a hard-wired ceiling '. L'1 tion box, the design would be '' -. . .1junc

-. - -


l '''.: perfectly viable as a sw ag too, should

you be short on cei Iing junction boxes. ,-a- q.olca, rrzeal-.q .1,.:.j 'I

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yy..W E DO TH E M ATH , ' 't . .

' ' ' k!= - ...So Yo U cA N KN IT TH ESE l 1. ./ .

HY PER BO LIC BA BY PA N TS. u, a ,,.,. ,.,,.,.y w.,,,.I

B W hat do a stop sign and a pair of n, ,,. ,6,:k,,. ..,.1. .t-

pants have in com m on? They can both

be rnade from octagons. This strange

observation raises two important .,). y skquestions

. If pants can be m ade f rom s./ïL . f

octagons, then w hy don't tailors m ake ..s. ..pants from octagonal patterns? And, if '

; . - 11.: r.' . se tl r'n q'f Fa .h . u c5 a ''tailors don t m ake pants f rom octagonal Artl,.su,qcnc,t..lxcalyco .e..:

krl 1 :û1 b' ' r

patterns, w hy did anyone ever think that

pants could be m ade from octagons?

This article, adapted from a new . .' .. ; .1

.q .,.



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between needlew ork and m athem atics, , '.' '')' n

w ill show you som e of the geom etry . '/'p', u-. .

,(. .)xj beh i nd kn itti ng a pa i r of hyperbol i c ' 1) ''t baby pants; a com pleted pattern is.t also provided so tlaat you can get ; '' '''--,'.'','.,--..-.''.'-.'--'.'-''.,'---'-1 r' i éij Ll 1: 1: (:) ï,té (:) r' kç ! r -.- - a ''' v -'- -'- d -'--.'' - et-

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've always been a sucker for those bIg oI' dusty glass cases

found In natural hlstory m useum s or underfunded hlstorlcal

attractlons. It never really m atters w hat these cases actually

house. a taxlderm led arm adl Ilo. Abe Llncoln's top hat. the world's

Iongest tapeworm - put alm ost anythlng In a case behlnd glass

and It suddenly seem s valuable and To m ake a dusty glass case of your own that serves double duty!:) as an I ntrlgulng slde table start wlth a scavenged wlndow and:hi some f u rnlture Iegs salvaged from a castoff A fewri.;& dollars' worth of cheap bulldlng m aterlals and a I Ittle palnt w l I I2j. f I n I sh th e Job S u d den Iy you r ow n co I Iectlon of wo rth I ess re I Ics.tJ wII I have m useum .qual Ity Iegltlm acy2

lïs.qt. 6) l

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f you want a chlc. affordable kld's chalr that doesn't Iook Ilke

It's from a catalog, try Foldschoollng It. Thls chalr Is unlque.

styllsh. and totally m ade of cardboard! W here can you buy It?

You ca n 't Foldsc hoo I f urn Itu re I s a 100% D I Y co ncept a nd t he re .

fore avallable only to crafters. Thls tutorlal elaborates on the baslc

manuai f rom the Foldschool slte (1 oldsch lool cor ' )) There you'll jflnd helpf ul tlps as well as som e great suggestlons on how you can Eplm p your chalr once you've f Inlshed bulldlng It Even If you don't 2

have klds of your own. Foldschool chalrs m ake fabulous glfts for T'zï

sm all.sized frlends and fam lly. .ù'.#'



94 crnfk s.)I.II Iuwc

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om etlm es your regular jacket pockets just w on't do for

som e of your prlvate sneaky Item s you 'd rather not

have d Iscovered You can m ake a secret pocket easlly

enough for one of your spare jackets. Better yet m ake a secret

sleeve pocket that provldes qulck access and Is custom m ade

for your personal Item s such as a pen, calculator m lnl cam era

volce recordeq flashllght anlm al repellent or personal alarm.â . ..) Th Is project shows how to make a compact pocket for anT Ipod. f rom materlal that matches the jacket color. It's afflxed.J' w lth velcro stlck.ons allow lng for easy rem oval prlor to travel Ingi and for cleanlng purposes Your secret pocket can be any slze

you deslre. Just follow the baslc deslgn exam ple glven'!

c rn il: 97

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n the 1950s . wom en had to w ea r hoslery to the off jce or

rlsk belng flred. Natural Iy. these Iadles ended up wlth a Iot of

rlpped and snagged pantyhose. Although som e tossed these

ru I n ed p a I rs . t h e c raf ty o n es coo ked u p b ea u t I f u I ways to

reuse them M any wom en ended up dyelng and cuttlng them

up to create f Iowers for w edd I ng veI Is corsages. a nd hats.

.g Now those sa me flowers wl I I set you back a srna I I fortune) on eBay. but you can re.create them for a f ractlon of the prlce.! and get a vlntage Iook that would be approprlate on Ellzabeth.ö Tayl o r j n Father oé the X de


c rnvl: 1 () ë;

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ntll the Iate 19th century, brldes generaily bought the

fancl est d ress they cou Id afford and then w ore It

throughout thelr m arrlage as an evenlng gow n W lth

the rlse of m ass.produced clothlng. w hlte becam e the popula r

color - m axlm a I Iy lm practlca I It slgnlf Ied the ow ner wou Id

wear the d ress only once Efflclent wom en often m arrled I n

wh Ite and then dyed thel r d resses to wear agaln. jI n the 21st century, there's no need to choose between antl. M

consumerlst values and Iooklng cute In whlte on your weddl ng jday. Learn how to m ake an adorable. versatlle dress uslng w hlte Z'

cotton T.shlrts - comfortable. repurposed. and perfect for years (


)of reuse. 4

lO8 .1 ;

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ra pe w l ne Is f Ine and good but for som ethlng you ' 11

never flnd at the grocery store sIp thls fIg wl ne

The thlng Is. you've got to m ake lt yourself.

I 've m ade w lne from several varletles of f Igs. fresh and drled

but I 've m ade It best from drled organlc Calirnyrna flgs. taw ny

brow n frults that corne crusted In a th Ick layer of natural suga r

(Turklsh Smyrna f !gs are a flne. If not Iocal, stand.dn ) The wl ne#) these flgs produce - of rlch amber shades and whlskey. caramelT and tobacco flavors - can be drunk In Just 2 or 3 m onths. and the.t; w ord on the web says that fIg wlne has the potentlal to Im prove Ini the bottle for years.

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tlnky and stlcky. natto would be dlsgustlng pf It weren't so

dellclous - or so good for you. Though stll I hard to f Ind

In the Unlted States. thls ferm ented soybean recently hIt

food fad status In Japan. where It has been m ade for centurles

Research suggests that eatlng natto and Bactllus subtllis. the

bacterla that creates It, breaks dow n blood clots to encourage

clrculatlon boosts the Im m une system helps prevent osteoporosls.

and encourages healthy dlgestlon. Thanks to the m aglc of ferm en. '1tatlon, the bacterla produces funglcldal antlblotlcs that defend the (y

preclous. sllm y jewels from spollage. whlle It breaks dow n protelns .J

and soluble sugars Into easlly dlgestlble forrns that cancel out i1.unwanted performances by the m uslcal frult

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. é . . . BY ERI N M C K EAN

here are Iots of thlngs to Iove about sewlng: the pleasure

of chooslng Just the rlght fabrlc for just the rlght pattern.

the feel of sharp sclssors carvlng out the pattern pleces,

the hlss of the hot Iron presslng a perfect seam . .. but there are

not-so.lovable parts. too One of m y Ieast favorlte parts of sew lng

Is hem rnlng. and I 'm always Iooklng for ways to m ake It easler

or faster or If I 'm Iucky. to escape It entlrely One sure way to.q ' '05 avo I d h em m I ng I s to wo r k w I t h f a b r I c that h a s been h e I pf u I Iy1 re.hemmed by someone else - Ilke a tabIecIoth




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have been deslgndng and hand.knlttlng song Iyrlcs for the Iast

20 years I started knjttlng tradltlonal Falr I sIe patterns. and

then dlscovered that the sam e technlque Is great for knlttlng

words as well So I started deslgnlng and m aklng sw eaters w lth

song Iyrlcs I 've m ade Iots of m lstakes. I 've gradua I1y Im proved

m y technlque. and I 've Iearned a Iot on the way Thls artlcle Is

based on tw o recent exam ples. one sweater deslgned around -.' s ' ' l 9 5 2 V I n c e n t B I a c k L I g h t n I n g ' ' ( a s t o r y o f V

zRlchard Thom pson

Iove. death. and most Im portantly. a motorblke). and the other ta round Tom Walts' '' D I rt I n the G round '' (a story of death . .J'darkness. and despalr) The same deslgn and constructlon i

!.prlnclples can be applled to any Iyrlcs. poetry. or other words 1

you m lght wantto use ' '. f.; .

l 2 () c rarr solul 1. ;6.

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he dlscovery of the photovoltarc effect (convertlng Ilght1 energy to electrlclty at the atomlc Level) dates back to

1839. butfor m uch of Its hlstory. solar energy as a readllys

;J. avallable resource remalned an eluslve quest. In the l950s. when='

developments In new materlals (slllcon) achleved majorgalns'i@ In efflclency, solar energy transltloned from a curlous novelty1 to a promlslng posslblllty These days. solar cells are developlngj rapldly. becomlng Ilghter, smaller. clearer. and more flexlble:1 For a mlcro-scale prqect llke Jewelry, solar energy seems to be.: the perfect fIt Slnce these Ilttle gem s requlre extended exposurei to Ilght In order to drlve a momentary glow. we began to wonder7 .- what s m ore precrous than energy? I n thls prq ect we Invlte

ii crafters to drscover solar energy as a m aterlal for Jewelry


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BY E DW IN %vj E; E

Ie.dye, glorlous tle.dyel The brlght sw lrl of colors can

Ilghten the drabbest day. But w hen you start to m ake

your ow n patterns questlons em erge. This prq ect

explores what real Iy happens I nslde a tle.dyed splral.

I Ilved In Oregon for 20 years and Austln Texas for anotherhandfu I befo re I ever ow ned any tle.dye. The only reason

I succurnbed was because I m ade m y ow n. there's a wonderful

satlsfactlon In weanng somethlng you created wlth your own hands. 1After maklng rnany shlrts jn many patterns the questlon arose !

arnongst our Ilttle group of how to better control the pattern . .r'

Here 1'11 show you how to rnake classlc splral and radlal patterns. -1lI Ilustratl ng the tle.dye process whl Ie u nravell ng the twlsted 1

topology lnvolved éi

112 Ej c ra tk solul 1. .;.

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CRA FTY GOO DS W E A D ORE. Compiled by Natalie Zee Drieu

Letterpress Card Set

l sw ooned w hen l saw this w onderful hom age to crafters everyw here I'm a

sucker for letterpress printing, and these cards in sim ple black and w hite

w ith luxurious paper and clean lines im m ediately caught m y eye. l bought

the set of four (quilting squares, knitting needles with balls of yarn, crochetedsnowflakes with a hook and a needle and thread with buttons) sent oneto a friend and then greedily fram ed the other three to hang over m y craft

corner (aka overflowing closet) . .-Arktlen O'Reilly

1/$ 2 claft stg.ll 1. .t.

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Page 156: Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 6

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